It's very simple, just like a certain world I once passed by, killing everyone on the planet (although I didn't do it with my hands).

Human beings no longer exist, naturally there is no fighting, and eternal peace has also been achieved. I think most of you won't mind.

Thinking about it, if I devour all the human souls in a world, I should be able to advance again..."

At this time, although Uchiha Madara still looked indifferent, it could be seen from his trembling body that he was actually a little excited.

"I originally thought that 'making an enemy of the world' was crazy enough, but I didn't expect that you are actually a veteran...

snort! You won't have the chance to do it. Infinite Tsukuyomi is the perfect way to peace.

Even if their bodies turned into Bai Jue, their spirits would still be freed. "

Nangong Yue didn't care about this. He only thought about the fruit now, although it was just as insurance.

After all, he still has billions of soul crystals of human souls hoarded in the storage space. Such a huge amount should help him complete the qualitative change.

After figuring it out, Nangong Yue released the control over the ten-tailed souls and signaled Obito to continue.

Just in time, Obito also recovered from the shock caused by Nangong Yue's secret.

"Indra... Asura... In other words, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke cannot be killed... This is really a difficult problem...

If that's the case..."

Forming a seal with both hands, the power of the samsara eye was transmitted to the Ten-Tails' body along the connecting pipe. At the same time, obscure energy fluctuations swept through the Ten-Tails' entire body.

Suddenly, a strange feeling filled the entire world, and the surroundings suddenly fell into silence, as if the place had been transformed from the human world into the underworld, and everyone invariably felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

Suddenly, the Ten-Tails' one eye widened, and the deformed body underwent an astonishing change again. First it expanded violently, and then shrunk instantly. The huge body was like clay that had been kneaded by a pair of invisible hands, twisting irregularly. Changing.

Immediately afterwards, this huge ball of pale clay completely enveloped Uchiha Obito above his head, and where Obito originally stood, there seemed to be an invisible black hole, swallowing up everything.

All these changes were too sudden and beyond everyone's expectations. They lasted for a few seconds, and the huge body of the Ten-Tails had disappeared into an unknown space.

When everything returned to calm again, a pale ball floated in mid-air, just like a huge egg, contracting regularly like a heart, as if it was gestating some kind of terrifying life.

Nangong Yue rubbed his eyebrows, took out a blood-red chakra fruit that served as food, and took a casual bite. Bloody juice flowed down the corner of his mouth...

"Ah woo...

The progress is good, but the Ten-Tails has not yet recovered from its complete form, and has not yet reached the conditions for the opening of the main contract... But forget it, this is fine. "

After a while, as the pale Kirin Armor's 'eggshell' shattered, the crystal chakra condensed into horn and spread all over Obito's body surface, turning his whole body into pure white.

However, his Sharingan and Rinnegan did not show any emotional fluctuations, and the unfathomable aura centered on him and spread outward.

Most people were watching this scene in a daze, and they still didn't understand what happened.

Senju Hashirama, the temporarily strongest person in the coalition, frowned slightly.

"Does this change mean that he has become the Jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails...

But, it doesn’t feel right..."

Next to Nangong Yue, Uchiha Madara was also looking at Obito's new posture in mid-air, his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan focused on observation.

"Well... there is no emotion in his eyes, like a beast with only instinct.

What controls his body now is not Obito's own will. It seems that it is suppressed by the Ten-Tails' will..."

Although he saw Obito's problem, Uchiha Madara was happy to see the result.

After all, Obito in this state is actually very easy to defeat. Then he can let Black Zetsu control Obito's body and use 'Reincarnation'.

However, all this is still his imagination now, and he is still prepared to wait and see what happens. Doesn't the coalition still have ready-made combat power...

Sure enough, the First Hokage couldn't stand it anymore. The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki in this state was too dangerous, and he might launch an indiscriminate attack at the next moment.

As for those present, it was obvious that there were many people on their side, and he couldn't afford to bet. Then his face became serious, and in the blink of an eye he flashed towards Obito, who had become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. At the same time, he crossed his hands and clasped his fingers, and his face began to glow Bloody lines...

