Sure enough, Yang Jun still likes her so much~ He is willing to do such things for her.

Well... From Irina's point of view, Kanzaki Yang did all these things for her and showed that he liked her.

It's just a holy sword, a very simple matter.

Kanzaki Yang smiled. Can he say that his goal in 2.2 was not just the Holy Sword?

He also wanted to crush Kokbol to death in advance.

However, after his judgment, Kirkbolt is still in the Son of God Monitor Agency.

Going to someone else's base camp and squeezing the ten-winged fallen angel to death is really a bit too flamboyant, and Kanzaki Yang doesn't plan to do such a flamboyant thing just yet.

Thank you Yang for your help. Xenovia also thanked her sincerely.

If you have any use for my place in the future, please feel free to contact me. She gave her promise.

Although it is indeed a promise of little value to Kanzaki Yang, it is already the most important promise to her.

Okay, let's see if I need it~ Kanzaki Yang felt that he might not be able to use this promise in this life?

By the way, Irina, there should be one thing we haven't done yet. Xenovia reminded.

whats the matter?

Irina tilted her head. She just felt very comfortable in Yang Jun's arms and didn't want to leave for the time being.

Also, Xenovia, can’t you look at the situation a little bit? Will you die if you hold me in your arms for a long time? .

Chapter 132

We should find a superior demon in this town, and at least get a promise from the other party that they will not interfere. Xenovia looked at Irina and tilted her head.

Is it really comfortable to hold a man like Irina?

It would indeed be quite uncomfortable to deal with the superior demons and fallen angels from outside this town at the same time.


After Xenovia said this, the door to Kanzaki Yo's house was opened.

Yangjun~ I'm here to play with you~

A girl's voice came from the door, and a girl with long red hair walked in from the door.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Yang Kanzaki and Irina in Yang Kanzaki's arms.

Church people?!

No matter how stupid Rias is, she can tell that they are wearing the clothes of church-related personnel.

Are you...a devil?! Xenovia also recognized Rias' aura.

After all, Rias came to see Yang Kanzaki. Considering the stimulation of holy power and magic, she had no intention of restraining her aura.


In an instant, a huge holy sword appeared in Xenovia's hand.

【Holy Sword of Destruction! 】

When facing the enemy, she must use weapons immediately to ensure that she has the ability to fight back. This is her basic course in the church.

If she hadn't been so vigilant, she might have died fighting various monsters, right?

Rias' side also reacted quickly. No matter why these 13 people stayed at Kanzaki Yang's house, at least this church member used the holy sword towards her, so she couldn't be unprepared. !

Just when the Holy Sword is about to release its brilliance.

Stop, stop, stop!

The brilliance of the holy sword and the fluctuation of magic power both dissipated at the same time! Crystal-colored light spread across the room, attracting the attention of everyone present except Kanzaki Yang.

This dragon is...

Rias was the first to react. After all, she was also the most powerful person here.

She recognized it. This dragon was the one that had incapacitated Gurefia before!

Kanzaki Yang didn't expect that the situation would become tense in an instant, and he immediately used the power of the Savior Star Dragon to suppress the two of them.

It was indeed him who asked Rias to watch this situation, but he didn't expect that they would go ahead without even listening to him.

It seemed that... the contradictions between the three major biblical forces in the world were much deeper than what he knew.

This is Rias, my friend. Kanzaki Yang stood up from the sofa and introduced everyone.

This is Irina Wisteria, my childhood sweetheart, and that one is Xenovia, Irina's companion.

As you can see, Rias is a demon or the superior demon who manages this town. Xenovia, don't you have something to do with the superior demon in this town?

So, that's it, Rias, there is no need to use power, because the other party still needs something from you.

Kanzaki Yang explained things clearly as quickly as possible.

In fact, he just wanted to try out the Shura field for the first time to avoid being so difficult to get along with in the future, so he didn't push Irina away when he sensed Rias coming to his home.

Since it's Yang Jun's request, I'll just listen to it~

Rias didn't have a good impression of this person who attacked her just after they met.

But...when she knows that Xenovia is actually a fool, she will probably try her best to deceive Xenovia, right?


I see.

After a few minutes, Rias sighed helplessly, thinking it was something.

Isn't it just a fallen angel? No matter how strong his vitality is, can he be compared with Phoenix? No matter how powerful she is, can she be compared to Gurefiya?

These two people are unable to fight back in front of Yang Jun. What is a mere ten-winged fallen angel?

As long as you don't disrupt the order of this town, I swear by the Gremory family's ease, I will not interfere with your plan to recover the Holy Sword.

