
Rias followed Kanzaki Yang thoughtfully to the first grade teaching building.


Koneko-san! Koneko-san!

When Tacheng Mao was healing herself and thinking about what her sister said to her, she heard the voice of her classmate.

What...what happened?

Koneko asked a little dazedly after getting out of lying on the table.

Senior Yang is back! He even came to find you! The girl who woke up the little cat said excitedly. .

Chapter 126

Her heart for gossip was blazing. She didn't expect that the president would have such a good relationship with Mao Mao, and that the first person he would look for after coming back would be Mao Mao?

Moreover, it seems that Director Rias of the Supernatural Research Department is also with the president. What will happen? She is looking forward to further developments.

Senior Yang!

The kitten's expression was a little confused.

Has Senior Yang returned? And he even found her?

Although she already knew from Himejima Akeno that Kanzaki Yang had returned, she was not ready to face Kanzaki Yang yet.

Yes, the kitten thinks it's her own fault for getting herself hurt.

Kitten! Go quickly! What are you doing standing here?

The girl who woke up the kitten saw that she was still thinking about something and pushed her out of the classroom.

You're welcome! She is the partner of justice! The agent of the people's will!

Yang...Yang-senpai. Kitty didn't dare to look directly at Kanzaki Yang.

After all, they were the ones who had a conflict with Phoenix before Kanzaki Yang came back.

Kitten, it's my fault. Let's go to the old school building first~ Kanzaki Yang saw the look of Kitty blaming himself and smiled helplessly.

It was indeed his fault. He obviously promised Kuroka that he would protect the kitten, but the kitten was still injured.

After a crowd of first-year students watched and exclamated, Kanzaki Yang took Koneko's hand and left the lower class.

Arriving at the old school building, Kanzaki Yang took a look at the injury of the kitten, and he had to say that it was indeed serious. The kitten's magic has not been completely cured yet.

However, his research on immortality should be much more profound than that of Kitty.

It must have been burned by Phoenix's flames. Even for dragons, it has a temperature that burns dragon scales. Coupled with the difficulty of Phoenix's flames, it's no wonder that it took a few days to heal.

A burst of white light appeared on Kanzaki Yang's hand, which was the light that represented magic.

As the white shimmer circulated through the kitten's body, the kitten felt an unprecedented sense of comfort.


Unable to bear it, the kitten subconsciously let out its own meow.

Okay, basically there is no problem. Kanzaki Yang patted the kitten's head, breaking her out of her extremely comfortable expression.

Immortal magic has various applications, whether it is used to enhance one's own physique and combat effectiveness, or to penetrate into the enemy's body to destroy the opponent's origin, or to treat the origin, it has a very good effect.

Of course, the one-size-fits-all effect means that it is difficult to reach the peak in all aspects.

Rias, Koneko, Akeno, I want to go out, do you want to come with me?

Kanzaki Yang adjusted his collar in front of the mirror in the Supernatural Research Department, and said while doing so.

Going out? Where to go? Yang Jun, didn't you just come back?

Rias' tone was a little hasty, obviously...the two of them slept together last night, and now Yang Jun is leaving?

She only felt her nose was a little sore.

After a girl hands over her body, she will indeed be worried about gain and loss. Kanzaki Yang also understands, so he immediately gave an explanation.

Didn't I ask you if you wanted to come together? Don't worry, we're not going far away. We'll be back soon.

After Kanzaki Yang arranged his clothes, the light of the magic circle flashed under his feet.

Ah la ah la~ It does seem to be quite an emergency~

Himejima Akeno squinted her eyes, with a smile on her face. She felt that she already knew what Kanzaki Yang would do.

Akeno, do you know what's going on? Rias asked hurriedly.

Rias, who is usually very smart, always loses her mind when it comes to issues related to relationships.

Of course~ The place Yang-kun is going to...is Phoenix's territory, right? Akeno Himejima felt... Sure enough, Yang-kun is Yang-kun~

Ah, that's it. Do you want to come together?

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand towards Rias and others. Regardless of whether they were together or not, he would go to the territory of the Phoenix family.

Because apart from Rias's matter...this is already about himself.

Senior Yang, there is no need for this. What we should do now is to wait for the minister's side to create environmental conditions that allow Senior Yang to take action, and then wait until we take the initiative. Kitty gently pulled Kanzaki Yang's hand. sleeve.

She didn't want Kanzaki Yang to have any impulsive thoughts because of her.

Although she was also happy and moved by Yang-senpai's thoughts, she did not want Minister Rias to be at a disadvantage in the engagement field again when she was already injured.

What she didn't know was that Yang Kanzaki actually already had a position to intervene head-on.


