Irina said as if she was a child, hugging Kanzaki Yang.


The first time she hugged Kanzaki Yang, she smelled Yang Jun's scent, which was a very reassuring smell.

Irina, you have grown up too~

Kanzaki Yang smiled. Indeed, he could clearly feel Irina's growth.

The pressure that can be felt by the naked eye and body is probably only slightly inferior to Rias's.

But unfortunately... Rias is still stronger.

Maybe it's because Irina's inner lining is the church's battle uniform, so she doesn't look too big? Maybe she's qualified to be on par with Rias? Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but have this thought in his mind. .

If it were an ordinary daily story, a childhood sweetheart like Irina who had fallen from the sky would end up winning in the end when she faced off against other heroines.

Unfortunately...reality is never fiction.

Is this Irina's childhood sweetheart of yours? Hello, Kanzaki Yang, I am Irina, Irina's, good friend.

Xenovia's idiot attribute didn't show up, and she didn't say I'm Irina's fighting partner in the church that would obviously betray the gang.

But in fact, it has already been revealed.

Because they were all dressed in the attire of priests, they were still making eye-catching moves in the airport with such arrogance.

When I took a closer look, I found that part of the combatant clothes they were wearing was already exposed...

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

I'm Kanzaki Yang, Irina's childhood sweetheart. Nice to meet you, Miss Xenovia, but if you want to say anything, let's wait until we get back~

Kanzaki Yang didn't know why, but when he saw Xenovia who was a little stunned now, he felt like laughing.'s because she thought of the fact that she is essentially an idiot?

Well, let's go first~

Xenovia also knew that the airport was a crowded place, so it was better not to expose herself and Irina before finding the target of the mission.

Yang Jun, how is your study going now? Do you have any female friends who are close to you?

While feeling moved to see each other again, Irina suddenly thought of something very serious.

She had heard the nun say before that the more handsome a man is, the worse he is. Even if he is not bad now, he may become bad in the future.

Before, she was still glad that the Yang Jun she liked was the intelligent type, but she didn't expect that this time when she met Yang Jun, Yang Jun would turn into the type of man that the nun said would definitely turn into a bad man? !

.... . 0

Of course I am the first in my grade~ As for female friends, it's actually not bad. Our school has recently begun to recruit more males. Kanzaki Yang's statement was very subtle.

Generally, the expansion of male enrollment in schools will definitely result in an increase in the proportion of boys, which will make Irina feel at ease.

But actually... Kuoh Academy was a girls' school not long ago. Ahem, he seems to be the first male student and the first male student council president of Kuoh Academy.

Kanzaki Yang knew the reason why Irina cared so much about him, because when they were young, they seemed to have made a promise to get married in the future...

As a child, Kanzaki Yang couldn't bear to see Irina acting like a boy, so he dressed her up as a beautiful girl and even put on a small wedding dress...

It must be said that Yang Kanzaki's talent in this area was outstanding since he was a child.


Kanzaki Yo's home.

Oh! ~Is this the legendary maid? Yang Jun, you actually have a maid?

At first sight, Irina saw a big sister who seemed to be her rival - Tiamat.

Tea, please.

The corners of Tiamat's mouth twitched, and the corners of her eyebrows felt uncomfortable, but after thinking about Kanzaki Yang's education, she still managed to endure it.

Her standards have been lowered again.

What I used to think was: If you are a strong man like Kanzaki Yang, there is nothing wrong with serving him.

But now it has become: do what a maid should do, and don't let Kanzaki Yang find any reason to use family methods on her again.

Thank you!~ This sister, you are the one who has been taking care of Yang Jun~ But don't worry, Yang Jun will be taken care of by me from now on.

Irina patted her chest hard and made a promise.

What it really means is: I may be your future mistress~ Don’t compete with your mistress casually~ Pay attention to your sense of proportion~

Yes, Miss Irina.

Tiamat bowed slightly. Could she say that she wished to leave Kanzaki Yang to Irina's care? knife.

Chapter 131

But Yangjun is really able to make money~ He even has a maid, and the food is so high-end~ Woohoo!~

At the dinner table, Irina tried her best to restrain her desire to have a big meal, so as not to lose her composure in front of Yang Jun.

Although she had known that Yang Jun seemed to be very aware of financial management, she did not expect that Yang Jun would actually live in a small villa when she went to the church to practice?

Excuse me...Mr. Kanzaki Yang... Xenovia seemed a little cautious.

Because she had just seen something that concerned her very much.

But that thing didn't release any sacred waves, so she didn't make a judgment for the time being.

Just call me Yang.

Kanzaki Yang smiled, he knew what Xenovia was talking about.

She must have seen the holy sword he casually sealed in the living room.

Just like he used to go out to clean up lost demons, now he also has the habit of going out to clean up a wave of garbage whenever he has nothing to do.

He did have the Holy Sword. Just a few days ago, when he and Rias were going out to relax, he took care of a lost priest and took the Holy Sword from him.

Since the holy sword Exca 410 libur was prepared by the God of the Bible of the previous generation, as a person with the divine personality of the God of the Bible, there is nothing wrong with inheriting this thing, right?

Yang, that thing hanging in your living it a toy?

After taking a few seconds to digest the name Yang, she finally asked the question that concerned her very much.

