As for the physical body, it has climbed from the late fifth stage after swallowing the dragon vein to the peak of the fifth stage, almost reaching the perfection and touching the ceiling of the fifth stage! Now, it is clear that although Nangong Yue is still at the basic level of the fifth stage, his combat power has long reached the level of a star destroyer. Let’s not talk about now, just say before swallowing the Ten Tails, as long as the space spike is bigger, and then add other priority definitions, such as "space is above, air is in the middle, and non-metal is below", the earth will be almost the same. Of course, this is just relying on his own skills, of course it is more laborious. If he borrows the power, he can completely activate the huge reincarnation eye inside the moon and pull the entire moon down, and the earth will still kneel~ And now, what Nangong Yue wants to do is this kind of thing. Nangong Yue directly activated the "Sky Shift" and came to the storage location of the huge reincarnation eye. Before the Otsutsuki clan reacted, he simulated the energy fluctuations of the reincarnation eye and activated the technique called "Moon Falling Abyss"! ! ! ! After confirming that the moon began to fall and those weak (?) Otsutsuki clan could no longer stop it, Nangong Yue returned directly to Loulan in the Kingdom of Wind.

After finding the altar that originally sealed the dragon vein, Nangong Yue first lifted the seal of the dragon vein, and a purple-white energy column shot up into the sky.

At the same time, Nangong Yue, who was in the center of the light column, took out a ball of "existence power" from his body, and after letting it burn out, Nangong Yue's body began to become a spirit!

Taking this opportunity, Nangong Yue took out the unconscious Naruto and lifted the seal of his soul. He didn't want to take this kid back.

Finally, looking up at the moon that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, a white light flashed, and Naruto, who didn't wake up, and Nangong Yue, completely disappeared in this already depressed world!


Chapter 227


In the desert, a white light flashed, and Nangong Yue appeared above the ruins of Loulan.

After sensing the ‘time coordinates’ he had set, Nangong Yue finally felt at ease, finally back!

After sensing the progress of this world, Nangong Yue determined that only two weeks had passed since he crossed over.

“Well... the error is acceptable.

But, this Scorpion and Deidara are too slow! They have just approached the lake where the three-tailed beast is?!

Also, I am not breaking my promise to that Kaguya over there.

The entire moon is broken, the base of the seal is broken, and the huge energy is enough to help that guy break the seal~

But, she can only return to the Otsutsuki family~ Congratulations!”

The next second, Nangong Yue activated the ‘Sky Shift’ and appeared in the top-floor office of the high tower in the center of the Hidden Rain Village.

“Yo~ I’m back!”

Kakuzu and Konan glanced at the inexplicably excited Nangong Yue, and continued to lower their heads to deal with their own affairs. What a waste of expression...

Nangong Yue came to the familiar French window again, and skillfully took out the recliner and low table, plus a large bottle of iced juice.

"Can you tell me about your trip during this period? You can't even contact the ring. You didn't stay in the different space for two weeks, did you?" Xiaonan asked Nangong Yue while staring at the file in her hand. Nangong Yue took a sip of juice. "Dragon vein, is it in the information?" Xiaonan and Kakuzu stopped writing. "It is said that a pillar of light appeared there before. It was not you who made it." Kakuzu asked the question in a positive tone. It was obviously Nangong Yue who did it. According to the information, the dragon vein was sealed by Minato Namikaze before he became Hokage decades ago. If the seal is to be forcibly broken, the huge earth vein energy, coupled with the time and space technique of the fourth generation, is likely to cause time and space disorder! Think about it, only Nangong Yue, a skilled and courageous guy, dares to touch the forbidden place so unscrupulously. "Well... Simply put, I was teleported to a parallel world in the past~

It was about 20 years ago, and a lot of things happened.



Nangong Yue explained what he had done in a very concise way, but even so, it still refreshed the cognition of the three people present.

That's right, when Nangong Yue began to explain, Nagato, who sensed the energy fluctuations deliberately released by Nangong Yue, controlled Tendo Pain to come over.


After collecting all the tailed beasts, can such a powerful thing be released... It seems that we must be more serious..."