Rias took Koneko's hand and let her hand escape Kanzaki Haru's sleeve.

Anyway, Gurefia has been back for a long time now, and her brother's side should also know about her, so be it!

As someone who has become one with Yang Jun, she feels that she should at least understand and accept Kanzaki Yang's thoughts and actions in this regard.

Minister Rias?

The kitten doesn't understand this, so she is just an immature loli.

Kitten, Kuroka isn't with you now, is he? Kanzaki Yang asked a question that seemed like it shouldn't be asked at this time.

Yes...yes, sister is not here.

The kitten's eyes lowered.

She remembered what her sister said to her after seeing her injuries: Baiyin, you are the only one who can be relied on, you know? Men, women, including my sister, are all unreliable.

After saying this, Heige never appeared in front of the kitten again.

Although Heige is responsible for guiding Koneko's practice, he is not always by Koneko's side. For example, Heige cannot be by Koneko's side when Koneko goes to school.

That's why the kitten was injured in the conflict with Phoenix.

If Kuroka was here... not to mention completely defeating Phoenix, but it would still be possible to torture Lesa alive dozens of times.

After Heige saw the kitten's injury, he did not heal the kitten. He just told the kitten to think about his own affairs while he healed himself.

It didn't take long for Heige to say goodbye to the kitten. Without waiting for the kitten's response, Heige disappeared in front of the kitten and has not appeared again until now.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Kitten, do you know what Kuroka is doing now? Kanzaki Yang asked, looking at the kitten who was deep in thought.

No...I don't know, sister didn't say whether she would come back... Kitty replied in a daze.


Kitten, this makes it even more necessary for me to go to the Phoenix family.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes, Kuroka... is indeed a very vengeful cat~

Why? Kitten still didn't understand.

Because if I take action against the black singer, I'm afraid I won't have the face to see her in the future.

The formation at Kanzaki Yang's feet released a powerful light, instantly transporting several people from the Supernatural Research Department to the underworld.

Senior Yang? What you just said about your sister! Kitty didn't have the heart to care about the things they had been transferred to. She just wanted to know the news about her sister.

Yes, Heige will probably beat that turkey that hurt you to death at some point, but this time is not in the last few days.

.... 0 .....

You should also know that I have a certain ability to predict things, right? This is what I accidentally predicted.

Kanzaki Yang knew how much Koneko meant to Kuroka, so how could she just give up without doing anything?

He has already determined that when Lesa goes out for a walk in a few days, Heige will bring the trouble-making monkey and directly torture Phoenix a thousand times, and then throw the half-dead turkey at the door of Phoenix's house.

And he must make his own response before that.

Otherwise... he will despise himself.

So Mr. Yang, you're going to move us to Phoenix's territory all at once?

Rias sighed, she accepted what Kanzaki Yang said and did.

I'm just... a little tired...

Yang Jun, you can definitely wait until your identity is registered before entering the underworld~~~ If you come in like this, you will be treated as a stowaway! ~

Moreover, Kanzaki Yang is still the kind of holy attribute that is quite blinking in the underworld. She is worried about what others will do in this regard.

That's it, Rias, you can contact your brother first and let him make preparations in advance.

Kanzaki Yang moved his wrist and looked towards Phoenix's mansion.

When he entered the old school building, he had already noticed the difference between the old school building and the previous one. Considering Phoenix's conflict with the kittens and the others, Kanzaki Yang already knew what Phoenix had done to his school.

After all, he is the school he manages, but the old school building was destroyed and his schoolgirl was injured...

Kanzaki Yang is not someone who can hold back his anger and say anything about this kind of thing!

Okay, I understand. I'll contact my brother right away.

Rias nodded sharply.

After seeing Kanzaki Yang's ability to let Gurefia watch the live broadcast, she no longer had any doubts about Kanzaki Yang's actions. At most, she would only ask questions out of doubt.


It's the beginning of the month, please send me some monthly tickets and flowers, Crab can see everyone now~ Dao.

Chapter 127

Ah la ah la~ It's really exciting to watch~

Himejima Akeno looked at Kanzaki Yang with a smile, and sure enough...Yang-kun is that Yang-kun~

It really made her a little excited~

Senior Yang, are you planning to...

The kitten suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

No way Senior Yang wants...

What do I want to do? What I want to do is very simple. Since they destroyed our old school building, we have to find some other ways to get it back, right?

After all... I'm still the student council president of Kuoh Academy~

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand forward.

It just so happens that the Phoenix family's villa is also built on a Feng Shui treasure land, which saved me a lot of trouble~

Kanzaki Yang observed the environment around Phoenix's house and nodded.

Then he raised his hand toward the sky.

Countless symbols and strange words flew out from his hands in all directions.

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