The original Bible was divided into two parts. The front half still contained the previous content, while the back half has become the majority of the Bible.

Blank paper.

There are several large gilded characters on the white paper and the previous page breaks.

New Testament

New Testament?

This name seemed to confirm Heitong's idea, and she immediately opened the Bible and couldn't wait to read it.

【In order to save the world, the Lord sent him. 】

[He is the spokesperson of the Lord in the world. All of you and everything are where he is and are the existence that he wants to redeem. 】

[He bestows favors on believers during the day, travels around the world at night, and bestows believers with things they recognize. 】

[Look, if the miracle of redemption is the Lord’s tempering, then his existence is the Lord’s greatest gift to the world. 】

[Don’t believe him. Before he comes, no one can ascend to heaven, and all souls wander in the world. 】

[After his arrival, the Holy Light will guide those who believe in the Lord, and all those who believe in the Lord will reach that realm. 】


The black eyes were reading fascinatedly.

She can be sure that if the previous Bible tells the story of the Lord's redemption and creation of other worlds.

The current one——is a story related to their world!

[He is the child of the Lord and the agent of the Lord in the world. As long as he exists, the Lord will always watch over all things. 】

Behold, the Lord will send the angel of the Lord before you to prepare the way.

[A voice cried out in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight. 】

[He is the Holy Son, born between heaven and earth, between mountains, rivers, people, and between heaven and hell. 】

[The day when all sentient beings are saved is the moment when he reaches the end. 】


This is the first chapter of the New Testament.

The first chapter is enough to make all believers excited!

Because, not only in the empire's court, not only in Esdeath's army, believers died.

There are also a certain number of believers who have passed away due to various reasons such as accidents or natural deaths.

Many believers have seen their souls ascend to heaven under the guidance of the Bible.

In this situation, how can we keep the believers from boiling over?

They themselves believe in the existence of the Lord, and believe that by doing good deeds they can qualify for a happy life in heaven.

And now, the scene of ascension to heaven actually happened in front of them!

There is no doubt that from now on, the development of the Holy Religion will enter a new stage!



Hill looked at the young man in front of him, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

Is this.........the appearance and temperament that human beings can have?

Ciel! Is there nothing going on on your side!?

Chitong is the one with the most determined mind. Even if she is infected by Kanzaki Yang's temperament, she is the first to wake up.

She directly attributed the changes that occurred in front of her to the young man in front of her.

Indeed, strange things happened after coming into contact with this boy!

Although that guy seems to be very handsome, Hill, don't be fooled by that guy!~

Ma Yin said with a slightly red face.

She didn't think she would admit that she had just been fascinated by it... ahem...

Then what should we do now? Nothing else seems to have happened? Should we take him with us?

Hill didn't care very much. The first moment he saw the boy, he had an idea. If this boy didn't

is a bad person.

Although it was a very irresponsible sixth sense, she didn't know why - this time she absolutely believed it and didn't doubt her own feelings at all. .

Chapter 212

As soon as Hill said this, even Chi Tong was in a dilemma.

Yes, should this person be brought along or left here like this?

If he were placed here, he would eventually be snatched away by a dangerous species, right?

But if they are brought along, they have a mission to perform.

If you want me to see it, why don't you bring it with you?

While Chi Tong was hesitating, Ma Yin's slightly arrogant voice came from behind.


Chitong tilted her head and looked at Ma Yin with a slightly subtle look.

It's impossible... Ma Yin has fallen in love with this very handsome juvenile delinquent, right?

Because... Because... Ma Yin was speechless for a moment.

Well, Chitong, don't you think our purpose is to go to Jerusalem to gather information? Wasn't this man picked up near Jerusalem? His clothes don't look like an ordinary person, maybe... ....Maybe it’s some high-level figure, so maybe we can get some information that we don’t usually get?”

Ma Yin said inconsistently.

Of course, that's what it says, but the reason is not limited to this.

Based on her understanding of Hill, she felt that Hill wanted to save this person no matter what, which could be regarded as fulfilling one of Hill's wishes~

As for.........whether she has her own meaning.........

I'm afraid only she knows.

Well, what you said, Ma Yin, does make some sense.

Chitong thought for a moment, and it seemed that what Ma Yin said was indeed very reasonable.

Moreover, the Bible should have reacted after touching this man. Maybe we can also know the reason for this reaction and get more information about the Holy Religion.

If there is no inevitable causal relationship, forget it, but if there is, then did you and others miss something that they absolutely cannot miss?

