
Just when Senju Hashirama turned around due to the abnormal reactions of the two people behind him, he saw that Uchiha Madara, who was originally high in the sky, had been channeled by his clone with the help of the ability of the reincarnation eye animal path. Without saying a word He said and rushed towards himself!

Of course, Madara is a living person now. Even if his chakra reserves are still huge, they are still not as endless as those in the Reincarnation of the Earth. After all, he still has to use them sparingly.

Looking at the dark short spear in Madara's hand, Senju Hashirama, who was defenseless, could only retreat. He knew the effect of this weapon. Even if he was hit, there was no telling if he was still alive, but now, most likely It's unbearable.

Because Uchiha Madara's attack was too sudden and not at all the techniques he was familiar with, when Madara was already close, Senju Hashirama could not completely dodge...

Phew! ! !

Senju Hashirama decisively formed his right hand into a palm, with chakra attached to it, and cut off the left arm including the shoulder with a hand sword.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara's short spear directly penetrated the left shoulder of the body, which made Senju Hashirama secretly sigh in horror. If he hadn't decisively killed himself, he would have been immobilized like his younger brother and the Fourth Hokage!

"Hashirama, I am not the 'me' I was during the Warring States Period!

So what about Mudun? What about magic? In front of the real immortal eyes, he is still like a child! "


Phew! ! !

He had already calculated the timing of Madara's being channeled. Now it happened to be the time when several of the Ring Tomb clones had to return to their original bodies. Uchiha Madara simply recalled all the Nine Ring Tomb clones, just for this. hit!

At the same time that Senju Hashirama cut off his arm, Madara had already released the nine undetectable clones. While Hashirama focused all his attention on his own body, the Nine Paths Ring Tomb clones had already taken the opportunity to surround him. other side.

In fact, it is not the case. The only two people on the battlefield who can detect the ring tomb clone, Nangong Yue, who is proficient in space magic, is standing on Madara's side. The other one who can sense 'malice' is not close to Senju Hashirama now.

Just as Uchiha Madara was attracting Hashirama's energy through words, nine black Yin-Yang escape short spears directly penetrated all parts of his body, and they also branched continuously in the body, firmly fixing his body!

As for whether the person he attacked was the real person, based on his understanding of Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, who could also use Wood Release and had the Rinnegan detection, would never admit his mistake.

As soon as these clones finished surrounding Hashirama, they went to suppress the nine tailed beasts again, plus the unawakened Indra.

Watching the clones go away, Uchiha Madara once again condensed a short spear in the palm of his right hand and slowly walked towards Senju Hashirama.

"Hashirama...'Combining two opposite sides can bring about all things', it is recorded on the stone tablet in the Uchiha clan.

In other words, by fusing the power of Uchiha and Senju, you can achieve happiness...¨"."

Phew! ! !

At the moment when Madara walked in front of Hashirama, the short spear in his hand pierced directly from Hashirama's head!

Using this as a medium, Madara began to greedily extract the senjutsu chakra from Hashirama's body through the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path!

"Is this the power of magic...

Well...that's it, it's not that difficult to control. "

As Uchiha Madara continued to extract Senjutsu Chakra, dust and mustard peeled off Senju Hashirama's body, and his condition quickly declined, and he even lost the strength to question.

The face of Hashirama on the left chest of Uchiha Madara was directly stained with the blood lines of the sage mode. This shows that Uchiha Madara did not lose control due to natural energy, but completely mastered the power of senjutsu!

Finally, Madara Uchiha glanced vaguely at Nangong Yue who simply created an open high ground, took out a deck chair, and lay down on it to start resting.

There was no way, as soon as he entered the immortal mode, he felt a more deadly threat from Nangong Yue!

Now he finally understood the fundamental reason why Nangong Yue could not be sensed and did not care about energy consumption at all.

Being in tune with 'nature', of course it cannot be sensed; being able to mobilize natural energy to cast spells at will, of course, there is no need to worry about energy consumption, that monster is simply like 'nature' itself!

'Perhaps...this is the ability that guy gained from swallowing the Ten-Tails...

Could it be that the other techniques are all techniques he developed himself? !

If that's the case...'

After gaining new power, Madara's eyes glanced at him, and all the tailed beasts fell to the ground under the attack of the Ring Tomb clone. Even the Nine-Tails, who was wearing Susan armor, did not hold on for a while and was also crawling at this time. On the ground, the ability to resist is lost.

"'s almost time to start recycling."

Madara whispered to himself, leaped to the top of the demon statue several times, and the chakra of yin and yang escaped into the body of the heretic demon statue.

