Cardilena-chan, is there really no room for redemption?

Serafall asked a little bit unbearably.

Her combat experience is not on the same level as Cardinale's, and she is very clear about her current state.

Although Cardinale has taken the act of breaking out, she does know the importance of bloodline and status in their eyes.

There is no personal hatred between them, just strong emotions that are absolutely impossible to reconcile because of their different positions.

If you abdicate now and return Leviathan's position and honor to me, I will naturally not bother you any more!

Cadilena said that, but in fact her speed of action did not slow down at all.

Because both she and Serafall knew very well that this was completely impossible.

Even if Serafall agrees, other demon kings and reformist demons will not agree to let someone from the old demon king faction become the demon king.

Not to mention, he is still a weakling. If he didn't have a snake, he wouldn't even be qualified to confront the devil.

Such a person, even a descendant of the old demon king, is definitely not qualified to serve as the four demon kings.

Therefore, both Cardinal and Serafall are very clear that the only way for her to sit on the throne is to overthrow the existing system.

Just like the reformists overthrew the old devil sect, now is the time for the old devil sect to take revenge! .

Chapter 172

What's wrong? Are you going to stop talking? Serafall, stop being so pretentious! You clearly knew what the result would be from the beginning!

Cardinale asked with a hint of madness.

Yes, in her opinion, Serafall is such a hypocritical person.

It was obviously impossible to do such a thing, but he still had to ask her hypocritically if he could give up.

Doesn't she know the conditions on which she is giving up? !

Well, if that's what you think.

Serafall showed a look of sadness and helplessness.

Because the two people's thoughts were not on the same line from the beginning. What Cardinala thought about was whether she could regain her glory and status. What Serafall wanted was whether Cardinalia could give up these things so that she could still let go. She is a horse.

Although she seems a bit arrogant, Serafall is actually confident that she can defeat a snake even if she uses it.

The reason why she asked these questions was indeed because she felt guilty about taking Cardinalina's position as Demon King.

What's wrong? Your defense doesn't seem to be as complete as just-just!

Cardinale seemed to notice that Serafall's situation was slightly abnormal, and she smiled proudly.

Just as she said, Serafall, who had only relied on magic to defend before, now needed to dodge, and even part of her clothes was destroyed in the process of dodging.

In her opinion, what Serafall said now was just expressing her weakness.

If it were her, she would never give the other party room for negotiation when she had the upper hand!

In fact, it was pretty much what she thought. Because of the retention of the ice element, she was having trouble using magic now.

However, it was just an inconvenience. At this stage, although she could not make any effective counterattack, she could only defend.

But...when Serafall gets used to the current situation, Cardinale's fate will be decided.

Yeah, yeah, yeah~ When women fight, they are much crazier than men~

Yang Kanzaki was eating potato chips while watching the battle in the air. Is this the so-called strong combat power? Cardinale also overestimated herself.

Generally speaking, the stronger the person, the less effective the power of Orpheus is, and the amplification effect will be significantly weakened.

Basically, the peak of the Demon King level is the limit of what Ophis can provide to the public. Coupled with the improvement in strength, their original combat experience is still at the previous level.

Therefore, it is impossible for these weaklings who used the power of Ophis to forcibly promote themselves to endanger the four demon kings of the underworld.

It seems the results should be out soon.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and thought, if you want to stand up, there is no problem in using methods to strengthen yourself. least there must be a way to ensure that one can perfectly control the combat power after the surge~~

It can be said that he is quite experienced in this aspect. After all, the computing power of the God of the Bible is overflowing. When using the holy super mode, the computing power is greatly improved, and it is very difficult to control his own power. Simple.

As for Itachi Shura, that is a state that is achieved after exercising one's physical fitness to the limit, and also has perfect control over the body. This can also be seen from Kanzaki Yo's previous training of Aisi.

And Cardinale is obviously the type who suddenly gains powerful power and then floats away.

She didn't know that she had shamelessly borrowed the power that someone else had acquired long ago and had extremely rich experience.

At this time...Cardilena also noticed this.

She found that her offensive did not seem to have the expected effect. After using Ophis' snake with high intensity, she even felt the decline of her own strength.

As for Serafall, the intensity and speed of her magic use are not as strong as before, but she has adapted to the situation and has not had any problems while working steadily.

When I thought of this, the emotion called jealousy naturally grew up.

