Madara frowned and his samsara eyes narrowed. His shadow from the border prison had just returned to his body and was in the stage of replenishing chakra. He stopped his feet and quickly retreated.

At the same time, he was puzzled, feeling that the other person's pattern of blue chakra seemed familiar to him.

boom! ! !

A kick moved the world, causing gravel to fly in the loud noise, and smoke and dust rising into the sky. Metkai's kick was dodged by Madara, but without any hesitation, he formed a seal with his hands and let out a roar,


It exploded in an instant, and the pure physical impact violently compressed the air. A white tiger filled with evil energy roared out and attacked Madara who was dodging.

With a bang, the impact triggered a violent explosion. Just now, Uchiha Madara was in mid-air where it was difficult to avoid using force, and there was no point of strength to dodge. Kai also saw with his own eyes that his "Hitsora" hit the opponent.

This is also the reason why he has been holding back until now. He has been waiting for Madara's opportunity to be careless.

"Did it succeed?"

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Kai whispered to himself, obviously unsure.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Madara's figure suddenly appeared in the originally empty open space. Apparently, he had changed places with his Tomb Clone again, and recovered this clone by the way.

Sending out a clone again, Uchiha Madara patted his blood-red shoulder armor and turned to look at Kai, who was still glowing with blue light.

"I remember, it's the Eight Gate Dunjia...

It's interesting, but it's not red steam. How much you look down on me..."

This is not the first time that Uchiha Madara has seen the Eight Gate Dunjia. The last time he saw it was through Zetsu's projection.

And what was recorded that time was the scene of 'Matt opening the door of death and killing seven people with the Ninja Sword'.

"It really doesn't work. You really can't achieve anything by taking chances."

Sighing quietly, Kai's face showed an expression of absolute despair, his heart skipped a beat, and the chakra in his body began to rush towards the last fatal point of his body.

At this point, there was no point in retreating, not to mention that in his burning youth, there was no such thing as retreat.

The door to death suddenly opened, and the blood continued to evaporate, forming red steam surrounding him. Metkai's expression became extremely ferocious because of the pain. The potential of the human body was fully stimulated, and his own strength expanded to the limit hundreds of times. .

Madara's face showed excitement, and he instantly condensed the complete Susana, but this time the size was very small, and he just wore it on himself! But the energy armor all over his body is like real metal, all exuding dazzling light!

"That's right! That's it!!!

Finally I met a decent opponent after this resurrection!

bring it on! Let me have some fun! "

Although Madara now looks like a big blue tengu of normal human height, the power he exudes is even far stronger than his posture of over 500 meters tall!

Kai didn't answer, or in other words, in this state, he couldn't answer at all.

Although the power of Eight Gate Dunjia is powerful, it is also based on consuming vitality and can last for a very short time.

With a loud shout, the air vibrated violently. Kai rushed forward, and there was a thumping sound from the soles of his feet. That was the sound he made when he stepped on the air.

In an instant, it was like a burning flame flashed in front of Madara, and he punched out. The space was distorted with the swing of the fist, and a real sense of danger surged into his heart.

A look of shock appeared on Madara's face for the first time, and then his eyes became solemn. He drew out his two swords with both hands and put them in position. At the same time, he also attached a large amount of senjutsu chakra to the armor! Even the Tengu mask on his face has blood-red lines like Senju Hashirama!

But this wasn't enough, Madara's reincarnation eyes suddenly widened...

"Shinra Tenzheng!!!"

boom! ! ! (Crack!!!)

The space vibrated, and even the extremely compressed Susano armor, even if it was blessed with senjutsu chakra, was still shattered instantly!

Immediately afterwards, the power of Shinra Tenzheng was far more powerful than Pain's destruction of Konoha. Although Kai's fist paused for a moment, it was still unable to withstand the pure power that could shatter the space head-on!


Chapter 390


boom! ! ! (Crack!!!)

The space vibrated, and even the extremely compressed Susano armor, even if it was blessed with senjutsu chakra, was still shattered instantly!

Immediately afterwards, the power of Shinra Tenzheng was far more powerful than Pain's destruction of Konoha. Although Kai's fist paused for a moment, it was still unable to withstand the pure power that could shatter the space head-on!

The wind of the fist continued unabated, and it hit Uchiha Madara hard with a scorching and shattering attitude. The speed was so fast that even Madara, who had already reached the level of annihilation, had no time to dodge.

