For the current Naruto, Nangong Yue can indeed crush him at will like he did with Yakushi Kabuto, but that's only for now.

Once Naruto was activated by the old man of Six Paths to activate the Asura Yang Chakra in his body, he officially entered the country-destroying level. This step was a real qualitative change!

At that time, it would be really difficult to extract the senjutsu chakra from Naruto's body.

And when Nangong Yue was fighting, it was impossible to extract the senjutsu chakra from Naruto's body. Could he also fight others?

However, it was very simple to simply interfere with Naruto's spell.

At least, in that case, because Naruto's chakra can be easily interfered by Nangong Yue, that is to say, Naruto basically has no 'resistance' to the 'illusion technique' cast by Nangong Yue!

...A glance at Nangong Yue's different space...

Because Nangong Yue always opened a fist-sized space hole to connect his own alien space with the Ninja World. Because the Ten-Tails was resurrected, it caused a riot of natural energy in the Ninja World, awakening Nangong Yue from a deep sleep.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Nangong Yue opened his eyes. Because he was still a little tired, his eyes were still half-open at this time, and he looked towards the location of the Ten-Tails.

"Well...Actually, with just one tail from the Ten-Tails, I can return to my peak state...

Forget it, actually it’s not much different now...drink ah ah ah~~~~~"

After feeling my mental state for a while, after a few hours of deep sleep and continuous mental recovery with the blessing of the 'Sleep Technique', I have now recovered from the verge of collapse to 70% of my peak state.

After looking at the state of the Ten-Tails, which had just been resurrected, Nangong Yue calculated the time and felt that he could go to a calmer place to continue absorbing natural energy, which would be more efficient than continuing to stay in a different space.

Immediately, Nangong Yue decisively used ‘Tian Shi’ and came to the cozy Moon Palace Study Room.

As soon as he appeared, Nangong Yue was warmly welcomed by Hua Huo (green seeking jade)...

... 0 ....

...switch perspective...

On top of the Ten-Tails' heads, Obito and Madara had already jumped up. From the surface of the Ten-Tails' head, two tubes like tree roots protruded and sank into the back of their heads.

"I want to start the ritual of unlimited moon reading immediately. Do you have any objections?"

The moment he connected to the Ten-Tails, Obito couldn't help it.

Madara glanced at him and said calmly,

“The ritual of infinite moon reading requires a certain amount of time to call on the moon.

The few miscellaneous fish in front of him will definitely hinder the execution of the technique, and they must be dealt with first with the power of the ten tails. "

"Hmph! You probably just want to try the power of the Ten-Tails...

Really, with this level of willfulness, he is just like a little devil! "

Madara smiled nonchalantly, raised his head slightly, and looked upward with his samsara eyes.

"No, children are always eager to do things, but I am fundamentally different."

While the two were talking, Uchiha Madara had already injected his own chakra into the Ten-Tails body through the pipe connected to the back of his head.

Suddenly, the Ten-Tails, as huge as a mountain, rushed forward, and the entire continental plate seemed to be shaking under his footsteps. For a moment, sand and rocks were flying, and billowing smoke and dust were raised, obscuring everyone's vision.

Naruto inside the energy body Nine-Tails, as well as Kakashi and Gai standing on the shoulders of Nine-Tails, looking at the demon-like Ten-Tails, couldn't help but doubt themselves,

'Can we...really be able to defeat this kind of existence...'

"Huh, now it's not a question of whether you can win, but a question of whether you fight hard or not!

Even if we choose not to fight and turn around and run now, we will still die when the other party's plan is completed!

And now, the Ten-Tails is at its weakest. If we don't take the opportunity to deal with him, are we going to just sit back and watch the Ten-Tails recover to its full form, and wait until the Ten-Tails is truly invincible before taking action? ! "

Seeing these unreliable humans, as expected, because of the terror of the Ten-Tails, his heart began to waver. The Nine-Tails, who didn't want to die like this, quickly awakened these fighting powers.


Chapter 362


"Huh, now it's not a question of whether you can win, but whether you fight hard or not!

Even if we choose not to fight and turn around and run now, we will still die when the other party's plan is completed!

