"Well...you are talking about the Five Shadows, who knows~

You might as well guess for yourself, wasn't your shadow clone destroyed by that Nangong Yue? "


Naruto's eyes instantly turned into the vertical pupils of a fox, and the chakra coat wrapped around his body burned.

With a flash of golden light, Naruto appeared in front of Madara, and the black mini-tailed beast jade suddenly pressed down!

"You dead bastard old antique, now that you're dead, go back to where you belong!!!"

"Nine-tailed brat, are you quite energetic?"

Madara chuckled lightly and blocked the Uchiha fan in front of him. The tailed beast jade hit the fan, but nothing special happened. What's more, the 'explosion' that Naruto expected didn't happen either, but was gradually absorbed. !

"Uchiha rebounds..."

Just when Naruto was still confused, a violent burst of chakra burst out from the fan, and the 'explosion' that Naruto expected bounced back with the power that Naruto expected, launching his whole body back like a cannonball. Get out!

Naruto made a big hole in the ground, and Kai quickly stepped forward to help him, but before Obito could take action, seven black translucent humanoid shadows suddenly lit up around him. This was obviously a magic lantern body technique!

It can be seen from the character outlines that they are Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan, Deidara, Akasaka no Scorpion, Zetsu, and Satoru in human form.

Seeing these shadows, the faces of the three people in Konoha became even more gloomy. He never expected that almost all members of the Akatsuki organization were still alive!

"Ah...your mask is broken...Madara...

No, without the mask, you should be called 'Obito'. "

Kisame, who was most familiar with Obito, reacted immediately when he saw Obito showing his true face.


Black Zetsu immediately saluted Uchiha Madara himself.

"Sure enough, you, who goes by the pseudonym 'A Fei', can't be Madara Uchiha...

Let me see...Obito...to.bi.o...um...

In turn, o.bi.to... Ah Fei... um...

Ah ha ha ha! ! ! Case solved! Case solved! Um! ! ! "

Immediately afterwards, Deidara's shadow saw the real Uchiha Madara!

"Huh?! I'm actually right next to you!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry~"

"Of all the people who can't die, there is still one left..." (Hidan)

"By the way, Madara...Obito, Boss Nangong can't be contacted right now, what should we do now?

There are just a few of us, even with the cooperation of those Bai Jue, it will be very difficult to face nearly 30,000 coalition troops~

You know, we are living people~" (Wu)

Obito quickly waved his hand to interrupt the speeches of these members. He had a big head now and just wanted to send these people away quickly.

However, he still needs to understand the situation on the battlefield to some extent.

However, considering the current state of the members of the Akatsuki organization, they actually still have time to perform spells, and coupled with the news that it's close to 30,000, Obito thinks it's enough.


Deidara, work with Kakuzu and Hidan to continue intercepting the coalition forces inland.

Kisame and Scorpion, you work together to intercept and kill the coalition forces offshore.

Satoru, you'd better come over and remember to bring Mooshi with you. "

After Obito gave the general order, because it was during wartime, the members didn't say much and directly canceled the 'Phantom Lantern Body'.

However, when Satoru finally disappeared, he glanced disdainfully at the reincarnated Uchiha Madara, which made Madara very dissatisfied.

However, Madara was indeed in that Satoru's body. Even though it was through the magic lantern body, he still felt a huge group of malicious chakra.

"Obito, your men are not very obedient...

Oh... By the way, the position of leader seems to be held by that person. I was wrong about you~

By the way, what happened to that ‘enlightenment’? "


When you say "enlightenment", what you see is not the opponent's true form. That guy is a monster that existed during the Six Paths period and has been sealed in the Box of Bliss.

In short, the strength is above the Eight-Tails, and should be slightly worse than the Nine-Tails.

He was recently released by Nangong Yue, and then he was taken under his direct line.

I am also authorized to command the monster. "

After hearing this, Madara Uchiha, although he was still very dissatisfied with the disdainful look that the monster looked at him, he somewhat understood it.

"I see, that thing doesn't look down on me, but looks down on 'human beings'... That's why it got close to that Nangong Yue.

Well...mostly he was conquered through violence, showing incomparable power, making the other party fascinated by his abilities, and then became his die-hard loyalist...

Forget it... let's settle the immediate matter first.

Obito! I'll go take care of Kyuubi, and leave these two to you! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Madara rushed towards the perceived Naruto, leaving Obito alone.

Uchiha Obito was silent for a while, but he still rushed out in the direction of Kakashi and Gai. The moment he got close, the 'Kamui' was activated, and Kakashi and Kakashi were sucked into the Kamui space!

In the outside world, Madara was alone against Naruto and Kai. Even when faced with Naruto and Kai teaming up, he was still able to do so with ease.

"Wooden Escape, Wood Dragon's Technique!"

With his hands forming seals like lightning, a huge and ferocious wooden dragon rushed out from the ground and went straight to Naruto in the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode!

In Madara's opinion, when dealing with tailed beasts, the wood escape that can absorb chakra is the best choice compared to the violent smash of Susanoo.

While the wooden dragon was entangled with Naruto, Madara himself and Might Guy in normal state started a fierce physical battle.

As time went by, Might Guy, who was originally unable to resist, kept opening the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu until he opened six gates and barely resisted Uchiha Madara who only used chakra to strengthen his body!

Within two minutes, Madara always had the upper hand in the physical battle.

But just when Madara retreated far enough and released a powerful large-scale fire escape ninjutsu to Gai, Naruto "took the time" to launch a basketball-sized tailed beast ball in the direction of Madara.