With a roar, the heretic demon opened its mouth, and in an instant, nine purple chakra chains jumped out, binding the tailed beasts' necks one after another.

"It's easier than I thought. In this case, the arrest is complete."

With a faint look in his eyes, Madara formed a seal with one hand, shook the chain, and immediately pulled the tailed beasts towards the mouth of the heretic demon.

Kyuubi's eyes went back, while Naruto and Sasuke were leaving his body. He used special chakra resonance to communicate,

"Naruto, go to your father!

quick! He still has my Yin half, and only he can save you! "

‘Madara, the order of sealing the tailed beasts must be from one tail to nine tails.

No matter what happens, Kyuubi must be sealed at the end. If you mess around like this, something will happen. ’

Just as Madara directly pulled the nine tails and sent it to the mouth of the heretic demon, Nangong Yue, who was sitting on the couch in the distance, directly reminded him through mental words.

‘? ! ! !

snort! I know, it’s so verbose! ’

He was startled, but Madara quickly reacted and said something perfunctory in his mind. However, his movements also stopped slightly, and he turned to look at Ichibi Shukaku,

"Well... let's start with you, this fat tanuki."

The pupils of the Samsara Eye shrank, and the strong pulling force pulled Shukaku and threw him into the mouth of the demon. Shukaku let out a mournful cry. Even if he kept resisting, he still could not resist the power of the heretic demon.

"Asshole! I will never hand Shukaku over to you!"

Gaara stood on the gravel and rushed towards Shukaku, glancing towards where the Tsuchikage and Raikage fell, a trace of absolute despair appeared on his face.

"Desert traitor!"

Following the low voice, Daichi immediately stretched out a pair of palms to hold the chain, and Shukaku's speed of dragging towards the demon statue suddenly stopped.


Uchiha Madara frowned and glanced in Gaara's direction.

On the other side, Naruto, whose nine tails had been stripped away, was blind, his chakra was rapidly dissipating, and his heart was gradually beating weakly.


Sasuke shouted and quickly caught him and dropped him to the ground. He touched Naruto's heart and felt his life force flowing away.

"This is really... you have to slip up at this time... Do you want to go find the Fourth Hokage?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still dragged Naruto and used his lightning escape to dodge to where the Fourth Hokage was. Less than ten seconds later, in front of him was the Fourth Hokage, whose body was peeling off dust. Minato looked worried about his unconscious son;

"Sasuke, how is Naruto?!"

"He lost the Kyuubi and needs the other half in your body to save his life. You came just in time, so I will hand Naruto over to you."

Sasuke threw Naruto directly to Namikaze Minato, while he stood up and looked towards Madara, his brows furrowing uncontrollably.

Minato quickly checked on Naruto's condition. After briefly communicating with the nine-tailed Yin attribute half (okay, okay) in his body, the anxiety on his face decreased by one point.

"Sasuke, it's too messy here. We need to take Naruto to a quiet place and give him the Nine Tails, but I can't move in my current state. What are you going to do?"

Sasuke tried to touch the black rod on the fourth generation, and sure enough, the moment he touched it, the chakra in his body began to riot.

Sighing secretly, Sasuke silently drew out the Kusanagi sword from behind and said coldly,

"Of course I stayed to stop Madara. That guy Gaara delayed for a while. This is very important. He must not be allowed to obtain the power of the Ten-Tails again. Otherwise, we will lose our only chance."

Before Minato Namikaze could reply, he turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Madara.


When approaching Uchiha Madara, purple chakra suddenly rose from Sasuke's body. The ribs of the skeleton were instantly formed and expanded instantly. Scarlet light flashed in the eternal kaleidoscope, and the power of his eyes gushed out without any suppression.

The mature Susana was condensed in an instant, but it was not enough. It expanded again under the operation of the eternal kaleidoscope. The scales on the giant's body became denser. The purple shadow quickly climbed to a hundred meters high, and the purple wings were condensed behind the back. , like a god coming to the world.

"Complete Susanoo!"


Chapter 389


The mature Susana was condensed in an instant, but it was not enough. It expanded again under the operation of the eternal kaleidoscope. The scales on the giant's body became denser. The purple shadow quickly climbed to a hundred meters high, and the purple wings were condensed behind his back. , like a god coming to the world.

"Complete Susanoo!"

"Oh? Boy, you have a pair of nice eyes, and you are also straight..."

Madara chuckled lightly and looked at the perfect Susan in front of him, which was only one-fifth of his size. There was a hint of appreciation in his eyes. After all, this was also the perfect Susan.

The reason why his Susana can be so huge is not only because of his own huge chakra reserves, but also because of his own eye skills.