And now, it is when the Ten-Tails is at its weakest. If we don't take the opportunity to deal with him, are we going to just sit back and watch the Ten-Tails recover to its full form, and wait until the Ten-Tails is truly invincible before taking action? ! "

Seeing these unreliable humans, his heart began to waver because of the terror of the Ten-Tails. The Nine-Tails, who didn't want to die like this, quickly awakened these fighting powers.

Under the command of Kyuubi, Gai and Kakashi were also wrapped by Kyuubi, and restored chakra with peace of mind. Taking advantage of this moment, Kyuubi quickly gave instructions,

"Listen, later, first keep the distance to see how he moves, and then avoid the attack based on his movements.

After figuring out the movement pattern of the Ten-Tails, close the distance and use the tailed beast cannon to shoot a big one at him. The target is the one-eye.

Also, that kaleidoscope ninja, you also saw the opportunity to use the pupil technique.

Do you understand everything? ! "

" works!" (Naruto)

Kakashi, who quickly recovered chakra in his energy body, was filled with emotions for a moment.

"I never thought that one day we would fight side by side with Kyuubi.

How should I put it... This feeling always feels a bit weird, (well... after all, before this, Kyuubi was the object of hatred by humans~)

However, as a companion, he is extremely reliable.

Naruto! It's about to happen! ! ! "

Amidst the smoke and dust that covered the sky, the Ten-Tails' arm suddenly stretched out and took pictures at an unexpected speed. Under his huge palm, even the Nine-Tails was just a plaything in his palm.

However, although the attack speed of the Ten-Tails is fast, the Nine-Tails is still the strongest tailed beast outside the Ten-Tails, and it is based on an agile creature like a 'fox', and its speed is even faster than the current one. A little bit of ten tails!

The Kyuubi, whose attention had been focused on the Ten-Tails, instantly dodged back and easily dodged the slap of the Ten-Tails' giant palm.

Amidst the roar, the earth couldn't stop shaking under this palm. It was a literal earthquake.

Taking advantage of this conspicuous gap, Nine-Tails roared and rushed straight into the front of Ten-Tails!

However, the Ten-Tails' legs and one hand suddenly exerted force, and the earth shook violently again. One arm waved, bringing out a natural disaster-like hurricane. Before he could react, the hill-like Nine-Tails was suddenly flown away by a palm. !

The Kyuubi, which was knocked away, turned over freely in the sky, and the chakra sphere as deep as ink quickly condensed into the huge beast's mouth.

"Tailed beast jade! Continuous bombs!!!"

Along with the roar of the Nine-Tails, a continuous jet of black energy balls were spit out, split into two directions in mid-air, and surrounded the Ten-Tails.

"It's a small fight, no need to dodge."

Uchiha Madara, who stood above the Ten-Tails, was very disdainful of the Kyuubi's attack.

This kind of attack, let alone the Ten-Tails, even his Susana can resist it, and it doesn't even need to be fully activated.

Compared to Uchiha Madara's calmness, Obito treasures the monster at his feet.

"No, rather than resisting unnecessarily, I want to preserve the power of the Ten-Tails as much as possible.

After all, the Infinite Tsukuyomi will be released later to conserve power so that the Ten-Tails can evolve into a divine tree faster. "

Taking advantage of the brief dispute between the two Uchiha, a large wave of Tailed Beast Orbs arrived in front of them. The Ten-Tails acted on their instinct of 'hungry for energy', opened their bloody mouths, and actually swallowed all these Tailed Beast Orbs! (Hungry ghost path)

The next moment, the Ten-Tails, who seemed to be very satisfied, opened their mouths wide, and the dark Chak... energy gathered crazily from his mouth.


Kyuubi had just landed, and before he had time to adjust his body balance, when he saw the operation of Ten Tails, his heart suddenly jumped!

In an instant, a brilliant dazzling flash of light bloomed from the mouth of the Ten-Tails, making people even ignore the fatal danger of this light.

Nine Lamas, who had extremely rich fighting experience, directly rolled up his nine golden tails, wrapped his entire body, and formed a ball shape.

The dazzling laser hit the Nine Tails and spread out in an instant. At the same time, the earth continued to roar, gravel flew, and the earth was overturned layer by layer under the strong wind.

The raging fire of the Tailed Beast Cannon lasted for about ten seconds. After the smoke dissipated, the huge figure of the Nine-Tails appeared again, with flames still burning on the golden chakra tail.

