Ah~~I seem to have heard of this~

The little emperor couldn't stand the bloody aspect at first, but when she saw the soul, she became excited.

Your Majesty the Emperor, have you heard of this thing?

The minister asked very strangely.

He felt that his knowledge must be more amazing than that of the little emperor, but he had never seen such a scene.

Well, minister, this thing is said to be called the soul. According to the teachings of the Bible, it is said that people who believe in the Lord can ascend to heaven after dying four or five weeks~ The little emperor finally saw that there was a minister who was not Now that he knows what he knows, he said with a little bit of pride.


Very quietly, such a voice came from among the officials.

Irony, really a bit ironic.

It was clear that the minister was just about to kill an official who had a Bible, but the emperor backhandedly said that she had actually read the Bible and knew some of the teachings in the Bible.



The minister coughed slightly embarrassed.

He knew what was going on. He had executed the maid who had a Bible next to the little emperor before. It was the maid who probably told the little emperor that she did not have a Bible.

Is it possible to say that that god really exists? Or is this just the function of that imperial instrument? And then the doctrine was written based on this function?

The minister muttered in confusion.

People often try to use their known means to explain unknown things, just like a minister can only use the imperial equipment to explain the scene that happened in front of him.

The First Emperor has indeed been deified in the eyes of many people, and it seems reasonable to have the ability to create such imperial tools.

But no matter what the situation was, Minister Ernest felt that the gaffe could not be allowed to continue.

General Bude! I ask you, General Bude, to destroy this thing that disturbs the security of the imperial city and turns a blind eye to the majesty of the royal family!

The minister shouted at Bude.

The general would definitely not dare to command directly, but now the imperial power has been seriously threatened. There is such a thing openly in the court. This is something that no one loyal to the imperial power wants to see.

Under normal circumstances, General Bude would definitely respond.

but now............

After glancing at the little emperor and getting his nod, Bude walked slowly and firmly in the direction of the golden book.

No matter what it is, it will be reduced to nothing under his Imperial Equipment of Thunder!

[Thor’s Wrath—Admelech! 】

With the release of a burst of thunder and lightning on the body, Admiral officially started!

The Wrath of the God of Thunder - Admelech is an armor-type imperial equipment equipped on his body, which can enhance his striking ability.

It can manipulate thunder and lightning for heavy pressure attacks, air strikes, and turn lightning into energy balls for long-range attacks. It can also form thunder armor around the body.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a higher-level replacement for the Haunted Ghost. It basically completely crushes the Haunted Ghost except for the possibility of wireless evolution.

Relying on this imperial weapon and his extremely powerful body, General Bude firmly sat in the position of general. As he protected the palace, he was able to put an end to any thoughts of Xiaoxiao about the palace.

Destroy anything that violates the emperor's dignity! Several thunderballs appeared next to General Bude, and under his command, they rushed towards the Bible.

Whether it's an enemy in an energy state or a physically powerful enemy, he can deal with it.


This time we found the wrong person.

The golden light spots were still floating in the air, and there was no change due to General Bude's attack.

The ball turned into lightning disappeared silently from everyone's sight.

Stab it!~

The next moment, the lightning ball that seemed to have completely disappeared reappeared in the eyes of all officials.

The target... of course is General Bude who launched the attack before!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!~~

The electric balls, which far exceeded the speed and quantity of the electric balls used by General Bude before, bombarded him.


Even with General Bude's physique, he couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed when he suffered such a sudden attack.

Fortunately, he finally survived.

He was worried that if he had just used his full strength, would he be gone now?

What kind of Teigu is this? I remember that all members of the Holy Religion have such Bibles, right? General Bude frowned fiercely, and had no intention of taking action again for the time being...

He stared at the Bible so closely that the minister hiding behind him became a little anxious.

Really! What is this general doing? ? Could it be that he was paddling? !


While Bude was guarding the Bible, golden light was released again from the Bible.

Then, the golden shadow of the official was absorbed into the Bible and flew away from this land.

Finally... left?

General Bude looked at the disappeared golden book and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although it is a great shame for him, as long as he successfully protects His Majesty the Emperor, it will be fine.

