Azazel: I think you are cursing me to death?

Unfortunately, Kirkbol didn't know that the death of the God of the Bible really had nothing to do with the three-party war.

The God of the Bible was severely injured because he sealed the Beast King, and finally died in the nearly self-destruction attack of the four demon kings.

Although the war factor is the last button, it does not play a decisive role.

It can be said that if it were not for the Beast King, it would not be a problem for the God of the Bible to defeat the other two forces alone.

However, Kirkbol directly attributed the death of the God of the Bible to his own power. It must be said that he still has a thick skin.

What I mean is, the God of the Bible, the guy who gave you faith and mercy, died a long time ago!!

Kirkbol's voice was loud, and he had to make his voice heard even when he was restrained.

Did you hear it? ? The god you have always believed in has died!


Just as he imagined, both Xenovia and Irina fell to their knees because they could not accept the news that the God of the Bible was dead.

No! If the Lord is gone, who will give us mercy and protection?!

Xenovia raised her head suddenly, and she realized something was wrong!

Of course it's that guy Michael. He works very hard. He inherited the system left by the God of the Bible and worries about various things every day~

Kokbol said while panting...

The habit of losing power made him very uncomfortable, he was really not used to it.

Okay, okay~ I understand. Mr. Kirkbol, do you have any last words? Don't worry, I will give you time~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Kirkbol's behavior was like a clown in his eyes.

But he also gave Kirkbol a stage to perform.

Two Holy Swords Make Faith Collapse?

Such a thing is nothing at all.

Anyway, when the time comes, I can take action and attract two mad followers of the Holy Sword User from over there.

Just like Elsa and Joan of Arc...

Kanzaki Yang's expression was very relaxed, but Kokbol was not relaxed after listening to him.

He looked at Kanzaki Yang with a ghostly expression.

This person...could it be possible that you had seen through him from the beginning? !

So why did he let his behavior go unchecked?

Is there some conspiracy? ?


I saw the man say this to him.

What's coming? he asked subconsciously.

The fact that Yang Kanzaki didn't seem to care about the fact that the God of the Bible died had almost made him give up his last resistance. Originally...he thought Yang Kanzaki was a priest.

It seems...he didn't grasp that possibility.

Originally I wanted to come over and kill you, but now I have no choice but to change and the person who wants to save you is coming~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

As a silver light flashed in the sky, a silver armor descended from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

The blue glow of the White Dragon Emperor's light wings reflected through the dust raised into everyone's eyes.

As the blue jade light flashed, the White Dragon Emperor spoke.

2.2 Kirkbol, I was entrusted by Azazel to take you back for trial.

Walli's voice was very calm and arrogant. Indeed, with his strength, he could do this to Kokbol.

However, although the meaning of his words was conveyed to Kokbol, the person he was looking at was Kanzaki Yang.

Kokbol is now powerless and can't make any waves. What he cares about more... is indeed the man who captured Kokbol!

He had indeed heard Heige and Monkey say before that there was a very powerful man beside Heige's sister.

However, he did not expect that the opponent would be able to easily capture Kokbol without any injuries!

He had never heard of someone with this level of strength and the appearance of a human being before.

interesting! It’s so much fun!

Therefore, Wall-E, who is a fighting maniac, became ill again and cast a fanatical look at Kanzaki Yang.

Yang Kanzaki obviously knew this, and he also cast an interested look at Wall-E.

But the reasons why he looks at Wall-E and Wal-E look at him are different.

He looked at Wall-E because he saw the silver treasure box on Wall-E's head. .

Chapter 136

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is silver! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - The Two Heavenly Dragons Return to One: Conquer the dragon soul of Arubiang, one of the remaining Two Heavenly Dragons! 】

That's why Kanzaki Yang looked at Wall-E with interest.

Well... I have to say it's quite valuable.


Azazel? Does Azazel know my plan?!

Kokbol's eyes were once again filled with hope. If he went back to face trial, would he be able to survive?

Can I escape from this man's hand?

At this time, Kokbol desperately hoped that Wall-E could take him back.

