Serafall was still immersed in a coy state and a state of wanting to die and had not come back to her senses.

Normal girls will naturally be shy when seen.

And I want to die because......

What she originally thought was: since such a thing was done, the only thing she could do was kill the person who saw it.

But the actual situation is: She doesn't seem to have the ability to kill Yang Kanzaki who instantly purified Cardinale?

Since Kanzaki Haru cannot lose her memory or be killed, then she can only maintain her innocence towards Sona by dying herself~ (hahahao Zhao)

This was the impulsive idea that just came to her.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, she gave up this idea. The twin tails had reached the point where it was no longer suitable for reverse trading...

The important thing is, of course, that the space that was removed is about to return to its original world~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

The absolute fog surrounding this space is dissipating, and soon, this hypocritical space will completely dissipate.

When the time comes, you will return to the original Kuoh Town!

Are you... going back?

Serafall was stunned. She had just experienced a crisis of life and death and a crisis of purity. She was a little different from usual.

Of course, something interesting might happen next~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

After saying this, he glanced towards the dimensional gap.

Although there was no intention of appearing, the Red Dragon God Emperor should be in that direction. Public.

Chapter 175

The scene of the tripartite meeting.

Since those who come to cause trouble are not only the descendants of the old devil sect, but also a large number of followers of the old devil sect, it will take a lot of energy to completely clean them up.

At this time, there is no need for people from the three parties to take action, and the bodyguards they bring can easily clear out all the rebels.

In the past, it was not suitable for people except the demons to take action. After all, the leader of the old demon sect was the descendant of the old demon king. It was extremely extreme to set off a storm like angels and fallen angels killed the descendants of the old demon king in the underworld. not good.

Therefore, even if Michael wanted to take action, he could not take action at this time.

After the leader of the old Demon King faction is eliminated, just fight some soldiers and no one will say anything.

Diorio's artifact is also the most suitable type for clearing minions, and it can be cleared very quickly.

However, the fallen angels had no intention of taking action.

Azazel even yawned.

Tobio Ikase and Lavinia have both been dealt a blow, and now they have no energy left to carry out high-intensity activities to clear out the soldiers.

Baiqiu saw that Azazel looked like a dead fish who didn't intend to take action. Even if he wanted to take action, there was nothing he could do. After all, he still had to take care of his own governor's mood.

437 The devils have all been wiped out~Amen~

Diorio drove the thunder and lightning back, he made the sign of the cross according to his habit and said with a smile.

Thank you for your hard work, Diorio.

Michael returned the same gesture.

Emperor Shitian couldn't help but shook his head as he watched these useless old demons being wiped out one by one.

As expected, they are the remnants of the old era that cannot be lifted up~

You guys seem to have finally solved the problem. I have to say, that guy from the God of the Bible is quite interesting.

Although he has passed away, he left behind a very interesting god-killing tool in the world~haha~

Today, he was very happy to see Sarzechs, the new transcendent who was exposed, and Diorio, the human who had exerted the power of the God Destroyer to almost its limit.

It makes His Excellency Emperor Shitian laugh. It seems that the fog on this side is finally going to dissipate~

Sirzechs looked at the sky.

Just as he said, the fog in the sky was dissipating, and everyone could see the situation outside.

They are returning to Kuoh Town from the dimensional gap.

It's definitely not a joke, but this time you did let me see that the devil race can have some seeds. I believe that after this incident, the world's gods will also have some changes in their ideas.

Shakti was talking useless nonsense.

It makes sense, but it's all nonsense.

By the way, His Excellency Emperor Shitian, and His Excellency Odin.

Faced with Shakten's answer, Sajax smiled and had no intention of pursuing it further.

Anyway...his role is basically gone.

Huh? What is it? The devil's red-haired brat?

Odin asked, holding his scepter.

Does he always feel that he has a subtle sense of something wrong? ~

He definitely couldn't take action because of his position, so he just watched the show until now.

Now that he was suddenly asked a question, he was a little surprised.

This bad feeling was very similar to the bad feeling he had before when he wanted to use his eyes to observe the existence of the other world.

Did the two of you meet anyone when you went to Juwang Town? Sajax asked as Odin watched.

Ah~ I did encounter some, such as some gods and the like. Some of them seemed to have entered different spaces and had a fight.

Odin stroked his beard and said.

