That's it, Indra and Asura were entangled in cause and effect. Although they died, the chakras of the two were reincarnated separately, continuing the fateful struggle. Indra was reincarnated into 'Uchiha', and Asura was reincarnated into 'Senju'. ' or 'whirlpool'.

You also know that the reincarnations of the previous generation were Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. Unfortunately, the two of them did not end their fate that lasted for many years, and eventually died one after another... until this generation..."

A complicated look flashed in Naruto's eyes, and he turned his head slightly. Behind him, there seemed to be an illusory figure standing side by side with him.

Naruto closed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but picture Sasuke Uchiha's face in his mind, clenching his hands into fists.

The Immortal of Six Paths floated in front of him and said,

"Naruto, in my eyes, you and Sasuke are just like my sons.

Therefore, I entrust the future of this world to you.

I once made a wrong choice, overly trusting the "goodness" of human beings, but ignoring the "evil" of human beings, which led to the world entering a thousand years of war.

This time, I will no longer make a choice. You are right in saying that it is up to the world to decide how the world will be. I will leave the choice to you.

Also, this world is left to you to protect, and I will help you when necessary! "

After the story was almost finished, the Immortal of Six Paths stretched out his right hand and said in a deep voice,

"Now, stretch out your hand, and I will pass on Yang Dun's chakra to you. Join forces with Sasuke, and you will gain the same power as I did back then."

Naruto's eyes flashed with determination, and he silently stretched out his hand. On the other side, in Sasuke's consciousness space, the same scene was playing out.


"Eight Gate Dunjia Formation! Ye Kai!!!"

Kai, who was covered in red steam, was like an escaped beast, stepping on the air and rushing towards Nangong Yue in the sky.

In the distance, there were blood and tears in Kakashi's eyes. The kaleidoscope pattern was scarlet and weird. Burning heat and pain hit his mind at the same time. His instinct kept warning Kakashi to close his eyes, but he still held on. , in his feeling, his eyes might explode at any time.

But at this price, the distortion of space became even more serious.

Nangong Yue's face remained calm, but the space around him became more and more chaotic. In the blink of an eye, Metkai had flashed in front of him!

With one kick, the twisted space around Nangong Yue was completely shattered. In the face of absolute power, nothing is absolutely indestructible.

Whether it is space, time, or even the illusory 'destiny', as long as the strength is strong enough, it can be broken with one blow.

The red steam condensed into the dragon's head, and the world trembled under this power. The power that broke the space locked on Nangong Yue's heart, and the seemingly fatal blow was already close at hand.

In fact, even if Kai's move was a thousand times more powerful, Nangong Yue could still use space barriers or other methods to resist or avoid the attack if faced alone.

If one layer of space barrier is not enough, then use another layer to deal with this kind of pure power ninja. As I said before, Nangong Yue has many ways to deal with it.

However, under the influence of Kakashi's divine power, he was unable to use it immediately and needed to adjust the space around him first.

At this moment, Gai's attack was already in front of him, and Kakashi and Kakashi were fighting at this time difference.

Although the six-level experts in this world are superior to all ninjas and have gained power similar to that of a 'god', it does not mean that they are invincible.

Space itself is not a particularly strong thing. Of course, for most people, they will not be able to touch even a trace of space in their lifetime.

For example, in the original work, Kaguya's Tianzhong is a high-end space magic in itself, and it has even become a world of its own.

But even then, Obito still used the influence of Kamui to successfully reconcile Naruto and Sasuke. This was not a matter of strength, but the conventional hardness of the space itself.

Faced with Kai's purely physical blow, Nangong Yue's mind was speeding up. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he simulated countless countermeasures. But in the end, Nangong Yue also raised his knees to prepare for a kick...

‘It’s been a long time since we faced such a pure force confrontation...

It's a pity that this guy can't maintain such power for a long time. Otherwise, this would also be an excellent 'hammer'. What a pity...'

Different from Metkai's flying kick, Nangong Yue just threw a whip kick on the spot...

boom! ! !

In an instant, the space distortion calmed down, the figures intertwined, and the attacks from both sides hit each other. Metkai fell to the ground behind Nangong Yue, and Nangong Yue spun around in the air because of this whip leg. , the excitement on his face has completely faded.

