Regarding Nagato's words, Xiaonan on the side was just stunned for a moment, and then continued to correct it. It was obvious that he had already heard Nagato's inference.

"That's right, so now, it's time to seal the two and eight tails."

"?!!!" (Xiaonan)

"Oh?! You really caught it, then let's go now."


Next, Nagato channeled two Penns to handle government affairs on behalf of Xiaonan. Then, under Nangong Yue's space technique, the three of them came to the cave where Ichibi Shukaku was sealed again.

The three of them had just arrived, and Black and White Jue had been waiting for a long time.

It seems that the reason why this cave was not destroyed by the earthquake was because it was reinforced with wood escape. Hei Zetsu also worked hard~

Since there were only four people, two tailed beasts, including the stronger eight-tailed beast, they were sealed for more than ten days.

Fortunately, real people participated in the sealing. If the 'phantom body' was used, the main body would not be able to move, so Konan and Nagato would definitely not be able to hold on.

After the seal is over...

“Penn, next is the three tails.

Then, anyway, in the Kingdom of Water, let’s bring Vulpix back along the way.

This time, we will go there together, you are in charge of Vulpix, your technique is better at dealing with that slug.

As for the three tails with strong defense, leave them to me. My space spells are very good at breaking through defenses. "


Okay, let’s rest for a few days and set off the day after tomorrow. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Tiandao Payne was channeled away by Nagato who was still in the Hidden Rain Village.

After Tiandao Payne left, Nangong Yue, who had no need to interact with these people too much, also left with Black and White Jue, leaving only Xiao Nan here.

Xiaonan sighed. Anyway, this place was right next to Yuyin Village. She didn't have anything to say, so she just grew wings (paper) on her back and flew back to the central tower of Yuyin Village...

...late night three days later...

In the sky above the Misty Hidden Village in the Kingdom of Water, a space door opened, and Nangong Yue floated out alone.

As for Nagato, the one with disabled legs, Nangong Yue simply asked him to stay in a different space on standby. He also looked down upon Nagato's little combat power, which was not as practical as his own clone.

Next, Nangong Yue separated a space clone, which understood his mission, and immediately rushed towards the location of the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Nangong Yue himself rushed towards the position of the Fourth Mizukage.

What we have to do today is not only speed but also secrecy, and Nangong Yue is not in the mood to do it.

For these two Jinchuuriki, Nangong Yue planned to pull them directly into the different space, remove the tailed beast seal, and then put their bodies back.

Before Nangong Yue could attack Yagura, he sensed that there were two people in the different space. One was a space clone, and the other was Rikiyu the Six-Tailed Jinchuri who had not yet gone berserk and killed his master, and then defected to Kirigakure Village. High (foam).

The space clone used "space modeling" directly in the different space to create a space with a length, width and height of 500 meters as a temporary battlefield. Then it lifted the seal of the unconscious Jinchūriki and released the Vulpix.

Before the six-tailed rhinoceros had time to show off its power, it was stabbed with a large number of enchanted spaces prepared in advance, and was riddled with holes...

Afterwards, the space clone directly withdrew from the temporary battlefield, leaving Vulpix tossing around in the cover, because the 'self-awareness' in the soul was instantly torn apart by serious injuries, and even the energy could not be condensed. In less than half a minute, he collapsed to the ground, his spirit The fluctuations return to zero.

After collecting the large spirit crystals, he successfully sealed the Vulpix into an altar, and then sent the unlucky boy back to his residence.

The space clone kindly covered the child who could not live for an hour with a quilt, although he would never wake up~

After watching the space clone complete, Nangong Yue successfully released the clone technique and headed towards Yagura.

This Six-Tails Jinchuuriki is not good at its own level and is very easy to handle, but Yagura is still a Kage level after all. If you want to kill a city-breaking level existence in an instant, you still need to be quite prepared.

First, Nangong Yue sensed the desert space where Princess Kaguya lived. After locking the coordinates, Nangong Yue first activated the 'Tian Shi' to enter it and took out a fist-sized spirit crystal.

After absorbing it, the pure spiritual power transformed into it is instilled into the yellow sand, giving life to this desert and giving it the most basic intelligence: recognizing the master, obeying orders, and encircling and suppressing enemies on its own.

After spending half an hour to complete this, Nangong Yue, who was in the yellow sand space, locked eyes on Yagura, who was still in the office carefully correcting official documents.

‘Erasure of existence, hiding of gods, attracting all phenomena from the sky, multiplying, moving from the sky...’

In an instant, a space crack opened above Yagura's head. Without any reaction time, Yagura was instantly sucked into the yellow sand space by Nangong Yue. Of course, Yagura had no time to notify the ninja.

After Yagura entered the urn, the space door also closed smoothly. No one noticed that their Mizukage was no longer there~

Even after all this was done, none of the files on Mizukage's office desktop had been moved at all!

Suddenly arriving in a new place, the well-educated Yagura came to his senses as soon as he slept and quickly observed the surrounding situation.

'Um? ! Is this the country of wind? ? ? ’ (Yakura)

'This feeling...Ten-Tails? ! ! ! ’ (Sanwei Isao)

"Don't look at it, you're going to be dead¨"~"

Suddenly hearing an unfamiliar voice, Yagura looked up and first spotted a young man wearing a black robe with red clouds. Then, Yagura's expression became serious.


"This desert will bury you."

In Yagura's eyes, the entire desert had come alive. Waves of sand that were more than two thousand meters high from all directions were sweeping towards him in the center! ! !

