"Immortal magic! Legend of distant shadows!!!"

As the Indian posture changes, the python in the abdomen of the pharmacist turns into fluid and begins to squirm. It is obvious that this is the upper body of a humanoid!

"Sakon! The art of twin demons!

Jirobo! Earth Escape! Return from Tulu! ! ! "

After Yakushi Kabuto opened up the ground contaminated with Amaterasu's black flames, the fierce battle started again. Susanoo, Amaterasu, Fire Release, Earth Release, Water Release, Thunder Release, Spider Web, Demonic Sound, Bone Forest...

In this deep cave, just three people perfectly interpreted the peak showdown of 'ninja'.

In the medicine master's sage mode, the energy recovery speed is extremely fast. Under frequent active attacks, Sasuke and Itachi, especially Sasuke, who is a living mortal, can only find ways to save chakra to deal with the enemy.

Fists and kicks, swords, hidden weapons, ninjutsu, and illusions, both sides showed off their own skills. The high-speed moving figures intertwined with each other, and the trajectory of Susana's huge fist was like a stream of light.

The huge white phosphorus snake in Kabuto's abdomen suddenly stretched out and rushed straight towards the red Susana, but Sasuke's purple Susano's bone hand grasped the snake's 'seven inches' and squeezed it hard. For some reason, Yakushi Kabuto's whole body Everyone stopped moving.

But just when the two thought they were safe and Itachi had released Susana and started to use Izanami, suddenly, the big snake that collapsed on the ground trembled slightly, and an afterimage passed by Itachi's side!

When the Uchiha brothers reacted, Itachi had been cut in half by Yakushi Kabuto's chakra scalpel!

Just when Yakushi Kabuto turned around and rushed towards Uchiha Itachi's upper body in mid-air, trying to pierce the control charm in his hand into Itachi's brain, Sasuke's eyes froze, and Susan's giant palm hurriedly reached towards Kabuto, holding the Kusanagi in his hand. The sword was thrown by him again.

Kabuto's arm once again extended a white snake, biting the Kusanagi sword, but in this short moment, under Susan's hand, Kabuto's body was shattered into pieces.

But as he said, after inheriting the power of Orochimaru and gaining the ability of a sage, an attack of this level is far from enough to kill him, not to mention the ninjutsu that uses his own body as a substitute.

Extending to the other end, the snake head opened its mouth again. Kabuto's figure emerged from the wide mouth of the snake and instantly jumped to the top of the cave. The soles of his feet were attached to the top of the cave, standing upside down like a bat.

"Art fire escape ho fireball"!"

Sasuke took advantage of Yakushi Kabuto's unsteadiness and discovered his presence immediately, and a fireball nearly ten meters in diameter was instantly spit out.

"Water Release! Great Waterfall Technique!!!"

Yakushi Kabuto's hands danced into an afterimage, and then he spurted out a large amount of water from his mouth. The water and fire intertwined, making a hissing sound.

The result was obvious. The fire escape released by Sasuke using ordinary chakra was of course not comparable to Kabuto Yakushi's water escape. With enough water, Sasuke's fire was easily extinguished. The water flow reversed, and Sasuke jumped up to avoid it.

Itachi's figure appeared strangely in front of Kabuto. It was very similar to a previous scene, but Kabuto didn't have time to think. He instinctively pulled out the Kusanagi sword he had just snatched and turned around to stab it out. The long sword penetrated Itachi's body again.

Gua... Gua... Gua...

The kaleidoscope in the right eye turned white and gradually turned into a gray pupil. Everything was a foregone conclusion at this moment!

...Yakushi Kabuto's own perspective...

The noisy crows of crows sounded, and everything seemed familiar. Itachi's figure appeared behind him. Under the bite of the crows, the Kusanagi sword flew into the air, held it, chopped it down, and the dragon's horn broke...

The two separated, Kabuto sneered, but he hadn't reacted yet,

"Using the same attack method, do you think I can't imagine it?

Itachi, you really underestimate me.

However, I have also said that no matter how weird your attack is, as long as my body has such resilience, it can return to its original state in the blink of an eye. It is meaningless for you to do so.

