Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance.

He seemed to see a decadent man wearing an overseer's hat, who was lying there sleeping naturally.

His name is Lysa Phoenix, the second son of the Phoenix family.

At present... he is the supervisor here, or he can also be called the contractor, because he was ordered by his mother not to return home until the villa complex was completed.

This is because both the Duke and Lady Phoenix have noticed how extraordinary Kanzaki Yo is and want to use this to improve their relationship with Kanzaki Yo.

They also saw that Kanzaki Yang was showing mercy.

If he used his power to directly blast the Phoenix family's mansion, only Duke Phoenix and LeVar Phoenix would be able to barely fight.

Since the other party was sincere, Mrs. Phoenix and the Duke also showed their sincerity.

Well.........he cheated his own son without hesitation.

Let him have some experience~ He has been carefree all day long. If he didn't know the most basic glory of the Phoenix family, Duke Phoenix would have taken the initiative to educate his son.


Yang Jun...you said...I need to come here to find you...what do you mean?~

After being stunned for quite a long time, Irina finally reacted.

Yang Jun, do you mean...all the houses here belong to you? she asked blankly.

That's right, the houses here were given to Yang Jun by the Phoenix family as an apology~

Rias held her back and said proudly.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Yang Jun when he introduced her as just a friend instead of introducing her as his girlfriend, she would not show it yet.

Forbearance! ........Be patient for three years! .........Waiting until the time comes when she can defeat Yang Jun in bed before showing it off, this is Rias's simple and unpretentious idea.

Is Yang Jun so rich now?

A trace of saliva leaked from the corner of Irina's mouth, but she swallowed it immediately. As a clergyman of the church, you can't be fascinated by such worldly things~ Ahem

Maybe~ But if you come to play often, Irina, there will be a set reserved for you.

Kanzaki Yang smiled.


At least in this world, money really means nothing to him.

Reserved...reserved for me~~

Ahem. Xenovia coughed. She really found Irina's childhood sweetheart quite difficult to deal with. After meeting him, Irina's faith became a little unstable.

Although this may have a big problem with Irina herself, there is no doubt that Irina's childhood sweetheart is also a strong guide.

Ah~ It's okay, Mr. Yang~ As a priest, I have no requirements for this kind of thing¨¨~

At Xenovia's reminder, Irina said a little inconsistently.

However, her eyes were very erratic, and both Rias and Sona could see that she was not thinking.


The kitten calmly reminded them of the fact that they had arrived at the construction site next to Lysa.

Although with the strength of the underworld construction team, it would only take one night to build a castle, but the Duke and Lady Phoenix had no intention of using the underworld construction team in order to have the effect of training Lessa.

Of course, as Lesa, no one dared to ask him to do anything at the construction site, so what he had to do every day was to sleep idle at the construction site.

Well...The second young master of the Phoenix family has been living a good life since he turned into a contractor.

Kitten, go ahead and wake him up~ Kanzaki Yang said to the kitten with a smile.

This was the reason why he asked Mao Mao to come here to practice.

How can practice without opponents be called practice?

In the previous battle, both Koneko and Lesa were seriously injured. Koneko was burned by Phoenix's flames, while Lesa had a certain foundation destroyed by Koneko's magic.

Seeing Mrs. Phoenix and the Duke throwing their daughter and son over together, Kanzaki Yang decided to let the kitten handle its own affairs.

After all, it is more meaningful for the kitten to take revenge than for him to help the kitten.

Originally, Koneko's progress had slowed down after Kuroka left, but now that Kanzaki Yang is back, Koneko's progress has sped up again.

After two discussions with Lesa, Kitty is now basically able to use magic to cut off Lesa's foundation.

Huh? Rebel, why are you here? The kitten uttered these words.


Uh huh huh?! As soon as he heard Rebel's name, Lesa suddenly woke up from her sleep state. Did her sister come to see him?

Unfortunately, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the face he didn't want to see.

Kanzaki Yang.

The man who stole his fiancée and made him work as a foreman here!

Although he really doesn't have much thought about Rias, he just treats Rias with the same attitude towards all beautiful women. It would be fine if he could change a beautiful female devil to be his wife, and the way of identifying this matter is also Approved by his parents.

But...but it will still be very unpleasant! ! ~

Why...why does his sister want to go to the school where that man is? !

He was very dissatisfied. It was clear that her sister entered Kuoh Academy through the back door of the demon connection, but he could not go in and follow his sister to see if Xiao Xiao had any plans to attack his sister.

The reason for rejecting him also made him very dissatisfied - what do you mean by sorry, because your age is obviously not that of a high school student, and your appearance does not look like a high school student, so this school cannot accept your transfer application.

Doesn't this mean she is an old man?

Conscience of heaven and earth! He just grew a beard! I haven’t even participated in the adult rating-game competition in Devil yet! Why do you grow old?

