Rias, didn't I go out before? That's when I got the Savior Star Dragon.

There is nothing wrong with Kanzaki Yang's words. The Savior Star Dragon was indeed obtained when he left the Demon High School world and was in the dungeon world.

Savior Dragon... Is this the name of that dragon?

Rias had to admit that Savior Dragon... was indeed a name that fit the temperament of that crystal dragon.

It turns out that this dragon is called this name. A slightly resentful voice came from the side.

If it was Tiamat and Rias had already woken up, she would naturally wake up as well. She was not restrained by Kanzaki Yo's attributes.

As a dragon who was also severely educated by the Savior Star Dragon, she didn't know the name of the Savior Star Dragon until now.

Yang Jun! Who is this person!?

Rias exclaimed, she originally thought she and Kanzaki Yang were the only ones on the bed, but wasn't that the case? !


Kanzaki Yang felt that he had to explain again.


Student Union Room.

Cang Na was sorting out the information for the day.

In Kanzaki Yang's absence, she officially assumed the responsibility of the student council president, handling matters that Kanzaki Yang could not handle in his absence.

Now it seems that the president's job is really not as easy to handle as usual~

Sona pressed her chest and sighed.

In the past, she had seen Kanzaki Yoto handle matters very simply. She only had to do the things assigned by the president.

But I didn't expect that there are still many things that I need to consider when dealing with it.

As she thought about it, Cang Na pressed her chest harder.

The reason why she pressed her chest was because she had felt heart palpitations since this morning.

It seems as if something important has been lost~


Gently, the door was pushed open, and a straight, black-haired girl who looked very serious walked in from the door.

Chunji, have the restoration work of the old school building been completed? Sona asked casually.

The old school building caught fire not long ago due to the raging fire of Phoenix. The flames of Phoenix were not easy to extinguish, so it took several days of treatment to completely repair it.

Before that, they could only arrange the illusion barrier and then tell all the students not to approach the old school building.

The restoration of the old school building has been completed. I believe that when I come back tomorrow, I will see the school as intact as ever~ After Shinra Chunji said this, she kept observing Sona's expression.

Just as she imagined, when she heard the word president, the vice president was stunned for a while. .

Chapter 125

That's right~ If I don't restore Kuoh Academy to the way it was when the president handed it over to me, I won't have the face to face the president~

Sona sighed.

She didn't expect Rias's resistance to be so fierce, and a conflict broke out directly with Lesa on campus.

By the way, is Rias's kitten okay now?

Sona asked again.

Yes, Tacheng-san said he was only slightly injured before.

But because Phoenix's flames are a bit difficult to deal with, he probably needs to rest for a while.

Shinra Chunji adjusted her glasses. She didn't expect that taciturn white-haired cat to be able to explode with such powerful fighting power.

White-haired cats refer to kittens.

She has had head-on confrontations with Phoenix before.

Speaking of which, Vice President, why don't you go visit the President first?

Shinra Chunji asked a little strangely.

Obviously the president came back the day before yesterday, and they got the news about the president's return yesterday.

But Sona didn't react much... Is this the so-called tsundere girl?

Why don't you go visit the president?

Because I don't want to crash with Rias~

Cang Na adjusted her eyes and added in her mind.

She saw that the situation on Rias' side seemed to be more urgent, so she gave the opportunity there to Rias first.

Hmm... She is still talking about the friendship between best friends.

But...she didn't know yet that her best friend was already happily being a cat, and she didn't feel much discomfort except that she couldn't bear the impact of the holy power.

Chun Ji, don't worry about these things, just do your job well.

Cang Na beat her family member and told her not to call 407 and listen to the master's gossip.

Yes, Vice President.

Shinra Chunji's voice was very calm, but it was impossible to give up gossip... It was impossible in this life.

In this way, in Sona's slightly uneasy mood, the day finally came for Kanzaki Yo to return from leave.

Unfortunately, almost all the students in the school know this news.

Have you heard? The president will be back tomorrow~ I feel like I have the motivation to study again! A girl's eyes showed tears of emotion. She didn't expect that she would be gone without the president. The mind to learn.

What? What if the president is around and has the intention to learn?

emmmm......This is also impossible. The President must be looking at and thinking about President Yang every day when he is around! ~Where do you get the desire to study?

Conclusion: No matter what, I have no intention of studying. It is impossible to study, even in this life. I can only survive by looking at the president and thinking about the president every day.

President! In the days without you, my academic performance has even declined!!~

Hey~ have you heard? It is said that the president left this time because of the incident with Vice President Cang Na.

Oh? What's going on? Another girl suddenly became interested. Sure enough, gossip is human nature.

