I have been hiding there for so long. Can you please come out? Lord Governor of the Fallen Angels?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and asked behind a stone pillar.

Hiding there is the Governor of the Fallen Angels, Azazel!


Azazel, who always thought he was well hidden, walked out after hesitating for a few seconds.

It seems that the opponent is not only extremely powerful when using the artifact, but also has extremely keen perception when not using the artifact~

Well, do you believe me when I say I'm just passing by?

Seeing the subtle way Kanzaki Yang looked at him, Azazel smiled coquettishly.

The opponent easily killed Kokbol in an instant and defeated the one who used Tyrannosaurus' Wall-E. At least he was not weaker than him.

From these two things, it can be clearly seen that he is also an extremely domineering and egoistic person, and he does not like to get in trouble with such people.

This is what strength brings. If Kanzaki Yang was just an ordinary person, Azazel would probably just take him away with hypnotic brainwashing and memory erasure.

Are you passing by? Do you think I will believe it? Don't you just have a crush on other people's artifacts?

Kanzaki Yang directly stated Azazel's purpose.

Oops~ Are you exposed?

Azazel showed a very troubled expression. Was his purpose so easy to see?

Does it seem that the other party's purpose is the same as his?

It’s really a pity~

Relying on his appearance and temperament, he easily deceived the little girl~ It is really something that young people can do~

Azazel felt that if he were a few thousand years younger, he would have to transform into a more handsome image to compete with the young man in front of him.

What a pity... He felt that he had passed this age and turned into a good-for-nothing uncle who just wanted to wait until death to research artifacts~.

Chapter 147

Azazel, you came just in time. In fact, I happen to have something to discuss with you. Do you have time?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Of course, while smiling, he shook his hands and moved his body a little.

Can I say that I don't have time? Azazel smiled helplessly. Looking at Kanzaki Yang's performance, he knew that he seemed to have no room for rejection.

He always feels that this person is quite troublesome~

There was a feeling that he saw the person before...

Although he clearly defeated Wall-E as the Red Dragon Emperor, he had no intention of killing Wall-E and guided him in the direction he should strive to become stronger.

He should know that people like Wall-E are harmless to the world.

As for a war maniac like Kokbol, he chose to kill him directly. I have to say that although it was a bit extreme and different from his ideas, it was indeed the right thing to do.

A normal Demon King-level master or even a Heavenly Dragon-level master from another force who longs for peace will choose to crush him to death directly when he encounters such a person.

Don't worry~ Azazel, you are absolutely interested in the topic we are going to talk about today, and the world will definitely change because of today's discussion.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Oh? Then I really need to listen. After all, I don't want the world to change inexplicably~

Azazel said something joking, but his expression was extremely serious.

Don't worry~ I won't let you down~

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes.

In fact, Azazel is not very important in his eyes. He mainly comes here to make up the numbers.

However, with Azazel's current personality and way of doing things, it should be quite easy to achieve the goal of making up the numbers.


You...what did you say! What do you mean!...

As expected by Kanzaki Yang, Azazel showed such an expression after hearing his words.

He had to show such an expression, because both Kanzaki Yang himself and Kanzaki Yang's words had a strong impact on his cognition.

So, Azazel, what are you going to do?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

I don't think there is any need to ask such an extremely obvious question.

Azazel shook his head. If he were a normal person, there would be no need to hesitate.

Of course, after living for so long, he also understands the truth - not all living things are normal...


After ending his conversation with Azazel, Kanzaki Yang returned to his daily campus life.

After all, he still has time in the day, and the biggest improvement should be to use up the number of absolute dualism judgments at once before refreshing.

As for other times, there is no need to study and research all the time.

Yang Jun? My brother seems to have something to talk to you about.

A communication came from Rias' side.

Oh? What is it?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, he felt that he actually already knew what was going on.

After all, my side has been detaining people for a long time. It would be very incompetent if there is no reaction from the other side.

It seems that Michael from Heaven has something to do with you, so please tell me, brother. Rias frowned and said.