However, at this moment, the originally twisted space suddenly solidified. Kai, who was emitting red steam, stopped in front of Madara. Taking advantage of this moment, Madara quickly retreated.

As soon as he stepped back, Madara glanced to the side with dissatisfaction.

"Nangong, you are too nosy. It is rare for me to meet an opponent who can make me enjoy myself!"

Where his eyes were focused, Nangong Yue's figure appeared silently, as if he had been standing there from the beginning.

There is nothing that can be done about it. The bellicose Uchiha Madara has indeed forgotten important things while he is fighting. He is still waiting for the sacred tree to recover as soon as possible and directly activate the main contract...-...

He, Nangong Yue, didn’t want to really let himself lose all protection when the time comes, and be completely exposed to the chaotic void. Breaking through so violently, God knows how many hidden dangers will be left, and it is not necessarily successful...

"Hey...go and do your own thing quickly, don't cause trouble.

Go and see for yourself, the tailed beasts are almost breaking free, leave this guy to me.

I'm doing it for your own good, so it won't be good if you don't get hung up and beaten. "

"You will be beaten!"

Madara said angrily, and his eyes became vicious, but he still glanced at the Heretic Demon Statue, and sure enough he saw the energy chains shaking non-stop. All the tailed beasts, including Shukaku One-Tail, were there. He kept shaking the chain around his neck.

One-tailed Shukaku, in particular, had a tendency to break the chains with Gaara's help.

"Oh? These beasts still dare to resist?!"

Madara snorted coldly, and could no longer care about Kai who had opened the eighth gate. He quickly jumped back to the outside demon statue, formed seals with his hands, and the Yin and Yang Escape chakra was continuously transmitted to it.

Suddenly, black and white chakra dimly lit up on the chain, and the tailed beasts let out shrill roars as if struck by lightning.


On the other hand, Nangong Yue looked at Metkai who was blocked by him with great interest.

He has researched the Eight Gate Dunjia. Nangong Yue also has his own interest in the Eight Gate Dunjia, which can beat six spots in the original work miserably. To put it bluntly, this is a "forced to open the body without opening it" The art of meridians (energy circuits).

Eight Gate Dunjia is a profound physical skill that stimulates the potential of the human body. There are great treasures in the human body, and the strength can be exerted as much as it can be mined.

The magical power of chakra is essentially the life force erupted from human cells.

As for the Eight Gate Dunjia, for ordinary people, it overdraws all the potential of the human body, at the cost of burning vitality, and forcibly exerts a power higher than that of a being like a ninja. It is not an exaggeration to even call it the power of a 'god'. .

However, for Nangong Yue, whose "soul is everything" because "he does not need a body, he will still be unaffected and even stronger", Nangong Yue used various spells from the beginning to modify himself regardless of the consequences. body of.

In the world of Apocalypse, all the meridians of Nangong Yue's body have been completely expanded.

Then, in the world of Hero Academy, when the physical body broke through to the country-destroying level, during the entire breakthrough process, Nangong Yue's body could be said to have the "eight gates of death" open throughout the process, and it was even more "deadly".

It can be said that Nangong Yue's body is always far stronger than the state of the 'Eight Gates Dunjia Formation'. After all, his fully opened circuit network is far more complicated than the 'Eight Gates Fully Open' state. .

Therefore, Nangong Yue did not have any expectations for the ‘Eight Gate Dunjia’ from the beginning. After confirming it from the Sealed Book and Kai’s memory, he was even more disappointed.


The space solidified, binding everything in it. Veins appeared on Metkai's face, his face turned red and black, and the red steam became more and more intense. It was because the blood was constantly evaporating, and the whole person no longer looked like a human being.

With a loud shout, he swung down his previous fist and directly broke Nangong Yue's spatial restraint.

Nangong Yue raised his eyes slightly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes,

"Although it is a blockade arranged randomly, but it can break the space barrier I set up, so the strength is pretty good...

Destroying the national level is considered stable. "

Kai didn't respond. The power erupting from his body not only evaporated his blood, but also burned his consciousness. Now he only had one thought, which was to defeat the enemy in front of him.

The red figure flashed, and the whole person appeared in front of Xuan. With an unrivaled punch, the place where Nangong Yue stood suddenly fell into a vacuum, and everything was silent.

Faced with Metkai's almost fatal attack, Nangong Yue was inevitably a little excited. Although he looked down upon this simple and crude confrontation in a completely rational state, it was also an excellent way to vent his anger!

