Sona shook her head helplessly. She actually knew this and didn't say anything. She didn't expect Rias to be a little stupider than she thought. that so? In the face of such an almost impeccable and perfect reason, Rias really has nothing to say. Could it be that she doesn't agree, so you can't say Yang Jun? Can this be done?

She wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing if Kanzaki Yang was weaker than her, let alone Kanzaki Yang taking the initiative in the relationship between the two.

That's it. In my judgment, Rebel you are very suitable. Now that the problem on this side has been settled, Kanzaki Yang continued.

Does Lord Kanzaki Yang still have this kind of ability? Rebel was stunned.

In fact, she almost got excited and wanted to ask her mother to exchange a blank chess piece with her useless brother.

It took her a few seconds to seemed that Yang Kanzaki was not a demon, and there was no so-called demon chess piece.

So, are you willing? Kanzaki Yang asked again.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to. Anyway, he sees that this little girl seems to be very interested in him, so it won't be short of time.

Hi!~Of course! It's an honor to join the student union! Rebel's answer was straightforward.

If you can join the student union, you can work with Mr. Yang, right?

Hahaha~~ She is really a lively little girl~ It's a pity that you don't have this opportunity~

After Rebel said this, a man laughed loudly from a distance.

Yang Kanzaki curled up his lips. It seemed that the fish he had been waiting for had finally taken the bait~

Galileo Galilei.

Although this person is not of much use to him, his arrival means that Kirkbolt has become obsessed with himself.

What appeared in front of everyone was Galba Galileo, the former leader of the Holy Sword Project, now exiled by the church.

So, you came here to die? Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

The fish has taken the bait and he is in a good mood. It seems that he will be able to have a good sleep tonight.

Hahaha!~Death!? No! I'm here to collect the Holy Sword!

Galpa laughed toward the sky. These people didn't know that he had actually asked Lord Kirkbol for instructions, right? !

Don't think that you can go wild after defeating the Holy Sword User he transplanted at will! When Lord Kirkbol arrives, you will know what real terror is!

Kanzaki Yang: Actually, I have been waiting for him to come and die~

Collecting the Holy Sword?... Sorry, you have to go through our level first! Xenovia and Irina took off their white robes and instantly entered a fighting state.

As a devout believer in the Lord, how could he remain indifferent after hearing such words?

Don't worry~ The Demon King's sisters, the Holy Sword Users~ and the human heroes, the ending waiting for you is the same! Galba continued to say confidently.

Kanzaki Yang was not as arrogant as him when he thought that he could use the power of the God of the Bible to a certain extent after obtaining the Fallen Sacred Heart.

You just wait to be sacrificed as a sacrifice at the beginning of the war in the glory of the birth of the new holy sword!~ Galba believes that with the manufacturing technology of the new holy sword, one day he will be able to reproduce the perfect Excalibur of!

It seems that Kirkbolt still has a little bit of affection~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Probably... about one minute left.

According to his judgment, Kokbol will be transferred here within one minute through space technology.

Using the glory of the birth of the Holy Sword as a fireworks for war? Do you really want to trigger a war? Rias sighed.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Sure enough, being the Demon King's sister does have certain benefits, but these benefits also come with certain risks.

Of course, isn't war a wonderful thing? Don't you think the current world is like a pool of stagnant water with endless whirlpools?!

Galba made a Yagami-like Who else can do it but me? gesture, loudly proclaiming his ideas.

Since the arrival of the red ball, the main gods of many forces in the world and even the top twenty level transcendants have disappeared. Where do you think they are?

You mean!

Sona showed a look of astonishment.

It turns turns out that his purpose is not just to provoke a three-party war! ?

With such a concentration of forces, as long as a war breaks out between the three forces, it will definitely develop into a world-level war. By then, the real Ragnarok may even come!

Galba continued to tell his ideas and plans, after all... As a villain, how can you not give the good guy a villain's speech to cheer him up when the good guy is in dire straits?

.... . ...

If the villain doesn't show off in front of the decent ones, is it possible that he still shows off in front of his own boss? That's totally seeking death......

So, you're done?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, Kirkbolt should be coming, and he can finally go home~


As a magic circle unfolded, black wings began to float in the air, seeming to dye the entire sky black.

It's indeed finished. Now it's my business.

It was a rather deep voice, but Kanzaki Yang could tell that there was madness hidden under the deep and gentlemanly appearance.

Maybe... there is something similar to himself? It's just that the level is different.

Kokbol, I want to launch a war that may be the largest in the history of mythology. To this end, I will lend the lives of everyone present! A lightsaber appeared in Kirkbol's hand, and he looked like this Looking at the people in front of him.

What made him a little concerned was that his feathers would automatically dissipate when he got close to the boy who seemed to be the core of the opponent.