It seems that there are many strange things about this holy religion~ Even General Bude can't deal with it perfectly.

The minister narrowed his eyes and bit into the steak on the plate.

However, in his opinion, there is not no room for it.

Because... In his opinion, if the opponent has the strength to deal with General Bude, he will definitely not choose to escape. Killing them all directly is what should be done.

General Bude, the Holy Religion's Bible rioting in the court is disrespectful to the imperial power. I wonder if you have any intention of going to the Holy Religion to crusade or suppress and take over?

the minister asked with a smile.


No, forget it. Defending the Imperial City is our responsibility passed down from generation to generation. Unless the troops are already at the gate, I will never give up defending the Imperial City.

General Bude refused directly. This was his bottom line.

To abide by the ancestral precepts, be loyal to the emperor, and defend the imperial power, these are the oaths he will defend with his own life.

If that's the case, then I have no choice but to bring General Esdeath back~

The minister looked directly at all the officials in the audience.

At this time, no one dared to oppose the minister's decision.

Because if you do this, you will undoubtedly stand with the Holy Religion.

Although they were indeed very curious about some things about the Holy Religion, and even moved their buttocks halfway, it was obviously impossible to tell them.

Then, this matter has been decided. The minister looked into the distance.


One more thing to worry about~ He felt like he was going to lose weight because of this...

Chapter 211

At the same time, a similar situation also occurred in Esdeath's camp.

What kind of thing is the Bible?

Esdeath looked at the light disappearing into the sky and shook the sword in his hand. Red blood splashed on the white snow.

She had just personally executed several soldiers for violating military discipline, and then the Bible appeared in the sky and reclaimed their souls.

Three beast warriors! Form an army!

After just a few seconds of hesitation, Esdeath made a decision.


Please give me the order, Lord Esdeath!

The three beast warriors saluted, looking extremely nervous.

Should...shouldn't it be to punish them for their failure to rectify things, right?

Launch the final charge towards the foreign peoples in the north!

Esdeath's voice was sonorous and powerful, leaving no room for doubt.

Lord Esdeath, may I ask why?

Among the three beast warriors, Esdeath's lieutenant, General Leva, saluted and asked.

Of course he didn't mean to disobey military orders, but... troops still need to be arranged in formation, and at least the strategic objectives must be stated. Otherwise, how can troops be arranged in formation?

Because.........the empire will soon send us news to ask us to go back. We have to completely annihilate the northern foreigners before the messenger from the empire arrives!

Esdeath gave his own answer, an answer that left no room for doubt!

She also saw the effect of the Bible. In the distance, foreign nations seemed to be shining with little golden lights in the sky.

This is true in such a desolate place, but the situation is even more serious in the imperial capital.

The minister will undoubtedly deal with the holy religion.

The number of people an opponent of this size can choose is extremely limited, and they can only choose between General Bude and her.

And Esdeath knew that Bude, that old stubborn man, would never give up on guarding the imperial city.

In other words - recalling her is almost a certainty!

Then, it was necessary for her to complete her goal this time before going back.

She is not the kind of person who likes to give up halfway!

at this time.

The prince of the foreign nation in the north couldn't help but shudder.

He always felt like he was being targeted by some vicious beast?


On the way to Jerusalem.

A girl with black hair and black eyes, wearing a sailor uniform, was walking slowly.

Sister, wait for me~ I will definitely pull you back to the embrace of the Lord~~

The girl with black hair and black eyes... No... To be precise, it should be a Loli with black hair and black eyes, smiling coquettishly and looking into the distance.

Although there was no accurate information, she had a premonition that she was about to meet her sister.

As one of the beneficiaries of the power of faith, she has become a saint after the power of faith greatly repaired her body.

A true believer in the religion.

Of course, now as a believer in the Holy Religion, she is more concerned about what happened to the Bible.

Hua la la la la~~

Countless golden text engravings have entered the Bible.

Is this...the Bible updating itself?

Heitong could only come to this conclusion. These words were all words she could understand.

Soon after, the Bible update was finally completed.

Black Eyes couldn't wait to open the Bible.

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