"This is a slash that can even cut off mountain peaks!!!"

At this time, even the old and refined Onoki would inevitably have a slight mental breakdown. The other four Kages had completely lost their ability to speak in a short period of time!

Only then did they recall that even if they crossed the top of the mountain called 'Uchiha Madara', they still had to face the sky above them called 'Nangong Yue'! ! !

At this time, Nangong Yue didn’t want to hold this knife all the time.

"This is really...

Shock, crush, impact reverse, sharp. "

Nangong Yue's finger sword recovered a millimeter in an instant, and then suddenly struck the blue energy sword in front of him that blocked his vision.

Click! ! !

In less than half a second, the long blade in front of Nangong Yue was instantly covered with cracks and was directly smashed to pieces by Nangong Yue. A broken energy blade with a length of 100 meters fell towards the ground.

boom! ! !

The roar of the broken blade falling to the ground finally brought everyone who was stunned back to their senses. For a moment, they were in extremely complicated moods, including Uchiha Madara, who was no more handsome than three seconds ago...

Looking at the complete Susan with his left arm still raised sideways, Nangong Yue put down his raised right hand and turned to look at Uchiha Madara 'not far away',


To be honest, as a warm-up target, you, Uchiha Madara, are also qualified.

Isn’t this good? You also tried your best~"

Uchiha Madara was silent, his whole body trembling, not with anger, but with excitement! After repairing the tachi in Susan's left hand again, he controlled Susan to turn around, and pulled out a tachi with his right hand, facing Nangong Yue who seemed as small as dust!


Uh hahahaha! ! ! !

You are really strong! very good! ! !

Let me see what kind of power you possess after fused with the Ten-Tails! ! ! "

Because there is no charging distance in the left hand, it is being drawn backward at this time, but the right hand of the perfect Susan is holding the same huge sword and slashing towards Nangong Yue head-on!

To be honest, this complete Susano's attack speed is too slow in Nangong Yue's opinion. However, any Jonin can avoid the direct attack of the blade. What's more, Nangong Yue also has 'Thinking Acceleration' and 'Future Vision'!

However, most people cannot withstand the subsequent slashing attack and the aftermath of the shocking destruction caused by the slashing attack.

Furthermore, Nangong Yue is also proficient in space magic. As long as he wants to avoid it, it is impossible for Uchiha Madara to touch Nangong Yue's clothes.

However, Nangong Yue doesn't want to dodge now. This is a matter of 'face', so Nangong Yue is prepared to beat this behemoth head-on.

Besides, Nangong Yue just tested the attack power of this thing. From the previous attack effect, it can be seen that there is no threat at all.

At this time, Nangong Yue looked at the oncoming attack again, sighed, and raised his right hand again.

"Everyone in this world is madly pursuing 'quantity'. Apart from scaring and killing mortals, what else have they done?

Definition, the human body is on top, the energy is in the middle, and the impact is on the bottom. "

A vague energy wave covered Nangong Yue's whole body, and at the same time, Uchiha Madara's long sword was already at hand.

"Hmph! That's easy to say!

If you don't have enough chakra, what else can you do? ! ! ! "

As soon as Uchiha Madara finished speaking, the blade of the several hundred meter long tachi was already less than half a meter away from Nangong Yue's right hand!

But the next moment, something happened that stunned everyone!

I saw that the huge blue sword was cut into two pieces effortlessly in front of Nangong Yue's waving right arm, like butter meeting a red-hot blade! Together with the burst of slashes! ! !

Then, Nangong Yue's slashes split into two parts in two directions at a narrow angle behind Nangong Yue. Without exception, the mountain peaks along the way were directly split in half by the blue energy slash!

Just as the ground behind Nangong Yue was being slashed, the long sword in Uchiha Madara's left hand was also chopped off.

It seemed that Madara Uchiha had not recovered from the shocking scene just now, and the long sword in Susanoo's left hand was still swung according to the previous instructions.

