Serafall raised her head, what did she hear?

Does he have a way to solve the current problem?

What method? Serafall asked after hesitating for a while.

She definitely didn't want to show weakness to Kanzaki Haru, but she really didn't want Sona to be sad because of her death.

Just think it was for Sona-chan~ Serafall lowered her head in front of Kanzaki Yang for the first time.

It's actually very simple. After all, isn't she just clinging to your hand now? You just need to cut off the hand and freeze her or destroy her instantly~

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands and said with a smile.

Idiot! How could you do this...

Serafall said angrily.

This method obviously cannot be spoken out, why did you say it so casually? ! ~Does it still have any effect if you say it out loud? ?

Sure enough, after hearing what Yang Kanzaki said, Cardinale and Serafall were stunned at the same time, and then wrapped their twisted bodies around Serafall's body.

It has a bit of a magical girl evil demeanor, but I don’t know if Cardinale is interested in that.

Ah, Serafall, did you listen to me and just cut it off? Why are you standing there?

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands and said it was not his problem.

Indeed, if Serafall could cut off her own hand decisively while Cardinale was stunned, there would not have been so many things.


How can ordinary people react at such a time?!~ Serafall complained crazily in her heart.

It's okay, I have another method~

Kanzaki Yang comforted Serafall.

Can he say that he actually did it on purpose? (laugh)

what way?

Serafall and Cardinal asked at the same time.

Serafall wanted to know how to escape, while Cardinala wanted to know what the method was and prevent her from escaping.

After sensing Cardinale's thoughts, Serafall quickly gave Kanzaki Yang a look, telling him not to say anything casually.

In this case, this method will not be ineffective.

Looking at the extremely concerned eyes of the two people, Kanzaki Yang smiled and said: I know what you are thinking, but you can't crack my method, so it doesn't matter if you say it.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

what way?

Serafall is also interested. Is there really such a method?

In terms of age and experience, she is definitely much richer than Kanzaki Yang, but she has not thought of any possible plan.

Well, it's very simple. You don't have to worry about being killed by a bomb. Anyway, as long as you get killed by a bomb, you can just change your body, right?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said terrible words.

Are you sure you're not trying to trick her?

Are you sure you're not trying to trick me?

Cardinale and Serafall asked at the same time.

Of course not. Serafall, your physical information from last time is still here~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and retrieved Serafall's body information.

These are all the information collected during the last close contact with Serafall.

As long as you have the information, it's very simple to create a body~

Kanzaki Yang said while adjusting the information.'s not impossible to directly make a real-life version of the doll and reveal it, but he just has no interest in that aspect.


Serafall looked at Kanzaki Yang with a look of despair.

Now she just felt that everything around her was very noisy.

When did he obtain his physical information? ! ~

And... isn't saying this just to let her die in peace? ! If he dies, doesn’t he really die? ?

She seriously doubted Kanzaki Yang's intentions. If she died, would Sona be his alone?

Fortunately, she still had sense and knew that Yang Kanzaki didn't really want her to die, otherwise she wouldn't have come out, and she would have kept all her complaints in her heart.

But she didn't believe it, but some people did.

Since you, Sekiryuutei, are here to die, then I will take you with me!

Cardinale said this and rushed towards Kanzaki Yang. .

Chapter 174

Are you here? Do you want to kill me to prevent the possibility of her resurrection?

Kanzaki Yang smiled.

You may have misunderstood something. I'm really not that enthusiastic about her resurrection.

However, since you are coming towards me, things will be easier~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and raised the cross on his chest.


Cardinale finally discovered something was wrong. This man had always seemed too calm. It seemed that Serafall's life and death had nothing to do with him?

She didn't react until she was about to kill Kanzaki Yang. Maybe the other party was waiting for her to take him away with him!


The cross in Kanzaki Yo's hand came into contact with Cardinale.


There was a wisp of green smoke left in the air and a sound that seemed to be the sound of water vapor being evaporated when it encountered a high-temperature object.

Then, Cardinale turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the air.


Kanzaki Yang sighed.

For her who has always been driven by desire and hatred to act, this may be a good ending ~ at least there is no more suitable choice than dying in his hands.

If you don't get what you ask for, but you still have to insist on it, and sacrifice your life for such a strong desire, then it is normal for you to lead a path of gradual self-destruction under such circumstances. actually defeated her like that?

Serafall's rose-colored eyes were filled with incredulity. What type of ability is this? Being able to destroy Cardinale, who was on par with her, I should be able to defeat her easily!

Of course it's not that difficult.

Looking at Serafall's current state, Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although he had known Serafall's information for a long time, looking at the information was indeed different from seeing it on his own.

Then what you said before is true? Can you really be reincarnated?

Serafall asked the question that concerned her most.

At this time, she had even forgotten that she seemed to be very dissatisfied with the relationship between Kanzaki Yang and Sona.

She just wanted to know whether this person was completely sure when he said such words.

How is it possible? How can such a thing be done easily? What's more, you are the Demon King. The more powerful a person is, the lower the reincarnation efficiency is.¨¨~

I just know what choice she will make under what circumstances. If I know what choice she will make, then I can wait here for her to approach me~

Kanzaki Yang put the cross back.

The effect of this cross: protect everyone who wears the cross, break all curses, and eliminate all negative states. As for the purification just now, it is only a side effect, not the core mechanism of the Holy Cross.

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Serafall was so angry that she didn't even know what to say.

Should she say that you really are an asshole?

Compared with these problems, I think you should put on your clothes first.

Kanzaki Yang looked at Serafall's expression and knew what she was thinking.

She was just very dissatisfied with his behavior, but she was not an unreasonable person. She knew that it was a fact that Kanzaki Yang saved her life, otherwise she would probably start fighting with Kanzaki Yang again.

But now, after hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, she fell into a daze for a long time.

He said let her put on clothes?

Why should she put clothes on?

Looking down, she finally noticed her current state.

When she was swallowed by Cardinale, her clothes were dissolved very naturally, which is where Kanzaki Yang was a little dissatisfied.

That's right... The clothes were dissolved, and Kanzaki Yang was very dissatisfied.

Serafall has the habit of wearing magical girl costumes during battles. He originally thought that he would be able to see interesting scenes such as the magical girl's evil fall, but he did not expect that the clothes would dissolve.

I have to say, it is indeed quite tasteless.

How can we not have magical girl costumes at this time! ?

What Kanzaki Yang is dissatisfied about is a little different from ordinary people.

After being reminded by Kanzaki Yang, Serafall quickly changed into a set of magical girl clothes that she usually wore. The remaining inventory was: 999.


She subconsciously covered her skirt and asked a very meaningless question.

Don't worry~No~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

You're like this and you still say you don't have it!?

Serafall immediately retorted.

You're like this and you still ask me if I saw it?

Kanzaki Yang responded calmly.


Serafall clearly understood the fact that the question she asked was meaningless at all, and her twin ponytails drooped as if they were missing.

Okay, I know what you want to say. Don't worry, the information is already there. You don't have to worry about whether I saw it or not.

Kanzaki Yang looked around. After the battle, the alien space used for fighting was gradually dissolving.


A tear escaped from the corner of Serafall's eyes.

Isn't this...isn't this more serious than what we just saw now? !

Ever since she became the Demon King, she hadn't felt this way for a long time, a feeling called... grievance.

.々Seraful, stop making trouble, there are more important things now.

Kanzaki Yang has no intention of continuing to talk to her here. After all, now that the old Demon King Faction is almost completely destroyed, the Hero Faction should also let go.

Otherwise, when the remaining trash fish are wiped out, the heroes will be the ones who suffer.

Eh? What's more important?

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