The red steam on Kai's body gradually extinguished, and he turned his head with difficulty.


Strong unwillingness and despair flashed in Kai's eyes. Not to mention that it was difficult for him to accept this result, not even one of the ninjas could understand it. Only two or three people seemed to understand.

Kai wanted to speak again, but he had lost the strength to speak. A crack suddenly appeared in his abdomen, his expression suddenly froze, and his whole body began to collapse rapidly.

In less than three seconds, it was completely reduced to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

Nangong Yue sighed and slowly closed his eyes, silently thinking about his body that had just warmed up and the energy circuit network in his body.


Chapter 393



Kai wanted to speak again, but he had lost the strength to speak. A crack suddenly appeared in his abdomen, his expression suddenly froze, and his entire body began to collapse rapidly.

In less than three seconds, it was completely reduced to ashes, leaving nothing behind.


Kakashi yelled and wanted to take a few more glances, but the kaleidoscope was closed tightly uncontrollably, and blood and tears overflowed uncontrollably.

The scenes of competition with Kai in the past were recalled in his mind. That man who was 'eternally young', that ninja who never gave up, turned into ashes silently in front of him today, and he felt endless sadness in his heart.

He had a strong impulse to rush forward and die with Nangong Yue, but his reason stopped him. He knew very well that he would never be able to defeat that 'Renwai', and he would not even be able to leave a scar less than one millimeter... .

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi clenched his fists and struggled to retreat. He must not be impulsive now. Once he is impulsive, it will be over.


In the distance, Senju Hashirama had a real look of shock on his face, and whispered,

"Just now... all the external shocks were blasted into the body of the Eight Gate Armor Ninja without any reservation by that boy, thus accelerating the collapse of the opponent's body...

The most important thing's really creepy...there are no chakra fluctuations or natural energy fluctuations...

In other words, it was pure physical strength! ! !

But... based on human beings alone..."

Behind Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, who had adjusted himself to a sitting position with difficulty due to Yin Yang Dun's immobilization, spoke up and reminded,

"Brother, don't forget, that boy is no longer a 'human'!

Let’s not talk about the power he possesses, let’s talk about his thinking mode, that kind of ‘individual first’ thinking, judging from his performance in Konoha, it is already contrary to ‘humanity’.

Don’t forget the way he looks at us, it’s definitely not looking at ‘people’, but looking at ‘goods’.

If we are not convinced enough because we are the reincarnations of the dirty land, have you forgotten his attitude towards that Uchiha brat?

In his understanding, only his own people are "people", and the rest are no different from flowers, birds, fish, insects, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. "

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama finally recalled many details, and his face became increasingly ugly. I don't know how long it took, but he began to hate his 'weakness' again.

"So...the reconstruction of the it possible that he wants to make the entire world a part of himself?

In other words... Madara is cooperating with people from other worlds to jointly destroy our own world? !


Well... I have to say that Senju Hashirama's brainstorming ability is quite good.

Nangong Yue does have the idea of ​​'eating the world and evolving himself', but he can't do this yet, and he is not prepared to make his 'essence of existence' too complicated.

Without a pure refining method, Nangong Yue would not do it rashly even if he could 'devour the world'.

While the first generation and the second generation were talking, a roar attracted their attention, and Nangong Yue, who had fully recovered, also opened his eyes at the same time.

I saw Uchiha Madara slapped the top of the demon statue with one hand, and all nine tailed beasts were swallowed by the heretic demon statue. The terrifying chakra spread from the demon statue around, and the body quickly underwent amazing changes. Before his eyes, the Ten-Tails would once again This world.

But this time, the Ten-Tails is close to being complete. Except for the Yin-type Nine-Tails, all the tailed beasts are complete!

The roar of the Ten-Tails echoed through the sky again, and Nangong Yue also showed a smile, and his figure suddenly appeared next to Uchiha Madara,

"Your efficiency is not good either~ It took so long."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and just as he was about to retort, he suddenly felt a strange chakra and subconsciously turned his head to look.

A figure came towards this side quickly, the powerful golden chakra aroused but not emitted, its pupils stood upright like two crosses, and its face was serious and calm.