"Immortal magic! Mingshen Gate!!!"

Huge amounts of Immortal Chakra surged within the body, and blood lines representing the operation of Immortal Mode appeared in the corners of the eyes. At the same time as the sound of breaking through the air, several huge vermilion door pillars fell brazenly.

With a loud banging sound on the ground, the layers of wooden arches suppressed the current Uchiha Obito to the ground.

Senju Hashirama's sudden attack stunned the coalition forces, but some of the people who were still rational thought about it carefully and found that they were not stupid, so they naturally understood the reason why the First Generation took action.

Kakashi was one of the few thoughtful people at this time. He stepped forward with a heavy face and asked in a low voice,

"Naruto, what should we do now?

Whether it is Nangong Yue and Uchiha Madara, or Obito, who has now become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, they are all our enemies.

And, it has to be said that their combat effectiveness is superior to ours.

Moreover, if we step forward to deal with Obito who has become a jinchūriki, we might even cause trouble for the Shodaime.

How about we wait and see first and wait until both of them are exhausted to a certain extent before taking action? "

Before Naruto could speak, Onoki Road, the two-day Hiragi, took advantage of the time just now to return to them.

0 ·Asking for flowers·· ·······

"Kakashi, although your proposal is very reasonable, right now, we actually don't have time to wait and see."

"What do you mean, Tsuchikage-sama?"

Onoki's brows twitched slightly, obviously still holding back the pain of the wound, and whispered to Kakashi,

"The reason why the First Hokage chose to attack was obviously because he anticipated the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki's move.

Unfortunately, our combat power is not at the same level as those of those people. Now, we may not even be able to withstand the aftermath of their battle.

So, let’s all take action. At least we can’t cause trouble to the first generation of adults. "

Kakashi was silent, not only him, but all the ninjas who heard Ohnoki's heartbreaking truth were silent. Even if they didn't want to admit it, they also understood that what the Tsuchikage said was obviously the truth.

Sasuke hummed softly and touched the wound on his right chest. Under Sakura's medical ninjutsu, his wound had long since healed, but the shadow in his heart had not receded. The feeling of powerlessness at that moment was unforgettable to him.

... . . . . .

"I understand, then according to your opinion, we should first withdraw a certain distance?"

Kakashi asked in a low voice.

" careful, don't attack that jinchuriki yet. That person is obviously irrational, and it's not a good time to attract hatred."


While the coalition forces were making decisions, in the distance, on the battlefield between Senju Hashirama and Obito, a loud noise resounded in all directions.

In an instant, the vermilion Myojin Gate had all cracked, and it probably only lasted less than ten seconds, which made Senju Hashirama a little embarrassed.

But then, he clasped his hands together, and the earth shook. Countless plants that reached all over the sky broke through the ground and jumped up. In less than a breath, they grew into a forest that could not be seen at a glance. The vegetation was overwhelming towards Obito. Get rid of it.

"After so many years, I finally saw Senju Hashirama's famous fighting method again. This overwhelming Wood Release really reminds me of the past.

But, does this still have any effect on the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki... Six Paths..."

Uchiha Madara, standing next to Nangong Yue, sighed softly, his blood-colored pupils staring at the battlefield. As the Ten-Tails Chakra in Obito's body exploded, all the vines approaching him were destroyed.


Tsuchiking retracted his gaze from the center of Mu Dun and whispered,

"Under the current situation, we have only one way to protect the ninja world, and that is to attack Nangong Yue with all our strength now.

Nangong Yue wants the so-called fruit, but the prerequisite seems to be that the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi' can be successfully used, otherwise, he will kill the entire ninja world.

Even if we seal Uchiha Madara, by then, Nangong Yue will most likely start implementing the 'Eye of the Moon' himself.

In other words, if we follow him, we will fall into the dream of infinite Tsukuyomi, but once we hinder the 'Eye of the Moon' plan, we will immediately become Nangong Yue's target. In short, we will die no matter what.

Although the source of the war was Uchiha Madara, it has to be said that if you want to truly end the war now, Nangong Yue, who is a bystander, is the real end point of this catastrophe.



