
With a gentle sound, Gurefia knelt down on the ground. The magic power in her body was instantly absorbed by the Savior Star Dragon and turned into the energy of the Savior Star Dragon.

Hiss!!~ At the same time, Rias also frowned and froze in place.

Kanzaki Yo... has never had the habit of giving up halfway.

Since she doesn't care, let her stay there.

But speaking of it, it is indeed a coincidence that Gulefia came in today.

Because Kanzaki Yang had temporarily opened the transfer authority in this space before, Rias was able to use transfer magic to enter.

However, after Rias came in, Kanzaki Yang did not close this authority immediately, which resulted in the sudden intrusion of Gurefia later.

Seeing that the deal was done, Gulefiya had a lot of thoughts in her heart.

Not only was he helpless at Rias's actions and angry at Kanzaki Haru's actions, but he was also uneasy about having such a powerful demon king beside Rias.

Able to instantly incapacitate her from fighting and empty her magic power, that crystal dream dragon is definitely a dragon at the pinnacle of the Demon King level and beyond! That is...the Dragon King or the Heavenly Dragon!

A Dragon King or a Heavenly Dragon that has never appeared in the world!

And that young man named Kanzaki Yang has the power to drive such a powerful dragon clan, and his attitude itself at least represents the attitude of a dragon king!

She also knew that Kanzaki Yang himself was not weak, and he had easily solved related incidents in the previous Lost Demon Kuroka incident, but she did not expect that there was a Dragon King-level powerhouse beside him!

If Rias has a way for him to deal with Lessa, she should be able to solve the problem on Lessa's side...

It turns out it's because of this...I see...

Grafia finally understood the reason why Rias came to find Kanzaki Haru.

Maybe it's because Lysa hurt her family members before and she also felt that she couldn't use conventional methods, so she went to such extreme lengths, right?

Just watching Kanzaki Yang's live broadcast, in order to prevent her thoughts from becoming strange, Gulefia's brain began to spread infinitely.

Remember in the data, the holy power that man used, right? And it doesn't seem to be weak.

Rias is undoubtedly a devil, is there really no problem with that?

Gulefia thought of a level that Kanzaki Yoto had not yet thought of.

Sure enough, after a while, Gulefia saw the scene that she thought was very unlikely, but it was indeed possible.

Rias...seems to have been burned by the gushing holy power?

Being able to see the slight embarrassment and subtle expression on the man's face made Gurefia's discomfort at being forcibly rendered powerless lessened.


at this time.


Hmph hum ~ hum hum ~

Tiamat was humming a little tune and flying towards the human world.

There is indeed a connecting node between the human world and the underworld, but generally except for the powerful, there is no way to physically pass there.

Tiamat is in a very good mood now.

I was severely punished by the man named Yang Kanzaki before, but now I finally found a comfortable feeling in Tan Ning.

Sure enough, you should fight with someone who is at the same level as you. Fighting with that man really hurts your self-esteem.

Can that still be called a fight? It's completely a one-sided ravage.

Dragon Apple, I moved the largest fruit tree this time, let him study it carefully~

2.2 Tiamat didn’t know how many times she overfulfilled the task. After all, Kanzaki Yang only asked for a dragon apple, but she directly uprooted the largest fruit tree in Tanning’s territory.

No wonder Lei Lei was so angry that he wanted to fight with her...

Tiamat's idea - bringing back more dragon apples = Kanzaki Yo's research time increases = Kanzaki Yo has no time to torment her, perfect logic!

Therefore, even if the dragon apple had no other growing area except the small devil's territory, she still directly pulled out the largest one.

Tan Ning's heart is bleeding! ~

If he hadn't considered that Tiamat was also a dragon, and he voluntarily reincarnated into a demon just to leave his bloodline to the dragon clan, he would probably hunt Tiamat to the human world.

Go back, go back~ lest that man find another opportunity to torment me.

Tiamat didn't know that Kanzaki Yang didn't have the time or thought to bother her yet.


After casually throwing the dragon apple tree into the backyard and walking into Kanzaki Yang's home, Tiamat felt a familiar wave.

It's the wave of the crystal dragon!

She recognized it, it was the fluctuation of the crystal dragon with the ability to block others! .

Chapter 124

But if she wasn't at home, who would let that man use such power! ?

When she thought about what kind of danger that man might have encountered, Tiamat's heart first flashed with uneasiness and worry, and then she quickly shook her head after she realized what was happening.

What does that man's matter have to do with me? I just went over to see the excitement.

After convincing herself with this reason, Tiamat walked towards Kanzaki Yang's room.

Maybe...this is a way of expressing what is called having changed into the shape of another person.

After all, for the Dragon Clan, it is much easier to conquer with strength and body than with the soul.


She opened the door gently. At this time, Tiamat didn't know yet, but what she opened was actually the door of the abyss.

