After focusing on Uchiha Madara with a part of his mind, Nangong Yue turned his gaze to Senju Hashirama again.

The plants produced by Wood Release were so numerous that they seemed endless, but Uchiha Obito, who was surrounding the center, stood still.

With the instinct of a beast to drive his body, the huge energy in Obito's body surged wantonly, and all the plants close to him turned into debris and scattered, just like Nangong Yue's "renovation" or "collapse". No matter how many plants there were, they could not cause any harm to him!

"It seems that Hashirama's common tactics didn't work this time~"

Nangong Yue pulled the non-existent beard on his chin with his left hand, and took another bite of the chakra fruit in his right hand.

According to the memories of Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara, during the Warring States Period, Senju Hashirama's way of fighting against the enemy was to use the huge chakra of his immortal body to drown the opponent with overwhelming Wood Release.

Combined with the characteristics of these plants that "can absorb other people's chakra as nutrients for their own growth", it is completely possible to resist thousands of troops alone. In fact, the more enemies there are, the easier it will be for Hashirama Senju!

No matter who the opponent is, even if he can withstand the first few waves of attacks, he will get tired and eventually lose in the nearly endless sea of ​​trees.

For example, before opening the eternal Mangekyō, Uchiha Madara often suffered from Hashirama Senju's Wood Release.

However, this trick obviously does not work for Obito now.

In terms of chakra volume, no one can beat the Ten-Tails as the incarnation of "nature", not even the Six Paths Sage.

Of course, if you want to compete for the control of "nature", this irrational Ten-Tails will definitely not be able to compete with Nangong Yue.

As Obito gradually became familiar with the body of the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, his strength was gradually increasing. Even though he was now acting only on instinct and had no Dao-seeking jade condensed around him, and was still a semi-finished product, his current strength still crushed Senju Hashirama by more than one level 0.

As long as Obito could truly withstand the erosion of the Ten-Tails' violent will and regain his consciousness, he would truly reach the basic level of the Six Paths Sage. At that time, his strength would undergo another qualitative change based on his current strength.

"Wood Release! Wood Dragon Technique!!!"

Senju Hashirama shouted loudly. He also realized that the Tree Realm Descent alone could no longer suppress the opponent, so he decisively used this Wood Dragon Technique, which was very effective against the tailed beasts.

Suddenly, several thick vines woven and merged into a wooden dragon several dozen meters long, roaring towards Obito.

Obito looked up, his eyes still calm without any emotional fluctuations, and he looked very dull.

Suddenly, Obito waved his hand, and the wooden dragon that rushed to him broke into pieces.

"Huh?! My wooden dragon was shattered so easily?!"

Hashirama Senju was a little shocked. At this moment, his intuition, which he had cultivated since the Warring States Period, told him that he was in danger. Without thinking, he quickly retreated.

Unfortunately, even if he reacted quickly, Obito was faster, and he was stunned for a moment because Obito easily broke his wooden dragon.

There was only a white light... no, even the light could not be seen. The encirclement of the Wood Release suddenly cracked with a clear mark. Almost at the same time, Hashirama Senju's body in the distance suddenly broke into two pieces!

Uchiha Obito stopped in mid-air and looked back calmly.

"What speed is this?!!!"

In the coalition camp, Darui was surprised. He did not see Obito's movements clearly at all, and could not even catch them.

"No, this is probably not his full strength."

On the side, the Fourth Raikage, who had almost lost half of his body, said calmly, staring at the body of Hashirama that was cut into two pieces, and sighed softly,

"The muscles of that Jinchūriki's body have never been stretched to the maximum, which obviously shows that he has not exerted his full strength.

Moreover, such a huge beast is compressed into such a tiny body. Even if it is just based on the burst of chakra, it should be faster than this speed. "

That's right, although Obito is showing a fast speed now, it is obviously not as fast as when he cooperated with the Tsuchikage before, not to mention the speed that Nangong Yue showed when he smashed the complete Susanoo.

Although Hashirama Senju is strong, he is still a "mage". Like Madara, he is not a ninja who specializes in physical skills. His reaction speed and movement speed are limited.

"It's not his full strength yet... Then how strong is his full strength, Lord Raikage?!"

Darui turned around and looked at the Fourth Raikage who was leaning on a rock, and asked in shock.

"I don't know. This is obviously beyond our understanding.

However, the legendary ninja god should not be defeated so easily..."

"Is that so..."

Darui turned back quickly after hearing this. Sure enough, he saw that the body of Hashirama Senju was split into two and turned into dead wood. This was obviously a wooden clone.

At the other end not far away, a vine grew rapidly, lifting Hashirama Senju too high, allowing him to get a better view.

