"Who said Centipede was completely wiped out?"


As he spoke, Nangong Yue spread out his hand, and a translucent shadow (energy shape, dyeing) appeared.

Looking at the outline of that person’s face, it’s obviously Baizu!

"No...this guy's soul is still in my hands. He has not returned to the underworld of his original world, and there is no clear 'direction' of time and space transfer. He still wants to leave here? You'd better drink less~"

As he spoke, the space in Nangong Yue's hand spiraled and twisted, absorbing the energy body that looked like a centipede soul.


In other words, if we want to restore order in time and space, we can only defeat you! "

Minato immediately cleared up all the matters and took the lead in setting up a posture, ready to rush towards Nangong Yue who was leaning against the wall!


Chapter 215


In other words, if we want to restore order in time and space, we can only defeat you! "

Minato immediately cleared up all the matters, took the lead in getting ready, and was ready to rush towards Nangong Yue who was leaning against the wall!

Just before Minato was about to rush towards Nangong Yue,

"Sorry, Naruto, I'm late!"

Finally, Yamato was also in place, which made Nangong Yue very happy. He raised his head and stared at several Konoha ninjas!

"That's right, if you want to restore order, you can only take back Baizu's soul from me.

In other words, the Yondaime's analysis is correct, you must deal with me!

But...how is it possible~? "

"Is it possible? You have to try to know it!!!-"

Before he finished speaking, Namikaze Minato took the lead and rushed towards Nangong Yue!

"Really? Hehehehe..."

Nangong Yue slowly walked towards the other party, looking at Minato who was rushing towards him, and at the same time!


'Very good, at the cost of one space clone's near collapse, the entire Loulan space has been completely reinforced and sealed. Minato is no longer able to use the Flying Thunder God. ’

Soon, the kunai held in Minato's hand touched Nangong Yue's neck!



Minato's special kunai actually penetrated Nangong Yue's body like this, and soon, it even penetrated his arm! ! !

Just as Minato's entire body passed through Nangong Yue, Nangong Yue had already completed his turn and stabbed Minato in the back with a punch! ! !

Just when Minato sensed that Nangong Yue's attack was about to arrive, his first reaction was to activate the Flying Thunder God.

but! In an instant, Minato's expression froze!



boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Minato failed to perform the technique the first time, and missed the best opportunity to perform the technique a second time. His whole body hit the solid cement wall, creating a large crater with a diameter of more than ten meters! ! !

Then, with a bang, Minato's body turned into a completely broken tree trunk!

Just when Nangong Yue turned to face Konoha and others, he saw several people on the opposite side forcibly stopped and jumped back!

Because Nangong Yue's exposed ability was so weird that his entire body was penetrated? ! ! !

"that is not?!!!"

Sure enough, Naruto still recognized this ability. It seemed that they had already seen Obito in that world, of course, in the posture of the orange spiral mask.

Before Naruto could say anything, the ground behind them was suddenly pierced, and from the front, Minato, who seemed to be intact, climbed up.

Before they could be happy, Minato saw a large mouthful of blood containing minced meat! ! !

"Minato (fourth generation, teacher, elder brother)!!!" (Ding Zao, Yamato, Kakashi, Naruto)

"Is it okay!" (Zhiwei)

Minato had no time to respond to the concerns of his companions, but stared at the still frivolous Nangong Yue with a solemn expression.

“You shouldn’t have blocked the space, right?!!!”


"How can it be?!!!"

Nangong Yue slowly walked towards the people in Konoha and replied with a relaxed face,

"That's right~ In order to prevent you from escaping, we have made great efforts to seal off the entire Loulan space~

Otherwise, why didn't I attack you until night? "

"Impossible!!! Space is blocked, how do you use space ninjutsu?!!!" (Minato)

"Is that so... It's very simple~ I have more advanced techniques~

As long as I use it, I can ignore my own space blockade.

how? Want to experience it? "

Hearing 'higher level', Naruto had a rare opportunity and quickly recalled the scene when he just met Nangong Yue.

Naruto even remembered that before Nangong Yue covered himself, he said something like 'What's up, what's down'.

"Is it possible?!!!"

Sensing Naruto's mental fluctuations, Nangong Yue smiled and said nothing, still staring at the most troublesome Namikaze Minato, and then said jokingly,

"Definition, gravity is on top, and the human body is on the bottom."