To put it simply, regardless of the entire battle, Uchiha Madara didn’t use any special eye techniques except the ‘Run Graveside Prison’, but in fact, his two kaleidoscope eye techniques were always used!

The pupil techniques of Uchiha Madara's eyes are very simple. Because of their simplicity, they are powerful.

The pupil technique in his right eye can increase the power of all his spells by up to ten times; the pupil technique in his left eye can reduce the energy consumption of the spells without reducing the power of the spells! It can be reduced to up to 10% of the original energy consumption!

In other words, at the same time, after using the double eye technique to the extreme, Uchiha Madara can only consume 10% of the original chakra of a certain technique, and burst out ten times the original power of the technique!

Just like the heroic fire extinguishing at the beginning, it was the result of the blessing of these two eye skills.

The huge 'meteor swarms' that followed, even though the fireballs were so huge, they looked like some advanced fire escape technique, but they were nothing else. They were actually the 'Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique' enhanced by the pupil technique.

If it weren't for these two eye skills, he wouldn't have been able to fight a protracted battle with Senju Hashirama in the Immortal Body. Moreover, Wood Release can still absorb chakra!

Of course, it was precisely because of his frequent use of the kaleidoscope eye technique that Uchiha Madara became blind prematurely, and even developed a perception ability that surpassed that of most perceptive ninjas...

Sasuke didn't respond to Madara's praise, and he didn't have time to answer. The purple chakra sword condensed in Susan's palm, and then he slashed down with a sword that seemed to be able to open up the world.

"Relics from the old era, don't expose them to embarrassment, it's enough to live in the legend!

Flame Escape! Add earth life! ! ! "

Amid the roar, cold chakra surged out of his pupils, and black flames suddenly burned on the purple sword.

"Wheel tomb, border prison!"

There was no sound or aftermath. The divine sword burning with black flames stopped five meters above his head.

A shadow of Madara silently appeared in front of him, blocking the long sword of Sasuke's perfect Susan. The shadow in another space also condensed the illusory Susan. Although it was not a complete body, the curved body condensed in his hand The long sword was enough to withstand Sasuke's attacks.

Madara's eyes moved upward slightly, and without any warning, Sasuke groaned, and the complete Susanu was hit hard, and a subtle spark of light flashed outside the crystal where he was.

The next moment, Uchiha Madara's figure appeared in front of him, without any warning at all, as if he was walking directly in space, but it was not the flying thunder god's technique.

If Sasuke had opened his Samsara Eye, he would have discovered at that moment that it was another shadow of Madara that attacked him, and Madara also switched positions with that invisible clone at that moment.

The yin-yang escape short spear entwined with senjutsu chakra was raised, Madara struck it down without hesitation, and sneered,

"The complete Susana is indeed powerful, but it does not mean he is invincible.

Boy, even your grandfather wasn't born when I used this trick. "

The moment the short spear, which was a blend of two high-level energies, touched Susana, it was like ripples on the water, one after another. In an instant, Sasuke felt that his pupils were weakened and he was unable to maintain Susana's operation. The crystals on the forehead of the perfect Susan collapsed instantly.

After kicking out, Sasuke groaned and fell to the ground like a cannonball, with a loud noise and smoke filling the air.

He reluctantly stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth, but a figure appeared in front of him. Without any hesitation, the Kusanagi sword thrust forward. However, just when he raised his hand, his whole body froze in place, as if being struck by someone. An inescapable force.

Madara chuckled, slowly took the Kusanagi sword from Sasuke, and whispered,

"It's such a pity. Speaking of which, you are also a member of the Uchiha clan, and you have also opened the Sharingan to the current level...

It's a pity that I should stand with those rubbish from the old world. Goodbye! "

The Kusanagi sword pierced Sasuke's heart, and the eternal kaleidoscope suddenly expanded, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Confirming that the boy who was most likely to be the reincarnation of Indra was severely injured, the ring tomb clone that restrained Sasuke left, and his whole body fell to the ground with a thud, his breath gradually weakening.

Madara lowered his head and glanced at Sasuke at this time, turned around and went under the heretic demon statue. He whispered to himself,

"Even if he is the reincarnation of Indra, he is still a mortal. There is no reason why he can survive if his heart is penetrated. That old man of Six Paths, what will you do in this situation?"

While Madara was thinking, he felt a rare distraction, and suddenly a figure with blue chakra burning all over his body struck from high in the sky, like a blue beast.

"Chance...suffer death!"

After drinking loudly, the skin all over Metkai's body turned dark red, and the veins on his forehead swelled. His speed broke through the sound barrier and drew a clear blue stream of light in the mid-night sky.

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