After Itachi's reminder, Sasuke finally remembered.

Not to mention anything else, the technique of 'decomposition' and 'reorganization' was something he would never forget!

Seeing the change in Sasuke's expression, Itachi realized that Sasuke had remembered it and continued,

“During my time in the Akatsuki organization, I secretly investigated many things, but as the investigation deepened, it became more and more alarming to me.

The composition of Akatsuki is far from being as simple as it seems. Whether it is Pain, the leader on the surface, or the guy who wears a mask and calls himself Madara, they are actually still within the scope of common sense.

The really tricky thing was the boy who appeared out of thin air when he first started catching tailed beasts and joined the organization halfway.

No, maybe I should say he has a 'teenage appearance'.

What’s even more strange is that even though he already knew about the ‘Eye of the Moon’ plan, he still continued to cooperate. There was no way he didn’t know the consequences.

He obviously has some support and other needs that are unknown.

Therefore, I will use my body to play its final role, which can be regarded as my final contribution to the ninja world! "


Sasuke wanted to say something more, but his head was suddenly covered by a hand. The palm did not have the body temperature of a normal person and was very cold to the touch, but it successfully calmed him down.

Itachi smiled and turned around, facing Kabuto who had fallen into the genjutsu,

"Tell me how to remove the seal of the dirty land reincarnation."

Kabuto spoke out the seals one by one in a dull voice, and Itachi remembered them in his heart. After asking about the seals that lifted the reincarnation of the dirty land, he asked again,

"Is there a way for me to still stay in this world after I am released from the filthy earth and reincarnated?"

"As long as you know the seal of the reincarnation of the dirty land, and complete it in a free state when the soul is about to ascend to heaven, you can get rid of the control of the reincarnated person and remain in the world. This is the only risk of the art of reincarnation of the dirty earth!"

"I see!"

Itachi nodded, and then ordered in a low voice,

"In this case, let's get rid of the filthy earth reincarnation now...


Kabuto followed Itachi's instructions to form the seals with an expressionless face. The speed of forming the seals with his hands was not fast, and even his face was dull.

But there are only six seals in total, and no matter how slow it is, it can be completed within ten seconds.

Suddenly, a white light beam reaching the sky enveloped Itachi's body, as if there was a powerful force summoning the souls of the dead to return from another place. Dust and dirt began to fly into the dirt's body, and it gradually fell apart.

Itachi looked at his hands and shook them tentatively.

"Yes, this feeling of filthy earth reincarnation is indeed being lifted, but it seems that there is still enough time..."

He crossed his hands and completed the seal quickly in less than a second.

"Reincarnation from dirty soil! Solution!!!"

Suddenly, the white light that appeared on the body was intercepted by a strange force, and the dust fell again, restoring the already dilapidated body to its original appearance.

Not only did he get rid of the control of the dirty land reincarnation, but he was also able to stay in this world forever, which was equivalent to 'channelling himself'.

Even his originally gray right eye regained its luster under the influence of the reincarnation of the dirty earth.

It is true that 'Izanami' can make ordinary casters blind, but the eyes of the reincarnated body of the dirty earth are false.

Moreover, Itachi released the control of the Earth Reincarnation, which is equivalent to 'using the Earth Reincarnation on himself again to reincarnate himself'.

Then, the losses from the last reincarnation will naturally not be retained this time.

For the reincarnated person, except for injuries caused by restraint spells such as Yin Yang Escape, any injury can be gradually recovered. The difference is just the length of time.


Let’s look at the battlefield on Uchiha Madara’s side...

The huge chakra sword was raised high. Just when Uchiha Madara wanted to control the complete body of Susan and cut off the long sword in his hand, his body suddenly glowed with white light, and a large number of debris fell off from his body!

At the same time, Uchiha Madara also felt a call from another world, thinking that it was the underworld in this world.

Madara looked at this scene in surprise. The complete Susana suddenly couldn't hold on and quickly collapsed, and he himself fell to the ground.

'Hmm... the underworld... I really want to go in and plunder it... there are a lot of souls there! ! !


Forget it, I'm not sure I can resist the world itself. Since 'demigods' are allowed to exist in this world, the level of the world must be higher.

That's fine, let's clean it up when we come back in the future. ’

Nangong Yue looked at the sky-reaching beam of light hitting Uchiha Madara. Although he had obtained the coordinates of the underworld in this world, he was not prepared to go there. Instead, he began to try his best to read the information about the underworld.

Maybe, this could allow Nangong Yue to touch 'death', or even completely understand it! ! !

Just when Nangong Yue turned on the 'billion-fold thought acceleration' in an extremely rare event and tried his best to read information from the underworld, he felt that he was suddenly being stared at by some great existence, but this feeling quickly disappeared.

'oh? Has the will of the world acquiesced... That's great.

In other words, doing so does not touch the bottom line of the world's will...

That's right, I just parsed the rules, but didn't tamper with them.

In that case, let’s continue, time is limited...’

Five seconds later, Nangong Yue was covered in cold sweat and trembling as he took out a prepared chakra fruit and teleported it directly into his body, trying his best to absorb the nutrients in it.


Chapter 356


Five seconds later, Nangong Yue was covered in cold sweat and trembling as he took out a prepared chakra fruit and teleported it directly into his body, trying his best to absorb the nutrients in it.


I originally planned to use it in the final battle, but I didn’t expect that one of the stocks has been consumed now, and there are two left.~..’

After a few seconds, Nangong Yue felt that his nearly exhausted mental power had been replenished, and Nangong Yue once again started the extreme state of thinking acceleration.

