"(The human body is on top, the sound waves are on the bottom.)

Please be quiet! "

Nangong Yue teleported behind Naruto and covered his mouth.

Naruto turned around with difficulty, glanced up and down, and successfully saw Nangong Yue's appearance and attire from the corner of his eye!

"Woooooooooo (who are you)?!!!"

While reading Naruto's thoughts, Nangong Yue was even more certain that this was a parallel world, and there were more. It was very likely that this Naruto also came from another parallel world! ! !

You know, at this time, Naruto had already learned the Rasenshuriken.

In other words, Naruto at this time has even defeated Kakuzu!

In other words, if it was the world he entered before, Naruto must have seen his Nangong Yue!

After making a simple judgment, Nangong Yue leaned against Naruto's ear,

"Don't make any noise...just listen to her finish singing~ This is the most basic respect~"

After hearing this, Naruto, who had failed in his struggle, finally calmed down, and Nangong Yue let go of the boy.

After Naruto escaped from the trap, he sat directly on the ground, and for the first time, he stayed quietly with a person wearing an Akatsuki uniform...

"The light inherited on the spiral cuts off the dragon's head and heads towards the inner court.

The appearance that emerges from the past... Eternal songs connect people's hearts.


Ignoring Naruto's rare calmness, Nangong Yue couldn't help but think of the plot of 'The Lost Tower' when he listened to the lyrics sung by the girl's voice.

'Haha...a prophetic song...

The white beam of light travels through time and space, the Rasengan destroys the puppet driven by the dragon vein, the encounter between Naruto and Minato across time and space...'

While the girl was singing, Nangong Yue had already read the information about the entire Loulan City, so there was no need to accompany these people.

"No matter what, our goal is still dragon vein~"

"What?!!! You said your target is Dragon Veins?!

Is your Akatsuki organization also eyeing Dragon Vein? ! ! ! "

Immediately, Naruto took out a kunai in each hand and confronted Nangong Yue.

"The sky, the storm, stirred up the hesitation.

Holding a burning lamp in your hand...breaks the darkness in front of you.


But Naruto didn't notice that even though he had shouted so loudly, the girl who should have been awakened was still singing to herself!

Nangong Yue took one last look at the young Queen Loulan, then turned back to look at Naruto,

“Don’t you know very well, we are capturing the tailed beast.

In other words, any energy that is huge is on our hunting list.

There is nothing we can do about it. Who makes the members of the organization fail to live up to their expectations and be arranged by you one after another~ I can only do it myself~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nangong Yue disappeared from Naruto's eyes and arrived five hundred meters above Loulan.


Chapter 212


“Don’t you know very well, we are capturing the tailed beast.

In other words, any energy that is huge is on our hunting list.

There is nothing we can do about it. Who made the members of the organization fail to live up to their expectations and be arranged by you one after another~

Therefore, I can only do it myself~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nangong Yue disappeared from Naruto's eyes and arrived five hundred meters above Loulan.

'Um? ! Is this a fluctuation in space? ! ! ! ’

In a corner of Loulan, three Konoha ANBU ninjas were running.

Suddenly, one of the yellow-haired ninja stopped hastily.

Seeing the yellow-haired ninja stop suddenly, the remaining fat man with brown hair and a black-haired ninja with a three-eyed mask also stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

This ninja who should be the Akimichi clan asked the yellow-haired ANBU, and another black-haired ninja was also waiting for a reply.

"Nothing... Just now, I sensed a vague spatial fluctuation.

Moreover, it should not be psychic. "

"Hey~ are you having an illusion?

Now besides you, who else knows the time and space ninjutsu? "

The fat man from the Akimichi clan immediately echoed, seemingly not believing that other than his own teammate, anyone else could master the space-time ninjutsu.

Although the other ANBU was silent, it was obvious that he 01 did not believe this judgment.

“No…we have to prepare for the worst.

Maybe the violent space-time fluctuations that appeared in Loulan before were man-made!

Isn't part of our mission to find out the truth? "


Well~nevermind~we can wait until we meet~"

After saying that, the fat man took the lead and started running. When he saw the two teammates walking away, the young ANBU with yellow hair had no choice but to follow.

...Back to Naruto...



The moment Nangong Yue left, he released his 'priority'. Naruto's sudden voice frightened this lovely girl.

Immediately, Her Lady Queen jumped off the stone pillar and ran towards the exit of the secret room.

"Hey! Where is this?!"

Queen Sarah ignored Naruto's straight question and rushed straight into the passage.

Just when Naruto arrived at the entrance, what was waiting for him were two puppets powered by dragon veins!

The moment the two puppets locked onto Naruto, they each raised a hand and shot out a kunai connected to a thin chakra thread from the tips of their five fingers!

