"In the name of the Queen, I give an order to cut off the dragon's veins and suppress the power!

Hurry like a law! ! ! "

The seal went surprisingly smoothly, but...

"Pfft...what kind of ghost talk spirit is this?!!!"


The girl Sarah, who had just completed the seal, and the guard Naruto, all raised their heads to look at the source of the sound!


"Who are you?!!!" (Sarah)

"It's you?!!!" (Naruto)

What appeared in their eyes was Nangong Yue's true form!

"Thank you for your hard work, it was all in vain to seal the dragon veins.

Don’t you think that the seal is progressing too smoothly?

There is no need to hide it from you now. Every move of you, including several other ninjas, is under my surveillance.

The reason why I don’t stop you is just because it’s not necessary~

Do you really think the seal of Queen Loulan's lineage is so strong? "

With that said, Nangong Yue pretended to snap his fingers.


"How is it possible?!!!! Account!"

Sarah looked down and found that the originally closed 'eye' in the center of the altar suddenly opened completely! ! !


Chapter 214


"How can it be?!!!!!"

Sarah looked down and found that the originally closed 'eye' in the center of the altar suddenly opened completely! ! !

Just when the factory was about to continue operating, Nangong Yue pressed with one hand, an invisible wave of energy passed by, and the dragon vein was sealed again.

"How...how could..."

Nangong Yue's behavior completely subverted all Sara's self-confidence, and she fell helplessly to the ground. Naruto gratefully knelt down to support her, and at the same time, he raised his head and stared at Nangong Yue, questioning fiercely,

"Asshole...what do you want to do?!!!"

It was rare that in Nangong Yue's perception, Naruto was already angry to a certain extent, but he still did not burst out the Nine-Tails' chakra.


I said it at the beginning, our Akatsuki organization is targeting all huge energy sources, which is the dragon vein itself!

By the way, you are also on our hunting list, Kyuubi~"

"Damn!!!" (Naruto)

Although Sara was a little fragile in her heart, she was still the queen of a country. She quickly came to her senses and remembered something. With Naruto's help, she raised her head and asked Nangong Yue,

"Where is An Lushan?! Where is he?!!!"

Anyway, there was quite a lot of time, and Nangong Yue had to wait for others to arrive here, so he started chatting leisurely.

"An Lushan? You're talking about Baizu, right~

Hehehehe... That useless piece of shit who only knew how to play with puppets and was extremely weak was eliminated by me immediately.

Over the past six years, God knows how much energy he has wasted. Do you really think this so-called dragon vein has infinite energy?

This is nothing more than an explicit ley line!

Well~ for humans, it should be equivalent to infinity~"

".. ...."

Knowing that Bai Zu had already been executed, Sarah's emotions were very complicated and she didn't know what to say for a while.

“Sarah, take everyone and run.

This guy is very strong, I will try my best to hold him down. "

Nangong Yue also let Naruto's arrangements go. Anyway, there were not many people left in Loulan now. They were all still weak, and including the queen, they were all of little value.

In other words, Naruto's arrangement is in line with Nangong Yue's wishes. After all, his target, besides the dragon veins, is the Nine-Tails!

It just so happened that this Naruto was not from his original world. Even if he was killed, it would not matter. It would not affect that world anyway.

Maybe, this Asura's chakra can also be extracted.

Just after Sara and the others walked away, Naruto, who made sure that the weak would not be affected, also took out his kunai and rushed towards Nangong Yue, making Nangong Yue laugh.

"You don't even need the Rasengan, just the toys in your hands. Are you looking down on me?! (hardened)"

Just when Naruto rushed in front of him, Nangong Yue's right hand turned into a claw, raised his hand, and grabbed Naruto fiercely!

choke! ! !

Very easily, Nangong Yue smashed the unstrengthened kunai in Naruto's hand!

Just when Nangong Yue smashed the kunai, his sharp five fingers were about to cut through Naruto's chest!

"Oh? It's finally here~"

Just when Nangong Yue's right hand was about to touch Naruto's chest, using the Flying Thunder God Kunai in Naruto's arms as a coordinate, Namikaze Minato teleported behind Naruto, hugged Naruto, and then disappeared instantly from Nangong Read under the paws! ! !

The next moment, Nangong Yue looked at the open space below the high platform.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! !

Minato dragged Naruto and teleported to the center of the open space. At the same time, Akimichi Dingza, Aburame Shiwei, and young Kakashi ducked behind Minato at the right time. The five of them raised their heads at the same time, staring at Nangong Yue in a prepared manner!

"Is he a member of the Akatsuki organization you mentioned?"

Minato, who was still staring at Nangong Yue, asked softly to Naruto who had already taken a seat next to him.