It's the matter of Vice-President Ao Na getting pregnant before marriage~ I heard that before the president left, he went to visit Vice-President Ao Na at his home! A girl said a conclusion that was obviously drawn without careful consideration.

Is that true? But didn't you say it was a rumor before?

Idiot! It's just because it has a certain degree of authenticity that the president and vice-president ordered the news to be banned!~

I see, I really learned a lesson!


Before Kanzaki Yang entered the academy, he knew that his gossip had been spread everywhere.

But he doesn't care much about this kind of thing now. After all, this also shows that his classmates love him, doesn't it?

He has an image, and he feels that in the eyes of his classmates, not wearing a condom will lead to others getting pregnant out of wedlock, and this must be corrected.

Is he not wearing it just to make sure that he doesn't have any worries?

With his current physique, it is estimated that the most likely possibility is with Elsa. After all, Elsa's physique is the one closest to his, and the rest, even with Ophis, is almost impossible.

However, given that he has a lifespan that can last for hundreds of millions of years with no end in sight, a low fertility rate doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Yangjun, everything will be fine, right?

Rias was still a little worried before leaving. After all, she had not rejected Kanzaki Yang before, and she had not had time to take medicine or anything.

At this time, Rias was already a little panicked, forgetting that human medicine might not have any effect on demons.

Don't worry~ It's okay. Have you ever seen an angel and a demon give birth to offspring? Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly. This was the first time Rias had asked him such a question.

Aren't you just not wearing it? How big of a deal?

That's what you said...that's true~ Rias was once again convinced by the reasons given by Kanzaki Yang.

It does seem to make sense.

After all, she has also seen Kanzaki Yang's power. Unlike priests and holy swordsmen who use holy power and holy swords, Kanzaki Yang itself is almost composed of holy power. In theory, it is impossible to have offspring with a devil, and It is impossible to be reincarnated into a demon.


After all, the real God of the Bible has died, and things like the Holy Demon Sword can be made. The son of the Holy Demon should also be a theoretical possibility, but because of Kanzaki Yo's holy and Rias's demon It’s just difficult to balance and integrate if they’re not on the same level.

By the way, Yang Jun, what I told you before...

Rias stopped mid-sentence, as if she thought of something again.

Well, (bdcc) I know. After all, Rias is mine now~ Now the circumstances have arisen that force Lesa to take action, and there is also the testimony of Gurefia. Leave the rest to me. Let's go~ Kanzaki Yang comforted Rias.

He could feel Rias' uneasiness now.

This is also normal. Normal girls will be worried about gains and losses and a little nervous like her after giving up their first time.

So, Yang Jun restrained Gulefia so that she could not move in order to let her witness... This subtle thought appeared in Rias's mind.

So, Yang Jun is quite thoughtful?

But it does seem a little crazy, and he can even tie up Gulefia and let her watch a live broadcast...

Well, just leave it to me. Kanzaki Yang gave his assurance while stroking Rias's bloody hair.

While walking and saying reassuring words to Rias, the two finally returned to Kuoh Academy.

Looking at Kuou Academy, which didn't seem to be much different from what he remembered, a hint of memory flashed in Kanzaki Yang's eyes.

Although it was just three weeks for Rias and Sona, it was a solid year for him.

How many years can we have?

At least for him now, one year is really not a short period of time.

By the way, Yang Jun, there is one thing I haven't told you yet.

Rias held Kanzaki Yang's hand before walking in, as if she was a little afraid of what Kanzaki Yang would do.

Huh? What's the matter? Kanzaki Yang asked casually.

Leisa was here before... before you came back. Rias hesitated for a long time, and finally finished the sentence hesitantly.

Lisa...Lisa Phoenix, is Rias your fiancée, right? He has been here before...

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes. Is this why Rias is so stressed? Because Lesa had been here before, that's why she was so eager to find him.

Yang Jun, please don't be angry~

Rias's voice became softer and softer as she spoke, and in the end, she could hardly even hear her own voice.

What is it? Don't worry, Rias, don't you know about me?

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes, and he began to make a judgment before Rias could say anything.

While Rias was still hesitating for a few seconds, Kanzaki Yang had already made the relevant judgment.

He looked at Rias calmly, he already knew the reason why Rias would shrink a little.

Yang Jun, that... kitten was burned by Phoenix's flames during the previous conflict with Phoenix.

Rias said guiltily.

It was very difficult for her to have her most precious family members fight for her and suffer for her.

The Gremory family is a family of demons who regard 'love' as their family concept. Other demons regard their dependents as servants, but Rias regards her dependents as family.

I see........

Kanzaki Yang sighed, he finally got the answer from Rias.

So, let's go to the lower grades first~

His performance was different from what Rias had imagined, so much so that Rias was stunned for a moment.

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