In the frivolous but exciting words, a loud noise appeared beside Nangong Yue at the same time. Kai's speed has exceeded the limit that humans can imagine, and every attack is directed towards Nangong Yue's fatal spot!

But without exception, Kai, who was already burning with life, was still blocked by the normal Nangong Yue through the most basic fist and kick skills, and then counterattacked instantly!

To put it figuratively speaking, the painting style of 'Naruto' was abruptly transformed into that of 'Dragon Ball'...

Just like in 'Dragon Ball', the weaker party breaks out regardless of the consequences and forcibly confronts the enemy in a normal state.

Senju Hashirama, who was controlled by Madara's Yin-Yang Escape Short Spear, watched the amazing physical battle between the two without blinking.

"This kind of power... Both of them are real monsters. What's more terrifying is the boy who fights enemies with normality, the public enemy of the contemporary ninja world and the leader of the Akatsuki organization...

If it were me, even if I had the ability to instantly recover from injuries, I still wouldn't be able to survive for more than three seconds..."

Not far away from him, Senju Tobirama, a speed ninja from the Warring States Period, was also staring at the two human-shaped hurricanes in the sky.

"A very terrifying attack. The strength that the two of them exploded in an instant may have exceeded the full strength of the eldest brother before his death, and even the full strength of the current Uchiha Madara.

If it were me, I would have to find a way to escape, but with my nerves, I might not even be able to escape. "

On Uchiha Madara's side, the One to Five Tails have been sucked into the outside demon statue. With Madara's operation, the Six-Tails are also close at hand.

He also took the opportunity to glance at the sky,

"I'm really unwilling to give up to this kind of opponent... directly to this monster...

Unexpectedly...the attack that penetrated my full body Susana was not even the limit of that guy's taijutsu...

However, if it were me, in my current state, I would probably not be a match for that lunatic, and I must become Six Paths as soon as possible! "

Suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Uchiha Madara immediately accelerated his actions. As expected, the only four tailed beasts left suffered...

When the storm-like attack finally stopped, Kai, who was knocked to the ground again, was breathing heavily. Sweat dripped from his forehead, but it evaporated in an instant, turning into steam and melting into the blood mist. .

Falling on the broken earth, looking at Nangong Yue who was still calm floating in the air, the dazzling red cloud and black robe was still intact and fluttering in the wind, and the other party was not harmed in any way.

But his life force was being consumed rapidly, and the look of determination on his face became even more obvious. Just when he was about to make a desperate move, Kakashi suddenly jumped out from the secret place, staring at Nangong Yue with a scarlet kaleidoscope.

"Kai! Attack quickly! I'll help you create opportunities!

Divine power! ! ! "

All the chakra rushed towards the Mangeidoscope. At this moment, Kakashi ignored his own body and the power of the Mangeidoscope, and used all his strength to activate his divine power.

The space was distorted. Nangong Yue sighed slightly. It was also a space ninjutsu, but the function of this jutsu was too monotonous. If the 'teleportation' function was not included, this level of space distortion would be difficult even for a beginner of 'space shaping'. It can be done!

Although Kakashi's space distortion cannot destroy Nangong Yue's body, it can still temporarily trap him in the space distortion position, so Nangong Yue must prioritize Kakashi's technique.

But it just so happens that Nangong Yue has always been attacking this life-burning beast head-on anyway, and this time is no less important.

Seizing what he thought was a fleeting opportunity, Kai let out a roar and rushed forward.

"Eight Gate Dunjia Formation! Ye Kai!!!"

Metkai finally launched the final attack of the Eight Gate Dunjia. The world collapsed under this force, and blood-red steam rose into the sky. This move was the last roar of Metkai and the last attack of the ninja alliance. hope.


There was silence in the consciousness space, Naruto opened his eyes,

"Am I... dead?"

"I don't know what your definition of death is, but according to my definition, you are not dead yet."

