But at the same time, in addition to this one, there were four Susanas from other directions, punching down with a punch, slashing with a sword, stabbing with a sword, and stepping on them with a foot. In response to this, he could only turn over and dodge in embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, he used the summoned sand and stone to shape a platform, lifted himself into the sky and flew, struggling to avoid the intensive attacks.

"Is the gap between the two sides so big?

Damn it! How to win this? ! "

Yeyue Ai gritted her teeth, used thunder and lightning to stimulate her own cells, and kept using "Thunder Flash" to move quickly to dodge the multiple combination attacks of the five Susanoos.

However, his peripheral vision never left Madara Uchiha, who was sitting calmly in the distance. The anger in his heart continued to accumulate until it exploded.

"Asshole! I'm the Raikage!

To be forced into this situation by just a few clones, damn it! ! ! "

Anger attacked his heart, his mind was naturally confused, and his body skills even showed a flaw that shouldn't exist!

A wooden clone of Madara also has rich combat experience as the main body. Seeing the opportunity, he instantly appeared in front of Raikage!


Chapter 349


The Raikage, who was chased away by the five Susanas, couldn't help but feel angry. His mind naturally fell into chaos, and his body skills even showed a flaw that shouldn't exist!

Madara's wooden clone also has rich combat experience in the main body. One of the best positions to spot the opportunity appears in front of the Raikage instantly!

The wooden clone stared at Raikage's eyes, the lines of the Eternal Kaleidoscope rotated, and the Sharingan's illusion was activated. Raikage's spirit was suddenly hit hard, and he fell to the ground, unable to move for a moment!

"I...actually fell under the illusion of a mere Sharingan!!!"

Even if he was extremely unwilling, even if he tried his best to get up, how could Madara's golden binding illusion be so easy to break free from? Even if Madara’s Sharingan is not Arc Magatama’s genjutsu eye.

Just as Raikage was being restrained, the five Susanas surrounding him raised their curved swords high.

The next moment, Susan's chakra long sword fell down, and with the sound of breaking through the air, just before the five long swords were about to dismember the Raikage, a huge rock palm suddenly rose from the ground!

The thick rocky giant hand not only resisted Susano's attack for the Raikage, but also held the fallen Raikage, pulled him down to the ground, and moved him to another safe place!

In the distance, Madara himself, who had been sitting quietly on the cut surface of a huge plant, glanced in another direction and saw the rock's fist stretched out again, putting down the Raikage who was held by the stone hand.

Onoki helped the Fourth Raikage up, poured his own chakra into his body, and with a soft drink, unlocked the illusion in the Raikage.

Seeing this, Madara raised the corners of his mouth slightly and laughed softly,

"It's you again, Onoki...

At this time, the gap in combat experience between them finally became apparent.

First, he used the 'Super Heavy Rock Technique' to trap the wooden clones that were besieging him, and at the same time, he was distracted and protected the Raikage. It was still passable.

Hmm... being able to fight to this extent is beyond my expectation, but it's really boring, 'watching my clone playing crickets' or something like that. "

"Sorry Tsuchikage, there's something wrong with my mentality."

After being released from the illusion, the Fourth Raikage quickly stood up and re-arranged his stance to face the enemy.

Onoki panted slightly and shook his head. He glanced around and saw that the other shadows were not easy to see. As the oldest shadow, he had to adjust the state and mentality of these juniors. Suddenly he shouted,

"Everyone! You all stood up!!!

Now is the most difficult time, we must not give up at this time!

If you still have the awareness to take responsibility, don't hesitate any longer, and unleash your final potential while you are still alive! "

Not to mention, Onoki's words really had an effect. Under his encouragement, the morale of the fourth generation Raikage and Gaara was re-encouraged, and they were also a little doubtful after being beaten by Uchiha Madara's Susan. Terumi Mei has finally calmed down in life.

Everyone quickly got rid of the five Susanas who were fighting with them, and the five shadows gathered together again. Tsunade stood behind Onoki, and poured chakra into the old man's body through his hands.

The other three Kages also took up positions around Onoki and Tsunade, squeezing their potential and desperately refining chakra.