"Uzumaki Naruto? That nine-tailed brat, the tailed beast in his body isn't...

Yep, that reincarnated doll also has the half body of Kyuubi..."

Uchiha Madara frowned.

Nangong Yue carefully perceived the state of the two reincarnated teenagers, smiled slightly, and felt a little excitement in his heart.

"It feels a little different. The Asura chakra in his body has awakened, because it was the old man of Six Paths who gave him the inheritance of Yang Escape.

(Very well, the final chapter has begun...)

Now that those two children have awakened, you should also become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Otherwise, in terms of strength, there is some gap between you and those two children. "

"Hmph! I know it without you having to tell me."

Madara still glanced at him and formed seals with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, the pale ten-tailed beast at the feet of the two people suddenly turned into fluid and poured into Uchiha Madara's back.

At the same time, Madara's posture also began to change significantly. His long, hedgehog-like hair quickly turned white, and the blood-red armor on his body gradually transformed into a snow-white immortal robe. The dark magatama emblems on his body appeared one after another.

In the end, the Six Paths Immortal's representative seeking jade and the dark Immortal Zen Staff were quickly condensed and completed.

"In this way, everything is ready..."

After confirming his status, Uchiha Madara looked at Nangong Yue beside him with some excitement.

"With my current strength, I can feel that although I am still far behind, I am at least on the same level as you.

But unfortunately, I don’t have time to fight with you now. "

Looking back, Madara disappeared beside Nangong Yue in an instant, apparently rushing towards the person with pure speed.

"Hey...could it be that all reincarnations of Indra have this problem? They always do things in such a fickle manner..."

Looking at Uchiha Madara walking away, Nangong Yue sighed and turned part of his attention to a dark space, like a snow-white woman sleeping.

'Very good, your container has been created, so you can take care of yourself...'


Naruto's speed was extremely fast, and he was already approaching here in the blink of an eye. Yang Escape Chakra condensed in his palm, and the high-speed rotating spiral shuriken appeared in an instant. A harsh sound sounded and expanded in an instant.

However, this guy obviously ignored Nangong Yue's existence and was still so unscrupulous...

"Oops! The Ten-Tails is already...

Immortal magic! Yang Release Spiral Shuriken! "

The high-speed rotating chakra was released, aiming directly at the pale figure that reappeared. The air was shattered, and the magic opened up a vacuum area.

The first time he took action after receiving Asura's Yang Dun inheritance, the power of Naruto's technique had fully revealed his six-level strength in this world.

Madara snorted softly, raised the sage's tin staff in his hand, and waved it casually when the attack came, and the spiral shuriken changed direction and rushed straight to the mountain top.

boom! ! ! (Sizzle!!!)

With a loud noise, the Sun Release Spiral Shuriken fell on the mountaintop in the distance, and golden light rose into the sky, illuminating the dark night with golden light.

After the harsh and sharp noise subsided, the entire mountain peak completely disappeared in the light, and a towering mushroom cloud appeared. The power of this technique has obviously reached the level of the Ten-tailed Beast Jade!

Very far behind Naruto, the Fourth Hokage sat down with his back against the rock behind him. His Nine-Tails mode had disappeared, his face was full of fatigue, and the mustard on his body kept falling off, as if he might disappear at any time.

When the tailed beast breaks away from the body, the damage to the person is extremely serious. If he hadn't been reincarnated into the body of the dirty earth, he would have died by now.

However, the characteristics of the reincarnation of the dirty earth are indeed powerful, and his fatigue is disappearing quickly, but in the next battle, even if he can break free of the Yin and Yang Escape blockade on his body, his current strength is already negligible.

Looking at his son's back in the distant sky, Namikaze Minato murmured in a low voice.


In mid-air, Nangong Yue once again looked at Madara Uchiha who took the initiative to fight, sensing the position of Black Zetsu, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly,

"`. Let's fight... The three of you are all nation-destroying existences. In fact, the gap between you is not too big. Even if it is one-on-one, both Naruto and Sasuke can defeat Yu (Okay, Zhao ) Chiha Madara's possibility...

As long as there is even a slight flaw in Madara, Black Zetsu can succeed...

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