"Huh?!!! Are you the one catching the tailed beast?!!!"

Seeing that this fierce horse was a little disobedient and wanted to struggle...

"Definition, gravity is on top, energy is in the middle, and body is on the bottom."

boom! ! ! ! !


This time, the gravity exerted on King Mu has exceeded a hundred times!

He's not Sun Wukong, uh... he's the Saiyan with a long tail. How can he withstand such a degree of gravity?

With just one blow, all the bones of Wuwei were crushed, and the internal organs could not escape!

This time, Wuwei really couldn't move at all!

Seeing that the five tails had completely lost the ability to resist, Nangong Yue also activated all the spatial thorns at the right time, shooting the already weak five tails full of holes!

Although Wuwei lost his mind directly due to the injury originating from his soul and was completely swallowed by the beastly nature, his body was already scrapped and he had not been able to recover.

Even if you can't even open your mouth, you can't shoot the tailed beast jade...

In the end, the Five-Tails, which was equivalent to losing its soul, could only be turned into chakra and poured back into the jinchuriki's body.

The moment the Jinchuuriki appeared, Nangong Yue fired several lightning guns at him, piercing through all his important organs except his heart and burning most of his body.

This guy, that is, when he was attacked, he took one last look at Nangong Yue, as if to remember the culprit who killed him, and fainted due to the instinct of the human body.


After another ten days or so, four people (?) from the Akatsuki organization completed sealing the two tailed beasts.

Now, Nangong Yue is considering whether he needs to capture the Nine Tails.

Because the current heretic demon has devoured eight complete tailed beasts, and the nine-tailed chakra is still available in his hand, and the Uzumaki Naruto has been knocked unconscious and sealed.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Thinking about it, he really didn't need to touch Kushina in Konoha Village, he just needed to seal Naruto.

Of course, we can't let him die, otherwise we have to induce the remnant soul of the Six Paths Immortal in his body.

Therefore, one night, in the center of the crater in the Kingdom of Thunder, Nangong Yue got Naruto out in front of the Black Zetsu.

At first, Hei Jue was still a little confused, but after taking a closer look...

"This is! Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?!!!

But...this kid is from the future, right? The one you took care of back then? "

"Let's make do with it, I'm too lazy to go to Konoha.

After the seal is completed, we can release the Ten Tails here. Anyway, no one dares to come to the Kingdom of Thunder now because not many people can survive.

Psychic, heretic golem. "

Nangong Yue put his toes on the ground a little, and the huge heretic demon was channeled, standing behind Nangong Yue!

Seeing this, Hei Jue didn't bother to ask, 'Why can this kid channel the heretic demons even though he doesn't have the Eye of Reincarnation?'. Anyway, he's just a useless salted fish, drinking soup after the boss. Easy?

.. .. 0

Similarly, Nangong Yue's efficiency also makes our Otsutsuki Xiaohei doubt his life.

This Nangong Yue, in less than half a year, solved the task that he had not been able to complete for thousands of years? !

Of course, no matter how dark the face is, we still can't tell.

This time, Nangong Yue personally manipulated the heretic demon statue, not the deceptive "Fantasy Nine Dragons Ban", but Uchiha Madara's method.

In other words, just let the heretic demon spit out a chain from its mouth, and in less than ten seconds, the Nine Tails was pulled out and sealed!

In order to save Naruto's life, Nangong Yue cut off one of the tails of the energy body Nine-Tails before it was completely pulled out, and sealed it back into Naruto's belly.

After absorbing the last tailed beast, the golem has already begun to riot.

At the same time, because it almost completely absorbed all nine tailed beasts, the heretic demon statue immediately turned into a giant beast with ten tails! ! !

As soon as the Ten-Tails appeared, Nangong Yue took Hei Jue to the sky two thousand meters above the Kingdom of Thunder. He sat back and watched the Ten-Tails perform freely. When the Ten-Tails completely transformed into a sacred tree, Nangong Yue took action again.

"Huh~~ It's so dangerous..."

