I can give you a chance and I allow you to attack me now.

However, after this time, if you do it again, I will completely erase your consciousness.

At that time, you are no longer my subordinate, but truly become a pure combat weapon in my hands. "


In an instant, the surrounding space, under the influence of Nangong Yue, gradually became isolated from reality, and the mirror space once again served as a temporary battlefield.

The next moment, Nangong Yue activated his disguise and moved Itachi and himself to the center of Konoha.

Looking at the Konoha civilians and ninjas passing by one after another, Uchiha Itachi immediately discovered something unusual.

Because everyone was clearly near them, and many people were even looking directly at them, but no one made any reaction!


Chapter 363


Looking at the Konoha civilians and ninjas passing by one after another, Uchiha Itachi immediately discovered something unusual.

Because everyone was clearly near them, and many people, including many left-behind ninjas, were looking directly at them, but no one made any reaction!

However, both Uchiha Itachi and Nangong Yue across from him are wanted felons in the ninja world!

Looking back carefully, before the two of them came here, the entire space was based on their location, and the distortion of space continued to spread into the distance.

In other words, they actually already exist in a huge independent space!

After thinking about it clearly, Uchiha Itachi's expression became extremely solemn.

“This is a mirror space, a mirror image of the real space.

Don’t worry, here you can destroy whatever you want~

Hum hum hum... isn't this great? After all, although you love Konoha deeply, you should have some resentment in your heart~

Take action~ Destroy this false Konoha with your own hands~

However, let me remind you first that although these are all fake, the scenes of smashing buildings, crushing bodies, and the painful wails are all 100% perfectly reproduced~

I think you must be able to do it, after all, the Uchiha clan..."

boom! ! ! ! !

In an instant, Nangong Yue01's body was penetrated by the Ten Fist Sword!

Then, in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, Nangong Yue's eyes widened, and he was quickly sucked into the gourd by the Ten Fist Sword!

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was covered in cold sweat and panting. One can imagine how much pressure he was under.

"This...it's over..."

Before the space collapsed, Uchiha Itachi casually leaned against a wall in a small alley and slid down.

However, after waiting for half a minute, the space was still as stable as before, and Uchiha Itachi had an ominous premonition in his heart.

“Hey~ Saying words like ‘This is the end’ shows that it’s still early~

Immobilization, distortion, vibration, crushing, collapse, compressed air, shock wave, explosive power, strengthening of muscles and bones, repulsion, explosion, nuclear fusion, hardening, traffic prohibition..."


Hearing the whisper in his ear, Uchiha Itachi was about to retreat, but found that he was completely unable to move! Immediately afterwards, following Nangong Yue's extremely fast narration...

boom! ! ! ! !

Half a minute later, over Konoha in the mirror space, Nangong Yue lowered his head and looked at the palm of his right hand, which was a little burnt and was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned his attention to the false Konoha below.

I saw that Konoha, which had been rebuilt, once again turned into a huge empty crater! In the center of Konoha, dust and mustard were flying, and Uchiha Itachi's body slowly condensed.

The head floating in the air was staring at the sky with a dull expression. However, Nangong Yue, who read his psychological fluctuations, knew clearly that the current Uchiha Itachi was far from as calm as he showed.

In fact, if Nangong Yue hadn't used the energy-driven technique of Yin Yang Escape, Uchiha Itachi's reincarnated body would have been scrapped long ago, and Nangong Yue would have had another emerald green jade bead in the palm of his left hand.

Nangong Yue, floating in the sky above Konoha (?), is still holding his left hand flat, turning two jade beads in his hand, looking down leisurely, waiting for Uchiha Itachi to recover and continue his wonderful performance.

In fact, Nangong Yue actually activated the 'Transformation' twice in a very short period of time, and the superimposed casting of the same spell has achieved some results.

When Uchiha Itachi moved to the center of Konoha, Nangong Yue was always observing over Konoha!

"Hmm... Is this what it feels like for a captain of the fifth division to play tricks on others... Five sense manipulation is indeed a technique with huge potential and deserves further development~"

Nangong Yue didn't mean to avoid it at all, and Uchiha Itachi immediately recalled the origin of this ability from the four words "manipulation of five senses".

"The Kurama clan's bloodline limit...is on par with Uchiha in terms of illusions, and even exceeds many abilities...

However, doesn’t the Kurama clan’s blood-inherited ninjutsu require a medium? And he didn't do anything, but he unknowingly affected my five senses? !

Also, if this ability is used in group battles..."

Uchiha Itachi immediately understood the terrifying power of five sense manipulation!

Looking back now, in his Mangekyou Sharingan eyes, he could clearly see a human-shaped chakra ball, which was obviously the blocking energy wrapped around the surface of Nangong Yue's body!

In the end, all of this was actually what Nangong Yue wanted him to see? !

Suddenly, Nangong Yue flashed in front of Uchiha Itachi again.

"The action was very decisive~ So, has Leng calmed down now?

Um? As expected of you, you can use that move with just the kaleidoscope~"

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi's heart suddenly jumped!

