Kanzaki Yang saw that the other party had admitted defeat very wisely, so he took back the holy sword in his hand, and Esther returned to his body again.

Since the other party was much more knowledgeable and courageous than his brother, he had no intention of continuing to pursue him.

After all, it’s impossible to destroy the Phoenix family here, right?

In that case, he will really become famous... At least at this stage, Kanzaki Yang doesn't really want to be famous, but after waiting for a while, when things are ready on the other side, he can (bdcc) become famous. ...

You are not a member of the three parties. It seems that... you are a hero among mankind? Leval frowned. He did not doubt Kanzaki Yang's words too much.

It seems to make sense if it is a hero. Most human heroes have strong talents, bloodlines, or artifacts, and they are also one of the favorite objects of their demon reincarnations.

If Kanzaki Yang is the reincarnation of a powerful hero, it seems to explain why he has no impression of Kanzaki Yang, because with the human life span, if he cannot develop strong strength within a hundred years, he will basically be in trouble.

Powerful humans are not necessarily cool, but they will definitely enter a period of decline after a hundred years.

Hero among humans? No...

Kanzaki Yang shook his head. Based on his actions in the dungeon world, he really felt that he was not a hero.

Selling firearms, brewing holy wine, launching a clan war for girls, killing gods, deceiving girls' feelings, and marrying the mother goddess, which one thing should a hero do?

Didn't I say that?

Yang Kanzaki, President of the Student Council of Kuoh Academy...that's all. Yang Kanzaki said with a smile.

Well, at least he has a clear conscience for this title.

Hahaha!~~It's interesting, it's interesting! Duke Phoenix laughed.

This young man seemed very interesting to him.

Lesa, go build this villa in the human world in the next few days. Duke Phoenix called to his son.

Ah?! Lesa pointed at himself a little suspiciously. He wanted to say, Dad, do you know that your son is still a sick person?

Lisa, it's you, just think of it as your punishment for casually destroying other people's school buildings~ Isn't it a gaffe on your part to fight with your former fiancée's family in a private place?

Duke Phoenix scolded his son severely.

Unlike his own son, he is an old man.

He could feel that Rias's family members seemed to have a close relationship with the boy, so it was no wonder that the boy chose to block the door directly.

In fact, in a sense, Kanzaki Yang saved Lessa and saved Lessa from the pain of flesh and blood.

If Kuroka took action, he would basically be half disabled.

That's it, Lesa, until the supervision of the villa complex is completed, you won't go home for the time being! Just think of it as apology for destroying other people's school buildings!

Duke Phoenix jumped to the conclusion directly.

Yes...yes, Father.

Lesa originally wanted to blast her head and complain harshly, but after being glanced at by her mother, she had no such intention at all.

His tutoring is still very strict, and whatever his mother-in-law says is whatever he says~

So, Duke Phoenix, excuse me.

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

In fact, if Duke Phoenix hadn't said that Lesa was coming to supervise the work, Kanzaki Yang would have given Lesa a light cannon.

But if Lesa is coming...then there will be plenty of time to cook it up~

After all, Kanzaki Yo just avenged the destruction of his school's old building, and the matter of the kitten's injury has not been revealed yet~

That! Mother!

Rebel came close to Mrs. Phoenix's ear and whispered.


After more than ten seconds, Mrs. Phoenix nodded silently.

Rebel, as your brother's dependent, you have not fulfilled your duty to supervise your brother. This time, you will go with your brother to supervise the work. Mrs. Phoenix also said in a serious tone.

Uh huh huh?

This set of moves made Kanzaki Yang a little dumbfounded. Could it still be developed like this?

Of course he saw what Mrs. Phoenix meant, and she probably wanted Rebel to have some contact with him.

Although there is no harm to him, and it is even full of benefits, this feeling is really a bit subtle.

Is this how a demon who has lived for thousands of years deals with things? Although he did show his sincerity by keeping his hand to LeVar, was he really just afraid that he would accidentally be unable to hold back his hand and kill LeVar?

Your Majesty, Duke and Duchess, we are rude this time.

Seeing that Kanzaki Yang seemed to be planning to say something, Rias stood up and spoke first. She smelled something unusual.

I'm sorry that I didn't let my father and mother know about Yang Jun before, which led to such a misunderstanding. I deeply apologize. Rias directly mentioned Kanzaki Yang as her boyfriend before she got engaged to Lesa, and she first said this The matter is finalized.

It's not that she's looking for a boyfriend, but that this boyfriend existed before Lesa... ahem.

After all, her parents didn't discuss the engagement with Phoenix. They discussed it with her after it was finalized.

We know it was a misunderstanding, so we asked Lessa to apologize.

Let this be the case. We will make a statement to the underworld when we are ready, so that the engagement between Rias and Lysa can be terminated.

Duke Phoenix pondered.

In fact, he also knew that this marriage agreement was a bit hasty, and it was just settled for the blood of a pure-blooded demon.

