"Sasuke, didn't I tell you not to be too harsh?

If we kill him, all our efforts will be in vain! "

"I know, but now that he has obtained Orochimaru's power, he won't be killed so easily."

Itachi shook his head helplessly. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank. Susano's arm exerted force, and the long snake connected to Yakushi Kabuto's body was violently pulled over!

"Sasuke, lift his hat!"

Sasuke, who didn't need Itachi to command at all, had barely grown up and had much more combat experience, was already controlling Susan, stretching out his giant hand towards Kabuto's hat, and the crimson hooded robe was violently torn open.

However, Kabuto had already used the Substitution Technique and the Psychic Technique, and under his robe, there was nothing but a huge white snake.

More white snakes jumped out from inside the robe, swam in all directions, and soon entangled themselves on many stalactites in the cave.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

The kaleidoscope pattern in Sasuke's eyes rotated, and the Kusanagi sword pinned behind his back was thrown out. A white snake was unable to dodge, or it never considered the option of 'dodge', and was directly nailed to a stone pillar.

“Cover your face and hide your whole body, this is a dark strategy.

snort! You are indeed as disgusting as ever!

However, even if you want to use a 'flow double' to shed your skin and escape, it will be in vain in front of Uchiha's power.

Kabuto, you are just a poor copy of Orochimaru after all! "

"Sasuke-kun, say whatever you want.

But if you have this mentality, you will die...

The person I am now is no longer what I used to be!

In particular, this place has become my domain. I have learned the magic of magic, and nature is on my side! ! ! "

Sasuke sneered, but he didn't really underestimate the enemy. After all, he had seen Naruto in that state. He had to say that he was indeed very powerful and very difficult to deal with.

However, Naruto only had about five minutes in Sage Mode at a time, but he just didn't know what the Yakushi Kabuto in front of him was like.

... 0 0

Sasuke tossed and turned in the slightly narrow cave, trying to find the opponent's true form. Unfortunately, even if the eternal kaleidoscope's pupils were powerful and could even see the flow of chakra more finely, it could not discover Kabuto's true form.

Of course, in order to study the power of the 'Six Paths', Kabuto Yakushi almost understood Uchiha's Sharingan at a 'theoretical' level!

In this way, Kabuto naturally knew the Sharingan's perception method.

It can be said that whether it is one magatama, three magatama, kaleidoscope, or even the final samsara eye, the perception method is all "seeing chakra"!

In this case, interference methods for Sharingan perception are ready to emerge.

At this time, the cave was filled with the snake's chakra, making it impossible for the two Uchiha to tell the difference!

After the two brothers searched for a while, Kabuto's proud voice echoed in the closed cave again.

"Hmph, hey... you can't find my true identity?

It's no wonder that this person has the ability to change the body into fluid and use body fluids to separate the body.

So, Sasuke, you just said that I was 'shedding', which is actually wrong. This is a new ability I gained by studying the secret techniques of the Oniden clan.

In addition, I also analyzed the physique of the Uzumaki clan, so that they have strong vitality and can recover from any injuries in a short time!

Finally, the ability that I am most proud of is also my trump card, magic! the power of nature! ! ! "

Before he finished speaking, a huge white snake sprang out from the darkness, opened its bloody mouth and roared non-stop. Kabuto's figure appeared strangely in the snake's mouth. He held the corners of the giant snake's mouth with both hands and jumped out instantly!

At this time, Yakushi Kabuto's appearance had undergone an astonishing change. He was pale and covered with snake scales. There was a white snake growing on his abdomen, wrapped around his body, and two things that looked like dragon horns appeared on his forehead.

The most important thing is that because he has absorbed natural energy, the chakra in Yakushi Kabuto's body has completely surpassed ordinary chakra! ! !


Chapter 352


At this time, Yakushi Kabuto's appearance had undergone an astonishing change. His whole body was covered with snake scales, a white snake grew from his abdomen, wrapping around his body, and two things that looked like dragon horns appeared on his forehead.

The most important thing is that because he has absorbed natural energy, the chakra in Yakushi Kabuto's body has completely surpassed ordinary chakra!