Rias said rolling her eyes.

She actually... attracted the attention of the Holy Sword User.

Although it was only a momentary idea, she did have the idea of ​​​​deceiving this idiot.

But it was just a flash, and after a flash, it flashed away. She knew that those who could become Holy Sword Users must have been carefully selected by the church, and she didn't know how determined their minds were.

Okay, actually there is nothing more, just wait for the other party to come to your door~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

He knew Kirkbolt's plan. He planned to kill Rias and Sona, who were the Demon King's sisters, in order to provoke Demon King Lucifer and Demon King Leviathan into starting a war.

Whether he uses the huge energy from the birth of the new fusion holy sword or uses his own power to destroy the town, it doesn't make much difference to him.

All he pursues is war.

If he is a little more sentimental, he will use the light of the birth of the new holy sword to celebrate the beginning of the war, that is, he will come to grab the holy sword.

If there is no mood, he will kill Rias and Sona himself. In other words, the target is Rias and Sona.

So what Kanzaki Yo needs to do is simple, just call Sona over and wait.

Wait for the other party to come to your door?! Xenovia did not expect that the method proposed by Kanzaki Yang would be this method. Isn't it suitable for her to take the initiative?

That's right, the best way is to stay the same to cope with the ever-changing situation and wait for the other party to come to your door~

But, Xenovia, do you want to find it yourself? There is a compromise.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile. He suddenly remembered something. It seemed that it was time to check the results of the kitten's training again?

A compromise?

Rias and Irina both tilted their heads. Is there any compromise?


This is the clock tower of Kuoh Town. It can be regarded as one of the attractions of Kuoh Town~

Cang Na sighed while introducing the situation of the bell tower to everyone.

She didn't expect that the president would come out to her, and besides her, there would be three girls beside him? !

But the president's reasons made it impossible for her to refuse.

After knowing that Kirkbolt was eyeing her and Rias, she felt that Kanzaki Yang's approach was indeed correct.

As for the idea of ​​inviting her least now after having a preliminary understanding of Kanzaki Yang's strength, she no longer has that idea.

Serafall's attack was too uncomfortable for her, and she didn't know how her sister would approach her.

Rather than this, it would be better to pay more attention to the situation of Yang Jun and Rias.

She had already noticed the subtle difference in Rias.

Therefore, she has temporarily become Irina and Xenovia's tour guide, introducing them to the scenery of Kuoh Town.

But...the holy sword wielding girl named Irina in front of her said many times something that made her eyebrows jump.

Ah~Yang Jun! I remember this place, we have climbed here before~ Irina said excitedly, pointing to the bell tower.

That's the thing...

From time to time, Irina would say words in her ear that showed that she and Kanzaki Yang had a good relationship when they were young, which made her a little annoyed.

Damn it, isn't it just a little bit early? !

This is the compromise method mentioned by Kanzaki Yang.

410 Since we want to take the initiative, spreading out to look for them is undoubtedly an act of seeking death. It is safer for everyone to stay together.

Anyway, if you look for it by yourself, it will be random. If you go together to visit and play, it won’t make much difference.

Moreover, there is the advantage that having more people can attract the other party's attention, so even in Sona's opinion, this is a good way to deal with it.

Cana, it's almost time for the appointment with the kitten. Why don't we go over there and have a look? Kanzaki Yang asked.

Just like what he said before, now it's time to test the results of the training of the kitten.

that place?

Cang Na didn't remember where it was at first.

Are you referring to Phoenix's homestead here? After a few seconds, Cang Na responded.

If it was a place related to Rias's dependent Tacheng Kitten, it was only there.

Yes, that's right there~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said, Lesa can be a supervisor there~

How could one not put a good sandbag like Phoenix to good use?

Do you like punching bags like Phoenix who can't be killed no matter how hard you hit them? 》

If Kitty visits Lesa for sparring more often in the future, he might be inspired to write a book like this.


When Kanzaki Yang and his party arrived at the homestead, the kitten was already waiting there.

Senior Yang.

The kitten waved its paw at Kanzaki Yang, and Kanzaki Yang could see that her eyes seemed to be burning with fighting spirit.

Not for him, but for the next so-called results test.

Oh~~~Yang Jun, is a house being built here? Irina couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the scene around her.

Even when it came to building a house, she had never seen so many houses being built at the same time. Naturally, she was shocked by the group of villas being built in front of her. .

Chapter 133

Well, I'm repairing the house. If Irina comes to see me in the future, you might need to come here to find me.

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