Hill, can you hand that person over to me? I'm worried that you might not be able to react if something happens.

Chitong was temporarily convinced.

But she still made her request.

At least... She wanted to take the risk herself. In Hill's case, she was worried that if something happened to Hill, she would have no chance of recovery.

If something happens on his side, Murasame should be able to use Murasame to quickly eliminate the hidden danger.

Eh? Akahomi-chan, are you saying you agree?

Hill asked excitedly. She didn't expect Chitong to agree so easily.

Yeah, but it's better to be careful.

Chitong nodded. The two companions had made such a choice. What else could she say?

Bring him here~be careful.

Chitong sat on his horse again and said to Hill and Ma Yin.

Yes!...Yes!~ Hill adjusted his glasses and showed a happy smile.

Akahito-chan...she is indeed a good person~

With the help of Ma Yin, the clumsy Hill successfully sent the boy to Chitong's horse, and then prepared to set off again.

In any case, if you want to find out about the Holy Religion, you can’t go wrong first by going to Jerusalem, the central city of the Holy Religion.

Da da da da!~~

The horses that had just rested for a while burst out with even more powerful speed, carrying the three of them and galloping towards the city called Yelu.

But I have to say that this young man does have a very strange temperament. It seems that he is born with an attraction to all things.

Chitong looked at the young man rising and falling in front of him and couldn't help but think.

Now, she finally had time to observe this young man carefully.

It was an extremely clean face, with no eyes visible, but Chitong thought it should be a pair of extremely clean eyes.

This boy is a little bit weird.

Not just temperamentally, but also physically.

Chitong discovered from the beginning that he had obviously picked up the other person in the wilderness, but all the clothes on this person were extremely clean, so clean that it was absolutely abnormal!

Chitong knew that if someone wanted to get close to them, they wouldn't be so careless, and there was no precedent of using a young man with this temperament as a killer.

After all, in jobs like assassins or spies, the more common and ordinary the better. She originally thought that the environment of Night Raid was weird enough, at least...she thought that there would be no killer organization with above average looks like Night Raid.

But this is not absolute. Chitong is really worried that the other party is taking advantage of her mentality. She feels that it is absolutely impossible for such a person to deliberately send such assassins towards them due to their current mentality. Although the possibility is very small, it is not It's not impossible.

But... he looks like he is our son, right? That shouldn't be the case.

Chitong became an appearance association for a while.

Of course, in her own opinion, this is undoubtedly the result of her rational analysis.

Rational analysis shows that a person with such a temperament is definitely the best even if he is a sweetheart for the upper class. Maybe the little emperor will be fascinated and won't choose to be a killer or a spy?

Seeing the ups and downs of the young man in front of him, Chi Tong was a little fascinated.

The current posture of the two of them is a bit subtle, because Chitong wants to ensure that he has the ability to deal with this person at any time, and also needs to watch his actions at all times, so he chooses to stand directly in front of him.

The sideways position was very inconvenient and unstable, so Chitong chose to face it head-on.

But this also caused a problem. Chitong had to control his flattery, so the two of them had to think right now, because the boy's legs were spread apart again.

Chitong's cheeks turned slightly red.

I have to say, this feeling is quite amazing.

Forget about ordinary people, but across from him was a young man with an extraordinary temperament and appearance that Chitong could barely ignore.

but now..........

At this distance and in this position, Chitong felt that she could no longer ignore it. The feeling all over her body was so strange.

If there weren't any strange reactions on the young man's body, such as infinite standing and so on, Chitong felt that his brain would become confused and he would lose his ability to judge.

However, in fact, the boy did react. He moved his hand slightly and touched the demon sword Murasame.

Of seems that while the horse kept running and shaking (Li Zhao), the young man's hand touched the demon sword Murasame due to an accidental collision.

.々Be careful!

Chi Tong's heart tightened.

The demon sword Murasame recognizes its master, and if it is touched by someone other than its master, it will definitely backfire on the other person!

She just wanted to be just in case, but she never thought of getting this boy into her hands and killing him quietly~~

It seems okay?

Chitong clearly saw that the boy's hand was in contact with the demon sword Murasame, but there was no sign of any backlash.

Did she see it wrong? Or is it that the Demon Sword Murasame will not retaliate against someone who accidentally holds it? Or.........this young man has the ability to resist backlash?

Chitong didn't know, but she was still thinking about this kind of thing.

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