"Oh? Do you want to make a final desperate attempt...

Then, let me see your last flash¨"."

Madara's body showed a bit of amusement, and had no intention of stopping the five shadows. Instead, he was looking forward to whether the five shadows could find some fun for him.

"The last chakra is all bet on this time, on the name of the Five Shadows!

Dust Escape! The art of boundary stripping! ! ! "

All of Onoki's chakra was transformed into white light, and the huge cubic barrier instantly enveloped the twenty-five Susanas in front of him. The Susanas who were originally enough to be called 'absolute defense' were surrounded by white light that could crush everything. Everyone collapsed!

At the same time, the already large cubic barrier was still expanding rapidly, crushing all objects that touched the surface of the barrier!

Madara's body hurriedly stood up, chakra erupted under his feet, and retreated backwards, but the light of the dust escape was faster, and it caught up with him in an instant.

But he didn't panic. The ability of the Samsara Eye Hungry Ghost Path was activated at this moment, and the light of Chen Escape was quickly absorbed.

But just as he was absorbing it, the cube's dust barrier split in half, and another attack rushed out from the gap between the dust barrier!

"Water escape! Water Dragon Bullet Technique!!!"

In the hands of Terumi Mei, the A-level water escape actually exploded with a power comparable to the ultimate ninjutsu. Amid the deafening tsunami, the dragon's mouth opened and swallowed Uchiha Madara's body whole!!!

He raised his other hand, and the ability of the hungry ghost way was activated again, trying to absorb Terumi Mei's water escape. But in this water, the dense electric current seemed to find an outlet the moment Uchiha Madara touched the water dragon, and all of it was poured into Uchiha Madara's body!

"Combined ninjutsu! Thunder Water Dragon Bullet!!!"

Obviously, at the same time that Terumi Mei performed the technique, the Raikage poured his lightning into the water dragon!

Without any defense, Madara's body was immediately paralyzed.

Not only that, in addition to water and thunder, there are also gravels mixed with sand gold in the water dragon's body, which tightly wrap around his left arm used to absorb the "Thunder Water Dragon Bullet"!

However, because the chakra in the sand was also absorbed crazily, Gaara had no way to use the "Sand Binding Coffin" to crush Uchiha Madara's arm.

Moreover, because of the high quality of the sand gold, even the water escape close to the ultimate could not disperse it. Gaara took this opportunity to clasp his hands fiercely!

"Sealing Technique! Desert Layer Burial!!!"

As Gaara mobilized, a large amount of gravel mixed with sand gold extended into the sky, continuously wrapping Uchiha Madara!

In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Madara, who was paralyzed by lightning and unable to move, was wrapped by the growing yellow sand. A large number of talismans drilled out of the sand and posted on the surface one after another. In less than two seconds, the runes of the sealing technique had spread all over the surface of the sand ball!

"The Kazekage did a great job!

Take advantage of this moment and seal him in one go!

Did you see it?! This is the full strength of the Five Kage!!!"

Twinkle Oonoki saw the hope of success for a moment, and roared at the top of his lungs, raised his hands horizontally, and tried his best to control the Dust Release barrier.

However, the good times did not last long, and in the next moment...

"So that's how it is, you are worthy of being a ninja with the name of 'shadow'.

As a respect for you, I, Uchiha Madara, will also fight with all my strength."

Suddenly! The blue 'flame' ignited again, and the strong chakra burst out, and the desert seal that had not yet formed was dispersed in an instant!

Uchiha Madara, who was wrapped in a large amount of blue energy, stood in the air, his eyes closed, and his face was still indifferent.

"No matter whether it is the Five Kage or anyone else, all efforts will be in vain..."

Although Madara's expression was still indifferent as usual, a hint of excitement could be clearly heard from his voice.