Moreover, I have blocked my vision, and the illusion of Sharingan is completely ineffective against me. You two have no chance of winning! ! ! "

At this time, Itachi once again said the familiar words,

"Your fate has been held in my hands. What allows me to do this is another forbidden technique of Uchiha, which is..."

At this time, sky-blue chakra appeared in Kabuto Yakushi's right hand, forming a chakra knife that could cut almost anything, and he rushed towards Uchiha Itachi not far away!

"Then, let me see the fate you mentioned!!!"

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, and once again...

choke! ! !

Once again, the Kusanagi sword in Itachi's hand collided with the palm of Yakushi Kabuto's right hand!

"The name of the technique is Izanami!!!"

Both sides retreated at the same time again. Itachi retreated in front of Sasuke and whispered,

"Sasuke! Don't stay too far away from me!"

Then, Itachi Uchiha still held the Kusanagi sword, turned around to face Kabuto, put into a blocking posture, and raised his head slightly to look at him,

"Kabuto, you have fallen into my Izanami's trap. Your fate is already in my hands. All resistance now is in vain. Give up the struggle!"

"This scene seems familiar..."

Kabuto suddenly felt a little flustered for no reason, but he recalled carefully and determined that he did not give the other party any chance to cast illusions, and that the other party was probably bluffing.

"Okay, then let me determine my own destiny."

Kabuto's figure instantly turned into a blurry black shadow, and within a second, he started a fierce confrontation with Itachi again.

The fierce battle in the illusion started again. I don't know when Kabuto Yakushi stood upside down on the top of the cave again, but the Kusanagi sword in his hand thrust out and penetrated Uchiha Itachi's body...

Itachi's body exploded again, and the crows began to crow. In order to resist the beak attack of the crows, Kabuto let go of the sword in his hand. Behind him, Uchiha Itachi's figure appeared strangely, the Kusanagi sword slashed out, and the dragon's horn broke!

Falling to the ground and touching his broken dragon horn, Kabuto fell into silence, and the bad feeling in his heart became even stronger.

Uchiha Itachi retreated to Sasuke again and said in a deep voice,

"Kabuto, I have already said that you are now in my illusion.

Recall my words carefully and recognize your true self.

Although I am the one who controls your destiny, the person who can decide your destiny is still you. "

Kabuto clenched his fists. He hated Uchiha Itachi's attitude of being confident of victory. The anger in his heart ignited, and the white-scaled snake rushed out from his abdomen.

"Damn...Itachi Uchiha!!!!!"

Although the form of the confrontation was different from the past, after a brief confrontation, a familiar scene appeared again!

Kabuto Yakushi stood upside down on the top of the cave, Uchiha Itachi flashed again, the Kusanagi sword penetrated him, crows flocked, Itachi's figure appeared behind him again, slashed with the sword, and the dragon's horn broke!

Landing again, everything seemed to be reincarnation, unstoppable and unchangeable.


Kabuto touched his broken horn, and the uneasiness in his heart became infinitely larger.

"Here, I remember it was broken, but why...

Could it be that, as he said, I have been under an illusion?

No, my vision has been blocked. This is all just his bluff. I have surpassed Lord Orochimaru and am now invincible! ! ! "

The battle started again, going back and forth, in an endless cycle.

In reality, Itachi and Sasuke were standing in front of Kabuto, and his right eye had completely turned gray, and even the pupil had disappeared.

Sasuke looked at all this in surprise. Until this moment, he couldn't figure out what happened and why during the battle, the originally arrogant Kabuto suddenly stood still and fell into a deep sleep.

Uchiha Itachi formed a palm with one hand and covered the top of Yakushi Kabuto's head, continuously inputting his chakra into Yakushi Kabuto's body to maintain the stability of the illusion, and at the same time explained simply,

"This is the ninjutsu that determines fate, another forbidden jutsu of the Uchiha family, Izanami Pregnancy!

He could not escape from this reincarnation, from this cycle, this was a jutsu used to determine fate.

