Itachi lowered his voice and told Sasuke, and when he heard "lost light", Sasuke reacted immediately,


Itachi was obviously taken aback, not knowing the source of Sasuke's information at all.

"You know Izanagi?!"

"Well, when fighting Danzo before, he used this trick before, and it was very tricky." (Sasuke)

"You faced that technique head-on, and you're still alive..." (Itachi)

"Ignore this for now, tell me first how Izanagi uses it." (Sasuke)

"No, what I am going to use this time is not Izanagi, but another forbidden technique that is opposite to it. It is the ultimate eye technique that 'determines the fate of others'..."


Chapter 353


"No, what I am going to use this time is not Izanagi, but another forbidden technique that is opposite to it, and it is also the ultimate eye technique that controls his destiny..."

Before Itachi finished speaking, Kabuto had already rushed forward, and Itachi also rushed forward. The blade of the Kusanagi sword collided with Kabuto's 'Chakra scalpel'!

"The name of the technique is Izanami!!!"

The two of them retreated as soon as they touched each other in mid-air. They turned over and landed on the ground at the same time, leaving two scratches on the ground.

Itachi held the Kusanagi sword in front of Sasuke and got into a blocking stance.

"Yes, if 'Izanagi' can change fate, then 'Izanami' can determine fate!

Sasuke, don't stay too far away from me. "

"I don't know what you want to do, but as a sage, any ninjutsu is useless to me.

It seems that you still don’t know what kind of character I am.

Immortal magic! Inorganic reincarnation! ! ! "

With his hands forming a seal, the entire cave literally came to life in an instant!

Under the blessing of the immortal chakra, the originally lifeless stone seemed to have acquired a soul and turned into a new life form. The stalactite suddenly deformed and extended, stabbing down like a spear, instantly penetrating Itachi's body!

Sasuke beside him was guarded by red Susan's fist and barely escaped.


"This ninjutsu can give life to inanimate objects and control them01. It is fundamentally different from the chakra control technique. Isn't it too strong?

(Well...although it’s not as good as that adult’s ‘soul granting’.)”

Kabuto glanced at Sasuke, who was safe and sound, and then looked at Itachi Uchiha, who was basically smashed into sieves by stalactites and dust was flying around him.

"I used Susano to protect Sasuke, but I didn't have time to dodge...

Don't worry, I won't hurt Sasuke, he is my most important test subject.

Okay, now I'm going to take back this part of the control again, and you should know what the results will be. "

As he spoke, the white-scaled python next to Kabuto Yakushi opened its mouth, spit out a handful of kunai with a charm wrapped around the end, and suddenly rushed towards Uchiha Itachi!

Seeing this, Sasuke used his Sharingan to capture Yakushi Kabuto's trajectory and shed tears of blood from his left eye.


The pitch-black eternal flame suddenly rose in the focus of Sasuke's vision, surrounding the two brothers in a circle of fire. The 'strongest power' originally used to kill the enemy was now turned into the most solid shield.

Kabuto Yakushi, who knew a lot about Amaterasu, couldn't do anything when he saw the situation. He hurriedly stopped to avoid being stuck by the black flames, and then spent a lot of chakra to use the "Flow Stand", which was completely worth the loss.

The flames filled the air, and the stalactites swayed violently as if they were really alive. As if they couldn't bear the burning of the high temperature, they quickly retreated and returned to their original shape.

As for Itachi's body, he was recovering quickly due to his reincarnation.

Kabuto pushed his eyes, still very calm.

"Amaterasu, can the strongest offensive pupil technique also become the strongest defensive pupil technique...

The temperature is too high and the stalactite caves have returned to their original shape.

Unfortunately, it is still of little use. Inorganic reincarnation will give life to all inorganic things. Now this cave is a living thing with life. Everything here is your enemy!

Sorry, I win!

I am getting closer and closer to my goal of "accomplishing everything and dominating everything". Now, I can't imagine myself failing no matter what.

The laws and principles of nature that Orochimaru-sama collected and thoroughly studied are now all gathered in my body.

From 'human' to 'snake', from 'snake' to 'dragon', the person in this world who is closest to the Immortal of Six Paths is me!

Compared to that, what was an Uchiha?

They are just a bunch of people using the power of innate awakening, without analyzing, understanding or investigating, they are just enjoying the gifts from their ancestors complacently!

Look at how weakened you all have become. In ancient times, although the Eternal Eyes were not many, they appeared very frequently. There were countless kaleidoscopes, and they were even standard equipment for the Uchiha tribe!

At that time, Uchiha, if they could not activate the kaleidoscope, they would even be regarded as "the shame of Uchiha"!

In an era when everyone has a kaleidoscope, and in an era when special eye skills are rampant, how powerful is that? !

After that, the Eternal Eye became a legend, with only the Kaleidoscope awakening from time to time.

In modern times, during the Warring States Period, even the kaleidoscope became a legend!

If it weren't for Madara Uchiha who stood alongside Senju Hashirama, no one would even know what the 'Eternal Kaleidoscope' is! "

Looking at Kabuto Yakushi who was getting excited, Uchiha Itachi raised his head and stared into Kabuto Yakushi's eyes, and said in deep thought,

"Kabuto, although I don't know where you learned such a secret, I don't want to pursue it.

