Don’t everyone want to hang out with the Holy Cult?

Aren't the consequences of this serious?

Chitong has even thought about the possibility that the empire might use force to suppress the holy religion.

Red pupils! Red pupils!~~~

Just when Chitong was thinking about these questions, she heard a loud shout.

It's Ma Yin's voice!

She reacted immediately and finally realized that she was distracted, because Ma Yin and the others seemed to have stopped, but she had no intention of stopping.

Chitong, stop quickly!~~There is a person lying in front of you!~

Ma Yin's slightly anxious voice came over. .

Chapter 209


Chi Tong suddenly turned back, and sure enough, not far in front of her, there seemed to be a person lying there!


Following the horse's neighing sound, Chitong finally reluctantly stopped.

After stopping, Chitong hurriedly jumped off the horse and jumped to a hidden place aside.

This is her professional quality as a killer. She must not lose her vigilance because of this kind of thing.

There happened to be a person lying there on their way forward, which was really weird.

Akahitomi-chan? Why are you hiding? This person looks like he needs help.

Hill asked very strangely.

Of course she was pulled down by Ma Yin, otherwise her horse would have reached the same position as Chi Tong now.

Hill, if you encounter something like this, you should observe it first, you know?

Ma Yin reminded. that so? But the Bible tells us that if we encounter something that we can do to help others, we should try our best to help others?

Hill tilted his head.

It can’t be that the Bible’s guidance is wrong, right?

She would rather believe that the empire would collapse tomorrow than believe that the revelations in the Bible were wrong.

But Hill, don't you think it's strange that a person suddenly appears here? Ma Yin reminded with a headache.

Her partner... is so stupid and naive that he can be sold by others and count the money for others.

Really? Is it weird?

Hill thought about this issue very seriously.

Yes, it is indeed strange~~

Hill thought for a while and said suddenly.

As long as you understand, Hill.

Seeing that she seemed to have taught Hill another lesson, Ma Yin nodded with satisfaction.

Then...the next moment Hill said something that almost made her angry.

Obviously within the scope of the Holy Religion, there are people who need help but they don't get it.

Sure enough, is it because this place is too desolate? Hill felt that he had the answer.


Ma Yin wanted to be angry, but felt that she couldn't use the strength.

Forget it, Hill, go check on that person. I'll cover you from behind.

Ma Yin sighed helplessly, then took out the pumpkin turret in her backpack, opened the scope, and aimed at where the man was lying.

Generally speaking, the cover is very close to each other.

But of course this doesn't need to be the case when there is a sniper between the two.

Well, Ma Yin, I will be careful!

Hill also saw Ma Yin's worry about her and nodded.

She believed that Ma Yin's accuracy in shooting would be able to provide her with good cover.


Chitong held Murasame quietly and reminded him concisely and clearly.


Hill nodded slightly and walked towards the person lying on the ground.

I always feel like I have a very strange premonition?

This thought came to Hill's mind.


With a gentle sound, Hill turned his body carrying them and saw the true face of the man lying on the road.

Wow, wow, wow, wow!


The Bible on Hill's body rose up without any wind, releasing a golden light in the midst of everyone's attention.


No, it's not just that!

The pages of the Bible are constantly turning, and countless words emerge from the void and are reflected in the Bible!

This situation not only happens here, but also happens all over the world!

The Bibles in the hands of all the believers who believed in the Lord flew into the air, with words constantly engraved in the golden light.

Kanzaki Yang has seen such a scene before, but at that time there was only Aisha's book, and it was not as spectacular a scene as it is now.

Oh oh oh oh oh!!~~

From the Imperial Guard, a girl with an orange ponytail looked at what was happening in front of her like a miracle, showing an expression of yearning and longing.

On the battlefield where the northern aliens and the imperial army fought.

Several golden rays of light emerged from the camps on both the northern foreigners' side and the imperial army's side.

Even in the Imperial Army and other countries, even such soldiers have followers who believe in the Holy Religion.

The ice-blue-haired queen looked at the golden light emerging from her camp and frowned fiercely.

She should have ordered that anything related to humans and the Holy Religion be prohibited from appearing in her army!

It seems that some people really don't know how to obey military orders~

Let me see if the so-called faith in your hearts is higher than your own life!

A trace of bloodthirsty light flashed in Esdeath's eyes.

Such soldiers need to reorganize military discipline!

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··


Imperial capital.

There is a morning meeting.

The minister was eating meat happily, and was startled by the sudden light of the Bible.

Are there actually people who believe in the Holy Religion among the ministers? !

Although shocked, Minister Ernest made a decision immediately.

Get that man down for me!

The soldiers only hesitated for a moment before capturing the official who was carrying the Bible.

His Majesty should have issued a decree that all officials are not allowed to read that book, right? You should know the consequences of disobeying His Majesty's decree, right?

The minister bit the meat in his hand while looking at the official in front of him with bloodthirsty eyes.

Of course, there is no doubt that this is what he meant, but if it comes out, isn't that what His Majesty meant?

.... ..... .....

After the captured official panicked for a while, he looked at the Bible with words constantly engraved in the air.

Within a short time of seeing the Bible, he regained his composure.

I have long had the awareness that this body has passed away.

The official said.

Hahahaha!~~So you are not afraid of death? the minister asked with a laugh.

It's not that he has never met someone who is not afraid of death, but today he met another one. He... wanted to destroy the belief in his heart before letting him die.

Returning to the embrace of my Lord, I have had this realization a long time ago.

This official's eyes were very clear, so clear that even Minister Ernest was a little afraid.

Then go to hell! Do it!

After seeing this unsettling look, the minister decided to let this man disappear from his presence forever.


Something happened again that shocked him.

You don't need to do anything!

After the official said this, he directly hit the ax lying across his neck.

Stab it!~~

Blood dyed the magnificent hall red, and a blood flower bloomed, splashing on several surrounding officials.

However, they did not dare to react at all before the minister spoke.


The minister was furious for a moment, this man really can do it! !

It seems that the Holy Religion is indeed very terrifying.

The minister was a little more afraid of the power of the Holy Religion.


What happened next moment, even he was dumbfounded. knife.

Chapter 210


After countless words were engraved on the golden book floating in the air, it slowly landed on the body of the deceased official.

A golden shadow rose from his body.

Mercy, redemption...holiness, yearning...

Such feelings gradually rose in the hearts of all officials.

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