However, the golden light all over his body has obviously dimmed a lot, and the entire energy body is already somewhat looming.

However, Kyuubi's gaze looked upwards, a glint flashing in his eyes.

"It should be said that he deserves to be the Nine-Tails. He is really lucky~"

Madara, who was standing on the head of the Ten-Tails, hummed. Then, he seemed to notice something and quickly looked up to the sky. Naruto's shadow clone and Kakashi's figure had already flashed in front of the Ten-Tails at some point.

"Divine power!!!"

Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan rotated slightly, and the space was suddenly distorted. He rarely used his divine power in reverse, and directly transmitted Naruto's body. The deep and huge tailed beast jade had been condensed. This time, the target was exactly The most vulnerable one-eye of the Ten-Tails!

"Suffer death, you monster!!!"

With a loud shout, the tailed beast jade suddenly burst out, directly attacking the ten-tails' blood-red nine magatama reincarnation sharingan!

But just before it was about to hit, the Ten-Tails raised its claws and flicked his fingers lightly. Before the terrifying tailed beast jade could erupt, it was bounced away like a marble and returned the way it came.

Faced with the sudden attack, and with the previous experience of 'Uchiha rebound', Naruto dodged his Tailed Beast Jade with narrowly misses.

But the danger was not over. At the same time, one of the Ten-Tails' tails lifted up, like the sky falling, and drew it down towards Naruto and Kakashi, putting the two of them in immediate danger.


Naruto yelled and quickly pulled Kakashi out of the way.


On the portrait of Senju Hashirama at Hokage Rock, Nangong Yue looked at Orochimaru Sasuke and his party who were gradually approaching Konoha.

"Well... a child is a child, and his position is not firm. After being a little instigated by his brother, his mood immediately became confused.

Well~ after all, he is his only relative, and his status in the child's heart is still very high, don't you think so? "

Nangong Yue did not look back, still looking down at the newly built Konoha, playing with two emerald green 'jade beads' in his hand. If you look carefully, the souls of Nagato and Xiaonan are sealed in the beads!

Of course, the souls of these two people have already fallen into a deep sleep under the influence of Nangong Yue’s ‘sleeping technique’.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi, who had regained(?) his freedom, emerged from the bushes behind Nangong Yue.

"What do you want to do when you come to Konoha?

Also, even if I am not a sensing ninja, I can clearly feel the chakra in the distance. In other words, the Ten-Tails has been resurrected? "

Hearing Itachi's question, Nangong Yue, who had his back to Itachi, slightly raised his head and looked in the direction of Ten-Tails.

"Heh heh heh heh... It's really outstanding~ A quasi-kage, two shadow levels, plus a big fox, actually held a stalemate with the Ten-Tails, even though it was an unintelligent gesture."

Whoosh! ! !

Suddenly, a kunai was shot towards the back of Nangong Yue's head. After passing through his head, Nangong Yue grabbed the handle of the kunai.

“Nangong Yue, you haven’t answered my question yet!

What do you want to do in Konoha? ! "

Nangong Yue sighed, turned around, and looked helplessly at Uchiha Itachi,

"Itachi~ Do you think that you can float away now that you have released the psychic contract of the dirty land reincarnation and regained your freedom?

Pay attention to your identity. After all, you are just a pawn in my hand.

What am I doing in Konoha? This is an interesting question...

This whole world is my back garden, where is the place I can't go?

Regardless of whether it is necessary or not, even if I want to wipe out Konoha, what will you do? "

Uchiha Itachi remained silent, moved backwards and distanced himself, and silently turned on the mature Susan,

"I am Uchiha Itachi of Konoha, and I will never allow you to destroy Konoha.

Also, although I don't know why Sasuke can't be allowed to die now, and I don't know what special identity Sasuke has, it also shows that you will definitely attack Sasuke at the right time, which I still don't allow. "

Uchiha Itachi's reaction made Nangong Yue happy. He lowered his head and looked at the jade beads in his hands.

"Itachi~ As smart as you are, you must understand that a powerless existence does not have the right to choose.

Just like you now, your soul is controlled, just like these two in my hands, you can't even ask for death.

But... forget it, I still have the tolerance for the combat power inventory in my hands.

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