After all, she is a devil, and there has not yet been a three-party peace treaty signed. Most devils will show resistance when they hear the name of an angel.

Of course, her main concern was for Kanzaki Yang's safety.

When my brother and Yang Jun talk about things, they are their own people, so they can talk more casually.

But Michael's words... Although he sounds like a good person from his brother, Rias knows that Kanzaki Yang has not let the two Holy Swordsmen return to the heaven. Michael It must be someone with bad intentions.

But this is really Rias's misunderstanding. At least Kanzaki Yang is more consistent with the angel side at the original level.

And if Kanzaki Yang adopts a subtle method, maybe the angelic forces will directly become people on his side.

okay, I get it.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and finally... came to the door?

The meeting place should be the shrine on Akeno's side. Yang-kun... Do you want to go?

If you feel you don't want to go, I'll call my brother over...

Of course I'm going.

Kanzaki Yang raised his hand. He knew that Rias cared about him, but in fact there was no need.

Because... He has been waiting for Michael to find him, and now that he has finally found him, how can he not have a good talk?


In front of Himejima Akeno's shrine.

Speaking of which, it seems that Yang Jun hasn't been to my home yet~

Himejima Akeno smiled and opened the door of the shrine for Kanzaki Yang.

Ah~ It's true, no, but I can see that Akeno, you are very attentive and take good care of everything around you.

Kanzaki Yang looked around, and he had to say that Akeno had cleaned the area quite cleanly. The tree species around him were obviously the type that could easily fall off, but there were no fallen leaves on the ground.

Thank you very much for the compliment, President. It's really an honor for me to be praised by the President~

Himejima Akeno covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Sa~ He's right here, President, Lord Michael should be here soon.

Himejima Akeno said while pouring tea for Kanzaki Yo.

Well, I understand.

Kanzaki Yang took a sip of the tea Akeno brewed.

Although it can't be compared with drinks like God's Wine, I have to say that it is indeed a very good tea~

As expected, Akeno is quite talented in this area.

Kanzaki Yang gave his own evaluation, perhaps because he has not specifically studied the formula of the so-called God's Tea.

All in all... he really thought it was pretty good.

It would be my greatest honor to be recognized by the president~

Himejima Akeno said with a smile.

She had always looked at Kanzaki Yang with an extremely gossipy attitude. Whether it was the attitude of Vice President Sona or Rias's attitude, she was quite interested.

It's just that she recently discovered something that seemed more interesting.

Rias seems to have some ulterior secrets with Kanzaki Yang.

This was not groundless, but something she had observed from observing Rias's words and deeds for a long time.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

After the incident of knocking on Phoenix's door, she had already seen that Rias really liked Yang Jun.

It's quite normal. What woman wouldn't like such an outstanding man who stands up for herself? Even she herself was a little tempted, so it was natural for Rias to be tempted.

But.........at her discretion.

Even with the reason why Rias was tempted, Rias was still a little too close to Kanzaki Haru and a little too possessive.

Sensitive Himejima Akeno has already smelled something fishy, ​​and she feels that she can take this opportunity to do some research today~~

Akino, will you attend the tripartite talks in a few days?

But to Himejima Akeno's expectation, Kanzaki Yo spoke first.

Well, I should be attending as Rias's queen~ Yang-kun, what's wrong?

Himejima Akeno didn't expect that it was Kanzaki Haru who started the topic, and it was such a serious topic from the beginning.

.... .. 0

It seems that if you want to bring the topic to what she wants to know, you still need a certain level of skill~



Kanzaki Yang's next words made her instantly stop asking for Rias's gossip.

Azazel, there should be guards on Azazel's side.

Kanzaki Yang silently reminded Akeno about this.

Just mentioning it to this extent, Akeno should understand.

Why would Yang-kun tell me such a thing? This was Akeno's first thought.

As the Governor of the Fallen Angels, the bodyguard Azazel will bring is...

Among them...the one that has something to do with me is...

Himejima Akeno's eyes shrank suddenly, she could only think of one person!

Fallen Angel——Bai Qiu!

Her father!

It seems, Akeno, you seem to have remembered who it is?

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