Then, the identity of this Anbu has been revealed, he is Namikaze Minato who has not yet become Hokage!

Just after Minato rescued Naruto, one of the remaining two Anbu's arms grew huge and smashed the two puppets into pieces with one slap.

Another ANBU, from his cuffs, poured out a large number of insect swarms, sealed the joints of the remaining two puppets, and then quickly ate them up!

Obviously, this is a ninja from the Aburame clan.

From this, it can be determined that the Aburame clan and the Akimichi clan can form a team with Minato, and the identities of the other two people are also confirmed. They are the future clan leaders of the two clans, Akimichi Choza and Aburame Shiwei.

"What's going on with those puppets?"

"It seems to have been strengthened by the chakra of the dragon vein. It is much stronger than puppets of the same material." (Minato)


After their companions dealt with the puppets, the three Minatos took Naruto to evacuate first and hid in a remote and dilapidated alley in Loulan to treat Naruto's wounds first.

At the same time, underground in the tower of Loulan Center, the control center of the entire dragon vein, spent six years in fine clothes and fine food, and the former Shayin Village rebellious Baizu, who had gained weight, was sitting on the 'seat' in the center.

"Did you escape my puppet army?

Huh...very capable~"

"Yes~ You are quite capable of establishing such a prosperous (?) puppet country by relying on dragon veins~"



At the same time Baizu replied, the defeat was already decided.

Now Baizu, although his consciousness is awake, his body is completely unable to move!

Because the technique of 'brain manipulation' is not an illusion, but the control of the brain itself!

Just when Baizu was about to mobilize the dragon's chakra to resist, Nangong Yue watched his performance expressionlessly.


Chapter 213


Just when Baizu was about to mobilize the dragon's chakra to resist, Nangong Yue watched his performance expressionlessly.

As a result, although Baizu was indeed mobilized successfully, it also broke through Nangong Yue's 'brain manipulation' that did not output much energy, and part of his body had already begun to turn into a puppet.

"Hmph! Akatsuki organization... No matter who you are, if you find this place, you will only die!!!!

Um? ? ? "

Looking at Nangong Yue opposite, looking at him helplessly, Baizu stiffly lowered his head following Nangong Yue's gaze...

"! No!!!!!!"

I saw that although Baizu had quickly turned his body into a puppet, starting from the place where he turned into a puppet, the originally hard clay pottery quickly turned from the original khaki color to gray-white, and at the same time quickly turned into powder and scattered on the ground. ! ! !

What's even more terrible is that this process of collapse is accelerating! No matter how much Dragon Vein Chakra he absorbs, it's useless! ! ! ! !

"Hey~ your puppetry skills are far inferior to Brother Scorpion.

The only bright spot is the improvement of materials. I will tell him about it when I get back~

As for you...I will make good use of this dragon vein~


Looking at Nangong Yue's frivolous face, Bai Zu knew that he was destined to die. In the end, he could only scream at Nangong Yue what he thought was the most vicious curse.

"You!!! It's not good..."

As a result, before even a few words were spoken, the speed of collapse suddenly accelerated, and the whole person quickly turned into ashes.

‘The meaningless curse...destroys the soul, restores the spirit, and crystallizes the spirit. ’

Just in case, Nangong Yue used "Existence Insertion" in disgust, and after absorbing the rice-sized spirit crystal from Baizu, Nangong Yue walked to Baizu's original seat and sat down.

Although it has some Cthulhu style, this single sofa is more comfortable to the touch.

Through Baizu's memory, Nangong Yue quickly mastered the method of utilizing dragon veins that Baizu had figured out by himself.

To be honest, it is a little rough and the utilization rate is relatively low. It is completely relying on the huge energy of the dragon vein to act recklessly.

The only thing worthy of praise is the intelligence given by the puppet. Although none of them are as good as a three-year-old child, this is at least a "zero" breakthrough.

“Very good, time and space have not changed.

So, before annihilating those ninjas, we should first improve the method of utilizing dragon veins. "

Before starting the study, Nangong Yue separated a space clone and asked him to help watch the ninjas first.

Once those ninjas get close to the dragon vein, they can take action instead of the main body.

Just after the clone teleported away from here, Nangong Yue started his research with confidence.

'Divided thinking, thinking ten thousand times faster...'

...Perspective shift...

In a small alley, Naruto rescued Queen Sarah who was pushed down the tower.

Yes, the kid was still pushed down.

Although Baizu was dead, the two puppets that were 'protecting' Sara pushed her off the tower at a fixed time.

