She thought for a while and finally thought about where she had seen Kanzaki Yang.

She also went to school in the human world before, but she has been dropping out of school because of her narcolepsy.

After waking up this time, she knew one thing, that is, her school was actually gone...

According to the schedule, everyone from their school will be transferred to other schools.

And she was going to transfer to Kuoh Academy.

So she knew the news about Kanzaki Yang early on, because Kanzaki Yang is the student council president of Kuoh Academy.

Moreover, in recent days, there have been a lot of gossips about Kanzaki Yang not only in Kuoh Academy, but also in the middle school circle of Kuoh Town.

Because... Kanzaki Yang's change is really a bit big, to the point where he can't suppress it even if he doesn't spread it or even actively suppresses it.

.々Do you know me?

Seeing the way Ingvir recognized him, Kanzaki Yang was a little surprised.

After he had determined the only ways Ingwil might know him, he finally settled on the way Ingwil knew him.

Is this how you met me? What a wonderful fate~

The transfer student matter was decided upon when Kanzaki Yo left, and the specific candidate was also approved by Sona's side, so Kanzaki Yo was not very clear about Ingvir's transfer to Kuoh Academy.

What are you looking at here? Is it because you like the sunset in Kuou Town?

Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance.

This is indeed a good place to enjoy the sunset over Kuoh Town.

Now that he knew that Ingvir would transfer to Kuoh Academy soon, Kanzaki Yang gave up the quick solution he just thought of.

There are still people watching now~

The sunset in Kuoh Town is very beautiful~ but I don't have much time to look at it.

Ingvir showed a sad expression.

Because she suffers from narcolepsy, it is quite inconvenient in many aspects.

She didn't even know if she would wake up after falling asleep one day, so she wanted to enjoy the time when she was conscious as much as possible.

Whether it's watching the sunset in this small town or transferring to Kuoh Academy, it's all something she wants to see, experience and experience.

The sunset in Kuoh Town is indeed very beautiful...

Kanzaki Yang sighed.

It's a pity that now, there are already countless powerful beings that can destroy this sunset. They have either already arrived or are coming towards this side.

As a new student who is about to transfer to Kuoh Academy, may I give you a gift?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

Eh?.........are you...going to give it to me? But...but it's obviously the first time we've met...

Ingvir lowered his head slightly.

This person looks so bold? ~

It's okay, just think of it as my reward for listening to your singing before~ Besides, I think you should need this kind of thing now.

In Kanzaki Yang's hand, golden light flashed, and finally... a silver cross appeared.

[Holy Cross. 】

It is the clone that Kanzaki Yang received as a reward before. It has the same divisive characteristics as the infinitely copied Bible.

Of course, there is also a subtle difference, that is, unlimited copies of the Bible will not affect its own strength, but the separated Holy Cross will affect the strength of the True Holy Cross itself. .

Chapter 146

“What a beautiful cross~~”

Ingvir was attracted by the magnificent and brilliant Holy Cross in front of him.

No, I cannot accept such an expensive gift.

After hesitating for a while, Ingvir chose not to accept it.

Such a beautiful holy cross, which even had a hint of special power, was really something she couldn't afford.

First of all, she is a devil and is destined not to be with the Holy Cross.

Secondly, she suffers from narcolepsy. Even if she has this kind of thing, it is undoubtedly a waste to keep it with her when she is sleeping.

Unfortunately, Ingvir's rejection was something that Kanzaki Yang had expected, and he knew that she would agree in the end.

What if I said, this thing can temporarily relieve your narcolepsy?

Kanzaki Yang added unhurriedly.


Ingvir looked up sharply.

What did he just say? !

He said it could relieve her narcolepsy? Relieve the narcolepsy that countless famous experts have been unable to do anything about! ?

And not only that, my Holy Cross will have no effect on the devil.

Kanzaki Yo added with another smile.

The holy attribute indeed suppresses demons.

Under the existing Bible God system, whether reading the Bible or wearing the Holy Cross will cause slight harm to demons.

But... This holy cross is a product of Kanzaki Yo's system. Although the holy attribute is inherently harmful to demons, now it is just a separate cross, which can still be easily controlled.

Is it really okay to give me something like this?

Ingvir did not doubt the authenticity of what Kanzaki Yang said, maybe this is one of the cute things about her~

After all, being easily deceived does not seem to be a big shortcoming in the eyes of men, as long as they can be deceived for a lifetime~

Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not an idiot, I still want to ask for something~

Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly.

Although he knew that Ingvir would definitely agree, he did not expect that she would show such a pitiful and self-conscious expression.