"I'm afraid... I don't know the situation yet, but we have to fight hard this time..."

"Hahaha... In the past, I might have ridiculed you. After all, even if we die, we will be resurrected soon.

But, it seems like it won’t work this time..." (Isato)

"What?!!!" (Yakura)

Although Yagura wanted to ask the reason clearly, but there was no time now, so he had to transform into a tailed beast as quickly as possible.

In less than five seconds, the three-tailed body appeared in this desert, and at the same time condensed the tailed beast jade as quickly as possible.

Just before the killing wave nearly two thousand meters high was about to hit the tiny turtle, which was more than a hundred meters long and dozens of meters high, the three tails finally launched the tailed beast jade into the sky above their heads!

The moment the dark energy sphere touched the sand waves, a huge explosion occurred. The strong shock wave exploded the sand mountains surrounding it, causing its trend to deviate a lot.

However, the yellow sand manipulated by Nangong Yue was still too much after all. Even if most of the yellow sand was dispersed, Sanwei Jiping was still buried nearly a kilometer underground! ! !

After the vibrations calmed down, Sanwei Isotani was buried deep in the desert. His already heavy body was suppressed by the thousands of meters of sand, making it difficult to move!

What's even worse is that these sands are actually absorbing his chakra! ! !

Now, the three-tailed Isozu and Yagura have switched positions, and now Yagura is in Isozu's body...

Yagura, who is connected to Iso's perspective and shares Iso's senses, still can't imagine that such a natural disaster could be caused by manpower! ! !

"`.Is! What to do now?! How about water..."

“Are you stupid?!!! Calm down!!!

Now I can barely move...

If you use water escape! Sand will be heavier! I couldn't move at all! ! ! "

"Then use Tailed Beast Jade again..."

“Shut up!!! Can’t you feel it?!!!

This sand is absorbing my chakra. Once I vigorously mobilize energy outside my body, the chakra will only be absorbed faster! ! !

Now we can only climb up bit by bit before our energy and stamina are exhausted! ! ! "

This time, Sanbi was completely defeated. Although his water escape could restrain the sand, just like Shukaku, as long as he used water escape, Shukaku could only spit out weak wind balls.

However, such a large amount of yellow sand is enough to restrain himself (Lade Zhao)!

You know, Ji Teng is a ‘turtle’! It's an aquatic animal! Even if the sand he is buried in cannot absorb chakra, he will not be able to sustain it for too long in such a dry environment!

Yagura was scolded by Izo, and Yagura finally calmed down. Then, one person and one animal started chatting at the bottom of the lightless desert. It was still early anyway.


By the way, why might you never be resurrected if you die this time? "

"The Ten Tails, the source of all tailed beasts." (Isoe)


"Our nine tailed beasts were originally born when the old man of Six Paths split the ten tails into nine parts before he died.

And on that boy, it was unmistakable, I clearly felt the aura of the Ten-Tails!

Also, I can tell you now. " (Isotreya)

"Six Paths?!!! That's not a legend...

What do you want to tell me? "


Many legends are true, but the creation of the world by Old Man Liudao is false. The moon in the sky is indeed a purpose created by his family.

The center of the moon seals the body of the Ten-Tails, and our nine tailed beasts are the energy of the Ten-Tails.

And that boy probably wants to collect tailed beasts and then completely resurrect the Ten-Tails!


Chapter 224


And that boy probably wanted to collect tailed beasts and then completely resurrect the Ten-Tails!

Also, Yatsuo and Erwei told me..." (Isoe)

"Huh?!!! That's not Yun... Is it possible?!!!"

"Yes, that is the technique of the Six Paths Old Man. The name of the technique is 'Tianzhi Zhenxing'. It can summon meteorites from space to the sky and let them fall freely, thereby crushing the enemy.

Or, directly guide the meteorite to naturally rush here from its original position in space and hit the target location.

Obviously, that crazy young man actually let the meteorite fall naturally! ! !

Judging from previous disasters, the meteorite was at least about a kilometer in diameter! ! !

Where did he get so much chakra? ! ! !

Wait... immortal... magic! " (Isotreya)


Yagura said that his views have been refreshed by these secrets.

Originally, he thought that the Kage-level ninja's combat power could destroy the world and destroy a country (small country, city size), which was already overwhelming.

As a result, Isozhen suddenly told him that relying on ninjutsu, the world could be destroyed? ! ! !

He had received the information sent by his subordinates. On the first day of the meteorite impact, the entire Kingdom of Thunder was gone in an instant!

It wasn't over yet, it caused a series of big troubles afterwards, the most deadly of which was the high-temperature and highly toxic smoke and dust that they spent a lot of effort to clean up!

"If the other party's initial target was me..."

"Impossible. It is said that sealing the tailed beast requires a certain order. It is best to start with the one with the lowest number first.

Also, I forgot to tell you that Vulpix should have been arrested just before you were caught.

Um? ! ! ! "(Isopan)

Suddenly, Jizuo felt that someone appeared inside his body!

And that energy fluctuation is obviously that terrifying young man!

“I don’t have time to chat with you anymore, everything is over~

Repulsion, shock wave, hundredfold increase. "

boom! ! ! ! ! !

In the blink of an eye, all the bones and organs in Jizuo's body were completely destroyed, and he immediately fell into a state of near death.

This is because Ji Teng was buried on the sandy bottom a thousand meters deep. Otherwise, his whole body would have been blown up everywhere!

Next, while Nangong Yue activated the 'penetration', he teleported outside of Ji's body, took Ji's helpless body into a different space, and then followed him in.

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