The old man's voice sounded in this silent space. Naruto stood up in confusion and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw an old man in white clothes suspended cross-legged. The dark jade for seeking truth formed a ring at his feet, seeming to drag him suspended in the air. His snow-white beard was extremely long, hanging down to his waist. The immortal tin staff was also suspended above him. In front of you.

‘This is a serious and old-fashioned old man! ’

This was the subconscious impression in Naruto's mind, and it was also the impression that most people had when they first met the Sage of Six Paths.

"Who are you, grandpa? And, where are you?"

He asked, turning around and looking around. There was nothing but a silent void. There was a pool of stagnant water under his feet, and there was no feeling of standing on the water.

If I had to say it, it was similar to the space in his body that sealed the Nine-Tails, but there was no Nine-Tails here, not even a seal.

Although Naruto was asking questions, he was also secretly examining the Six Paths Sage in front of him, constantly analyzing something. Although at his level, he couldn't analyze anything...

Judging from the appearance, the other person was obviously different from the current humans. His skin was white as snow, his face was full of wrinkles, and his pupils had ripples that spread in circles. He was not unfamiliar with it, those were the eyes of reincarnation.

There are two horns on the forehead that do not look like humans, and there seems to be an eye between the eyebrows.

'Well...this old man, he feels like that Tao Shi, really like...'

"What is my name? That's a really good question, but I'm not sure whether the name currently circulating is the same as my real name. After all, it's too old.

I am the embodiment of peace and order, and my name is Hagoromo. "

Naruto raised his head and looked at him silently. He seemed to have no reaction. To put it simply, he was confused.

The Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo's face remained unchanged and his tone was calm,

"I have expected this kind of reaction. It is simply the same as Asura's back then."

Naruto still maintained a confused expression, cursing secretly in his heart.

‘Ah... I always find it difficult to communicate...

Sure enough, this kind of nagging old man is the type I am least good at dealing with, but the current situation looks very strange, and he has the Samsara Eye, so he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Moreover, this old man and the young man controlled by Nangong Yue are probably the same kind...'

"Grandpa, what happened to your reincarnation eye?"

Ask directly when you think of it, this is Naruto's usual style.

The Immortal of Six Paths raised his eyes slightly, and although his expression did not change, it gave the impression of a kind smile. He continued to narrate in his unique context,

"Very good, it seems that you have a pair of observant eyes. Of course, it would be better if you could deduce your current status based on reality.

In short, you are not dead yet. This is your spiritual world. It is my chakra that temporarily protects your soul. It is useless for you to be anxious now, so..."

Naruto, whose emotions were written directly on his face, twisted his expression into a ball, showing an obviously impatient look. He listened to the old man talking in front of him, but it seemed that most of them were nonsense. He was still worried about the real war!

"Can you tell me the key points? Try to be concise, say something I can understand, and speak it in plain language!

Time is precious, and the world is still facing disasters! "

Naruto urged loudly, and the panic expression on his face didn't seem to be fake.

The Immortal of Six Paths still had an expressionless face and said calmly,

"Because it has been so long ago, I have great differences with you in terms of wording, cultural traditions and concepts... and ethics.

Like this, when you meet a reincarnated person who transcends time, you will feel the huge gap between the two. Although I have also learned new languages ​​and forms,..."

The 'impatient' look on Naruto's face became more and more obvious. At this moment, he suddenly interrupted him and said loudly,

"I'm so annoyed! What on earth does what you said have to do with the questions I asked?!

The point! Let’s get to the point! ! ! "


The Sage of Six Paths looked at Naruto who was furious in front of him, stopped the tirade that was going on, and snorted softly after a while.

It was just because he hadn't spoken to anyone for too long that he couldn't help his old habit of preaching when he saw Naruto, the reincarnation of his son, so he started talking endlessly.

"Well, in that case, I will talk to you in words you can understand...