It doesn’t matter if you have to go to trial! The best way to deal with that guy Azazel is to freeze him, so it's not impossible to get out.

As long long as the power can be regained, isn't that what he has the final say? Even if he is no match for these freaks, he can always sneak to a safe place, right?

His attitude now is much humbler than before.

Of course Azazel knows your plan, he can't let you start a war casually~

Walli still looked at Kanzaki Yang and said what he should say to Kokbol.

Can you hand him over to me? He will be punished as he deserves.

Wall-E stretched out his hand towards Kanzaki Yang.



He got an answer that satisfied him.

Kanzaki Yang, the human being he was interested in, just smiled, and then...a powerful holy light burst out from under his feet!

Uh ah ah 13 ah!~

In the extremely pure holy light, Kirkbol's body disappeared from this world almost instantly!

Perhaps, for him who betrayed the God who created him, betrayed his own beliefs, and chose to fall, being destroyed by Kanzaki Yang using holy power is one of the most appropriate endings~

Doesn’t rounding it off mean that the God of the Bible himself took care of the fallen angels?

Your feathers are far less dark than Azazel's feathers~ Wall-E sighed as he crushed a black feather that floated in front of him.

But his sigh was only temporary, because now he had more important things to do!




He.........was born to fight!

Since you have behaved like this, is it okay to regard this as a provocation to me?!

Walli was very excited and said what he had always wanted to say.

He doesn't care about Kokbol's life, even if he is scolded by Azazel after returning, it doesn't matter!

What he wants to do now... is just to fight the man in front of him!

Of course there is no problem. After all, I still have to fulfill my promise to others~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and stretched out his hand towards Wall-E.

He made a move that made Walli even more excited.

A red light flashed on his hand, and a set of slightly ferocious gauntlets appeared on his hand!

[The Cage of the Sekiryuutei! 】

Walli's eyes widened when he saw the Sekiryuutei's cage hand. He didn't expect to see the Sekiryuutei's cage hand here!

What does it mean to find no place even though you have worn iron shoes, and to find it without any effort at all?

He now felt this firsthand.

Hahahahahahahaha!!~ So you are the Sekiryuutei!

Wall-E looked at Kanzaki Yang with extremely hot eyes.

Is this person his old enemy?

Indeed, no matter in terms of appearance, strength, or behavior, he is an old enemy that suits his interests!

On the other hand, Yang Kanzaki is really his most suitable and interesting rival.

Because he once said such extremely mean things.

[I am the bloodline successor of the late former Demon King Lucifer! However, I am a hybrid child born from a father who is the grandson of the old demon king and a human mother! 】

[I was able to obtain the sacredgear of the Vanishing Dragon because I am half human! ~I was born as a true inheritor of Lucifer's bloodline and a White Dragon. 】

[If there is such a thing as fate and miracle, it is probably talking about me. 】

[I regret that I was born in this era. A world without God...I originally wanted to defeat God. 】

[God is not here~~This is such a cruel thing for me~~If there is no other way, just set the goal and defeat the Red Dragon God Emperor~~]

[If there are no strong people in the world, I will die... I have no interest in that kind of boring world. 】

Well, since his original target was the dead God of the Bible, then Kanzaki Yang is an extremely suitable person.

Of course, Kanzaki Yang personally has no interest in such a fit.

He... just wanted to achieve some goals by fighting Wall-E, and by the way, conquer Arubiang's dragon soul.

The dragon has been a symbol of strength since ancient times. The collision of strength and strength will attract strength.

The collision between dragons will attract some people who are interested in Yang Kanzaki.

This is the reason why Kanzaki Yo didn't use the Savior Star Dragon to directly paralyze Walli at the beginning.

What Kanzaki Yang wants is the process of fighting.

Because the outcome of the battle is the same for him!

He didn't want to expose his identity because of the battle, he just needed to use this battle to achieve some of his goals.

The battle between the Sekiryuutei and the White Dragon Emperor? Are you coming?

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand towards Wall-E and said with a smile.

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