Emperor Shitian believed that the three parties were obviously unable to respond to this, because that would be putting their own faces on the bright side. What was the point of doing so?

You can't use the power of a pantheon to fight against the gods that almost represent the entire world, right?

No, the three parties indeed intend to discuss this matter with all the gods in Kuoh Town.

Sajax said with a smile.


Di Shitian suddenly opened her squinted eyes. What did she hear?

It seems like this little bat guy said something interesting!

Lord Emperor Shitian......

Sajax didn't seem to respond to Shakti's intention, but looked at the sky.

The sky now is the sky of the human world. They have returned to the human world from the dimensional gap.

Have you not noticed that...the sky...has changed? Sirzechs looked at the full moon in the sky and sighed. Said in one breath.

Huh!? What do you mean?

Emperor Shitian's body is filled with divine power, and this kid seems to have a lot of objections to him~

He was wondering whether he should use his own power to tell these bats, crows and white doves one thing - elders should still be respected!

What I mean is very simple...Look at the sky~ Lord Shakten~

Sajax stretched out his hand and fired a small magic ball of destruction into the sky.

Emperor Shakten was also attracted by Sajax's sudden behavior. Under his gaze, this little magic ball just kept flying...and kept flying... ..

Until it flew to a certain distance, and then disappeared completely as if it hit something!

Is this... a barrier?

Emperor Shaktian finally understood what happened.

No wonder the little bat guy said that the sky had changed. Did he mean that a barrier had been added to the original place after they came back?


This destructive projectile seemed to have completely triggered the barrier, and the entire barrier gradually appeared.

It was a mesh-like barrier that completely sealed off Kuoh Town and even the outskirts of Kuoh Town.

Golden, blue, white, and various arrays are embedded in this barrier like individual parts, supporting the operation and expansion of the barrier.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

This formation has a name.

[Ten Directions Sealing Formation! 】

This level of formation seems to be no less than a large divine formation. It seems that you have been prepared for it~ Are the people who are not here presiding over the formation?

Di Shitian showed a surprised look for the first time, and after a while he took off his sunglasses and asked.

Taking off his sunglasses, he looked squarely at the red-haired devil in front of him.

This was the first time he showed such a serious and serious expression to the red-haired devil.

Because... In his eyes, the things these people did were indeed worthy of his serious attention!

Even though everyone knows that there are so many gods in this small town, they still set up such a formation, and a lot of manpower and material resources must have been invested in this formation.

Obviously... This is a provocation to all the gods who are trapped in the barrier!

.... ... ...........

Being able to use the power of one pantheon to challenge all pantheons... being able to do such a bold act deserves his respect!

If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that the biblical pantheon will cease to exist in the near future!

It is indeed our people who are in charge of the formation.

Michael stood up.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter even if all the gods in the world go to war.

As long as this is the Lord's will.

Although it was not his original intention to start a war, as long as it is the Lord's will, it must be implemented!

Not to mention, setting up this formation itself does not mean starting a war.

But we don't have any other intention in setting up the formation. We just want to talk to the gods of each pantheon~

Michael said very easily.

Just to talk?

Di Shitian narrowed his eyes, he would never believe such words.

That's right, it's just the target of the conversation, not us. Michael nodded.

Not you? Who is it?

Emperor Shitian frowned. The first thing he thought of was that person, but...it shouldn't be possible, right?


Suddenly, the sky shattered!

No, to be precise, a strange scene appeared in the sky.

Rays of golden light were released from it, shining on the land of Juwang Town.

It's me who wants to talk to you...

From this light came such a will. knife.

Chapter 177

Outside Kuoh Town.

Aqiuka was studying the formation in front of him with a serious face.

Magical, really amazing. He didn't expect that the formation could be used in this way?

He assumes the responsibility of being the energy supply tool of the Shifang Fengjue Formation, so he can reasonably


I have to say that he is worthy of that person's formation. It seems that even if I become a transcendent because of the formation, I can't surpass that person~

Achuka watched for a long time, and finally gave in.

Exquisite, exquisite~

He originally thought that the God of the Bible was unrivaled in making artifacts, but he did not expect that he was also unrivaled in formations.

Aqiuka did not see the endless magic circle that restrained the Beast King, otherwise, he would have been even more surprised.

The ancient ferocious beast bound by the sacred formation is a horrifying picture, and also an epic picture.

I asked, are you done with the 437 side? I can't hold it anymore!~~~

A lazy and helpless male voice came from beside Aqiu Ka.

He has been supporting Aqiu Ka for so long. He is very tired, okay?

Ah~ I'm sorry, Falbiwin, I was fascinated by it all at once, but I'd like you to hold on a little longer, and a little longer~~

Achuka smiled and proposed a plan that made the corners of Farbiwin's mouth twitch crazily.

After saying this, he hurried to a farther place to observe the formation. He couldn't let Farbiwin's hard work go to waste~


Falbiwen looked at Aqiuka who just ran away, and almost cursed.

Do you want to be more cheating? What you have here is the regular output of a Transcendent, and you still want me to support you for so long? !

Kanzaki Yang is naturally allocated according to the degree of strength. Although Aqiuka is not a transcendent in the combat type, the power he needs to supply is definitely much higher than that of Farbiwin.

Well~~~ It's up to you~ I'll treat you to dinner later.

Aqiu Ka showed an apologetic look, and then devoted himself to the formation research plan without hesitation.

After all, ahem... we can't let Farbiwin's previous and current efforts be in vain~ So let's study it quickly!


Falbiwen roared, but he really didn't dare to leave his post. He could only suffer this secret loss in his heart, thinking about how to trick Achuka next time.


Suddenly, the sky seemed to be shattered, and an extremely ominous sound was made.

Rays of golden light were released from it, shining on the land of Juwang Town.

Back to work!

Farbiwin also saw this light and reminded Achuka.

Okay, okay! It's coming, it's coming!

Seeing the light coming, Aqiuka quickly returned to his post.

At this time, everyone in Kuoh Town noticed the existence of this light!

Gods, humans, demons, angels, fallen angels...all looked at the sky involuntarily!


Divine Light............

It’s coming!

A burst of white light gradually spread from the sky!

It is the light that seems to be able to redeem and guide everything, the beacon in the dark night, the dawn breeze blowing in the forbidden sea...

It seems that that is everything, that is the existence that deserves to be noticed and worshiped.

Everyone's eyes were subconsciously attracted by the white light in the sky!

Just seeing this light, they felt an inexplicable emotion well up from deep in their hearts!

This kind of emotion is called...yearning, longing, and hope!

Not just mortals, but even most gods have such feelings in their hearts!

This kind of feeling... is almost impossible for a god to have.

Because in theory, only a completely superior or even super-superior existence can make them feel this way.

This kind of existence must be a god. Dragons such as the Infinite Dragon God and the Red Dragon God Emperor will not let them have such feelings.

There is only one such existence from ancient times to the present!

But...hasn't that person already passed away? ?

Although believers don't know it, these gods do know these things.

It's me who wants to talk to you...

From this light came such a sacred will.

Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The so-called sense of sacredness is mainly composed of two emotions, one is mystery and the other is trust.

It sounds like they are two slightly contradictory words. From a scientific point of view, mystery is the unknown. How can there be a sense of trust in something that is unknown?

However, this feeling has existed since ancient times! Things called religion and belief perfectly explain this feeling...

That...has returned?

A god who didn't know what kind of god he was was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously.


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