"This thing is stronger than me...

Really...How long has it been since I experienced such a desperate battle?"


Chapter 378


"This thing is stronger than me...

Really...How long has it been since I experienced such a desperate battle?"

The corners of Hashirama's mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes gradually turned serious in the Sage Mode.

Even if the opponent is the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, the God of Ninja will not give up easily. Moreover, the specific outcome can only be known after a real fight.

Obito, the Ten-Tails, was suspended in the air, looking at Hashirama Senju without any emotion. On the back of his hand, a dark chakra ball was condensed. His palm was completely different from a human body. There were tiny round holes in the palm to allow the energy ball to change freely.

The next moment, Obito's figure suddenly disappeared. This was not a spatial teleportation like Flying Thunder God, but pure speed, far exceeding the speed that the Raikage had obtained by using Lightning Release to activate cells.

Hashirama Senju's pupils shrank. He really couldn't keep up with Obito's speed, but this didn't mean that he had no way to deal with it.

Since the title was given the name of "God", it showed the essential difference between him and other ninjas.

"Wood Release! All cloth bag techniques!!!"

Hashirama Senju clasped his hands together, and a large number of Wood Release barriers rose up beside him, one after another, surrounding him in the center. Just as the name of the technique, it was like a closed cloth bag.

Obito's figure appeared at the moment the defense was formed, and the black 01-color chakra group on the back of his hand suddenly extended.

From the results, Hashirama Senju did resist Obito's surprise attack.

It's not that Hashirama Senju's ninjutsu is faster, but he had already expected this scene, predicted it in advance, and used such a defensive ninjutsu.

During the Warring States period, Hashirama also faced many speed-type strongmen. He had painstakingly studied countermeasures and found that if he couldn't be better in speed, he could only respond by predicting the opponent's next attack.

Under the destruction of Yin-Yang Release, even if it was inferior, the defense of Wood Release was still like cotton wool, easily shattered, but Hashirama Senju was not seen in it.

"Wood Style! Tree Binding Technique!!!"

Ten-Tails Obito raised his head as the voice sounded, and the vines lifted up Hashirama Senju again, and his figure moved there at some point.

As the seals in Hashirama's hands changed, the land, which was already full of vegetation, suddenly shook violently, and a towering tree broke out of the ground behind Obito, and the vines entangled and trapped him instantly.

"Wood Style! Cutting Technique!!!"

With almost no time interval, Hashirama Senju's seals changed again, and the vines split and turned into countless thorns that whistled towards Obito, like a thousand arrows.

However, whether it was useful or not is another matter.


'So powerful! As expected of the first generation Hokage, he suppressed the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, but why was there no one in the Wood Style defense? When did he move away? '

All the ninjas of the coalition all had similar thoughts in their minds. After all, they all saw the power of Ten-Tails Obito. If they were to go by themselves, even the Kage would probably not be able to survive a single move.

But not only was Hashirama Senju not killed instantly, but he also fought back and forth with the opponent who was obviously stronger than him in the following series of attacks, and even successfully suppressed the opponent now!

"Ah... So, whether there is reason or not has a great impact on the battle... Ah..."

Nangong Yue swallowed the last bite of chakra fruit into his mouth and wiped the bright red juice from the corner of his mouth.

Back to the battlefield, Hashirama's cutting technique had been stabbed down. Ten-tailed Obito, who had no emotional fluctuations, did not react to it. Only the black chakra on the back of his hand suddenly changed its form, extending and expanding in an instant, turning into a pitch-black shield, blocking all the wooden thorns.


Accompanied by Obito's roar that was not like a human voice, the indescribable high-frequency burst of terrifying chakra, in an instant, the thorns and giant trees that trapped Obito were turned into powder at the same time!

"Ah... It really doesn't work...

Facing such an opponent, the pressure is really heavy."

Hashirama Senju smiled bitterly and retreated quickly.

In the previous fight, he had roughly figured out many characteristics of the opponent in front of him, the speed of movement beyond the limit, the simple and rough attack method, and the change of the form of the black chakra...

Preliminary estimation, there are at least four or more changes in the nature of chakra, far exceeding his impression of blood limit and blood elimination.

The black chakra deformed again, and the Ten-Tails Obito raised his hand. The huge energy condensed frantically in his hand, and the energy ball similar to the tailed beast jade quickly took shape. The next moment, the energy ball shot straight at the Senju Hashirama.

"This kind of attack..."

Facing the energy ball similar to the tailed beast jade, the Senju Hashirama had a serious face, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and he bit his thumb skillfully, slapped the ground with one hand, and the pattern of the summoning array spread from the palm to the surroundings.