Keeping an eye on Kai's fist, Nangong Yue also raised the corresponding left hand, and simply blasted it through without any magic blessing!

"Hmph... Eight Door Dunjia, breaking through the body's energy circuits, unlocking the body's prohibitions, and it's still such a shoddy technique, these are all leftover things I played thousands of years ago.

But there is no way, I am the only one who can solve you in this state now..."


The two fists collided, but no sound came out because the space had turned into a vacuum, and in a vacuum, no sound could be transmitted!

A huge shock wave spread outwards, and then the earth spread in all directions. Within a hundred meters, all matter was reduced to the tiniest particles. This was the purest destruction.

Judging from the scene of the confrontation between the two, Kai's tight-fitting equipment can't be seen at all, after all, it is close-fitting.

But the Akatsuki organization uniform on Nangong Yue's body was fluttering violently due to the fluctuations in the air. If this uniform had not undergone a lot of modifications and the strengthening of magic techniques, Nangong Yue would have burst into tears...

A trace of excitement appeared on Nangong Yue's face. Kai, who burned his life force and opened the eight gates, briefly gained power far beyond the Six Paths Obito, and this power completely exploded in a short period of time, even comparable to high-level destruction. A national-level powerhouse, no wonder Six Paths Madara was beaten so badly in the original work.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Although the Eight Gates Dunjia is the secret of physical skills, not everyone gains the same power by opening the Eight Gates.

The Eight Gates is essentially a ninjutsu that fully stimulates the human body's potential. The power after opening the door of death naturally varies from person to person.

A strong man like Metkai, who has been practicing physical skills, has a strong body, and the power he unleashes is naturally terrifying.

And if it is a ninja like Kakashi, although his strength is good, because he does not focus on practicing Taijutsu, he is not as good as Gai in terms of body. Even if he risks his life to forcefully use the eighth gate, it will be consumed in a few seconds due to physical reasons. Not only that, but the power gained is much weaker than Kai's now.

"Xi Xiang!!!"

With a loud shout, Kai realized that he didn't have much life left, and directly launched an attack that would determine the outcome.

Nearly endless power surged out of his body. Absolute power plus absolute speed equaled invincibility in itself.

... .. ........

Facing Kai who was flying into the air again, Nangong Yue quickly raised his legs and used his knees to block Metkai's cannon punch. Then, very naturally, he turned around and threw a whip kick with the other leg...

There is no such thing as a 'ultimate move' in the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation. In other words, any attack, as simple as a punch or a kick, is the 'strongest' physical technique that unleashes one's own potential. But this kind of attack , with the blessing of absolute power, the power of the explosion far exceeds any secret level ninjutsu.

The red figure and the black-red figure loomed in the night sky. In all directions, two figures appeared at the same time. Kai's speed could already trample the air.

As for Nangong Yue, he can fly and walk on the moon. In terms of aerial combat, even with the most basic physical skills, without using any secrets, he can definitely beat the current Kai!

Now, because the speed of the two of them is too fast, the spherical shock wave generated by the collision can be seen almost everywhere, and it is even difficult to distinguish the order in which the two shock waves appear!

Amidst the continuous loud noises, the earth suffered heavy blows of destruction. The ground everywhere continued to collapse, and countless bottomless pits also appeared.

But if your dynamic vision is strong enough, or you can speed up your thinking, you can see that the huge craters on the ground are basically all caused by Kai's body!

In the sky, the bloody figure burning with life ignored all failures and resolutely rushed towards the monster that did not look like a primate in the sky again, but...

boom! ! ! ! !

Once again, a lightning-like whip leg in the air blasted Kai's body into the ground.

"Kai, the Eight Door Dunjia is indeed powerful. The potential of the human body is fully stimulated, and it can even reach a power that is rare among the Six Paths in an instant.

But even if you open the door to death and reach the level of destroying the country, what's the use?

Regarding your purely physical attack, what if you can distort or even shatter space? I still have thousands of ways to trick you.

I'm in a good mood now, so I collided head-on with you like this..."


Chapter 391


"Kai, the Eight Door Dunjia is indeed powerful. The potential of the human body is fully stimulated, and it can even reach a power that is rare among the Six Paths in an instant.

But even if you open the door to death and reach the level of destroying the country, what's the use?

Regarding your purely physical attack, what if you can distort or even shatter space? I still have thousands of ways to trick you.

I'm in a good mood now, so I collided head-on with you like this..."

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