Just as Sara and Naruto were having a pleasant (?) exchange, the Minato trio landed in front of them.

" really didn't keep your promise...¨"."

"Uh... Well, there's nothing I can do. She fell from the tower right in front of me... your mission to kill her? ! "

Naruto, who seemed to have figured it out, immediately pulled out his kunai and stopped in front of Sara.

"Who are you? I don't remember that Loulan has issued any missions to other ninja villages recently! Could it be..." Sarah's face was also solemn. It was probably because of Naruto's nonsense before, coupled with the lack of security for many years, that she had a preconceived idea... Minato looked at the two people who thought they had made the right inference, and helplessly put one hand on his forehead and shook his head. "Ah... On the contrary, our mission this time is to protect the Queen of Loulan... If you really don't believe it, give..." At this point, Minato took out a scroll, unfolded it, and handed it to Sarah. 'The mission issued by the Hokage of Konoha...' (Sara)... The corridor outside the court... "The puppets suddenly attacked me inexplicably. Loulan, which was originally a ruin, turned into a prosperous city with tall towers... I'm completely confused~ Do you know anything? Please tell me!" The three Minatos wearing ANBU masks looked at each other and were silent for a while. They thought about it carefully. Finally, Minato, who led the team, stepped forward and officially took off his mask! Then, Ding Zuo and Zhi Wei also took off their masks.

"There is no other way... Although I don't want to say it, I will try my best to explain it to you within the scope allowed...

We accepted a confidential mission and came from Konoha.

This place is indeed not the Loulan you know!

If I am not mistaken, you are from the future. There was a violent space-time fluctuation before, which should be you being teleported here.

Of course, there may be more than one person." (Minato)


"The reason why I don't want to tell you is that once people in the future are related to this era, the direction of the world may change dramatically.

This era is about twenty years away from yours.

And, six years ago, there was also a ninja from the future, and like you, his name was 'Centipede'." (Minato)

"Huh?! The target of the mission we are capturing is Centipede!


Ah ... People calmed down,

"We chased the centipede until we reached the seal of the dragon vein..." (Naruto)


"In short, we must defeat the centipede as soon as possible, otherwise the times will change dramatically."

"Oh right!!! When I woke up, there was another person from the Akatsuki organization who also came here!

He also said that his target was also the dragon vein!!!

But, I don't know why, he should be our enemy, but he didn't attack me...but just disappeared!" (Naruto)

Minato finally heard the incredible information, lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds,

"Well...Loulan is sleeping with the power of the dragon vein, which is an extremely huge energy, even more huge than the energy of the tailed beast, and it is inevitable that he will be targeted.

For example, the centipede used this power to develop puppet weapons.

And...Akatsuki organization? I haven't heard of it...

Also, the several space fluctuations before, plus the "sudden disappearance"...

Could it be that the future ninja is also proficient in time and space ninjutsu?!!!"


In the end, Naruto and Minato and the other two acted separately.

As for the reason... Baizu disguised himself too well in front of Sarah, and was completely a peace-loving and righteous person.

In addition, he did make Loulan strong, at least it seemed so.

So, between acquaintances and strangers, Sarah certainly chose to trust An Lushan (Baizu), who had been with her for a long time.

So, the girl who didn't believe in evil went alone to confirm the truth of the matter, wanting to prove An Lushan's innocence...

Soon, it was night, and a lively parade was being held in the square under the central tower.

At the same time, because Queen Sarah was late, the puppets prepared in advance were also started on time.

It can be said that whether it is the queen, the guards, or the citizens, they are all puppets!

The prosperous scene of the entire Loulan City was actually supported by puppets! ! !

Sarah, who finally gave up on An Lushan, relied on the innate perception of the queen's lineage and took Naruto to the tower where the dragon vein control center was located! ! !

At the same time, Nangong Yue also woke up from his study state.

After removing the 10,000-fold accelerated thinking and "split thinking", Nangong Yue recovered his mental strength while watching the real-time situation of several ninjas.

"` .Very quickly... you found this place...

However, you can do whatever you want. It doesn't matter if the dragon vein is sealed. At most, you can break the seal violently.

The most important thing is that with the help of this sealed place, all the troublesome guys can be gathered here.


Soon, under the guidance of Sara's perception, he and Naruto arrived at the puppet manufacturing factory that was still in operation.

Although there were a large number of puppets patrolling inside the factory, those puppets moved too slowly and only had the most basic intelligence.

With Naruto's skill, it was very easy to carry Sarah to the sealing location of the Dragon Vein.

Next, because there was no obstacle from the puppet, the sealing process was extremely smooth.

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