"Summoning! Seven-layer Rashomon!!!"

The white smoke dissipated, and the huge metal portals painted with Yama broke out of the ground one after another, seven layers in a row, and the powerful 'tailed beast jade' penetrated the Rashomon continuously. Similarly, it was slightly deviated and fell in an empty and uninhabited area.

Boom! ! ! ! !

The roar shook the earth. The terrain was completely rewritten before the spectators could believe it. A dazzling white light shot up from the center of the explosion. The blinding light illuminated the entire night sky, as if day and night were reversed.

Some ninjas who were close covered their ears. The strong shock wave from the explosion hit them in the face. They hurriedly looked for shelter.

The aftermath came and went quickly. Hashirama Senju's eyes were fixed on Obito, the Ten-Tails, and he kept thinking about the next tactics in his mind.

"Ah... This body of the Impure World Reincarnation, in this state, can't use the complete 'Top Buddha' at all.

In this case, we can only try that one, but we must first restrict his movements..."

The ten-tailed Obito doesn't know how to think. In fact, he doesn't even have his own thoughts now. Obito's figure flashed again and flashed to the side of Senju Hashirama. The dark chakra transformed and turned into several irregular sharp blades at the same time. The thrust was still as fast as lightning, which had already exceeded the reaction limit of ordinary humans.

Even so, Senju Hashirama finally reacted. With the blessing of the sage mode, and the yang escape chakra of the sage body was already all over his body, with the perception of senjutsu, even if the body could not keep up with the ten-tail belt Even with Tu's speed, he can still react in advance.

Senju Hashirama moved ahead of schedule, and the dark sharp blade passed across his body. He immediately jumped back, and at the same time formed seals with lightning speed,

"Immortal magic! It's all the magic of the bag!!!"

On the ground, countless dense wooden arms broke out of the ground, and quickly stretched towards Obito's location in an instant!

Among them, the two strongest arms as the core grabbed Obito's ankles, and the other extended arms were intertwined and woven, directly forming a cumbersome and tough cage to trap him, and then...

"Immortal magic! Mingshen Gate!!!"

The seals between the Senju Hashira changed again, and the vermilion torii appeared out of thin air above Obito again. When Obito raised his head, he suppressed him severely. Five huge torii were superimposed on each other. This was a continuous An immortal technique that could be perfectly suppressed by the Nine-Tails in the past.

Even so, Senju Hashirama knew that this was not enough. The power displayed by the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki was simply beyond the scope of his understanding.

The reason why he always gets the upper hand is because he lacks self-awareness and fights purely on instinct without any wisdom at all.

But in other words, if you can't kill the opponent now, the next battle will become increasingly difficult.

His face fell into a strange calm, he clasped his hands together, and the magic chakra in his body exploded without reservation.

"Immortal magic! Wooden dragon!!!"

The world fell into an eerie silence after the seals were formed between the Thousand-Hand Pillars. The next moment, a wooden dragon that was only four or five years long broke out of the ground. Its whole body did not look like ordinary wood, but showed a metallic luster.

Similarly, this wooden dragon is much smaller than the one summoned before, but it is sharp and full of ferocity. Just one look at it will make people's heartbeats accelerate crazily.

The next moment, the metallic wooden dragon roared and rushed straight towards the Ten-Tailed Obito under the Myojin Gate.

At the same time, with a slight cracking sound, thousands of wooden escape arms and the vermilion Mingshen Gate cracked at the same time!

The next moment, all the wood that trapped the target shattered, and Obito, who was dressed in pale clothes, stood up with a dull face.

The wooden dragon roared and arrived in front of Obito. Wherever it passed, the space even distorted irregularly, and endless pressure spread from the dragon's body.

The ten-tailed Obito raised his head stiffly, raised his hands, and the dark chakra transformed again, turning into a black spear in his hand, and then suddenly stabbed at the wooden dragon. The next moment, the two collided at one point. .

The indescribable aftermath, accompanied by intuitive shock waves, swept across all directions. This was a power beyond the scope of human understanding. A black light emerged from the intersection point, only a little at first, and then a large number of cracks quickly extended to the surroundings.

At the same time, everything around him was swallowed up by the huge suction force!

Nangong Yue is very familiar with this phenomenon. This is obviously the space being shattered!

The aftermath with the aura of world destruction swept over, and everyone's eyes were subconsciously focused on it, and fear of unknown origin inevitably arose in their hearts.

To avoid any uncertain consequences, Nangong Yue sighed lightly and began to transform the space here through 'space modeling', cooperating with the correction power of the world itself to quickly repair these space cracks.


Chapter 379

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