Oh ho? You seem to be very confident in yourself?

Kanzaki Yang smiled.

Doesn't this person feel that he is able to explode such power with the help of the power of the earth's veins?

Lisa, please step back.

When Lesa was about to step forward and test it by breathing out a breath of fire, a pair of big hands stopped him in front of him.

LeVar Phoenix, his brother!

As a son of the Phoenix family, I don't allow myself to remain indifferent after seeing someone do something like this to the Phoenix family.

Leval said, adjusting his glasses.

He, Lesa's brother, is the absolute top player in the adult rating-game group, and he has seen much more things than his younger brother.

The holy power in this person...is not something his younger brother can deal with!

Well, so you're going to have a duel? Leval, you have a very suitable reason. After all, it was me who destroyed your mansion.

I also have a very suitable reason. After all, it is you who want to take Rias away from me.

So, it's very suitable~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and stretched out his hand forward.

The golden light shines......

With the glow of the Elf crest, the holy sword that slays the Demon King appears!

The unknown holy sword!

Everyone was attracted by the brilliance of the holy sword.

The holy sword and the holy boy who uses the holy sword seem to be a perfect combination. It seems that people can't help but feel

Unknown Holy Sword user, it seems that Princess Rias has a good eye.

Leval smiled, it was not like he had never encountered the Holy Sword before.

This level alone is not enough to scare him.

He is a descendant of Phoenix, the highest level demon, and even the Demon King cannot do anything to him!

Thank you for the compliment, but let's make a quick decision!

Kanzaki Yang had no intention of wasting time with them here.

The longer you stay in the underworld, the greater your chances of being noticed.

Rather than making a big fuss at Lysa and Rias's wedding and letting all the demons know him, he thought it would be better to fight quickly in Phoenix's territory.

He doesn't like too much attention on himself.

Unless.........he already has the power of the God of the Bible in his prime and beyond.

Brother, you must be careful~

Rebel cheered for her brother.

Even she wasn't sure whether she meant that her brother should be careful not to hurt herself, or whether she wanted him to be careful not to hurt the other person.


Just after Rebel said this, Kanzaki Yang saw the purple light emerging from her head.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is purple! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest—Choice of Secretary: If you have something to do, the secretary will do it, if nothing else...accept Rebel Phoenix as your secretary, this is the best job for her! 】

Well~ let's see then~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and temporarily listed this treasure box in the list of unopened treasure boxes.

It was really inappropriate to do this kind of thing now, but she saw that girl seemed to care about him too?

Out of his own interest, Kanzaki Yang determined the reason, and then showed a clear expression.

It turns out... Rebel and Orario's girls have certain overlapping attributes - they like boys with heroic attributes and masculinity.

Therefore, Rebel will think that her brother is a waste, but she will be attracted to Hyoudou Issei who desperately tries to save Rias.

It's almost the same now. She didn't expect that a man would go directly to Phoenix's house for her lover. It was really... so manly and heroic.

In particular, Kanzaki Yang still uses the Holy Sword... which is even more bonus.

It's a pity that Kanzaki Yang had destroyed her home with one blast before, causing her to be thrown out of the room by her brother. Otherwise, she would have been happier.

Don't worry~ Rebel, don't you know my brother's strength yet? Lysa saw her sister looking very worried and decided to give her a shot in the arm.

Hmm...actually it should be a dose of poisonous milk for his brother LeVar.


Just like you said, let's fight quickly!

Putting aside the flag of his cheating brother for the time being, LeVar's body ignited with the flames of the phoenix!

Like his father, he didn't notice Yang Kanzaki's aura at the time.

This boy... is definitely not simple!

So he was very energetic.

Since you want to represent your brother, and your brother Lesa agrees, I have no problem with it.

Kanzaki Yang gently raised the holy sword.

Apart from anything else, the feeling of being one with Esther when using it is indeed very comfortable, which is a feeling that other holy swords cannot bring at all.

After all, other holy swords are just his creations, but Esther is the sword spirit connected to him. 410


With the burst of flames, Leval's speed instantly increased to the extreme.

it's useless.......

Kanzaki Yang smiled slightly, he already knew from which direction the opponent would attack!

After killing the black dragon, he upgraded to Level 6, and his realm has reached the peak of a superior demon.

If you want to deal with LeVar, he can easily crush him with his current ability without using any explosive means!

Because the two levels are not at the same level at all.

After the evolution of the Ark Red Ball, Kanzaki Yang's physique at this time has surpassed Hestia's mother body, and is basically equal to the original God of the Bible.

All it takes... is time to grow.


Kanzaki Yang pointed the holy sword at one place.

Sure enough, LeVar appeared here in the next moment.


Leval did not expect that Yang Kanzaki, who had been silent for a long time, would suddenly draw his sword in the direction where he was about to appear!

Si Liu...

A streak of blood appeared on his face, which was the result of not stopping the car.

Don't even think about escaping~

LeVar originally wanted to take a breath first, but he didn't expect...

In fact, it was expected by Kanzaki Yang that he would retreat here.


In the surrounding space, the triggering magic circle that had been arranged long ago was triggered instantly!

[Simulated Noble Phantasm: Red Rose that Breaks Demons! 】

Several Kanzaki Yo's homemade version of the Demon-Breaking Red Roses galloped out of the magic circle!

It broke through Leval's usual magic barrier as easily as piercing paper, and penetrated into Leval's body.


LeVar almost fell from the air, but managed to stay afloat. .

Chapter 129

This person...does he know about my actions?

With his wisdom from being a king for many years, he naturally knew the reason why he was in this situation.

Is the gap between me and that boy so big? !

It's over~

Just as he came back to his senses, the golden holy sword released a holy light.


The holy light bombarded Leval's body and swallowed his whole body instantly!


Seeing her brother in such danger, Rebel could not help but cry out.

Such a situation has developed in such a short period of time? My brother is at the top of the rating-game and has defeated countless powerful opponents. Logically speaking, his combat experience will never be lost to that of a human.

But this is really not a question of combat experience, but a question of fighting style.

The fighting styles of the two are not on the same level at all.


This boy is very strange~ Duke Phoenix also noticed this.

He even felt that even if he took action himself, the situation would not be better than Leval.

That is a gap that is almost impossible to bridge.

The brilliance of the holy sword dissipated.

LeVar fell from the sky, and when he was about to finally hit the ground, his body still managed to ignite the Phoenix Flame, and he stumbled into flight again.

He knew...the other party had kept his hand.

Otherwise, if you keep releasing the light cannon, you might be able to take him away directly!

The pure and extremely pure holy power is terrifying.

It seems like I failed~

LeVar said 410 very directly.


Lesa couldn't help but take a step back. He didn't expect that his brother would admit defeat so directly?

With this powerful holy power, if it weren't for the fact that you don't have the aura of an angel on your body, I would have thought that you were some kind of Seraph or even the god who came in person~ But it seems that you don't belong to our three parties. people?

Now that he had given up, LeVar had no intention of fighting again, but asked about Kanzaki Yang with great interest.

He has his own considerations. If he is a person from the Bible force, they should have heard of this man a long time ago, right?

But in fact, neither he nor his parents had heard of this person's existence.

Seeing that her brother was fine, Rebel let out a sigh of relief.

After hearing what Leval asked Kanzaki Yang, she pricked up her ears and listened.

Ahem...She just wanted to find out the identity of the person who beat up her brother. She had absolutely no intention of eavesdropping on the news and getting a little closer.

I am indeed not a member of the three parties.

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