Chapter 377


Although the source of the war was Uchiha Madara, it has to be said that if you want to truly end the war now, Nangong Yue, who is now a bystander, is the real end point.

So...if Nangong Yue is not eliminated, we have no hope of winning. "

"Yeah, I understand!"

Kakashi nodded, and Mangekyo looked in the direction of Nangong Yue. Naruto also had a serious face, and the golden chakra of the Nine Tails burned even more dazzlingly.

The Fourth Hokage also appeared beside them at this time and said,

"Attention everyone, you must not come forward to fight with him in physical skills. You can only use long-range attacks.

When I was at the Uchiha clan ruins in Konoha, my whole body was decomposed just because I was close enough to test them.

If I had not been reincarnated, I would have been dead by then.

Uh...even though I'm already dead, hahahaha...

By the way, if you have a psychic beast, you'd better channel it as soon as possible if necessary.

Nangong Yue can seal off space. In that environment, except for himself, any technique linked to 'space' cannot be used. "

Hearing this, the third generation old man silently summoned the ape demon and turned it into his usual heavy stick.

After the coalition forces were temporarily prepared and the wounded were treated, at the Tsuchikage's suggestion, the ninja coalition prepared to take advantage of this moment to launch an attack on Nangong Yue.

"Now, although Nangong Yue is only one person, he has the time and space ninjutsu and may pull members of the Akatsuki organization over at any time. In other words, there are a large number of ninjas over there.

If we launch a full-scale attack like this, it may trigger a large-scale melee with unpredictable consequences.

Moreover, if there are too many people, the monster may use another forbidden spell of the same scale to save trouble. Fortunately, I can still fly, otherwise, I would basically not be considered a combat power.

Therefore, the best way now is to organize a group of experts to attack him in order to win by surprise, do you understand? "

The reincarnated Third Hokage nodded,

"Ohnoki, you are still as calm and calm as ever. This feeling is like returning to the previous ninja wars.

Being an enemy is very difficult, but as a companion, I have to say that you are still very reliable. "

"Hmph, you are a dead person, just listen to my plan honestly now.

The old man playing monkey, our era is over, but in this world, I don’t want him to end at this time. For this, I am willing to bet my life. "

The corner of Ohnoki's mouth raised a slight smile and said, but just when Ohnoki raised his head, he was ready to boost his morale!

There was a loud noise, and in the smoke, a figure fell in front of them.

The coalition forces looked there, and saw Madara Uchiha in blood-red armor walking out of the smoke and looking at them with a sneer.

"I said, is it really okay for you to talk so loudly? Don't think that everyone is deaf.

In other words, don't underestimate the extraordinary senses of ninjas who were trained in such hell during the Warring States Period. "


How can you hear our conversation at such a distance and on such a battlefield? ! "

The Third Hokage stood up and said in surprise. Their conversation just now was deliberately lowered. Coupled with the aftermath of the battle between Senju Hashirama and Ten-Tails Obito in the distance, as well as the earth-shattering roar, it was impossible for others to hear it. That's right.

Lowering the huge Uchiha fan in his hand, Madara said disdainfully,

"The miscellaneous fish must have the consciousness of the miscellaneous fish, just stay here and wait to fall asleep.

If you want to get started, I don't mind letting you realize what reality is. "

"Asshole! We don't have time to care about you dead man now! Get out of my way now!!!"

Naruto stepped forward and said angrily, the golden chakra coat on his body flashed with dazzling light, and he rushed straight towards Uchiha Madara.

When the Fourth Hokage saw his son rushing up, he also shouted softly. The nine-tailed coat similar to Naruto's was ignited outside his body. In a flash of golden light, he appeared behind Madara!

The two battles started at the same time. Nangong Yue glanced at Ban.

"Well...we have to look at this guy Spot. After all, there are limitations to the reincarnated body of Guitu, and the upper limit of his strength has been suppressed a lot. There are indeed some good guys in the Ninja Alliance...

Is it possible to just let Kaguya seize the current Obito?

Forget it...just stare at the spots...think in divisions..."

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