
The aftermath with the aura of world destruction swept over, and everyone's eyes were subconsciously focused on it, and fear of unknown origin inevitably arose in their hearts.

To avoid any uncertain consequences, Nangong Yue sighed lightly and began to transform the space here through 'space modeling', cooperating with the correction power of the world itself to quickly repair these space cracks.

As for the simple shock wave, Nangong Yue simply ignored it. His 'penetration' and 'blurring' were not for show.

The 'penetration' that can be read from Tongxing Million has now been developed by Nangong Yue to the extent that it can operate passively.

With the flexible 'density' operation, Nangong Yue can be immune to all pure physical attacks.

Once there is energy in the attack, it may damage the energy circuit still in this space, and it will trigger the 'virtualization' developed through the 'Tian Shift', which is basically foolproof.

On the other hand, Naruto and others were fighting fiercely with Uchiha Madara, who took the initiative to fight. But just as the aftermath of the battle between Hashirama and Obito spread, the faces of both warring parties changed at the same time.

Madara reflexively retreated backwards. At the same time, Susanoo flashed a blue light, blocking all the oncoming impact.

Although elites like Naruto and others could protect themselves from harm, the large ninja coalition behind them was unable to take care of them. After all, the incident happened suddenly. Only Onoki and other earth escape ninjas jointly used the "earth flow wall" to resist. A shock wave hit, but it was destroyed almost instantly.

Naruto's energy body Nine-Tails mode did protect many ninjas around him, but there were only dozens or hundreds of them. Compared to the entire ninja world coalition, the number was still too rare.

Explosions came and went, but they came and went quickly. About half a minute later, what was revealed to everyone was a devastated and empty land, and all the rubble that had been scattered around had been cleared away.

At the very center of the explosion, there was a hole as deep and huge as a meteorite crater. The ninjas who could still stand couldn't help but gasp when they saw this.

In their understanding, it is difficult to imagine that the power of ninjutsu can reach such a terrifying level.

On Naruto's side, many ninjas in the ninja coalition had fallen to the ground, surviving from serious injuries and wailing incessantly. Many of them were even buried in the dust, and even traces could not be found.

The friends and even relatives of the deceased ninjas just knelt beside them in despair, wailing sadly.

"Hehehe... You are really weak. Is this your so-called will to 'protect the world'?

It's really ridiculous. You can't even withstand the aftermath of a simple battle. It's as small as dust. Even a breeze can make you drift around uncontrollably. You don't even have a choice in how to die. "

Uchiha Madara stood not far from them, and unconsciously crossed his arms over his chest, taunting the coalition ninjas.

"You guy, shut up!"

Naruto roared, his chakra transformed into the huge body of Nine-Tails, shining with golden light, and he rushed towards Uchiha Madara recklessly.

"This form of Kyuubi...

snort! It makes no difference, Susanoo! "

Madara said coldly, and the cold blue chakra wrapped his body again, and the blue giant with two faces and four arms was once again completed.

After dealing with the space crack, Nangong Yue just glanced at Madara, and then looked at Senju Hashirama again.

I saw him sitting next to the huge pit, panting slightly. His entire right arm and shoulder had disappeared. The dust that had been reincarnated from the dirty soil kept gathering, and was quickly restoring his body.

Obito still cannot fully control the power of the Ten-Tails, and the Seeking Jade has not yet been condensed.

Now, he is not a nation-destroying powerhouse, and because he has no sense, he cannot use the blood inheritance snare that requires mental control, thereby causing real harm to the body reincarnated in the dirty land.

Let's talk about the situation of Ten-Tails Obito at this time. He was in the huge crater of the explosion and fell to the ground for unknown reasons.

Suddenly, Obito's body swelled irregularly and violently, as if some giant thing appeared from his body, forcibly stretching his originally normal human-sized body, making him look bloated.

Not to mention, he was still expanding, gradually turning into a huge worm-like pale meat mass, which looked extremely disgusting.

"Well... the power of the Ten-Tails has finally exploded. After all, Obito's foundation is too weak and he can no longer suppress the power of the Ten-Tails.

Let me see if your will is firm and restore the sacred tree quickly, I can't wait..."

Obito's chakra became more and more violent, as if a bomb might explode at any time. At this time, Senju Hashirama had basically recovered, and he stood up again and looked at Obito below.

He did not try to attack. His rich combat experience told him that it was best not to act rashly in this situation. The opponent's huge chakra was obviously going berserk. If he attacked at will, he would probably detonate the bomb directly, and the power of the explosion would eventually cause harm. People harm themselves.