"Yes, the core of the Akatsuki organization is composed of ten S-class rebel ninjas.

Their goal is to capture all tailed beasts and rule the world.

Before I came here, it was said that everyone except the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails had been captured by them! ! ! "(Naruto)

"Nani?! You're not mistaken! That's a tailed beast!!!"

Hearing this, Akimichi Choza was the first to jump out. Now, he still can't imagine that something as terrifying as a tailed beast can be captured by just a few people!

"That's right, the Akatsuki organization is composed of two people, and each one has a rare ability.

Fortunately, we have wiped out most of their core members. "

"Watch out!!!" (Minato)

Suddenly, Nangong Yue flashed not far away in front of the five people, and Namikaze Minato also sensed the spatial fluctuations that Nangong Yue had not hidden!

‘It is indeed a time and space ninjutsu! ! ! Moreover, there is no need to rely on coordinates!

Can he move anywhere within sight? ! ! ! ’

Regardless of the random thoughts of Minato and others, because Yamato hadn't arrived yet, Nangong Yue continued to chat,

"Don't be nervous~ You know, the people gathered here now may be people from three worlds~

Let me see... the young Kakashi Hatake in this world, the future Akimichi clan leader and Aburame clan leader, and... aren't these big shots?

Our fourth generation Hokage, even though he is not yet~"

"What did you say?!!!"

Sorry, the amount of information Nangong Yue revealed was a bit large. Even Minato was inevitably shocked.

However, Minato's quality as a ninja was extremely high. He came to his senses in less than two seconds and asked Nangong Yue calmly.

He also saw that the confident young man in front of him obviously had no intention of taking action now, and he didn't mind leaking information at all!

So, the more information they can extract now, the more beneficial it will be to them.

"What are the three worlds you mentioned?"

It seemed that Minato was willing to continue chatting. Under the vigilance of several people, Nangong Yue slowly walked to the wall, leaned against the wall with his arms around him, and raised his head slightly to look at them,

"That's right, three worlds.

First of all, in my world, Baizu had not defected at all, and I arrived at the sealing location of Dragon Vein first.

After arriving at the altar, isn't it obvious what will happen with the huge energy and the time and space spell~"

"However, you still chose to break the seal and come here alone." (Minato)

"Yes, I need to understand 'time'!

I have studied space spells to a certain level, but I still have too little exposure to time spells. "

‘Shao, that is to say, the other party has seen and even used time-based ninjutsu? ! ! ! ’

Regardless of Minato's thoughts, Nangong Yue continued,

"Yes, during the transmission process, a large amount of space-time energy was indeed absorbed by my body and soul.

To put it simply, my affinity for time and space is much higher now than before.

Just when I arrived in this world, I saw the young man next to you. "

"Huh? Then how are you sure that you, me, and this big brother are not from the same world?"

Seeing Nangong Yue mentioning himself, Naruto also asked questions curiously. He also wanted to find out what was going on.

"Hehehe... The most direct thing is that after coming here, I can no longer sense the 'time coordinate' I originally set.

In other words, this is no longer my original world. "

‘Time coordinates? ! ! ! '(Watergate)

Namikaze Minato's thoughts fluctuated even more violently... Nangong Yue continued to explain to Naruto kindly(?),

“As for you kid, it’s even simpler.

Because...you don't even know me! ! ! "

"Hey! Why do I have to know you?!!!" (Naruto)

"It's very simple~ You, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, have been beaten by me several times~

Also, you said you have eliminated most of the core members of our organization?

Can you tell me who died in the Akatsuki organization? "

Naruto didn't believe Nangong Yue's statement that the other party had beaten him violently, but he still answered Nangong Yue's question.

“Let me think about it…the puppet man, the bomber, the immortal, the old man with five hearts, Sasuke’s brother, and the shark-face with the big knife.

Um! That’s it! "

'Hey Hey hey! What kind of monsters are this organization? ! ! ! ’

It was clear that Naruto would not lie, but Ding Zuo was still a little unbelievable. Others were fine, but what kind of monsters were these 'immortal bodies' and 'five hearts'? ! ! !

"Hehehe...that's not the case here~

Deidara and Scorpion are not dead yet. The Kakuzu you defeated was actually recovered by us, and what Konoha got was actually a fake corpse.

That immortal body... We have ninjas who are good at earth escape. They dug out his limbs and sewed them back together. They were still alive and well~

As for Itachi and Kisame...I don't know about that, your future should be more distant..."

Just when Nangong Yue was stating and judging his testimony, Minato suddenly discovered something was wrong!

"No! Since you have solved Baizu, you should have left this world long ago!"

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