Well...gate to the abyss for her.

When she opened the door, she saw Kanzaki Yang and Savior Dragon, then Grayfia and Rias.

After being stunned for a while, she finally understood the significance of what happened in front of her.

Isn't it Lyfia, the Queen of the Underworld who once competed with Serafall for the position of Demon King lying on the ground?

Judging from her appearance, she seems to be the same as before? They were all in a state where part of their power was taken away by that crystal-colored dragon.

Tiamat, you're back~ Kanzaki Yang also noticed Tiamat's return, but he didn't expect Tiamat to come back so early.

If you come back so early, then let’s go together~

Originally, he had a premonition that Rias would come to him with something very important, so he sent Tiamat away. However, since the matter on this side is now settled, there is nothing for Tiamat to come back.

Um...I'm going to make a cup of coffee first~

Tiamat twitched the corner of her mouth. When he saw the Queen of the Underworld lying on the ground, he had a deep understanding of how crazy and audacious this man was.

And... Live broadcasting in front of the Queen of the Underworld... She really couldn't accept it.

Well, come over after making coffee and change your shift?

Kanzaki Yang's words made Tiamat freeze, but she still hurriedly left.

Change work or something... Tiamat feels that she is worthy of being the man who conquered the Heavenly Dragon and the Dragon King. How could she say it so naturally?

In fact, it is really necessary.

As Gulefia saw, Kanzaki Yang's holy power was too powerful, and it was okay for it to be a dragon that had no conflict with the holy attribute.

But Rias is a devil...

Even if Kanzaki Yang has tried his best to reduce the concentration of holy power, the powerful holy power given to him by the godhead of the Bible God and the divine constitution of the dungeon world is not on the same level as Rias.

It's totally normal for this to happen. it's normal to need Tiamat's successor~


I don't know how long it took, but Gulefiya finally felt that she had regained her strength.

During this period, she didn't know how far she had spread her thoughts to maintain her sanity.

Feeling the return of magic power and ability, Gurefia closed her eyes and began to sort out the magic power running route in her body.

It is really uncomfortable to lose all your strength in an instant, as if everything you have been given and obtained through your own efforts has been taken away by God.

She hadn't felt this kind of powerlessness for a long time, and she never thought that it would be such a young man who gave her such a feeling of powerlessness.

Seeing the half-clothed boy looking at her jokingly, she just bit her lip and then returned to her usual posture.

Kanzaki-sama, please tell Rias-sama, I will convey her will to Sirzechs. Please also ask Rias-sama and Kanzaki-sama to be prepared¨¨.

I see.

Kanzaki Yang responded with a smile.

He knew the meaning of Gurefia's words. Although it sounded like a threat, it actually did not express any of her own will.

It seemed that she did not express her will, but this way of speaking expressed her dissatisfaction.

Yes, a normal girl would be very angry if she was treated like this, let alone Gulefia, who has a strong sense of self-esteem and responsibility.

Then, Lord Kanzaki, I hope you can take good care of Lady Rias. I will leave first.

After saying this, Gulefia left.

But when she left, her footsteps could not help but soften a bit. It seemed that the previous loss of magic power had indeed had a great impact on her.

Does it need to be cleaned?

Kanzaki Yang looked at the obviously water-stained ground and fell into deep thought.

After gaining the power of the gods in the dungeon world, Kanzaki Yang's perception has been greatly improved compared to before.

He seemed to see and smell something different among the countless smells.

It looks interesting~ Kanzaki Yang smiled and said nothing more, but went to sleep holding Rias in his arms.

Stop thinking about random things now...


The next day, Rias woke up.

Yes, I remember I slept with Yang Jun last night, right?

Rias's head was still a little dazed.

With her strength and physique, it is undoubtedly a dream to challenge Kanzaki Yang. In addition, Kanzaki Yang's holy power attribute and magic attribute conflict, which is a polar existence in itself.

No... pain.

Of course there is no pain anymore. I have cured it for you. Don't be so crazy in the future.

A familiar voice came from her ears.

It was the voice of the boy who once told her, Leave everything to him.


Rias subconsciously hugged Kanzaki Yang.

She felt that she was indeed a bad girl~ She knew that Yangjun would not let her go, so she gave an environment in which Yangjun had absolutely the right reasons to participate in her marriage.

Yang Jun did that kind of thing in front of Gulefia, right? It was also to express his position, right?

She still doesn't know what happened after she passed out. If she knew, maybe she wouldn't think so.

By the way! Mr. Yang, why did Gurefia look like that yesterday?!

Rias suddenly thought of a question that should be paid more attention to. How did Yang Jun let Gulefiya lie there and watch their live broadcast?

Her brain had not allowed her to think otherwise, but now she finally had room to think.

What is that crystal dragon that looks extremely beautiful? What kind of ability can make Gulefia lose her fighting power instantly?

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