It seems that the disease called sleeping sickness has indeed been tormenting her for a long time.

Excuse me...what does Mr. Long want?

Ingvir felt relieved when he heard that Kanzaki Yang actually wanted something.

If she really accepted this kind of thing casually, her conscience would definitely be condemned by herself.

I want you to sing a song just for me after you get better~ The kind of song that is just for me, the kind that uses all your energy, the kind of song that comes from the heart.

Kanzaki Yang made his request.

A request that couldn't even be called a request in Ingvir's eyes.

Can this really be considered a request? Or... is Mr. Long just trying to make me accept any random request with peace of mind?

Ingvir could only think of this possibility.

But Kanzaki Yang really just wants to hear her sing. No matter whether it sounds good or bad, Kanzaki Yang will listen to it.

After still have to get the purple treasure chest.

Moreover, if the Holy Cross is left by Ingwir's side, it can also ensure that no one (bdcc) can easily make a fuss about Ingwir.

Ingvir's ability is too powerful to suppress the dragon species, even Hyoudou Issei who is [Dragon God Transformed] can be easily rendered powerless.

Not only that, Ingvir is also able to encourage the dragons with positive singing.

If a Dragon King is buffed by this kind of buff, he will have the combat power of a Heavenly Dragon in a blink of an eye!

There doesn't seem to be much difference between the Dragon King and the Heavenly Dragon, although in the eyes of those with powerful positions.

But in fact, one Tianlong can defeat several Dragon Kings.

How about it? If you really feel sorry for yourself, you can sing me a song every day.

Yang Kanzaki added.

He had just listened to Ingvir's singing. Whether it was the sound quality or the connotation contained in it, it was all top-notch, full of the most natural and authentic charm.

If I learn a few more skills, maybe I can really call it the sound of nature~

No, Mr. Long's kindness will not be in vain! I will definitely sing and do it every day.

Ingvir made up his mind.

Okay, okay, compared to this, I think it's better for you to repay me by changing the name you call me. I really can't accept the name Mr. Long.

My name is Yang Kanzaki, just like I call you Ingvir, you can just call me Yang, or you can use whatever method you feel comfortable with, as long as it's not Mr. Long.

Kanzaki Yang sighed.

Mr. Long or something...he really doesn't like it. His surname is not Long.

So... Yang, how about Yang Sang? Ingvir glanced at Kanzaki Yang quietly, as if he felt a little guilty and shy about this kind of thing.

Yes, why was Yang Sang able to call her Ingvir so smoothly from the beginning?

Not bad, that's it~

Kanzaki Yang said as he handed over the Holy Cross.

In a sense, the Holy Cross really needs to be distributed to everyone in order to play its greatest role.

But at this stage, the Holy Cross plays a more important role for Kanzaki Yo, so Kanzaki Yo has no idea of ​​dividing it up yet.

thanks, thanks..........

Regardless of whether this holy cross has any function or not, Ingvir feels that he should always wear it.

Only in this way can Yang Sang's feelings be reflected.

After putting on the Holy Cross, Ingvir opened his eyes slightly.

A little golden light flowed from the Holy Cross, and it naturally merged with Ingvir's body.

In addition to its original role as a god-killing tool, the Holy Cross also has the auxiliary effect of breaking some curses and negative states.

Although it seems that Esther doesn't have much work, but... Esther is about to be reborn, and he is more willing to give the opportunity to evolve weapons to props that have the opportunity to break through the limits.

It seems to be working.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and nodded. It was expected and there was nothing surprising.

Yes! Yes!......Yang Sang!

Compared to Kanzaki Yang, Ingvir was naturally able to feel the changes in his body more clearly.

The feeling of fatigue and weakness that had always existed in her body had been completely removed!

It's already fine. Let's prepare for the transfer~ We'll talk about the rest after you come to school.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the Holy Cross with satisfaction, because the place where the Holy Cross was hung was a little subtle.

I don’t know if Ingvir did it on purpose...

If she had known that Yang Kanzaki could actually sense the Holy Cross that she split from, maybe she wouldn't have done this.


After sighing about some things with Ingvir, and agreeing to let Ingvir sing a solo for him if there is a chance next time, the two parted ways for the time being.

Kanzaki Yang's side......

There is still something to deal with that may be important or unimportant.

As for why you say that.

Because compared with the other two forces, this force is really not that important. Only fools like Kirkbol can be so crazy. Look how low-key their governor is?

That's right, the force Kanzaki Yo mentioned was the fallen angel force!

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