'Have you seen the future again...'

Although he had understood the current situation, he was now in a desperate situation. Uchiha Itachi immediately exploded all his chakra!

In less than a breath, in front of Nangong Yue, a blood-red energy body of hundreds of meters high, the Great Tengu, was condensed, and he immediately struck it down with a sword!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...it's this kind of thing that uses its size to oppress the enemy. Why are all the people in Hagoromo's lineage like this..."

With his thoughts accelerating, Nangong Yue looked at Uchiha Itachi's slow motion and slowly (?) raised his free right hand.

"Knowing that I would die, you still resolutely attacked me, so as a sign of respect...


In an instant, the huge energy giant, along with Uchiha Itachi, suddenly stopped! Then...

Click! ! ! Click click click...! ! !

Suddenly, the entire complete body of Susan, together with Uchiha Itachi who was reincarnated in the dirt, was like an ice sculpture that was already somewhat broken. Because an important base point was destroyed, the whole thing collapsed!

Under the illumination of the setting sun, the blood-red ice crystals all over the sky formed an extremely gorgeous picture!

Nangong Yue recalled Uchiha Itachi's soul with one move, just like Nagato and Konan did, directly putting him into a deep sleep.

"Still... directly stopping all microscopic particles, which is equivalent to instant freezing.

The increased energy level is equivalent to Yin Yang Dun's restraint on ordinary chakra ninjutsu.

And...this thing, it feels like you are building your own Hall of Valor~"

After putting the three jade beads in his hand back into the storage space, Nangong Yue flashed to the Hokage Rock again, released the mirror space, and waited for Senju Hashirama to be summoned.

Nangong Yue will not let go of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

...Back to the Ten-Tails battlefield...

The battle is still going on. In the face of the terrifying strength of the Ten-Tails, even the Nine-Tails, the most powerful tailed beast, can only parry and cannot find a chance to counterattack.

After the battle lasted for a while, Madara, who was standing on the head of the Ten-Tails, tilted his head slightly and thought,

"The resistance is very tenacious, but this is almost reaching the limit... The Ten-Tails has become more and more skilled in the use of power.

Next, after destroying them all, the Infinite Tsukuyomi can officially begin. "

When Madara spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly and paused for a moment when he heard the words 'Infinite Tsukuyomi', obviously intentionally reminding Obito.

Just when Uchiha Madara was expressing his thoughts, Nine-Tails' huge chakra body was gradually dissipating. It seemed that the chakra was probably exhausted and it would take some time to recover.

Seeing this, Obito's expressionless face finally showed a hint of joy.

"It seems that 'luck' is on our side this time. Kyuubi's chakra is exhausted..."

Immediately, Obito looked at Naruto below,

"Naruto! The Kyuubi has lost its power. In this case, what can you do to fight us?! Are you still unwilling to give up?"

Naruto landed on the ground, the Nine-Tails chakra mode had faded, and he did not enter the sage mode.

Next to Naruto, Kakashi was panting violently. He had just used his divine power to transfer Naruto's body with the complete tailed beast jade. In terms of his chakra amount, the burden was too great.

Metkai's condition is not much better. He is lying on the ground and panting. Fortunately, he did not use the Eight-door Dunjia too much before. Otherwise, he would not only be panting now, but also probably die directly. Otherwise.

After all, Madara and Obito are not fools. There is a huge difference between being 'tired' and 'incapable of action'. It is impossible for them to fail to seize this opportunity.

Naruto clenched his hands secretly, gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

"If I have to give up at this level, how can I live up to everyone's expectations of me?

I'm different from you, my goal is to become Hokage!

No matter how bad this world is, it is still my world!

I will change it with my own hands instead of denying everything about it! "

As he spoke, he intertwined his hands, which was the seal of the shadow clone.

Listening to Naruto's words with a hint of 'arrogance', Madara Uchiha sneered,

"Hmph! 'Minecraft'...what...

Hahahaha... This arrogance is a bit interesting...

But look at you now, what can you do now?

Not to mention protecting the world, you can't even protect your companions behind you.

Also, for that seal, do you want to use your best multi-shadow clone?

It's a pity that no matter how many people come, it will be useless.

Haven’t you understood yet? In high-end battles, ‘quantity’ is useless! "


Chapter 364


"Hmph! 'Minecraft'...what...

Hahahaha... This arrogance is a bit interesting...

But look at you now, what can you do now?

Not to mention protecting the world, you can't even protect your companions behind you.

Also, for that seal, do you want to use your best multi-shadow clone?

It's a pity that no matter how many people come, it will be useless.

Haven’t you understood yet, in high-end battles, ‘quantity’ is useless! "

"What?!!! You guy!!!"

Naruto felt extremely angry about Uchiha Madara's remarks.

At the same time, in order to calm down Naruto, Kakashi behind him stood up and grabbed Naruto who was about to rush forward.

"Naruto stop!!!

There is really no use in continuing to use a shadow clone that will split your chakra equally now.

Even if he could feint an attack, he still couldn't deliver a decisive blow.

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