You don’t have to worry too much about the war in the outside world. The time flow rate in the mental space is somewhat different from that in the outside world. We have enough time to understand the beginning and end of everything.

First, regarding my identity, I am a monk who watches the world. In my time, I was called the Sage of Six Paths. I founded the Ninja Sect and explained the true meaning of Chakra to the world. "

The Immortal's tin staff was slowly rotating beside him, and the Immortal of Six Paths spoke again. This time, he obviously stopped talking nonsense.

"Eh?! Sage of Six Paths!!!"


Chapter 392


"Eh?! Sage of Six Paths!!!"

A surprised expression appeared on Naruto's face;

"Is he the legendary ancestor of ninjas, the sage who saved the world in the hands of the Ten-Tails and brought peace to the ninja world?"

"Oh, you know, and you seem to know a lot.

In this case, the explanation becomes easier. "

Naruto nodded,

"Ah, I heard Mr. Kakashi talk about what the Ten-Tails is not long ago. That Nangong Yue had this history. Because it wasn't that long ago, I still remember it."

The Six Paths Immortal's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Nangong Yue...what...

Could he be the outsider...

(Also, the person who has frequently entered and exited his mother’s sealed space during this period of time could not be the Nangong Yue this boy mentioned...

It seems that something big happened in this world while I was sleeping...)"

Naruto glanced at the old man Liu Dao and smiled bitterly.

"Not only that, because of the information revealed by the leader of the Akatsuki organization, I also knew that I was the reincarnation of Shura, and Sasuke was the reincarnation of Indra. It was said to prevent your mother from leaving. sealed...

But I always feel that something is wrong. I heard that the mother of the Immortal of Six Paths once ruled the world and brought tranquility and peace to the world. Unfortunately, she became cruel in the end and became the person who destroyed the world. Why is this? "

Although the Immortal of Six Paths remained expressionless, his heart was not calm at all.

"I have only told Hamura about this matter. Now that even you know...

No...that 01 outsider actually announced it like this. In other words, mother must have known about it...

Sigh... This is going to be difficult. If my mother really breaks the seal, if you take precautions, you and another boy alone have little chance of sealing my powerful mother...

After all, mother, she is a higher-level existence..."


"Son, it's a good thing you've started to think about peace.

For me, the definition of ‘peace’ is simply tranquility and order. "


Naruto nodded continuously and said,

"I heard that Grandpa Liudao brought peace to the world a long time ago, so I want to ask him for advice on how to save the world?

Also, grandpa's mother Kaguya has clearly unified the ninja world and brought long-term peace to the ninja world, but why...? "

Hearing this, the Sage of Six Paths looked beyond Naruto to the distance in the spiritual space, as if he was caught in some kind of memory. After a moment, he said calmly.

"My mother, I don't know how to describe it...

As far back as I can remember, I can't even feel the difference between good and evil in her body. Just like her eye skills, she is as white as a piece of paper.

Unifying the world was out of necessity, and the same was true when she later launched the Infinite Tsukuyomi to imprison everyone. She even merged with the sacred tree. The specific reason is unknown, but judging from the results, it was all for 'power'.

Perhaps in the mother's heart, there was no concept of 'peace' from the beginning. To her, other people in the world were no different from things like trees, fish, insects, birds, beasts, and air.

I don’t know where my mother comes from. The only thing I know is that she is not a ‘person’ in this world.

Also, Naruto, you are a bit wrong. My mother cannot be used as an example of 'creating a peaceful world'. In the end, she was still trying to gain further power. "


Naruto took a step back, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Hey... before I give you power, I want to tell you a story about my two sons, Indra and Asura, and the way to truly protect peace.

I don’t know what you heard from that outsider, but as a person involved in that period of history, you have to listen carefully to this narrative..."

In the calm tone of the Sage of Six Paths, he recounted the events of that year. What was surprising was that Naruto had already understood most of the things from Nangong Yue's stories. Only the details were the first time he heard them. explain.


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