
After sending the soulless Yagura back to Mizukage's office and disguising him as falling asleep from overwork, Nangong Yue rushed back to Amegakure Village with two seal altars.

By the way, Nangong Yue also went to Taki Ninja Village, secretly peeled off the Nanao and took it away directly.

Next, is the sealing for nearly twenty days.

During the period of sealing the Three-Tails, Six-Tails and Seven-Tails, due to the death of Mizukage, the death of the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki, and the death of the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki, there was quite a stir in the ninja world, which also alerted Iwagakure and Konoha.

Isn't it obvious that someone is going to attack the tailed beast?

However, because the murderer could never be found, Kirigakure had no choice but to decide on the new generation of Mizukage first.

From then on, Kirigakure started playing in its own nest again. It seemed that in less than half a year, the new Mizukage still couldn't be chosen.

You must know that in the Kirigakure Village of Nuo Da, there are many bloodstained families, plus many outstanding civilian ninjas, who have reached the shadow level, or are close to the shadow level.

As for the Taki Ninja Village, after Tendo Payne intervened, they were weak and had nothing to say. They could only grit their teeth and blame themselves for not being able to protect Nanao.

Of course, these are none of Nangong Yue's business. After sealing the three tailed beasts, Nangong Yue went to the Kingdom of Earth alone.

Fortunately, Nangong Yue originally thought that he might have to wipe out another great ninja village.

As a result, the four and five jinchūriki like to run around, which means they are all alone now! ! !

The Five-Tails Jinchuuriki is more troublesome, tending to run to crowded places. If the fighting is not controlled, a steady stream of Iwa Ninja reinforcements will definitely arrive, which may cause some trouble when capturing the Nine-Tails.

As for the Four-Tails, that's easy to handle. This old purple, because of disagreements with the Tsuchikage, left the Iwagakure Village alone and became a wandering monk. He wandered around the mountains all day long. He was obviously alone for a long time. .

The result... This guy was miserable. He was dragged into the ice space in Kaguya's Heavenly Palace by Nangong Yue, just like Kisame did to Kirabi...

In the ice space, Nangong Yue directly created a water ball with a diameter of more than 500 meters, and then quickly drained the chakra of the two partners through the water ball.

What's more convenient is that this kid just happens to be wandering outside alone every day. He doesn't even need to peel off the tailed beast, he can just seal his soul and take him away whole.

After storing Lao Zi in a different space, Nangong Yue locked the location of Wuwei...

'Haha... I live in this pub~'

"Is this guest dining or staying in a hotel?"

Seeing Nangong Yue, who was wearing a magic costume, stopping at the door of the store, the waiter (?) hurriedly stepped forward to greet the guests.

"Um...are there any rooms left?"

"Yes, yes! This way, please."

Next, Nangong Yue followed the waiter upstairs, but when Nangong Yue arrived at the second floor...


With a snap of his fingers, Nangong Yue activated the technique 'Disperse Idle People'. The next second, the waiter consciously went downstairs. People who originally wanted to go upstairs gave up the idea for no apparent reason and turned to do other things. .

In this way, it is equivalent to Nangong Yue and the five-tailed Jinchuuriki being alone.

Soon, Nangong Yue arrived at the door of 'Han's' guest room, and through the clerk's memory...

"Guest, the original brew you ordered has been delivered, as well as the tempura and soy sauce."

Nangong Yue imitated the clerk's voice and said.

"Well...just leave it outside the door."

Later, Nangong Yue began to merge with nature and gradually disappeared from Han's perception.

At the same time, he opened a portal leading to Kaguya's gravity space and stepped back first.

After almost a minute, Han opened the sliding door of the guest room and locked his gaze at his feet...


As a result, he didn't see the food he expected, and by the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

"All things are attracted by heaven..."


The space door closes...

...Transition, hypergravity space...

The current hypergravity space, without Kaguya's control and adjustment, defaults to about ten times the normal gravity.

Han who just came in was stunned, but as a ninja with strange power, he quickly adapted and turned to stare at Nangong Yue, who was wearing magic attire.

"What on earth are you..."

"Looking at the huge energy in your body, combined with the portrait in the intelligence, it is definitely the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki.

So...can you please die for our long-cherished wish? "


The moment he understood the opponent's goal, Han's legs sprayed out a large amount of steam and rushed towards Nangong Yue, who was less than ten meters away from him. It seemed that he wanted to directly kill this kid who seemed to know the heights of the world.

In less than half a second, in this environment with ten times the gravity, Han flashed in front of Nangong Yue under the influence of the huge propulsion force of steam!

At the same time, he raised his fist, a large amount of steam was ejected from the elbow and behind the fist, the chakra strengthened the arm, and he punched the childish face that seemed unresponsive, with a face full of leisure!

boom! ! ! ! ! !


Just before Han's fist was about to hit Nangong Yue's head! Just when he was about to deliver a winning punch, he was stopped by Nangong Yue's palm! ! !

This is not over yet, Nangong Yue caught the fist with his left hand, clenched the fist tightly, and then...



Sensing the severe pain in his hand, Han reflexively tried to retract his outstretched right fist, but! There's no way he can do it!

"This power?!!!"

In less than half a second, Han could no longer feel his right hand! Moreover, this feeling keeps spreading towards my shoulders! ! !

After roughly understanding the situation, he immediately pulled out a kunai, strengthened it with chakra, and suddenly stabbed Nangong Yue in the eye!

Ding! ! ! ! !

"You!!!! What kind of monster are you?!!!"

I saw that the tip of the kunai blade wrapped with a large amount of orange-red tailed beast chakra was fixed on Nangong Yue's open eyeball! Can't penetrate even a little bit! ! !