Because there are not many opportunities to go directly to the underworld now, and he cannot enter the underworld himself, so he can only take advantage of it while he can.

At the same time, in order to prolong the time as much as possible, Nangong Yue began to absorb natural energy crazily. For a while, Nangong Yue's skin was covered with complex blood-colored lines.

Madara Uchiha glanced at Nangong Yue, who was floating high in the sky, with some confusion. Although he didn't know magic, he still felt that something was being swallowed by the humanoid creature high in the sky.

Originally, he planned to try to attack once, but the opponent was too far away from him and without the complete Susana, he could not hit the opponent at all. At this time, he could only give up and focus on his own strange changes.

After Nangong Yue entered extreme thinking and accelerated for four seconds, he withdrew again, hesitated for a while, took out another fruit, moved it into his stomach and began to absorb it, while using the massive natural energy to warm up his mental state.

About seven seconds later, Nangong Yue, who had recovered, started reading again. After another six seconds, Nangong Yue, who had released his accelerated thinking state, rubbed his temples with some pain while continuing to absorb natural energy as a reply.

This last time, Nangong Yue abruptly delayed for more than a second, basically emptying all his mental energy.

At the moment when he stopped accelerating, Nangong Yue's mental power could only maintain his own flight. It could be said that when he was at his weakest, even if he cast one more spell, he might be unconscious on the spot.

Therefore, for the sake of his own safety, Nangong Yue directly used the "Tian Shi" to enter his bedroom in a different space when his mental state was restored to the point where he could cast the spell once.

Nangong Yue, who was lying on the bed, weakly wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed,

“So, everything I have is built up with ‘time’...

However, the results have been remarkable and after nearly fifty years, I have finally mastered the corner of ‘death’!

Well...the next step is water mill work.

Timed wake-up...sleep technique..."

Through the technique, Nangong Yue directly entered a deep sleep, 'cooling down' the soul's energy circuit as quickly as possible.

Well... to put it simply, when Nangong Yue had just released the extreme thought acceleration, his soul was like red-hot steel that was about to melt, and those two chakra fruits were equivalent to a large amount of liquid nitrogen.

Of course, natural energy can also have a 'cooling' effect on his soul, but the effect is inferior to that of 'dry ice'.

As for the last chakra fruit, Nangong Yue is not planning to use it here. It might be a weapon to turn the tables, which can be regarded as an insurance policy.


After seeing Nangong Yue opening a portal and leaving, Madara Uchiha once again turned his attention to the five shadows not far in front of him.

Now, not only him, Uchiha Madara, but also in various other battlefields, the sealed reincarnations glowed with white light at the same time, and then were enveloped by a beam of light reaching the sky.

One after another, their souls rushed into the sky, leaving only the corpses of the ninjas as sacrifices.

"What happened?" (Gaara)

Onoki frowned and carefully examined the changes in front of him.

"It's not clear yet, but it seems to be beneficial to us."

Madara lowered his head and looked at his hands, looking at the state of his body where dust was constantly falling off, and said disdainfully,

"Tch! Is there really something wrong with the caster...

That tone doesn't sound reliable. "

After expressing his dissatisfaction with that Yakushi Kabuto, Madara turned his attention to the Gokage.

"It seems that you are lucky, the caster has lifted the reincarnation of the dirty earth.

However, someone must have found his hiding place. It seems that there are still more capable ninjas on your side~"

After hearing this, Wuying finally looked happy, and Nangong Yue retreated without knowing why.

That's right, they felt good in their hearts and thought that "Nangong Yue is retreating", just to vent the pressure accumulated in their hearts.

"What?!" (Ai)

“Isn’t Kabuto’s whereabouts still unknown?

It would be fine if we just found him, but we actually stopped this technique. Who did it? ! "(Tsunade)

"It doesn't matter who he is, no matter who he is, he is the hero who protects the ninja world!

It seems that God has not given up on us yet. "(Ohnoki)

"I said...are you happy too early?"

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the scarred five shadows below with indifferent eyes.

The smile on Old Onoki's face suddenly froze, and an ominous premonition came over him again. He stared intently at Madara Uchiha, who was standing on the thick vines.

"What do you mean, at this point, do you still want to fight to the death?"

"Struggle to the death... hum hum hum…"

Madara snorted softly, the white light on his body became stronger, and more and more debris of dirty soil fell off. Seeing that the reincarnation state was about to completely collapse, he still didn't care.

At the next moment, the dust that was originally scattered gathered towards the place where Uchiha Madara's body fell off!

In less than a breath, Uchiha Madara's originally exhausted reincarnated body had completely recovered to its original state! ! !

“What?! What’s going on?!!!

The chakra that had begun to leak out now firmly adhered to his body, and now it has actually recovered? ! "(Teimi Mei)

"Why? Why hasn't it disappeared yet?!!!

The reincarnation of the filthy earth should obviously be lifted! ! ! "(Yeyue Ai)

Regarding the Five Kage's questions, Uchiha Madara explained with rare patience,

"It seems that you don't know enough about the ninjutsu of 'Pure Land Reincarnation'~"

The so-called filthy earth reincarnation is a technique to summon the dead, but it has a risk.

As long as you know the seal, the deceased who was summoned back to the world by the reincarnation of the dirty land can take the initiative to cancel the summoning contract of the reincarnation of the dirty earth.

If this happens, you will be in big trouble...

Think about it, immortality, unlimited chakra, not controlled by the caster, able to move freely. "

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Explaining in a calm tone, Madara closed his hands and slowly began to form seals.

"Go tell the caster that forbidden magic cannot be abused.

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