"' Bluff! Didn't you just use your full strength?!" Ohnoki shouted. Although he had a bad feeling in his heart, they must not lose their momentum. Madara did not answer him. His eyes suddenly opened. The Samsara Eye, which was originally opened to absorb ninjutsu, had transformed into the pattern of the Eternal Mangekyo. An unprecedented huge amount of chakra surged around Madara! In an instant, the mature Susanoo expanded rapidly. In a few breaths, Susanoo had climbed into an energy giant several hundred meters high! Even the meteorite he summoned before could only reach the giant's shoulders! Even if it was severely worn out by the impact, the meteorite was originally 500 meters in diameter! "Just rely on my perfect Susanoo!" With a loud shout from Uchiha Madara, a slightly loose energy armor appeared on the surface of Susanoo. Because he had not used the perfect Susanoo for a long time, he was a little unfamiliar with it. "It's not over yet...Stay!!!"

With one hand clenched into a fist, such a huge amount of chakra suddenly froze on Susanoo's body, and two wings grew on his back. The ends of the wings formed a palm, firmly grasping the scabbard of the huge sword!

The front of the giant! The armor in the style of the Great Tengu in mythology covered his whole body, and his face looked ferocious. The prismatic chakra crystal on the forehead of the Great Tengu mask wrapped and protected Uchiha Madara's body.

After decades, the complete Susanoo appeared in front of the world again. Its huge presence made everyone's life like a candle in the wind!

The five shadows looked at this scene dully, and even the crazy Fourth Raikage subconsciously took a step back, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. Even Ohnoki couldn't help but stop casting the Dust Release.

"Such a huge amount of chakra has stabilized?!

Is this really something that people can do?"

Ohnoki's eyes widened, and he sighed subconsciously.

Gaara's eyes were filled with resentment, his hands were tightly clenched, he opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't speak at this time.

Tsunade looked up, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth,

"Grandpa, he actually competed with such an opponent..."

Coincidentally, because of the increase in the height of Susanoo, Uchiha Madara's height at this time was just the same as Nangong Yue next to him.

"I said that the only person who could stop me was Hashirama, but he is no longer here.

However, perhaps this is a good thing for you."

The next moment, Susanoo slowly pulled out a long sword of several hundred meters, and suddenly swept it across the front. In an instant, the sky tilted and the earth tilted!


Chapter 350


"I said that the only person who could stop me was Hashirama, but he is no longer here.

However, maybe this is a good thing for you. "

The next moment, Susanoo slowly pulled out a long sword several hundred meters long, and suddenly swept it across the front. In an instant, the sky tilted and the earth tilted!

Like a world-destroying natural disaster, the earth roared, and five shadows were severely repelled by the strong wind pressure at the same time. Amidst the huge smoke and dust, a bottomless canyon appeared on the earth!

In the distance, two mountain peaks broke at the same time, the cuts were smooth, and they fell to the ground with a loud noise, causing quite an earthquake!

"Oh? As soon as you start getting serious, you want to cause trouble..."

Susanapei's slashing Odachi did not stop, but continued to accelerate towards Nangong Yue beside him!

Looking at the energy sword that was sweeping towards him at the speed of light, Nangong Yue raised his right hand slowly, his index and middle fingers pointing to the sword.

"Hey~ I really need to clean up...

Is it necessary to use 'priority'... Forget it, that's it, no need to take it seriously yet.

Energy absorption, hardening, density adjustment, body strengthening, explosive power, impact absorption. "

Ding! ! !

Two completely disproportionate figures stood in a stalemate at an altitude of 500 meters! ! !

Nangong Yue, who is the height of an ordinary person, actually used his own two fingers to block the huge samurai sword with a blade of several hundred meters long in the hands of Susanoo Uchiha Madara!

Even facing such a huge impact, Nangong Yue, who was suspended in control, did not retreat even a little bit!


Uchiha Madara, who was originally just looking at Nangong Yue 300 with his peripheral vision, suddenly turned around and stared at Nangong Yue who had a calm smile on his face!

Eternal Kaleidoscope's pupils shrank, and he discovered that there was not even a white mark on the side of Nangong Yue's right middle finger that was holding the blade! ! !

On the ground, while the five shadows stabilized their bodies, when they raised their heads, they witnessed with their own eyes a scene that was no less impactful than the full-body Susanaichi's slash!

"This?! An attack of this level can be done with just two fingers...?!!!"

Onoki's face was dull, and he turned around as stiffly as a machine. He looked at the two flattened mountains, and then suddenly turned back!

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