But because of this, Naruto was entangled by the thick wooden dragon, and it was still absorbing the chakra in his body at a very fast speed!

Madara and Kai, who didn't want to be blown to pieces, retreated at the same time.

After the aftermath of the Tailed Beast Ball's explosion dissipated, Madara looked at Naruto who was entangled by the wooden dragon with disdain,


Ah... With the power you show now, can you really protect this hopeless world?

Yes, it's getting dark now, and you will soon see that scene in your dreams.

Humph! Face the reality, the weak have no say, and can't even choose how they die."

"You bastard, shut up!!!



Chapter 361


"You bastard, shut up!!!


Naruto roared angrily, and the Nine-Tails mode changed again. The Nine-Tails energy phantom formed by golden chakra wrapped him up, just like the Susanoo of the Uchiha clan!

A moment later, a huge energy body Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was formed, and Naruto himself was lifted by Chakra in the head of the energy body Nine-Tail, as if floating in the body of Nine-Tail.

The wooden dragon that originally bound him was also completely blown up by his instantaneous explosion. Although Madara did not use his full strength when making this wooden dragon...

Madara frowned slightly, and just when he was about to release a new ninjutsu to deal with the two people, the Outer Path Demon Statue suddenly burst out with a shocking roar, and then the whole world changed drastically!

As the natural energy between heaven and earth poured into the Outer Path Demon Statue frantically, the appearance of the original human-shaped demon statue began to change dramatically!

Suddenly, the originally terrifying chakra disappeared out of thin air, but it gave people a feeling that it was far more dangerous than when it could sense chakra~ Horrible!

The huge one-eyed monster with a weird shape just crawled on the ground, and the ten tails behind it danced wildly, as if to overturn the whole world!

The huge single eye that attracted everyone's attention was blood red. It looked like the Samsara Eye, but the base color was scarlet. On each circle, there were black hook-jade at angles to each other, a total of nine.

"Things... have become troublesome..."

Kakashi, who had just escaped from the Kamui space, looked at the unprecedentedly huge Ten-tailed beast in the distance with a solemn expression. His forehead was covered with sweat. He didn't know whether he was tired or scared...

"Damn! Is it still a step away?

But why did the chakra with huge malice disappear so suddenly?!

Well... This feeling is somewhat similar to that of Nangong Yue, but it is much more violent."

At this time, the voice of the Nine-tailed sounded deep in his heart, and began to explain to Naruto, so that the kid would not be confused for a while.

"The Ten-Tails cannot be judged by common sense. He himself has no concept of good and evil.

Also, you are right. This is why Nangong Yue is more dangerous.

In short, what we see before us is the Ten-Tails without any reason, only instinct. He can only use the incomparably huge energy by instinct and in a simple and rough way;

But Nangong Yue is different. He has all the energy and power of the Ten-Tails, and he also has superb wisdom and endless techniques.

In short, be careful now."

Naruto nodded, sat cross-legged with a serious look, and his body gradually became in tune with the surrounding nature. After a while, orange eye shadow appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Seeing this, the Nine-Tails sighed. Anyway, he couldn't hide it now, so he confessed,

"It's useless. Even if you use the Sage Mode to perceive, you can only get the answer of 'infinite'."

Sure enough, boundless fear surged in his heart. In Naruto's perception, it seemed that the huge chakra of the whole world was gathered in front of him. The terrifying pressure almost suffocated him on the spot.

Seeing Naruto's condition, Kyuubi also knew what he sensed, sighed, and continued to explain, "Because the Ten-Tails itself is a sacred tree that reaches the sky, and it is originally the embodiment of 'nature'. You can detect it by sensing 'nature', and you can only detect 'nature' itself." "......"Ahahaha... Hey... I can't laugh no matter what... How can such a terrifying creature exist..." At this time, Naruto was already sweating profusely, and Kyuubi continued,

"To be honest, your current magic can still pose a threat to the Ten-Tails. That's because the Ten-Tails cannot control natural energy in a fine way. It can only inhale it roughly into the body and then explode it instinctively.

However, let me remind you now, if you are facing that Nangong Yue, never use magic! "

"Eh?! Why?!!!"

No wonder Naruto wasn't shocked, senjutsu was a very important part of his combat power. Once he couldn't use sage mode, his combat power would drop a lot!

Although what he said would probably bring a heavy blow to Naruto, it would be better than dying directly. Kyuubi continued to give instructions,

"Hmph! Nangong Yue is different from the Ten-Tails who only have instincts. He can mobilize natural energy in a precise and flexible way.

Then, of course, he can still mobilize all the natural energy that is breathed into your body.

However, at that time, the natural energy in your body has already been mixed with your own chakra. You should know that if the chakra of the human body is completely extracted..."


If you lose your chakra completely... you will die..."

Sure enough, the moment he came to this conclusion, Naruto fell into a long silence.

In fact, what Jiuwei said was not entirely correct. The reason why Nangong Yue was able to draw out the celestial chakra from other people's bodies was not only due to his 'natural' ability, but also because there was a decisive gap in the basic realm.

The reason why Nangong Yue was able to easily extract the celestial chakra from Yakushi Kabuto's body before was because there was a huge gap in the basic realm.

Nangong Yue is already close to the state-destruction level. It can be said that he is only a piece of paper away from being able to advance to become a 'demigod'. Yakushi Kabuto is only at the city-breaking level, so it is of course easy to control it. This is the reason. As it should be.

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