However, now he has obviously forgotten that he was reincarnated from the dirty earth, and he still has the same thinking mode as before.

At this time, in Obito's consciousness space, he was struggling with the violent will of the Ten-Tails.

As the source of chakra, the power of the Ten-Tails is not weak, and even completely exceeded Obito's original expectations.

This kind of chaotic energy makes a person lost in an instant, as if his soul is constantly being torn apart. Over time, he will naturally be swallowed by the huge spirit body of the Ten Tails.

Deep in his soul, Obito screamed frequently due to the erosion of the Ten-Tails' will, and his consciousness was blurred. As the memory was shattered bit by bit, the only thing left in the end was...


In the mental space, Obito murmured unconsciously, his consciousness getting weaker and weaker.

The Ten-Tails' will continued to impact his soul, and would soon destroy his last obsession.

After that, the Ten-Tails will be resurrected, and Uchiha Obito will be integrated into the Ten-Tails' body and become the nourishment for the Ten-Tails' growth.

By that time, it was not him, Obito Uchiha, who had become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, but the Ten-Tails that had turned him back and completely absorbed him.

The girl's appearance in the photo became increasingly blurry, and Obito's soul was 'bitten' to pieces. But at this moment, unprecedented power surged from the depths of his soul. This was Obito's last Obsession.

"Lin... no... how... how could you forget Lin?!

No...only this! I will never allow it! ! ! "

A flash of stubbornness and unyielding flashed through the eyes of the remaining scarlet Sharingan. The next moment, the originally broken soul was put back together due to unknown power. Even the huge chakra of the Ten-Tails could not affect it in the slightest!

At the same time, in the outside world, the originally bloated white worm monster shrank instantly, and even more terrifying chakra rose into the sky. A figure emerged in the inexplicable light, closed his eyes tightly, and slowly floated in the air.

In the dark night sky with dark clouds, the dark seeking jade appeared one by one behind the pale human figure. The immortal's tin staff was held casually in his hand, and his eyes slowly opened. The Sharingan and the Samsara Eye were different from the past, showing obvious emotional fluctuations. .

At this point, the power of the Ten-Tails was finally mastered by Obito, and he officially broke through to the level of Six Paths, or the level of annihilation.

Although it is only a country-destroying level that has just crossed the threshold of transnationalism, since it has the Taoist Seeking Jade and the Blood Succession Snare, its combat power can still easily crush the city-breaking level existence.

"`. This... things seem to be getting more troublesome~"

Senju Hashirama raised his head with a wry smile. If he had known, he would have just detonated the bomb. Anyway, he was reincarnated from the dirty earth.

However, precisely because of his rich combat experience and good combat habits, he subconsciously chose the best choice as a 'living person'.

However, Senju Hashirama was right. If the Ten-Tails' body was detonated, it would inevitably affect the spirit body, and it might even help Obito.

After regaining his senses, Obito Uchiha, who was floating in the air, looked down at Senju Hashirama with calm eyes.

"First Hokage Senju Hashirama, your strength is indeed not on the same level as other ninjas, and you are well-deserved for the title of 'God of Ninja'.

But that's it, I've gained the same power as the founder of ninjas, the Six Paths Sage, and no one in this world can be my opponent! "

"Is the power of the Sage of Six Paths (refined)...

Ahaha... However, it is unrealistic for me to give up just like this.

As I said before, we still have to fight to know the specific outcome. "

Obito snorted softly, and the tin staff naturally drooped.

"Hmph! You are already dead, why do you still interfere with the world of the living?

However, since you insist on seeking death..."

In the sound of words, his figure suddenly disappeared, and his speed was even faster than before. In an understatement, he and Senju Hashirama staggered. He waved the immortal tin staff in his hand, and Hashirama's body directly split into two!

"...Then I have no choice but to help you!"

As soon as Obito finished speaking, Hashirama's body that was broken into two parts quickly changed, taking on the color of a dead tree.

"Tch...it's the Wood Escape Clone and Substitution Technique again, but so what? It's just a dying struggle."

Sensing the position of Senju Hashirama's body, the Taoist Jade behind him flew towards his right at the same time.

Senju Hashirama's figure broke out of the ground together with a large number of vines, and the thorns and vines weaved into a huge fist to attack Obito.

But at this time, Obito's Path-Seeking Jade was just in place. Under the characteristics of the Blood Succession Snare, Hashirama's plants collapsed inch by inch, and the Path-Seeking Jade stabbed towards Hashirama unstoppably.