Sasuke was startled, and as soon as he regained consciousness, he condensed a chakra arrow in Susan's hand, nocked the arrow, filled it, and fired. The whole process was done in one go. The air was directly penetrated by the energy arrow that was invisible to the naked eye, creating a ripple.

However, in the face of this sudden attack, Kabuto just turned slightly sideways, escaping by a hair's breadth what Sasuke thought was a sure hit. The arrow hit the rock pillar behind Yakushi Kabuto, making a loud noise.

"Hehe hehe...Sasuke, 'sneak attack' is ineffective against me now!

Because of the fairy mode, my perception has exceeded your imagination. No slight change can be hidden from my senses!

I have surpassed Orochimaru-sama and learned the magic that even Orochimaru-sama has not been able to master! "

"Natural abilities... well, the abilities of that bastard Naruto...

In other words, is it Jugo's ability, the newly developed curse seal..." (Sasuke)

"No...this is not a low-quality product like the curse seal, this is the real immortal mode!

Haven't you already seen Naruto's ability?

Naruto learned his senjutsu from Mt. Miaomu, and I learned the power in Ryuji Cave. With this power, I have evolved from a snake to a dragon! "

"Ryuji Cave?!"

Itachi was shocked when he heard this place name.

"Oh? It seems like you still know this place, Itachi.

That's right, that's another fairy land as famous as Miaomu Mountain and Shigu Forest!

Unfortunately, it was too late when Lord Orochimaru discovered it. His soul was constantly separated, resulting in insufficient mental strength. In addition, his hands were sealed, which prevented him from practicing immortal arts.

But it doesn't matter, now, I have inherited it all!

As for you two, you are the touchstone to test my strength!

Immortal magic! The art of white excitement! ! ! "

A large amount of senjutsu chakra surged in Kabuto's body, and the next moment, Kabuto spit out a ferocious-looking white dragon with blood-red energy wrapped around its body. The dragon's claws also held a jet-black dragon ball!

Just when the energy white dragon finally defeated the two Uchiha brothers, its long and narrow dragon body wrapped around the dragon ball held by its claws, and soon turned into a white ball of light!

Immediately afterwards, the entire dragon was absorbed by the black dragon ball in the center. The next moment, the dragon ball shrunk to the size of a fist burst out with dazzling white light!

At the same time, harsh noises echoed throughout the cave. If an ordinary person heard this sound, they would be shocked and lose consciousness.

The source of the noise is the high-frequency vibration originating from the 'Dragon Ball'.

In this environment, not even Susan can block the bright light and noise.

At the same time, the strong high-frequency vibration of the dragon ball rippled into the surrounding air, and then caused the bones of the human body to tremble at high frequency. In just a few breaths, the two brothers were paralyzed!

The only one who can move freely in this environment is Kabuto Yakushi, who has learned the 'Hydration Technique'. His eyes under the protective layer of snake-like corneas are staring at the Uchiha brothers, his thoughts running at high speed.

"So, who should we attack first?

Kill Itachi first, replace the spell in his head, and control him again?

Forget it, let’s attack Sasuke. He’s already running in front of me. There’s no reason for me not to accept this ‘reward’ in advance~

Well, that's right, the living Uchiha people are more valuable.

According to the information left by Lord Orochimaru, if you can get him, you can create a 'Six Paths' again! "

The moment he made up his mind, Kabuto lunged towards Sasuke. His mouth opened like a python swallowing, and he was about to spit himself out from his mouth!

However, Itachi was not a fool. The red Susana's giant hand held Sasuke, and Yakushi Kabuto quickly jumped away when he reacted.

The bright light and tremors of the White Geki no Jutsu gradually subsided, and the harsh neighing disappeared. Kabuto looked at the Uchiha brothers in front of him.

"Itachi, it seems that you are very good at sniffing my location. Have you sensed my chakra?

No, you said 'when I was being controlled' before, which means that you should not be able to feel my chakra now.

Hehe hehe... You want to use your best lies to deceive me again? "

Hearing this, Itachi covered his ears in his Susanoo and explained calmly,

"I didn't say that the person who can sense chakra is 'me'.