The Ten Tails described by Nangong Yue made Nagato more determined in his thoughts. With that level of power, he can definitely achieve his ideal!

That's right, it was a "dream" before, but now it can be called an "ideal"!

Nangong Yue couldn't deny Nagato's idea. Anyway, it would be disrupted by Obito, and then Uchiha Madara would appear, and finally let Kaguya Otsutsuki's spirit be attached to a Ten-Tails Jinchuriki.

During this trip to Loulan, in addition to the breakthrough in the basic realm, the most important thing for Nangong Yue was that he was exposed to the concept of "nature" by swallowing the Ten Tails! And he has successfully analyzed and mastered a part of it!

Now, Nangong Yue has mastered two concepts after "stillness"! This makes him more confident in becoming a god.

At the very least, because of 'nature', Nangong Yue no longer needs to worry about insufficient energy when using low-level energy, and can extract it from the surrounding nature unscrupulously.

Of course, high-level energy can still only rely on one's own reserves.

Otherwise, when fighting at the same level or even across levels, no matter how much energy is output, you may not be able to break through the opponent's defense!

As for the output power, it all depends on the endurance of Nangong Yue's own energy circuit.

In other words, Nangong Yue can completely wash the floor with a light cannon like a certain green-haired flower demon. It's really gratifying.

Having said that, after Nangong Yue finished narrating, it was time for him to collect intelligence himself.

Because of laziness, Nangong Yue did not activate his clairvoyance, but asked directly,

"By the way, did anything happen while I was away?

Forget about trivial matters, what I want is big events. "

Hearing Nangong Yue's question, Xiaonan glanced at Payne first. After getting the signal, he walked to the bookcase behind him, took out a scroll and threw it to Nangong Yue.


That guy Orochimaru still wants to capture the Three-Tails without taking action himself?

After leaving the organization and working as a mountain king for several years, he stayed in the laboratory every day and his IQ dropped off the line?

And the same goes for Tsunade from Konoha. I should say, is she worthy of being a Sannin?

She actually sent a few jounin and chuunin there. She didn't know what a tailed beast was?

Well~ even though the ones she sent out were not ordinary jounin...

Also, can you tell me what Scorpion and Deidara are doing? "

"Scorpion, he said he was deleting his puppets and wanted to eliminate some of the eliminated ones.

It seems that he secretly captured many Kirigakure Village ninjas in the Water Kingdom. "

Xiao Nan simply explained that this seemed to be the case. In order to confirm, Nangong Yue also locked his sights on the two people far away in the Kingdom of Water.


...The kingdom of water, the edge of the lake where the wild three-tails are...

Orochimaru's subordinates, Guren, who had already failed to capture the Three-Tails once, were hiding in a tree with a strong man with a dull expression, staring at the lake through the gaps in the leaves with a complex expression.

She knew very well that Konoha's reinforcements had arrived, and their side had already lost a lot of personnel. If they failed again, there would be no chance at all.

Perhaps it was because the people in Konoha had similar ideas to his own. Soon, the two of them arrived at the Konoha team led by Kakashi.

The few people who saw Konoha happened to be relatively close. Guren made a gesture, and the strong man immediately jumped up high and punched Kakashi and the others below!

However, of course, such an obvious action cannot escape Kakashi's perception.

Under Kakashi's warning, Naruto and Sai narrowly avoided this punch! The three of them retreated to the lake together!

The strong man codenamed "Nuutou" punched the air, causing a large amount of smoke and dust to obscure everyone's vision.

At the same time, while Kakashi and others jumped into the air and were unable to change direction, a large number of crystal shurikens were shot out from the smoke!

When Kakashi and the others were unable to form seals in order to block Guren's shuriken, the bullhead jumped up high, clenched his fists, and fell towards Kakashi, hoping to kill him with one blow!

Kakashi, on the other hand, confirmed the position of the strong man above from the shadow on the lake. After dodging a shuriken, he ducked sideways with a kunai in his mouth, and then quickly began to form seals!

Half a second later, a water column as thick as a person rushed out in front of Kakashi and hit the bull's head in the air!

