With countless questions, Sajax found Yang Kanzaki.

It just so happened that in a few days it would be time for a three-party meeting, and it would be unreasonable not to give a message to Kanzaki Yang, who is the student council president of this college.

Hello, Lord Sirzechs, I am Yang Kanzaki, the student council president of this college.

Kanzaki Yang also stood up with a smile.

The two demon kings were both standing, and Kanzaki Yang had no intention of sitting down and talking to each other all the time because of the favor given by others.

I am Achuka, just call me Achuka.

Achuka also nodded and said.

He was not very interested in Kanzaki Yo's personal strength.

He was just here to enjoy the fun. If Sajax hadn't pulled him away, he wouldn't have been willing to come over and join in the fun.

If you have the time, you might as well study the overlord formula...

But if he knew that Kanzaki Yang already had a formation level that surpassed him, he wouldn't have this attitude.

Then, Lord Sajax, Lord Achuka, let's get down to business~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

The power has been gathered because of the dragon's fluctuations, and there are more things to do next~



420 What did you say to your brother and Mr. Achuka? I always feel that my brother seems to be very serious?

After the incident on Kanzaki Yang's side was over, Rias asked curiously.

There are indeed some things, but...it's still a secret for now~Rias~

Kanzaki Yang touched Rias's hair.

At least for now... Rias knows that this is not appropriate.


Yangjun, you just like to do mysterious things!

Rias was very dissatisfied with Kanzaki Yang for keeping her secret.

Isn't it that a tripartite meeting between angels, demons, and fallen angels will be held here in a few days?

She already knew it from her brother! snort! ~

She actually just asked Yang Jun to see if Yang Jun would tell her. She didn't expect that Yang Jun chose to conceal it even if he didn't lie.


She was a little angry~

But she was angry because she was angry. What Kanzaki Yang said and what she thought were really not the same thing.

And... Kanzaki Yang is still very good at dealing with angry women.

After being comforted by Kanzaki Yang, Rias became a soft girl again.

Yangjun, you are really cunning~

Rias finally said with a gentle bite on Kanzaki Yang's shoulder.


In one day, Kanzaki Yo made almost all arrangements for the teaching visit day that would be held a few days later.

I hope the next thing can develop smoothly~

Kanzaki Yang watched the sunset over Kuoh Town.

Sure enough, the sunset in Juwang Town is still very nice~

Then when he came home, he heard the sound of the system,

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is purple! ].

Chapter 145

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - The Girl Who Sings of the Emerald Sea at the End: Listen to the song Ingvir Leviathan sings for you solo. 】


Kanzaki Yang remembered this girl's name.

A purple-haired girl with human blood who is a descendant of the first demon king Leviathan.

Originally suffering from the devil's sleep disease, he began to sleep for a hundred years at the age of 17, but miraculously woke up due to the artifact in his body.

He possesses the high-level god-killing tool The Ode of the Final Emerald Sea.

By singing, you can suppress or inspire dragons, and you can also control the ocean. He was brainwashed by Nyx, the goddess of the night, in an attempt to control him.

Possessing huge magic power at the level of a demon king, he inherits the Tailless Sea Serpent Dragon characteristic of the true demon king Leviathan.

The underworld is rated as at least the highest level of demon.

It's just that in the original plot, Ingvir appeared after the Evil Dragon War. What is his current state?

Yo Kanzaki had previously determined Ingvir's state, and finally obtained the result that Ingvir was actually still in a coma.

So what will happen now?

Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance and then made a judgment.

Determine, is the current state of the individual 'Ingvir Leviathan' a coma?

【no. 】

Hmm~ Then there is a basis for action~

Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows, and then began to make further judgments.

Since he is not unconscious, there is room for maneuver~

A few seconds later, he had the coordinates of what was now Ingwell.

I didn't expect that she would be in that place?

That place is really quite a memorable place~

After a little hesitation, Kanzaki Yang rushed towards that location.

That location.

It is a square with a fountain.

If I had to say it, it was not a place that meant much to him, but a place that meant a lot to Hyoudou Issei.

Because that was where his human body in his previous life ended and his subsequent demonic life began.

In the second part of the True Demon High School, we met Ingvir who controls the dragons at this location. This corresponds to the reincarnation in the first episode, and may also reflect the great significance of Ingvir~

For Kanzaki Yang, this is just the place where he gained the power of Sekiryuutei Ddraig.

To say that the place that really meant the most to him...should be the place where the red ball of the Ark landed, right?


Kanzaki Yang was thinking of some random things in his mind as he came to the fountain square that was filled with the setting sun.

In the distance, Kanzaki Yang heard a burst of singing.


The closer he got, the more sure Kanzaki Yang became that it was indeed singing. ''Kanzaki Yang walked towards the direction where the singing came from...as if he was being attracted.

Arriving at a place not far from the fountain, Kanzaki Yang saw the girl he wanted to see on this trip~.

There——stands a girl who exudes a fantasy-like foreigner.

A girl with long purple hair.

Light purple particles floated around her, seemingly dancing with the graceful singing.

A dreamy girl..........


The girl named Ingvir continued to sing a song that Kanzaki Yang had never heard before.

However, Kanzaki Yang felt a sense of healing just by listening to it.

There was a warm feeling in my heart.

The girl with violet hair was wearing a pure white dress.

No matter the color of her hair, her singing voice, or her strong personality that could be judged through the dress, everything made Kanzaki Yang look at her.

Kanzaki Yang did not suppress his aura too much because he needed to let some people know that he was coming.

Except for this girl, there was no one at the scene. Kanzaki Yang didn't believe that it was because it was evening.

It's because... there are people who have used means to do this.

As Kanzaki Yang approached, Ingvir seemed to be aware of Kanzaki Yang's aura and stopped singing.


The dreamy girl saw Kanzaki Yang.

Kanzaki Yang also looked at Ingvir very seriously.

Sure enough, she is an incredible beauty.

Although she looked like she was about to fall asleep and looked interesting and lazy, her dignified face looked like she had stepped out of a painting.

After she noticed Yang Kanzaki, she was also surprised by the boy in front of her.

Those orange eyes found Yang Kanzaki.

...Purple hair, and orange eyes... If it's dyed hair and colored contacts, no human being with this kind of hair color and eye color exists.

The ability to levitate particles also shows that she can exert a special power - magic.

The girl with a dreamy aura now forcibly lifted her spirits.

Just as Yang Kanzaki was amazed by her, she was actually amazed by Yang Kanzaki.

After all, Yang Kanzaki was the man who once drove Orario crazy. As time went by, his temperament and charm had actually improved.

Excuse me, are you...

Silver or red... Mr. Long?

Ingvir asked slightly confused.

This is something she feels through the artifact, and it can be regarded as the essence of Yang Kanzaki in a sense.

Her artifact, the Ode of the Final Emerald Sea, is an artifact specialized for dragons. Dragons at the Dragon King level, even the Heavenly Dragon level, and even dragon-attribute gods can be easily suppressed.

Even the Infinite Dragon God will be affected, and he can be regarded as Samael in the world of artifacts.

So her perception of dragons is very clear.

For example, Kanzaki Yang's dragon soul attributes, and even a little bit of the world dragon's jade attributes were also seen by her.

Is this Mr. Long...?

Kanzaki Yang smiled. Doesn't such a title sound more awkward than Mr. Yang?

No, no, no... I just think you look very familiar~

When Ingvir heard Kanzaki Yang's words, he seemed to have done something wrong.

Excuse me, are you the student council president of Kuoh Academy?

Ingvir asked tentatively.

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