Chapter 380


Senju Hashirama's figure broke out of the ground together with a large number of vines, and the thorns and vines weaved into a huge fist to attack Obito.

But at this time, Obito's Path-Seeking Jade was in place. Under the characteristics of the Blood Succession Snare, Hashirama's plants collapsed inch by inch, and the Path-Seeking Jade stabbed towards Hashirama unstoppably.

This is the ability of the Six Paths in this world. Even the weakest Six Paths are still Six Paths. The characteristics of the Blood Successor Snare are destined to ignore any ninjutsu that is not Yin Yang Escape. When engaging in ninjutsu confrontations with other ninjas, he is innately in a invincible position.

"Wood Release! The most powerful technique on the list!!!"

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama suddenly brought the palms of his hands together, and a huge wooden palm broke out of the ground in front of him, acting as the most solid shield, faithfully guarding the safety of Senju Hashirama.

As the Dao Jade approached, the huge wooden palm was like paper and turned into powder in an instant. This scene made Senju Hashirama stunned.

He also thought about the image of 'the art of ranking being easily broken', but he did not expect that it would collapse so quickly.

You know, back in the Valley of the End, he relied on this move to catch the tailed beast jade with the complete nine tails fully charged head-on.

However, there was no time for him to think now. Qiu Daoyu's attack was already in front of him. By this time, it was too late for him to try any other tricks. He could only hope to rely on his body that had been reincarnated in the dirt to resist.

However, at this critical moment, a hand was put on his shoulder, and then his eyes blurred, and he returned to the coalition position. Hashirama turned his head to the side,

"It's Tobirama...it's been a big help."

Appearing next to him was his younger brother, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama. At this time, the second generation Hokage said in a cold voice with an arrogant look on his face,

"He has become a true Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, completely different from the unintelligent state at the beginning.

Moreover, his black chakra sphere probably surpassed the blood successor's elimination technique, and its chakra properties changed in more than three ways.

The worst case scenario is that it contains all seven chakra properties.

This means that most likely no ninjutsu can hurt him. When you were defending just now, it might be better if you used senjutsu.

But yes, there is still a gap between our strength and our previous life. The reincarnation of the dirty land has a great impact on us. Although we don't need to worry about the consumption of chakra, our upper limit has been reduced a lot. "

Let’s talk about the Dao-Seeking Jade thrown by Obito before. I wonder if Obito did it on purpose. Nangong Yue happened to be on the extension line of its trajectory.

"Hmm... Obito, this kid is still swollen after all~

But, who do you want to hurt with this kind of toy~"

While speaking, Nangong Yue helplessly held the dark jade of seeking truth with one hand, then threw it out and shot towards Obito with a whistling sound.

Obito snorted coldly, and without dodge, he was ready to reach out to catch the Dao-seeking jade thrown by Nangong Yue.

However, at the moment of contact, a look of shock suddenly appeared on Obito's face, and his body uncontrollably retreated backwards for hundreds of meters before he stabilized his figure in mid-air.

The five fingers of his left hand trembled slightly. Obito's Samsara Eye glanced at the palm of his hand. A large amount of white smoke came out from the surface of the Dao Jade due to the violent friction. The burns on his palm also recovered quickly with the blessing of his physique.

Gently releasing the Dao-seeking jade in his hand, it automatically floated back behind him. Obito said in a deep voice,

"Tch... unexpectedly, I was able to withstand Qiu Daoyu's attack using only the most basic means...

However, Nangong Yue, you should not expose those secrets to the public too early!

Hehe hehe... I am no longer what I used to be!

I will definitely implement the 'Eye of the Moon' plan successfully.

Also, I want to order that chakra fruit! ! ! "

Looking at Obito, who was gradually dominated by 'arrogance' and 'greed' due to his expanding power, as if he were a fool, Nangong Yue said helplessly,

"Obito... I haven't been too lazy to hit you for many days, but now you are floating~

Although you have now entered the country-destroying level, just like the shadow level, there are still differences between different shadow-level individuals~"

Obito's eyes narrowed slightly and he whispered,

"Hmph! How will you know if you don't try?

The first Hokage also said just now that we still have to fight to know the specific outcome. "

Looking at Obito who was a little frustrated and crazy, Nangong Yue was already thinking about whether this guy was worth doing it himself.

‘How about... let Momoshi or Urashiki come?

Forget it, I’ll just do it myself, just think of it as a warm-up...'


On the other side, the battle between the coalition forces and Uchiha Madara was also in full swing. The perfect Susan appeared again, and Uchiha Madara's face also turned serious.

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