After confirming that Naruto's life was not in danger and that all physiological indicators were relatively normal, but that he could not wake up, Nangong Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um...Master Nangong, what are you doing? Is it necessary to save this kid's life?"

In this regard, Hei Ze, who was unaware, was still very confused.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you about this Black Zetsu.

This kid is the reincarnation of Asura Otsutsuki, and the remnant soul of Hagoromo's bad old man is sealed in his body!

If this kid dies like this, he might even summon the Six Paths from the parallel world, albeit a weakened version...

Even, maybe because of this, the Six Paths deity in this life will be summoned!

I’m too lazy to fight anyway~”

Hearing this, Hei Jue was so shocked that he was covered in cold sweat. Fortunately, Nangong Yue was well prepared, otherwise something big would really happen! ! !


Chapter 226


After Hei Jue himself had almost digested it, Nangong Yue continued,

“In this world, in this era, the reincarnations of Indra and Asura have not yet been born.

Without my intervention, Indra, excluding Indra, should still belong to the Uchiha clan. As for Asura... whether it is Senju or Uzumaki, it is difficult to determine.

As for the old man Yuyi, it’s not clear if he has any other back-up plans~

Anyway, it would be right to release the sacred tree first. "


Sir, just remember to release your mother..." (Black)

"Hehehe... No problem, I'm not one to break appointments~"

Speaking of this, Nangong Yue's eyes flashed...

Look at the Ten-Tails on the ground...

The current Ten-Tails, because the current Kingdom of Thunder is too desolate, even with its current height, there is no living thing anywhere!

However, the Ten-Tails is still of the plant type, and instinctively evolves in the direction of the 'sacred tree'.

In less than ten minutes, the Ten-Tails had become a giant tree with a giant bud on top! ! !

However, although the absolute height of this tree is close to two hundred meters, the proportions are wrong. Without a reference, one would think it is just a small flower without leaves.

However, this 'little flower' was growing rapidly. Nangong Yue could feel that the roots of this plant had penetrated more than a thousand meters in one minute!

After waiting for nearly half an hour, right next to Nangong Yue, there was a star with a height of nearly 10,000 meters! A giant tree with a trunk diameter of more than one thousand meters stands here! ! !

At this time, the Ten-Tailed Divine Tree, which returned to its final form in a short period of time, has basically consumed the energy of the nine tailed beasts. The current Divine Tree is very 'hungry'!

Of course, the sacred tree that only retains its instincts cannot sense Nangong Yue who is in immortal mode and is integrated with nature, and Jue who is in a state of 'virtualization' and whose body is not in this space at all.

It is also for this reason that the sacred tree, which is in desperate need of nutrients, has its sights set on all life on this planet! ! !

Instinctively, the divine tree activated the ‘God-Tree Realm Birth’ and quickly extended its roots around the world!

In order to prevent those powerful ninjas from causing damage, such as the old man who can "dust escape", it is possible to cause great damage to the trunk of the sacred tree.

So, now it's Nangong Yue's working time.

Nangong Yue quickly flew high into the sky and soon surpassed the top of the sacred tree!

Right next to the giant bud of the sacred tree, Nangong Yue faced the moon, simulated the energy fluctuations of the Samsara Eye in the record, and activated the 'Infinite Moon Reading'.

Then, in everyone's eyes, the full moon in the sky had turned into the appearance of the Rinne Sharingan!

Next, not only those who saw the moon, but also all the creatures illuminated by the moonlight fell into a dream and completely lost their ability to resist! ! !

After half a day, the only person in the world who can still move around freely is the puppet Nagato.

However, now that Nagato was useless, Nangong Yue took out his reincarnation eye and kept it, and then took away the spirit body in his body.

Now Nangong Yue already has a kaleidoscope engraved with "divine power" and a pair of samsara eyes with the mark of Uchiha Madara removed.

Although Nangong Yue doesn't need it himself, there's no telling who will need it in the future.

Of course, Nangong Yue possesses the "double" copying technique. As long as Nangong Yue can completely analyze these eyes, he can mass-produce them, although the power of these copies must be discounted...

However, because Obito's different space has been integrated, Nangong Yue still needs to create a special different space.