But when I look at you, it’s like I’m seeing my old self.

Therefore, you will definitely lose. "

As soon as Uchiha Itachi finished speaking, the barrier formed by Amaterasu rose again, blocking the sight of both sides, and they could only see each other through tiny gaps.

"Will I lose?

remember! I'm no longer a supporting character!

It can be said that I am the center of this war now!

I joined forces with Akatsuki to push the war in my favor, and pushed the Uchiha brothers who both turned on the kaleidoscope to a dead end! "

"Kabuto, I have two feelings of 'opposition' and 'understanding' towards you, because I, like you, lived in a hypocritical world as a 'spy' before.

Before, I couldn't figure out who I was. It wasn't until now that I was "resurrected from the dead" that I finally understood...

Knowing yourself doesn’t mean being able to do everything, it doesn’t mean being ‘perfect’, but knowing what you can and cannot do.

Things that cannot be done by oneself can be allowed.

It is precisely because you are unable to do certain things that you need your companions to make up for your shortcomings.

Similarly, my own shortcomings are also to make myself value everything that I can do now.

If you want to know who you are, you have to face and admit your true self. It is because I failed to do this that I kept lying, even deceiving myself.

Therefore, people who cannot identify themselves are doomed to failure, just like me during my lifetime. "

When Itachi said this, Kabuto Yakushi fell into deep thought...


"Doud, from between the lines of your words, why do I only read the word 'inferiority'?..." (Nangong)


I just want to become more like ‘me’...”

"Oh? That's great. If you want to imitate a form that you don't even know, you really have it.

No, I can see that you don’t want to become more like ‘me’ as you say, but you want to become more like ‘god’.

..." (Nangong)


“No, ‘innate’ only provides a certain degree of convenience for individuals.

As someone who has been on this road and a pioneer, I can tell you clearly...

All things that at first glance can only be acquired innately, such as: talent, ability, bloodline, understanding, roots, spirituality, luck, even the illusory 'fate', and even the power of God!

One by one, without exception, all can be obtained through acquired ‘means’! ! ! ”]

"Don't agree with yourself?

Hum hum hum…who else could I be?

Itachi, you are wrong, I know myself very well, I am me, I am Kabuto!

As a war orphan, I have no relatives, no friends, nothing to do, and nothing to do. The name "Kabuto" was given by the dean, and the surname "Yakushi" was given by Lord Orochimaru.

I have long understood that from the beginning, I have nothing but this life, and I have just been avoiding this.

Originally, I was adopted by an orphanage, made many friends, and learned medical ninjutsu from the dean. I could also earn living expenses by treating Konoha ninjas every day. Although it was tiring, it was very fulfilling.

Later, Danzo asked the dean who had stopped being a spy to come out again. Unfortunately, the dean could not let go of the children. After consulting with Danzo, the dean settled for the next best thing and chose to select one person from the orphans to supplement the 'root'. loss.

I had actually been eavesdropping outside the window, and now it seems that Orochimaru and Danzo inside the house must have discovered it.

Later, in order to repay the dean's kindness, I took the initiative to join Gen, and my spy career began.

For five years, I lurked in Kumogakure, Kirigakure, Sunagakure, and finally Iwagakure. But after I accidentally killed the dean who was also lurking in Iwagakure as a spy, I lost everything again.

And all of this was planned early in the morning by the late Danzo!

I learned from Lord Orochimaru that shortly after I joined ‘Gen’, the dean agreed to one of Danzo’s conditions for my freedom.

Danzo asked the dean to kill someone on his orders in five years.

Then, for a full five years, Danzo used "the dean and I can't see each other all year round" to subtly modify my appearance in the dean's mind through subtle changes in the photos of people.

Finally, he gave the real photo of me at that time to the dean and instructed her to ‘kill this man’!

This is leading us to kill each other and leave the best one behind...

In other words, he originally wanted to get rid of the dean whose abilities had deteriorated and whose position was irrelevant at that time, but who knew a lot of confidential information.

Let two people who are close to each other kill each other, thus erasing their feelings. This is exactly the way of cultivating talents of 'Gen'.

The result is also said, Danzo succeeded, I succeeded in erasing the dean for him, and I lost everything again.


Chapter 354


Let two people who are close to each other kill each other, thus erasing their feelings. This is exactly the way of cultivating talents of 'Gen'.

The result is also said, Danzo succeeded, I succeeded in erasing the dean for him, and I lost everything again.

Therefore, I hate being weak and I hate being incompetent. It is precisely because of being weak and incompetent that my life will be arbitrarily manipulated by the strong.

Therefore, I pursue strength and omnipotence, because only when I am strong and my own means are inexhaustible can I control my destiny in my own hands!

I have to thank Mr. Nangong for this. He made me recognize myself.

In other words, he severely tore apart the lies I used to deceive myself.

He saw that I didn’t want to become more like ‘me’, because I was ‘me’ from the beginning, and there was no need to change. My real pursuit in my subconscious was actually to become ‘god’!

Therefore, I have always been committed to exploring and pursuing the truth of the world, just to make myself the almighty God!

Today, here, I am about to lay the foundation for ‘going further’, starting from solving you! ! ! "

At the same time, Kabuto Yakushi retreated, forming seals like lightning, and his hands danced into blurred afterimages in the small space.

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