Hmm... let him be like this for the time being, and prepare the visual illusion to let him say the seal later, and then cancel the filthy earth reincarnation. "

Sasuke looked at this scene, still puzzled;

"When exactly did you activate this illusion?

Has Kabuto now fallen into the endless reincarnation you mentioned? "

Itachi turned around and continued to control Kabuto while describing in detail the principle and activation conditions of Izanami, as well as the incident of Izanaki abuse that had occurred in the history of the Uchiha clan, and then...

Chapter 355


"When exactly did you activate this illusion?!

Has Kabuto now fallen into the endless reincarnation you mentioned? "

Itachi turned around and continued to control Kabuto while describing in detail the principle and activation conditions of Izanami, as well as the incident of abuse of Izanami that had happened to the Uchiha clan in history, and then...

"Sasuke, I used the pupil technique called 'Belten God' on you in an attempt to guide you in a manipulative way.

No one treats you more like a child than me. In my eyes, you are just an object that should be protected. I don't believe in your power.

In short, perhaps no single individual is perfect, not even the god-like Nangong Yue.

Therefore, you will attract things that can supplement your own shortcomings. Only by complementing each other can you approach in a good direction, just like the two eye skills of 'Izanagi' and 'Izanami'.

First of all, you have to admit your truest self. Although Kabuto did it, he didn't do it completely.

Because he only acknowledged his past self, but failed to see clearly his current self. His over-expansion of power had made him lost, and he mistook his current self for being 'perfect'.

Fighting side by side with you this time, I can see that you have really grown up.

I used to treat you as a child, but this time, you finally walked your own path.

Your eyes have looked beyond mine, and it's time for you to make the choice of your own volition.

Also, I think you already know my truth.

The order to exterminate the Uchiha clan was issued by the top management of Konoha, but even so, I still love Konoha deeply. No matter what, it is my hometown, and the Uchiha clan is the Uchiha of Konoha.

Sasuke, I will no longer force you to move forward the way I once thought.

It's up to you to decide what to do. No matter what you want to do, your brother will support you. "

"elder brother..."

Seeing the gentle smile on Itachi's face, Sasuke choked up a little, with mixed feelings in his heart. He was speechless for a moment and couldn't make a sound.

"Sasuke, I have said everything that needs to be said. Next, I will use a genjutsu on Kabuto to release him from the filthy earth reincarnation.

In this way, all the reincarnated dead will disappear, and the war will soon end.

(At least, this part of the combat power must be eliminated.)"

Itachi whispered to Sasuke, turned to face the motionless Kabuto, took off his glasses, opened his eyelids, and in the only left eye, the three magatama rotated slightly.

Itachi did not choose to use Tsukuyomi this time. After all, Kabuto had already fallen into Izanami's reincarnation illusion and had now lost his resistance. The effect of using any illusion would be the same.

"Wait, brother!

If my brother prevented the reincarnation of the dirty earth, then..."

Itachi's lips curled up and he whispered comfort,

"Sasuke, I'm dead. The only one I can't let go of in this world is you. But seeing your growth now, I know that you can face everything that comes next.

But one thing, you may be wrong, I have no intention of disappearing.

Although Kabuto has been defeated and is about to be released from the Earth Reincarnation, the real threat to the ninja world has not disappeared.

I will ask him how he still allows the reincarnated person to remain in the world after dispelling the spell. At least I want to remove the last threat.

With my current body, there may be a chance! "

"There are actually ninjas in this ninja world that you are so afraid of, brother?"

Sasuke was extremely shocked. In the previous battle, he had fully understood how powerful Itachi was in his reincarnated state!

After getting rid of the defects of 'serious illness' and 'chakra deficiency' during his lifetime, the combat power he unleashed was simply terrifying.

Coupled with his calm mentality and superb combat wisdom, it was hard for Sasuke to imagine that he would hear the words 'there is a glimmer of a chance' from such Itachi!

Facing Sasuke's 'praise', Itachi smiled bitterly,

"Ninja? Is he really a ninja?

He is just a warlock, and not even one of the many commandments of ninja can be seen in him.

Sasuke, you should have the impression that I am not talking about anyone else. "


Nangong Yue...what..."

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