Well, it doesn't count as a toy. After all, it still has some practical significance. Of course... At this stage, the collection value should be greater than the practical significance.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a moment and said.

This is indeed the case for him, but if a single holy sword is even as strong as his simulated holy sword, what is the use of taking it out? It just functions as a device and collection.

It has actual combat value. In other words, is it an imitation of the Holy Sword?!

Xenovia stood up immediately. She did not expect to see a replica of the Holy Sword here.

However, this man seemed to have been childhood sweethearts with Irina before, and it seemed that it was normal to know the Holy Sword, or maybe it was his ancestral collection.

Xenovia's idiot-mode brain thought of many possibilities at once.

Uh... no, it's genuine. Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows, why is Xenovia's brain circuit so strange?



Xenovia couldn't sit still anymore and rushed towards the living room.

It's genuine! ? An authentic holy sword? ! Irina's childhood sweetheart has a genuine holy sword in his home? ! Isn't this deceiving her?

Although she is a bit stupid, she is not that easy to fool! She has the factor that allows her to use the Holy Sword and can sense the presence of the Holy Sword.

But when she approached the two holy swords in the living room, there was obviously no reaction?

It's the genuine article, it's just that I sealed it. Kanzaki Yang wiped his mouth and walked into the living room.

Sealed by you? How did you get the Holy Sword? Xenovia said as she stretched out her hand towards the Holy Sword.

Sure enough, after she got close to the Holy Sword for a certain distance, she could no longer get close to the Holy Sword.

It seems that at least there is a physical seal.

I met a lost priest when I went out a few days ago. He wanted to attack me, so I solved it. I was lucky. He had two holy swords on him. Kanzaki Yang spread his hands.

Although he did have the idea to clean up Kuou Town this time, it was really the other party who made the first move.

What!? Mr. Yang, you just casually got rid of the lost priest with two holy swords!

At this time, Irina, who had just swallowed the food in her mouth, finally came to the living room, and she heard such exciting news as soon as she arrived.

Ah, it's a simple thing. After all, Irina, you can become a Holy Sword user. Why can't I be attacked on the road and pick up two Holy Swords? Kanzaki Yo asked.


Irina didn't expect that Yang Kanzaki could see through her identity from the beginning. Sure enough... was the priest's clothes too conspicuous?

No, a priest is not necessarily a Holy Sword user, right?

Yang Jun, how did you know? Irina stroked the ponytail.

It seemed that Kanzaki Yang had nothing to hide from the moment they met. When they asked what was on display in the living room, Yang Jun said very directly that the thing was a holy sword.

I have a certain degree of precognition, so I know your current status as a Holy Sword user, Irina.

Besides, in fact, your hiding place is not very good. I can see the magic of hiding the holy sword. Irina, the ribbon on your hand is the holy sword of mimicry, right? Kanzaki Yang sighed, Yi Lina is indeed still the same as when she was a child~

I see, but can we talk in detail? This is my very important request.

Xenovia said very seriously.


After a while, while Tiamat was serving tea and water to witness her boring decision, Xenovia finally explained the cause and effect clearly.

So you want to collect holy swords, right? Counting the two I have here and the two you have, there should be another holy sword. Kanzaki Yang nodded.

The most powerful Holy Sword of Domination and the Holy Sword of Blessing in the hands of Heaven are not there. There are seven in total, and there are four in their hands, so only one is lost.

Yes, that's true.

Xenovia was surprised for a moment and said.

She didn't expect Kanzaki Yang to be able to tell the location of the Holy Sword and the required quantity. It seemed that what he said about him having certain precognitive abilities was true.

So, I want to ask Kanzaki first... to ask Yang for your help, and work with us to regain the stolen holy sword! Xenovia made a gesture of begging.

Wait a minute, Xenovia, why did Yang Jun get involved? Irina said a little uneasily.

To be able to go back alive.

Xenovia answered simply...

It's not difficult for us to complete the task now, right? Basically, we are more than 70% sure of destroying the holy sword.

This is Irina's reason.

But after saying this, she couldn't help but glance at Kanzaki Yang.

She knew that they were sent here as abandoned children to deal with the Holy Sword incident this time, and she had been prepared for martyrdom very early.

But... As expected, she was still a little shaken after seeing the grown-up Yang Jun, and even regretted her choice to become a Holy Sword user.

Irina, you need to know that although you can have the will to sacrifice for the Lord, only by living can you do more meaningful things and continue to spread the glory of the Lord. Xenovia's point of view and Irina no the same.

It seems that is indeed the case...

Irina glanced at Kanzaki Yang first, and then lowered her head with a slight guilt.

Sure enough, she still wanted to be with Yang Jun for a little longer. She didn't know if she was betraying her faith? In theory, shouldn’t we sacrifice everything for the Lord?

Of course, she didn’t know that by dedicating herself to Kanzaki Yang, she was dedicating everything to the Lord, and that she was much more reliable than the God of the Bible who had passed away.

I thought you were going to say something~ I will take care of this even if you don't tell me. After all, I don't like too many reptiles in my home.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

What are these things compared to the coming storm?

That is to say, Mr. Yang is willing to help us regain the Holy Sword!? Irina was very moved and moved to Kanzaki Yang's body and hugged Kanzaki Yang.

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