Especially when he later found out that the comment was written by Kanzaki Yang to him, he almost vomited blood on the spot.

When his application was returned, it also included the words of Yo Kanzaki - Don't think that I don't know that you want to harm the female students of Kuoh Academy. Just feel free to be the contractor.

Then...Lesa has been preparing to work as a contractor here.

Ahem~ He didn't expect that his purpose would be discovered by Kanzaki Yang so easily.

Although he only had a little, well, a little intention to see if there were any delicious human girls while taking care of his sister, he did have this kind of intention.

Originally, he just wanted to stay here for a while before going back, but he didn't expect that this would be the beginning of a nightmare.

That kitten, the white-haired kitten that he had burned with Phoenix's flames in the old school building, actually wanted to practice with him?

Forget about practicing, he did plan to use it as a way to relieve boredom at first, but as the battle continued, he finally discovered something was wrong with the kitten.

Compared to when I fought him before, there was so much progress!

No matter the combat experience, the way of using magic, the intensity of magic, and even the original fighting method have all changed! He was beaten to a point of disgrace the first time.

The second time, he was basically only defensive.

This time...it's the third time.

.々You...why did you come to me? Lysa felt very aggrieved as she curled up on her recliner like a little daughter-in-law.

hateful! Don’t think that you are great because there are so many of you!

After all, I am also a man from the Phoenix family!

Lesa felt that she had to regain the respect of the Phoenix man this time, lest her sister come back next time and ask him questions like Brother, have you ever lost to a kitten?

Of course I'm looking for you for training~ After all, you can't lie like this every day~ Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


As soon as Kanzaki Yang said that he would lie down all day, Lesa couldn't help but let out a cut sound.

He didn't even look at who he was lying down all day because of?

But it is true that you should move your muscles and bones.

He has clearly seen the gap between himself and that man. Even his brother was easily defeated. There is indeed a gap of at least a chasm between him and Kanzaki Yang.

At least, a little closer... This is also his extremely simple idea.

Then, I'll take you to the old place~

As Kanzaki Yang said, a barrier flashed under his feet.

Lesa didn't resist. If he didn't go, his sister would probably know tomorrow... maybe today.

He also didn't want his image in his sister's mind to become that of a coward who was afraid of even facing someone like this white-haired kitten.

Eh? Master Yang? Why are you here?

A girl's voice came from behind Kanzaki Yang and others.

Rebel Phoenix.

After noticing the fluctuations in the magic circle, he hurried over to this side, and then saw Yang Kanzaki and others.

Oh~ Rebel, we came here to discuss with your brother. After all, we can't just let him lie like this all day, right? Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Of course, there are other purposes.

Fish...and wait for the big fish on the other side to take the bait. .

Chapter 134

Indeed, Onii-sama can't lie down all the time~

Rebelle strongly agreed with Kanzaki Yang's words. She knew what her brother was like after he came here.

I used to do nothing every day, but now I act like an old guard every day.

It's not that there's anything wrong with the old doorman, it's just that it really doesn't fit in with her impression of her brother.

Speaking of which, Rebel, do you also want to practice and become stronger? -

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

He actually noticed early on that Rebel was watching not far away. After all, the purple light on Rebel's head was too conspicuous.

The condition for opening the purple treasure chest on Rebel is to accept Rebel as a secretary. Kanzaki Yang himself also feels that the position of secretary is quite suitable for Rebel.

So... we have to get closer before we can talk about this kind of thing~ Ahem...

For some reason, Kanzaki Yang recalled the scene when he and Ais were training together in his mind.

But it's a pity that now he can only go back to Orario at night at most, and he can't always appear in the public eye.

Of course... For Ais and Hestia, just coming back at night seems to be enough?


Do I want to practice and become stronger? Rebel pondered for a moment.

He was thinking about what this sentence meant.

Does it make any difference whether she wants it or not?

That's right! That cat seemed to have told me that she became strong only under Master Yang's training! Rebel finally remembered what the kitten once told her.


What does Mr. Yang mean by saying this...?

Rebel showed an expression of surprise and looked at Kanzaki Yang with a little disbelief.

Cana, I remember there is another secretary in the student union to fill the position, right? Kanzaki Yang asked smoothly.

Yes, indeed, Chun Ji has been complaining that she has too much work. Cang Na adjusted her glasses, could she say - is this situation happening because you, president, have been delaying recruiting new people? ?

The complaints were complaints, but she still didn't say them out loud.

Wait! Yang-kun~ Why do you want her to become the secretary of the student union? Sona didn't say anything, but Rias, who now considered herself a decent girlfriend, spoke.

She still doesn’t know that she is actually in third place...

Because this is something that has been confirmed by my eyes. You also know that I have the ability to predict the future, right? This is the job that is most suitable for her.

Kanzaki Yang gave an impeccable answer.

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