Faced with such a slow attack, Nangong Yue raised his left arm to act as a blade, and suddenly stepped on the air with his feet. A huge circular shock wave suddenly appeared, and Nangong Yue's figure slowly faded away.

Obviously, this was because the speed was too fast and Nangong Yue left an afterimage in place!

Almost at the same moment, a black-red afterimage flashed across, and the long sword in Susano's left hand was still slashing in the "cassock slash" method.

But just before he was about to swing out the slash, at the place where Nangong Yue passed just now, the entire blade was divided into two parts. The part connected to the handle continued to swing forward, and the cut blade was directed towards the slightly offset part. Fly in the direction!

"What?! Is this pure speed?!!!"

Only when the long sword in his left hand was disconnected did Uchiha Madara realize what Nangong Yue had just done.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Madara saw several extremely conspicuous huge circular shock waves exploding in the empty sky almost at the same time! The diameter of each shock wave exceeds one hundred meters! ! !

Obviously, the location of these shock waves is getting closer and closer to Susan! It covered a distance of thousands of meters before and after! ! !

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! (Crack!!!!!)

Before he could react and use the kaleidoscope to find Nangong Yue's location, he felt that his body had actually vacated? !

"Huh? I was knocked away???"

But when I think about it, I am under the protection of the perfect Susan! ! !

Sure enough, half a second later, the behemoth that was more than 500 meters high was violently knocked away!

Less than half a second after he took off in the air, Uchiha Madara still locked onto Nangong Yue's position. The scene he saw made his pupils shrink to the size of a needle tip!

At this moment, Nangong Yue was seen floating on the chest of Susanoo's original complete body, lowering his head slightly, holding his hands flat in front of fists, and his loose red cloud black robe fluttering in the wind.

At the same time, a larger transparent spherical ripple is wrapping Nangong Yue's body in the center of the ball. The transparent ripples are expanding at a speed that cannot be captured by the ordinary naked eye!

This is obviously due to the shock wave generated by a purely physical impact!

"This...is a physical technique?!!!"

Not to mention Nangong Yue's previous method of breaking the Susano Nagato, with this huge change in just one second, he completely broke everyone's understanding of 'taijutsu', including Uchiha Madara!

Among them, the one with the greatest impact was none other than Raikage.

You know, with the assistance of the Tsuchikage, his speed once completely crushed the arrogant Uchiha Madara! ! !

And Nangong Yue's hand immediately smashed him floating in the sky into the ground without mercy!

"be careful!!!!!"

boom! ! ! ! ! !

At this time, the aftermath of Nangong Yue's movement and attack began to cause damage to the surrounding environment.

For a moment, it was like a hurricane passing by, even huge rocks with a diameter of more than fifty meters were swept into the air by the strong wind!

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Wuying had no time to admire Nangong Yue's power, and could only do his best to protect himself.

Well... I mainly have to rely on Gaara and Onoki's 'Sand Release' and Earth Release.


Chapter 351


boom! ! ! ! !

There was another roar, and its source was the complete Susanoo who had leaped several thousand meters, smashed all the towering peaks along the way, and finally smashed a huge 'crater' into the ground.

At this time, Uchiha Madara, regardless of the surrounding flying sand (starting at one meter in diameter) and walking stones (tens of meters), immediately turned his attention to look at his Susan.


How could a complete body be destroyed like this just by physical skills? ! "

In Uchiha Madara's field of vision, a hole that almost covered the entire breastplate had been opened in the chest of the perfect Susan, and the muscles and ribs made of energy were completely shattered!

Moreover, with this big hole as the base point, dense cracks almost covered the complete body of Susan! ! !

In other words, with just one blow, Nangong Yue would almost smash Uchiha Madara's complete Susana into pieces~! ! !

"Is this the power of the sacred tree..."

Well... Until now, Uchiha Madara thought that all of Nangong Yue's strength came from the Ten-Tailed Sacred Tree. As for now, it is better to repair Susana who is already on the verge of being scrapped.