Only Nagato, who worked with me before, could do this.

Besides, even now, I know where you plan to attack. I just need to protect it in advance.

Before the technique you just released is lifted, the success rate of capturing Sasuke is the highest.

Therefore, I just need to protect Sasuke just now.

Moreover, if you catch Sasuke, you can use him to threaten me.

On the contrary, even if you control me again, because I am the reincarnation of the dirty earth, Sasuke will kill you without hesitation. "

Kabuto pushed up his glasses in silence, and couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, he also touched his heart.


Itachi, you are different from other Uchiha tribesmen. You have true eye power, which is enough to see through people's hearts, understand their hearts, and use them flexibly in battle.

But it is precisely because of this that you are very good at 'deception'. It can be said that you have been living a lie your whole life, or it would be more accurate to call you a 'deception ninja'.

Are you worthy of Sasuke's trust? "

The chirping of thousands of birds sounded, and the lightning in Sasuke's hand pierced out in the blink of an eye. Kabuto quickly jumped to the top of the cave, hanging upside down like a bat, and looked up at the two brothers.

"What about two people? It's impossible for a temporary combination to defeat my perception.

What's more, this is a pair of brothers who have been fighting each other for many years because of their brother's lies. "

Ignoring Kabuto's provocation, Itachi took a step forward and said in a deep voice,

"Sasuke, don't pay attention to what he said. We don't have much time. We must capture him alive quickly. Besides him, there are bigger threats that need to be dealt with."

"A bigger threat?"

Kabuto and Sasuke pondered at the same time, but their thoughts were completely different. Kabuto Yakushi had already made a rough guess.

"You don't need to worry about it now. Just concentrate on defeating the enemy in front of you. Sasuke, do you still remember when I took you to hunt wild boars when you were a child?"

"Of course, you mean, the same tactics?" (Sasuke)

Itachi nodded in affirmation, red chakra spurted out, and Susan's huge shadow was quickly constructed. Sasuke also constructed a purple Susan shell around him, and a long bow was shaped in his hands. The two brothers rushed forward at the same time. .

Itachi's Susana's hand showed the 'Hachiku Magatama', and then he threw the three connected energy magatama as shurikens, and scattered them like a boomerang to attack Kabuto in a roundabout way, sealing his body. Partial avoidance direction.

Kabuto's snake eyes glanced left and right, and he instinctively jumped to the side. At this moment, Sasuke's arrow shot out of the hole and directly penetrated Kabuto's 'snake tail', thereby anchoring him behind a thick On stalactites.

"He wanted to steal my knife and cut off the snake's tail to escape!!!"

Sasuke yelled, and Itachi's body appeared in front of Kabuto.

However, Kabuto was one step ahead, raised the corner of his mouth, and pulled out the Kusanagi sword that Sasuke had just shot onto the wall. The long sword thrust out and penetrated Itachi's body directly!

But at this moment, the two people's eyes met, Itachi's kaleidoscope slowly rotated for half a circle, and the next moment...

Gua... Gua... Gua...! ! !

Itachi's body exploded violently, turning into countless crows and scattering in all directions!

The crows that filled the sky were actually Itachi's psychic beasts, and they were pecking at Kabuto's body.

This group of troublesome crows made him subconsciously let go of the Kusanagi sword in his hand. Itachi's figure appeared strangely behind his body, took the sword and slashed it out!

But Kabuto Yakushi was still in sage mode after all, and he reacted immediately, adjusting his body slightly in mid-air, but in the end only the 'dragon horn' was cut off!

Taking advantage of this time, the snake's tail fluidized, Kabuto fell to the ground and quickly retreated.

Touching his broken dragon horn, he smiled nonchalantly and touched the location of his broken horn.

"By the way, I forgot, there are usually no horns here.

However, it still surprises me that I can achieve this level. As expected of an Uchiha, it's a pity that it ends here! "

"Sasuke, listen carefully, I am going to use one of Uchiha's forbidden techniques.

This is an illusion that can trick others without using 'vision', but the cost is the loss of light in one eye! "

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