From now on, all characters using replica kaleidoscopes will have to share a different space, and they cannot be made too shabby.

Back to the scene...

Now, Nangong Yue stood alone on a petal at the top of the sacred tree. As for Black Zetsu, Nangong Yue directly opened the portal to Kaguya's sealed space and threw him directly in.

The good news is that the current sacred tree has been fully charged.

"Then...it's time to get down to business. Don't let Kaguya's will find a way to enter the soul of the sacred tree."

A portal opened, and when Nangong Yue appeared the next second, he had already reached outer space more than a thousand kilometers away from the ground.

The next moment, Nangong Yue began to mobilize all his mental power and a large amount of energy. It took ten minutes to shape a highly compressed space thorn that was a hundred meters long and five meters in diameter! ! !

At the same time, it is also equipped with 'soul-destroying', 'spiritual restoration', and the priority of 'space at the top, air at the bottom'!

Even, in order to prevent the Divine Tree from noticing, 'Existence Erase' was added, just to eliminate the existence of this space thorn.

Now, it’s time to reap the results!

Under Nangong Yue's operation, the huge space thorn aimed at the trunk of the sacred tree and suddenly fell down! ! !

After the space spike was launched, Nangong Yue hurriedly flashed back to the vicinity of the sacred tree (a hundred kilometers away), ready to adjust the trajectory at any time.

Five minutes later, Nangong Yue could already see the fire, but it was still stabbing in the accelerating space!

At this time, the sacred tree seemed to feel a little uneasy instinctively, and its torso began to shake slightly.

Seeing this, Nangong Yue decisively opened two circular space doors with a diameter of ten meters. This space thorn instantly penetrated the 10,000-meter-high sacred tree from top to bottom! ! !

Just when the space piercing penetrated into the middle and lower section of the trunk of the sacred tree, about three thousand meters above the ground, Nangong Yue decisively released the 'space shape' to prevent the Ten-Tails' body from being severely damaged.

The only thing Nangong Yue needs to target is the spirit body of the sacred tree.

However, although Nangong Yue had removed the shape in time, the trunk of the sacred tree, no matter how tough it was, was still filled with cracks due to the shock wave brought by the huge kinetic energy.

Immediately afterwards, in Nangong Yue's perception, the spiritual fluctuations of the sacred tree were indeed rioting crazily, but the sacred tree, which only had instinct, still could not withstand the devastation of 'soul-destroying and soul-destroying'!

Ten minutes later, Nangong Yue felt particularly satisfied when he looked at the fifth-level spirit crystal in his hand, which was the size of a fitness ball.

After putting away the spirit crystal, Nangong Yue landed on the top of the dilapidated sacred tree, started the 'renovation', and directly fused his body with the soulless body of the sacred tree! ! !

At this time, Nangong Yue's soul felt helpless as he felt this huge body.

"Haha...I'm already on the inhumane road, going further and further~

However, it takes too much time to refine such a huge body into a human-sized body...

Forget it, let’s become a Jinchuriki first, and then slowly devour it. 0.”

After realizing that he had been stupid, Nangong Yue first stripped off his original body modification, and then activated the technique of swallowing the sacred tree and becoming a jinchūriki, which was the technique used by Obito and Madara in the original work.

A minute later, Nangong Yue was floating in the air. Because the Ten-Tails had lost his spiritual body, and Nangong Yue's own adjustments, he did not become a snow-white body with two horns on his head like Obito or Madara. The so-called 'immortal posture' in the black magatama robe.

Because of this, the energy of the Ten-Tails body is basically not wasted. Then, the next step is to merge with the body of the sacred tree in a different space.


...half year later...

It was still in the sky above the impact crater of the Thunder Kingdom meteorite that Nangong Yue, who had fused the fifth-order spirit son crystal and the entire ten-tailed body, finally came out of seclusion.

After absorbing all these nutrients, Nangong Yue's spirit body finally reached the perfection of the country-destroying level, truly reaching the peak of the fifth level, which is equivalent to being just a piece of paper away from breaking through to the semi-god level. !

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