However, the power of the ninjutsu that was hastily formed was greatly reduced. The strong man who missed the attack just used the force to retreat back to Guren.

Just in time, the smoke and dust that originally obscured everyone's vision also dissipated, and the crystal escape ninja Guren officially appeared in front of Kakashi and the others.

"Hmph, I won't let you escape this time!"

"You lied to Yukimaru that you were his companion!" (Naruto)

".....shut up!!!"

Guren slapped the ground with one hand, and at the same time, a large number of pink crystals quickly extended towards Naruto!

In order to avoid the enemy's ninjutsu attack, Naruto jumped high as a reflex.

However, he did not calculate the change of Crystal Release at the first time. Just when Naruto jumped into the air, the crystal thorns that originally protruded from his feet quickly stretched towards him above!

At this time, Naruto's huge chakra reserve came into use. Before the crystal pillar could touch him, Naruto used the shadow clone extravagantly and let the shadow clone kick him away. Then the clone was knocked into pieces by the crystal. A cloud of smoke.

At the same time, this crystal pillar with a height of more than 20 meters also informed several Konoha ninjas on the other shore of the war here.

The purpose of this four-person team, led by the Wooden Ninja Yamato, was to hold back or eliminate the other Sound Ninjas.

However, even if these sound ninjas have special abilities, they are at the level of chuunin at best. Such a formation seems a bit too luxurious~

Look at the team here in Konoha. In addition to Yamato, the jounin, Inuzuka Kiba who has used seven hundred and twenty episodes of "Gato Toga", Tenten who has blades for free, plus Rock Lee...

Well...back to Kakashi's side of the battlefield...

Just in time, Guren created a twenty-meter-long pillar. The bull head, which was obviously very strong, picked up the crystal pillar and smashed it down in the direction of Kakashi and the others.

However, the attack speed was too slow, and nothing was achieved except for causing a lot of water splashes, and several people in Konoha easily dodged it.

While dodging away, Kakashi started to form seals and Sai started to paint. Just as the two of them landed, a water dragon and a tiger rushed towards the weaker-looking Guren!

Watching Konoha's ninjutsu attack Guren, the bullhead suddenly stood in front of Guren and grabbed the tiger's head made by the 'Super Beast Fake Painting' with both hands!

Guren, on the other hand, slapped a palm on the water, and then used another crystal pillar to stab Kakashi's water dragon bullet!

If you think about it, you will understand that crystals with extremely regular molecular structures are certainly harder than ordinary water~

In addition, Kakashi did not output much chakra. The water dragon was only more than two meters thick. The crystal pillar easily penetrated and shattered the water dragon and stabbed towards Kakashi!


Chapter 228


Guren's barrier pillar was constantly branching while stabbing Kakashi, ensuring that Kakashi could not escape from her attack range.

Kakashi's chakra is not as abundant as Guren, who has the blood inheritance boundary, and he cannot always compete with her in ninjutsu.

Kakashi, who had to be careful every time he fought with a strong enemy, could only hold a kunai and rely on his own skills to dodge the randomly extending and forked crystals in order to save chakra.

Half-crouching on the ground, while manipulating the crystal with his right hand on the ground, his left hand kept aiming at Kakashi, throwing wave after wave of crystal shurikens.

The crystal thorns coming from all directions, as well as the tricky shurikens, made Kakashi even regret it for a moment. He had known better to solve it with one ninjutsu.

Now, facing Guren's almost overwhelming offensive, Kakashi has lost the opportunity to form a seal, and is unable to use powerful and wide-area ninjutsu.

Although his Raikiri and Chidori no longer need seals, these single-point attack techniques are indeed powerful, but they consume too much energy and cannot be used casually.

Therefore, now Kakashi can only try his best to find gaps in Guren's offensive, and then use Chidori to break out.

However, he didn't need to be too anxious. The three of them only needed to wait until Shino's parasitic bug preparations were completed.

Just after Kakashi stepped on the crystal and reached a sufficient height, Guren suddenly shattered the crystal under Kakashi's feet!

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