Buzz~~~Boom! ! ! !

"This is?!!!"

In an instant, several Konoha ninjas were suppressed by the sudden strong gravity and were unable to move! Especially the heaviest Ding seat can hardly stand anymore!

"Hehehe... This is the higher-level technique, or in other words, this is the foundation of my life!

The technical name is ‘priority’! As long as I understand enough, I can arbitrarily tamper with the intensity priority of everything! ! !

Why can I use space ninjutsu? Very simple~

Energy is at the top and space is at the bottom. Isn't this smooth? ! "

Ignoring the ninjas under his control, Nangong Yue turned his head and looked at the sealed place of Dragon Vein, feeling helpless for a moment.

"We can't destroy this sealed place~"


With a snap of his fingers, Nangong Yue and these ninjas were moved to the square below the central tower!

At the same time, due to the "priority" casting range of the escape, the several ninjas who escaped from the trap immediately distanced themselves from Nangong Yue. They were all half-kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily! ! !

In order to verify the state of the space, Namikaze Minato secretly launched the Flying Thunder God several times, but without exception, they all failed.

'Don't trust what the other party says. The one just now might be a gravity technique, or the Tsuchikage's technique.

But if everything the other person said is true, then we are in big trouble...

No, at least you have to...'

Thinking about it, Minato glanced at Naruto who was also panting, but now much better.

"Minato... Minato... what should we do now... fight... or... run away?"

Dingzuo, whose internal organs were already somewhat damaged, asked their leader uncertainly.

“Let’s wait and see, let’s try it out first and then talk about it.

Furthermore, the opponent can use space ninjutsu, and we can't escape. "(Watergate)

"Ahem!!! (vomiting blood)

Then I'll go first! The art of super doubling! ! ! ! ! "

Ding Zuo hurriedly swallowed a secret military ration pill, and then his body instantly swelled to a height of more than ten meters, and he strode towards the figure opposite, which seemed too small to him!

At the same time, Aburame Zhiwei also silently performed the spell.

"Secret Technique! Insect's Deception!!!"

Before Ding Zuo rushed towards Nangong Yue, the land under his feet was already covered by a large sea of ​​insects!

The next second, a large number of parasites flew into the air in swarms and rushed towards Nangong Yue who surrounded the center!

Obviously, these parasites want to crawl onto Nangong Yue's body and suck all his chakra! ! !

0 ·Asking for flowers·· ·······

"This uniform has been modified and cannot be destroyed by you.

Shinra Tianzheng..."

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Just when the two thought they were about to succeed, the sudden huge impact shattered all the parasites around Nangong Yue!

The next moment, Ding Zuo, who had a huge force-bearing area all over his body, was directly blown away and crashed through more than a dozen tall towers before barely stopping! ! !

Aburame Zhiwei and others thought they were far away from Nangong Yue, so they swooped in time to avoid Nangong Yue's Shinra Tianzheng, whose range was not large but whose power had been enhanced.


Just after the smoke and dust dissipated and Minato and others lowered their arms to protect their heads, they saw Nangong Yue floating above a large pit with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters! ! !

"The secret art of insects of the Konoha Aburame clan, parasitic insects can absorb the chakra attached to the target. This is well-known information.

If I were possessed by so many parasites, even I would feel very uncomfortable~

But unfortunately, it's too fragile. "

Now Minato and the others were already a little embarrassed;

'How much chakra does this monster have? ! ’

.. . 0

"Oh? How much chakra is there?

I’m not afraid to tell you that it’s even worse than the immortal body of the first generation~”

"Huh? This is...mind reading?!!!"

Feeling the obvious mental power piercing into his mind, Minato cooperated with Nangong Yue's words and immediately deduced this information that was extremely unfriendly to them!

What's even more terrible is that if the other party really has the amount of chakra comparable to the first Hokage, something big will happen!

Turning to Nangong Yue's side, when he slowly rose into the air and looked at Minato and others, he decided to operate on Naruto first.

I saw Nangong Yue aiming at Naruto's body with one hand!

"All things are attracted by heaven..."

"Eh? What's going on?!!!"

Immediately, Naruto's body rushed towards Nangong Yue uncontrollably!

"This... gravity and repulsion... are very troublesome techniques."

The first time Minato saw Nangong Yue performing the technique, he deduced the principle of Nangong Yue's technique.

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