Rias obviously didn't want to do it, and her son Lysa was good for anyone as long as he was beautiful, and he would accept anyone who came.

Apart from being bound by the honor of the family and the devil's future, the two of them really had no intention of joining forces.

So.........that's it~

It's not as good as the beauty of an adult, and by the way, it can also become the beauty of one's own daughter.

She could already see that her daughter was different from usual.

It's just that Duke Phoenix is ​​a little tired.

Why do my daughter and son make me so worried?

It seems like an unexpected development~ Himejima Akeno said with a smile.

She didn't expect it to end like this, but in terms of the result, it was indeed a good result~

In this way, in a slightly subtle way, Rias finally achieved her goal and surrendered to the constraints of fate just like Sona.

Of course, this also means that their responsibilities are even greater.

If you don't want to get married, then you should achieve better results yourself. .

Chapter 130

During the academy meeting, Sona said while dealing with the matters assigned to her by Kanzaki Yang.

Rias, you have to find some outstanding Familia. You can't rely on the Guild Leader every time.

Sona reminded Rias, Rias, don't go too far, the president or something... is the president of the student union.

Just now, Rias ran to the student council room again to find Kanzaki Yang.

Really, Rias, did you go too far? This was Sona's true thoughts at this time.

After returning from Kanzaki Yang, she noticed subtle changes in Rias.

Well~~ So Cang, can you tell me where Yang Jun went?

Faced with Sona's dissatisfaction, Rias didn't say anything, but changed the topic to another side.

After all, she did do something similar to stabbing Sona in the back, and she felt a certain amount of guilt.

As for the president, he said he was going to pick up his friends who came back from abroad today, so he said he would go to the airport. -

Sona frowned, but still told Rias the news.

Why don't you ask him where he went? Cang Na asked very strangely.

This one~

Rias pursed her lips and smiled.

Women should be good at creating surprises for men~Cang Na~

Rias showed a meaningful smile. As expected, Sona is really not very good at this kind of thing~

Women...should be good at creating surprises for men...

Sona tasted the meaning of this sentence. Does this mean that she is usually a woman who does not create surprises and Rias is?

While Sona was lost in thought, Rias had already left the student council room. Now that she had received news from Yang Jun, let’s do something a little more romantic~

As for Cang Na's side...

She thought about it for a long time.

Compared with any surprises, I think long-term companionship and mutual reliance are the most important~ Rias.

Sure enough, this is the difference between you and me, right?

But compared to this, what happened to Rias and Yang Jun? Yes, this is what makes Sona care more.

Although Rias seemed to have this intention before, she didn't want to meet Kanzaki Yang every day like she does now.


Perhaps Cang Na would know why after experiencing the wonder and excitement of being impacted by the holy power.


Airports near Kuoh Academy.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the time.

There are still fifteen minutes until the appointed time.

This time, he came to pick someone up.

The name of the person who picked him up was - Irina Ziteng, who was his childhood sweetheart.

Not long after returning from Phoenix, Kanzaki Yang received a letter from Irina, saying that she should be back soon and asked him to pick it up.

It seems that my childhood sweetheart still holds a lot of weight in Irina's heart?

Kanzaki Yang took out Irina's letter from his pocket. He had to say that there was something wrong with Irina's handwriting. In some places, he even had to make inferences before he could deduce what the characters were.

It seems... Irina's training in the church is very serious~ I have never written at all.

In fact, Kanzaki Yang even doubted whether Irina and Xenovia were both illiterate people who had not yet completed the nine-year compulsory education.

After all, Irina and Xenovia should be the kind of girls who practice using the Holy Sword all day long, so it seems that they don’t have time to study, right?

Girls who come from the church, whether they are Elsa, Xenovia or Irina, have a subtle feeling.

It’s not quite right to say it’s stupid, I should say it’s...a very strange obsession~

After a while, Kanzaki Yang saw his long-awaited childhood sweetheart.

From a long distance away, Kanzaki Yang could see at a glance Irina and Xenovia, two girls with contrasting cold and warm tones.

If Irina is the young and lively girl next door, Xenovia is the cold sister who looks very courageous.

Of course, in fact, Irina is a girl who can't find the point and is very dirty in her thoughts, while Xenovia is a powerful fool who has no common sense and often does things that others seem to think are outrageous.

Yang Jun!!~

When Kanzaki Yang saw Irina, Irina also noticed Kanzaki Yang.

After seeing Yang Kanzaki, she rubbed her eyes fiercely.

Is this Yang Jun? In her memory, Yangjun was just a slightly handsome, and most importantly, very smart, bamboo horse figure.

Why do you look so elegant now? They are completely different from before!

But after seeing that the place seemed to be greeting her and mouthing her name, Irina didn't hesitate at all and rushed towards Kanzaki Yang.

It's really been a long time, Mr. Yang~

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