Just when the perfect Susan regained her mobility and was about to stand up, Nangong Yue suddenly flashed into the air less than ten meters away from the crystal on Susan's forehead, still maintaining a leisurely posture with a calm smile...

"How's it going? Have you calmed down?"


Tsk... If I were alive, I would be able to use those techniques, but how could I reach this point? "

Seeing that Nangong Yue was still calm and calm, not looking exhausted at all, Uchiha Madara's fighting passion was mostly extinguished in an instant. He was about to get up immediately, but he was not ready to fight with the monster Nangong Yue anymore.

Sensing Uchiha Madara's thoughts, Nangong Yueyue turned around leisurely and faced the direction of the Five Shadows, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. With the huge Susana, the two of them teleported into the Five Shadows' line of sight.

'This...can even such a huge chakra energy body be able to move instantly...it's really an exaggerated space ninjutsu...'

Looking at the scene in front of him, Uchiha Madara immediately felt the change in his position. He glanced at Nangong Yue, who had his back turned to him, and sighed in his heart.

"Forget it... As expected, let's start with the weak ones first..."

Madara Uchiha sighed slightly, and once again turned his attention to the Five Shadows, causing the people in extremely poor condition to be soaked in cold sweat.

...in a certain cave...

"Is this voice Kabuto?"

In the dark cave, Sasuke looked at the man in red robe who was still sitting on the ground with his back to him, one hand already holding the hilt of the Kusanagi sword.

Kabuto continued to play with the chess pieces in his hands and let out a deep laugh.

"Sasuke-kun, there's no need to be so tense~

After all, we have been together under Orochimaru-sama for three years. To a certain extent, we can be regarded as students from the same school.

How about it? Rather than me, a fellow student, should we join forces now to kill this guy who has deceived you for more than ten years?

No matter what, this man's position is always on Konoha's side.

Seeing this, Sasuke turned his head and looked at Itachi not far away with confusion.

"Why are you stopping me? Isn't this guy Kabuto an enemy?"

"It's true that he is an enemy, but we can't kill him yet.

If you kill him, you will never be able to get rid of the filthy soil reincarnation.

So I have to use illusion on him first to control him to get rid of the filthy earth reincarnation. "

Kabuto slowly put away his hands playing with the chess pieces, pushed up his round glasses,

"Is this okay? Telling your purpose so blatantly.

I said, Itachi, do you underestimate me too much? "

Uchiha Itachi was still looking at Yakushi Kabuto with his back turned to him indifferently, the three Magatama Sharingan in his eyes was glowing with blood.

"Ah... I won't bother you anymore."

Yakushi Kabuto stood up slowly, and at some point, several white snakes emerged from behind him, making a series of intermittent hoarse tongue sounds.

Kabuto's face was still covered by the crimson hood on his head. Sasuke stared at Yakushi Kabuto, the three magatama in his eyes slightly rotating for half a circle, and then...

"Huh! Blindfold your eyes and use the thermal imaging of snakes to sense our presence... It is indeed an effective way to deal with illusions.

But, you underestimate Uchiha too much, it’s useless! "

"Hmph, hey... we won't know until we fight it whether it's useful or not.

If you think I am limited to this, you are totally wrong! ! ! "

Forming seals with both hands, under the infusion of a large amount of chakra, the white snakes behind Kabuto all swelled in size, opened their mouths at the same time, roared and rushed towards the two of them!

Seeing this attack method that was exactly the same as Orochimaru's, the two brothers snorted at the same time, and their pupils turned into the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan respectively.

At the same time, the cold purple and red chakra wrapped around their bodies. In less than a moment, two Susanas in the form of skeletons were completed one after another!

Immediately, due to Susan's destruction, many stalactites were broken, and many potholes were made on the ground. Amidst the splash of gravel, Sasuke's Susan simply and roughly cut off all the snake heads that rushed towards him!

Compared to Sasuke, Itachi's approach was much gentler. Susano's five fingers held the snake's 'seven inches' and looked at Sasuke who was messing around.

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