"Hehehe...Is this nothing? This is just 'hardening'~"


There was nothing he could do, the graying on his right hand had almost reached his elbow! With a cruel heart, he withdrew the kunai with his left hand and cut off his entire right arm! ! !

Han, who finally escaped from Nangong Yue's grasp and retreated in an instant, looked at his right arm that had fallen to the ground and turned into ashes. He couldn't help but feel a little scared!

Just before he cut off his right arm, he clearly felt that the speed of his right arm's collapse suddenly accelerated at that moment!

In other words, in that little time, the other party could completely crush him!

"Han, leave it to me, this kid is not simple, and the aura on his body is not right.

Prepare for the worst, if you don't take it seriously, both of us will be ruined! "


In the previous punch, he had already used 80% of his strength in order to be safe, but he was easily received by the opponent? !

What’s even more outrageous is that those are eyes! ! ! Just harden it and you can take the kunai enhanced by the tailed beast chakra? ! ! !

Therefore, Han decisively acquiesced to King Mu's proposal, handed over the sovereignty of his body, and then sprayed a large amount of steam from various parts of his body to completely cover himself.

After the large cloud of steam dissipated, a giant white beast with five tails, a dolphin head and a horse body appeared in front of Nangong Yue.


Chapter 225


Nangong Yue had nothing to say to Han who resolutely surrendered his body sovereignty and let the five tails go out to have fun. He had to survive~

As soon as the five tails were fully revealed, they jumped into the air, and then hit Nangong Yue, who was standing still, with a hoof!

Looking back at Wuwei, although I don't know how this kid got them into such a strange space, it is obviously more beneficial to him now.

A complete tailed beast is inherently large in size and mass, and coupled with ten times the acceleration of gravity, if this hoof falls, will the kid still survive? ! His five-tailed King Mu is not Han’s little arms and legs!

Looking at the horse's hoof falling towards him, Nangong Yue could actually use his body to catch it, but in that case, his whole body would probably be inserted directly into the thick horse's hoof like a nail! ! ! That picture...

Waving his hand to disperse the non-existent bubble chat box above his head, Nangong Yue raised his left hand and pointed his palm at the five tails above, ready to beat the irritable horse...

‘Repulsion, explosion, vibration, shock wave, distortion. ’

boom! ! ! ! !

The shock wave, which was not too strong, caused Wuwei's entire body to flutter in the air. Soon, Nangong Yue's tiny left fist met Wuwei's huge horseshoe! ~! !

‘Energy absorption, energy storage, highly elastic muscles, arm strength strengthening, body strengthening –. ’

When it first hit Nangong Yue, Wuwei didn't feel anything yet, but within half a second, the fierce horse felt something was wrong...

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you kidding! I, King Mu, can actually lose my power to a little human?!!!"

Obviously, except when the horse's hoof first touched Nangong Yue's fist, it caused Nangong Yue's left fist to retract a little and his legs to bend a little.

But now, no matter how hard King Mu works, his horse's hoofs can no longer move forward and are being pushed back bit by bit! ! !

Soon, in less than five seconds, Nangong Yue's left arm was already straightened!

even! The left hand that was originally making a fist quickly propped up the horse's hoof with just four fingers. Soon, it was held up with just the middle finger of the left hand! ! !

‘Explosive power, kinetic energy transformation. ’

Sudden! Nangong Yue clenched his fist with his left hand again, and his fist hit King Mu's horse's hoof like lightning! ! !

At this moment, King Mu felt a pure force that was completely irresistible from the hoof of the horse that was wrestling with that tiny human! ! !

The powerful inertia brought by the huge mass of Wuwei's body could not survive Nangong Yue's punch for even a second! ! !

Next, Wuwei was driven by his own horse's hooves and was knocked over by Nangong Yue! ! !

Nangong Yue, on the other hand, saw that Wuwei's body was out of balance and the horse's hooves opened a huge gap between himself and him, which suddenly increased the number of his attacks, so he was rude.

His legs suddenly stepped on the ground, and the ground suddenly sank by more than five meters. Nangong Yue disappeared, leaving only a large pit with a diameter of more than fifty meters!

Next, in less than a second, two violent ripples appeared in the air around Wuwei and above his head! There was a harsh explosion! ! !

Just when Wuwei heard the second explosion! I felt that the back of my neck was hit hard with a blunt instrument!

boom! ! ! ! !

Immediately afterwards, centered on the impact point, violent ripples appeared on Wuwei's back like a stone hitting the water! ! !

Just as the ripples were spreading, the huge force and ten times the gravity caused the Five-Tails to lose its balance and hit the ground with its entire body! ! !


The moment he was hit to the ground, Wuwei spit out a large mouthful of blood with translucent minced meat uncontrollably! Apparently he was seriously injured by Nangong Yue's blow! ! !

'hateful! The spine is broken! ! ! ’

Although tailed beasts are energy bodies, when they are truly in energy bodies, they are only reborn, on the way to sealing, on the way of breaking the seal, on the way of forming, and on the way of dissipation!

In its complete form, although it possesses the most complete combat power, it is still no different from a normal creature.

For example, Wuwei's spine was shattered now, and he was just like an ordinary horse, unable to control his body at all.

To repair such serious damage, even if the tailed beast's recovery ability is strong, it will take at least more than a minute. Before recovery, the five-tailed beast can only lie down so weakly! ! !

Back to Nangong Yue here...

After killing Wuwei instantly with one blow, Nangong Yue floated directly above Wuwei's head, looking at Wuwei's fierce eyes with relief, while helplessly forming a large number of space thorns and enchanting them.

"Huh~~~ After finishing this one, only the Kyuubi is left~ It's really gratifying and congratulatory~"

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