It seems that the other party is indeed somewhat capable, and he is worthy of being a human being who can snatch the holy sword from Galba's hand.

It's really easy to say something like taking someone's life~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and a card appeared in his hand.

Sure enough, after getting used to using this card, he became a little lazy.

After all, the Savior Star Dragon is different from the Stardust Dragon. The Savior Star Dragon can be used multiple times, and its effect is much more powerful.

Then, in order to help me sleep a little more comfortably tonight, I will lend you your life!

A pair of crystal-colored dragon wings appeared behind Kanzaki Yang, quietly releasing the brilliance of stars and salvation.

One of the uses of monster cards is very similar to the artifacts of the Bible God in a sense. They both use the power of dragon souls or beast souls, and can only exert part of their power.

Under the radiance of the Savior Star Dragon, Kirkbol felt that he had lost all his power in an instant! knife.

Chapter 135


Bursts of smoke and dust suddenly exploded in the venue.

After the smoke cleared, Rias and others finally saw the situation clearly.

Kanzaki Yang stood where Kokbol originally stood, looking at Kokbol below indifferently.

Kirkbolt is basically a useless person now, and Rias can easily kill him even if she takes action.

Although I feel a little sorry for Rias when I say this, it is indeed true.

Kanzaki Yang doesn't like to do risky things, so he doesn't plan to give Kirkbol a chance to make a move with full strength.

Just stepping under his feet like this is the most suitable position for him. After all, he is a fallen angel. Isn't it so normal for a fallen angel to be stepped on by God?

When did you!!

Kokbol was still in a state of confusion, because most of his power was sealed, so he had no idea when Kanzaki Yang arrived at his side.

He felt his eyes go white, and then he had a close contact with the earth.

Of course I just walked right in front of you~ You didn't notice it, right?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and stretched out his hand in the direction of Garba.

413 A barrier instantly appeared in the direction of Garba's escape, right in front of him.


Nose blood spattered, and Galba lay down straight.

He was the quickest to react and was ready to run away when he noticed something was wrong. Unfortunately, Kanzaki Yang was the one who always reacted quickly. did you do it? Is it possible that you are also a divine weapon user?!

Kirkbol asked with difficulty.

He was now filled with fear. This man... seemed to have been very calm from the beginning, and now he recalled his previous performance.

It seemed that...his appearance had been expected by him?

If that's the case, wouldn't the plane be too scary? !

Is this young man who uses holy power the church’s trump card?

But judging from his appearance, he probably wasn't the joker, the divine destroyer who controlled the strongest weather. He still knew joker. After all, he had been in his governor's research materials for a long time.

So...who is he?

Generally speaking, those who use holy power are either heroes or people from the church, or some of them are corrupted beings.

Artifact? This is really not an artifact.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and stepped a little harder.

He was waiting for someone, so he didn't kill Kokbol instantly from the beginning.

After all, if he had killed Kokbol from the beginning, that person might not have come.

The person he was talking about was, of course, Wall-E.

Although Azazel is a ruffian uncle, he is still capable. How could the actions of a simple and innocent war maniac like Kirkbolt escape his eyes?

Being the governor for so long was not for nothing.

It's a pity that Kirkbol still regards him as a useless person who only knows how to study artifacts.

As everyone knows, if things like artifacts develop according to the original timeline, they will be the biggest troublemaker that stirs up various power situations.

Azazel, who has been studying artifacts, basically already has a fraction of the abilities of the God of the Bible. He has even developed an artifact comparable to the God's Destroyer. It can be said that he holds the key to the future. key.

If it's not a divine weapon, then it's a priest of the church? A slightly unrealistic idea came to Kirkbolt's mind.

If you were a priest of the church, you might be able to use that method!

He was already a little sick and had to seek medical attention. Kirkbol didn't know whether the ability of the young man filled with holy power was permanent. If not, how long would it take for it to expire.

So...his current goal is simple.

Try to find a good opportunity to get away!

Hahaha!~ You don't know it yet! If you knew it, you might lose all your faith in an instant. Such ironic things do exist in this world!

What do you mean!? Irina's pupils suddenly shrank.

Does he mean...that he knows things that will make them lose their faith?

And, does it still sound ironic?


Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows, he already understood what Kokbol meant.

He seems to take it a little too much for granted?

But it seems that this does make some sense? After all, he now finally feels the fate of the weaklings he once dominated in his eyes.

Kokbol couldn't see Yang Kanzaki's face, but the expressions of the two Holy Swordsmen on both sides made him very satisfied.

What I mean is very simple. The God you believe in is no longer around a long time ago!

His eyes were full of madness.

This news really made him very enthusiastic. After all, this could be said to be the most satisfying result of the war for him.

In the three-party war, the God of the Bible died, and the four demon kings died, but their fallen angel governor and deputy governor did not die. Isn't this the greatest result?

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