Why is there such a big gap between demons and devils?

Cardilena-chan? Why don't you just admit defeat? You should be able to sense the outcome of the battle, right?

Serafall still said a little unbearably.

She also understands that glory is a very important thing to the old Demon King Sect, but no matter how important it is, is it important to have its own life?

Although her clothes were in tatters, there was no doubt that she was weaker than Cardinale, who had basically passed her peak and was steadily declining.

Shut up~ Serafall, what do you know!?

Cardinale shouted, this person can always say sarcastic remarks from a high position!

Let me show you the determination of our descendants of the old demon king!

Cardinale's body twisted, broke through the magic circle, and wrapped around Serafall's body.

Even if I can't obtain the position of Demon King, I will definitely bring down all of you hypocritical Demon Kings!

Cardinale's actions speak volumes about her determination.

All the energy in her body was confused...


Serafall was shocked.

Cadilena... she wants to blow herself up!

Just follow me, you sinner who seizes the position of Demon King!

.... ... ...........

It's useless, my life has been activated, and the connection between us is absolutely endless!

Cardinale said excitedly.

Perhaps her life was about to burn out, so she became extremely excited.

Cut...can't you keep cutting?

Serafall immediately used the magic of partition to cut her off from her body.

However, the magic seemed to have no effect. The characteristics of the tailless sea serpent were brought into full play, and no matter what kind of injury it suffered, it recovered at an extremely fast speed.

This is something condensed from my life. How could it be cut off like this!~

Seeing Serafall finally showing a look of surprise and a hint of fear, Cardinale finally showed a satisfied smile.

It turns out that you also have this expression!

It's useless, just come with me! The one who usurps Leviathan's throne!

Cardinale has made this decision from the beginning.

Even if they cannot win, they must at least let everyone see the determination of the old Demon King Faction. could...

A drop of crystal overflowed from the corner of Serafall's eyes.

She didn't want to never see Sona-chan again!

If she died, wouldn't that man be able to do whatever he wanted with Sona-chan?

This was Serafall's first thought.

There is no problem if she dies because of her duty as the Demon King, but what will Sona-chan do? knife.

Chapter 173

It's not like she hasn't taken any countermeasures.

Just now, Cardinale was even frozen using freezing magic.

But there is still no way. The characteristics of the tailless sea snake dragon have been exerted to the limit, and even the freezing of time and space cannot completely stop it!

Of course, Cardinale's power would definitely not be able to do this. If it weren't for the strengthening and catalysis of Ophis' power, she would have been frozen by Serafall into a state of eternal sealing.

Sona-chan... Sona-chan?~

Serafall knew that there was basically no chance of her surviving a self-destruction of the same level in this situation. At the moment of life and death, the one thing she couldn't let go of the most was Sona-chan.

Sister...Sister, I don't want to leave Sona-chan~

Such emotions filled Serafall's heart.

However, things have already happened, and there seems to be no room for recovery.

It seems like you are a little troubled~

A man's voice came from the space.

This voice is...

Serafall recognized whose voice this was.

It’s Kanzaki Yang’s voice!

Now among the four demon kings, only Achuka and Sajax know the true identity of Kanzaki Yang. Serafall and Falbiwin actually don't know, otherwise she would not be killed by Gulefia. I'm fooling around to find trouble with Kanzaki Yang.


Cardinale turned back suddenly. Who had entered this space without him noticing? !

Kanzaki Yang, you should have heard of my name.

Kanzaki Yang said while throwing the potato chips in his hand into the gap between dimensions.

Serafall and Cardinale both noticed the potato chips in Kanzaki Yang's hand, and at the same time, a trace of black line appeared.

Has this man... been watching from the beginning until now?

Sekiryuutei, what happened between demons should have nothing to do with you!

Cardinale said viciously.

She was going to blow herself up soon, so there was nothing to worry about.

But... She was indeed a little panicked after hearing Kanzaki Yang's words.

If this person really had something to do, wouldn't it be over?

Of course what happened between the two of you has nothing to do with me, but what happened with Cang Na still has something to do with me~

Kanzaki Yang shook his head, of course he knew what Cardinale meant.

But sorry, he is really not a person who is afraid of trouble. If he did not have the ability to solve problems, he would not choose to enter this space.

Seraful, here is a solution. Do you think you can accept it?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


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