However, before Naruto could block it, these kunai were shattered by the energy barrier placed at the door!

It seems that the condition for the activation of the technique is that ‘Sarah’s body enters the channel’.

The two puppets, which only had basic intelligence programs, saw that they could not hit, so they rushed towards Naruto.

Sure enough, when these puppets passed through the barrier, they were completely dismantled by the lavender energy of the barrier.

"Uh...what's going on???"

At this moment, Naruto looked at the puppet parts scattered on the ground behind him, and felt as if ten thousand alpacas were rushing past...

Just when Naruto was stunned, the entrance to the passage had been blocked by layers of stone gates!

The passage was blocked, so Naruto looked up first and found five light holes.

Now that he could get out, Naruto wasn't too anxious. He first found a stone pillar, jumped to the top and sat down.

"I've never seen this person from the Akatsuki organization...

Also, he said ‘I had to do it myself’. In other words, that guy is still a higher-level person in the Akatsuki organization? !

And... Captain Yamato is also missing. Where is the traitorous ninja Hyakuzu? ! ! ! "

A lot of unknown questions made the nervous Naruto very crazy.


Phew~~~Go out first..."

As soon as he decided to go out, Naruto dodged towards the light port above...

...five hundred meters in the air...

"When dealing with dragon veins, you must not be disturbed."

After making up his mind, Nangong Yue decided that before he could absorb the dragon veins, he would first set up a time and space barrier that would wrap the entire city of Loulan, the kind that could only be exited but not entered.

It just so happened that if he hadn't put in a lot of effort and carefully studied the 'space modeling', he would probably be exhausted now.

Because, the barrier constructed by Nangong Yue requires the use of ‘space folding’.

When the barrier layout is completed, from the outside, the entire Loulan will disappear into the desert!

Does the barrier have any effect... A hemisphere with the location of the underground seal altar as the center, and a line L connecting the center of the earth and the center of the sphere...

Contact point A on the spherical surface, draw a vertical line through L, and then extend it along the connecting direction to point B on the other side of the spherical surface. All A and B will be folded together! ! !

In other words, no matter what it is, if it reaches point A, if it moves forward a little bit, it will span the entire Loulan City! Even the light is no exception! ! !

Of course, the barrier formed by this technique is one-way. Only the outer side has this effect. There is no problem in leaving Loulan City.

Not only that, besides this core structure, other things need to be arranged.

In particular, inside Loulan City, Minato Namikaze, who has mastered the 'Flying Thunder God', is in the city, and he needs to interfere with his perception of spatial coordinates.

Then, it is necessary to disturb the space inside Loulan City.

However, before this barrier can be set up, Nangong Yue needs to drive out all the creatures in Loulan.

Otherwise, it would be a good choice to kill them all and use them to extract the spirit crystals.

"In other words, before everything starts, we still need to deal with that Centipede and these Konoha ninjas.

It's really troublesome. Why did you send me to this point in time? !

Is this the so-called world line... Important matters have been determined long ago? "

No way, before picking the fruits yourself, you need to drive away or get rid of the pests that may sting you.

After thinking clearly, Nangong Yue first targeted the guy who seemed to be troublesome but was actually the best to deal with, Renren Baizu.

But there is no rush now. I have just arrived in this strange new world (?), so it is better to explore it carefully first. Anyway, the 'time coordinate' of the original world has been set.

More importantly, he probably won't have any use for that time coordinate.

Because according to the anime plot in memory, Naruto and Yamato were teleported to the past (?) and then teleported back. In the original world, basically only a few seconds passed! ! !

Moreover, maybe not even a second passed, or even the souls of the two traveled through time at all! As for the body, refer to ‘Spiritual Teleportation’...

...Look at this Naruto again...

boom! ! ! ! !

With great difficulty, Naruto pulled out his chakra knife and cut off all the chakra threads controlling a puppet.

However, there were five puppets that were besieging them. Although one of them was eliminated, another puppet that surrounded them immediately was bombarded from the air dozens of meters away.

Naruto just smashed through the ground and landed in Loulan's ruined dungeon, but these puppets with low intelligence were still not ready to let him go.

The jet port on the back of the puppet once again ejected purple energy beams, pushing them towards Naruto whose thigh was scratched and temporarily unable to move.

Just before the puppet's sharp blade was about to pierce Naruto, the yellow-haired ANBU rushed out, hugged Naruto, and instantly disappeared into the circle of puppets!

When the yellow-haired ANBU hugged Naruto, the four puppets had already surrounded the two of them tightly!

But the two people still disappeared instantly without any movement traces!

Obviously, this is time and space ninjutsu! Moreover, it is an advanced technique that can bring people to teleport!

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