He met some gods before coming here, basically all of them were respectable gods, and there were even some main gods of the gods.

For example, Shakti and Shiva.

Shiva, as the god that Shakti had always wanted to challenge, was challenged by Shakti when he first met Shakti.

Unfortunately, he did not choose to fight, but left after a few moves.

Although Shakti regarded Shiva as the object of challenge, Shiva was obviously not very interested in Shakten.

Therefore, the battle between them would just end.

There are still some similar situations. After all, it is impossible to go from one god system to another to fight with the main god of another god system, so the gods just started fighting after they saw each other.

They simply go to another space to fight, otherwise the current human world is almost torn apart.

In fact, it is no wonder that they would fight. The current world of the human world is really too dull, even duller than distilled water.

If you get the chance to have fun, you won't miss it.

Maybe after a long time, if this world is not destroyed, the gods of this world will become gods like the gods of the dungeon world who only know how to have fun, right?

Do Lord Shakten and Lord Odin know how many gods there are near Kuoh Town?

Sajax asked again.

This... I really haven't thought about it yet.

Odin frowned, what did Sajax mean?

He knew very well the reason why these gods gathered here. It should be for the thing that came not long ago.

But in his opinion, this was obviously not a question that Sajax should raise.

Even if this is the realm of demons, Sarzechs should not raise any questions about so many gods coming here.

Because this is not one or two gods, but multiple gods and even the main god!

One or two of you can also ask the other person to go back on the grounds of crossing the line.

However, with so many gods almost all coming here for the same purpose, it is obviously not a question you should take the initiative to raise.

If you don't bring it up, most of the gods may just take a look and go back. If they don't find any doubts, they can only choose to go back.

But if it is brought up, the demon side, no... it should be said that it is the three parties now, will definitely be besieged by other gods.

It's better to ignore it from the beginning.

He said, I haven't thought about it yet. Basically, he was reminding Sajax not to delve any further.

Unfortunately...Sagex didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.

Is it because of that incident that so many gods gathered here?

Sajax asked directly.


Odin showed a pained expression. In his memory, Sirzechs should not be such an impulsive and unthinking person~

Thor also showed an awkward yet polite smile.

As for Emperor Shakti.........

Hahahaha~~Yes, just as you thought, I, including some other guys, thought that thing gathered together!

Emperor Shitian readily admitted. .

Chapter 176

In his opinion, if I admit it, I have admitted it. What else can you do to me?

Indeed, neither the demons from the old demon king period nor the demons from the new generation demon king period seem to be able to do anything to him.

But now, the devil's side has entered a new period.

Tripartite peace period......~....

No matter what the matter is, theoretically it can be solved by the three parties together.

Other forces regarded their actions as an act of seeking warmth after the death of the God and the Demon King.

But the actual situation is... This is the situation under the leadership of the New God and the Demon King!

That is energy that transcends dimensions. It should be energy fluctuations above those of the Red Dragon God Emperor and Ophis. It's no wonder that everyone is very interested in that existence.

Sajax smiled and shook his head. He was in the same mood as Azazel now, he just wanted to fish.

From what you said, it seems like you got some information that we don't know about?

Emperor Shitian narrowed his eyes, and he felt that he had heard the implication of Sajax's words.

No, I just want to express my opinion on the reason why so many gods gather here.

Sajax's tone remained gentle.

However, when he heard from Kanzaki Yang about the number of gods who had recently come here, he was also shocked.

They were really able to keep their composure, even though the space had been moved, they had no intention of coming out.

Of course, Sirzechs is not saying that this attitude is bad. On the contrary, this is basically the best attitude - it means that these gods have not united to test the pressure on the three parties.

This is a quite magical scene, perhaps even one of the most magical scenes in the history of mythology.

Even Ragnarok may not be able to present a scene of this level - a large number of gods and main gods from different pantheons are huddled in a small town, and no matter what big movement occurs outside, there is no response. the meaning of.

Express your opinion? Haha~ So you are not going to take care of it? I have to say that it is indeed a clear decision~

Emperor Shitian patted the chair, and a dazzling light emitted from his bald head.

Although this answer may seem very weak, in his opinion, it is undoubtedly the correct response.

The only thing he didn't understand was to leave this matter aside until all the gods found nothing or were satisfied with the fight before they all went back. In this way, the three major forces would not suffer any loss of face.

But...why did he click on it?

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