Also, considering the condition of the Red Sand Scorpion, it is still unknown whether Kakuzu has retained his brain.

However, at least, according to Nangong Yue's simple perception, Jiaodu still retained his brain. As for whether it was simulated, he did not go into detail.

If even the brain becomes a blood vessel, then Kakuzu's only weakness is really his 'heart'.

In the end, there are only enhancement spells that suit everyone, such as 'Super Regeneration'...

But those things seem to be just the icing on the cake for Kakuzu.

" you have any urgently needed abilities?

See if I have anything in my inventory..."

Hearing this, after Kakuzu quickly approved a document, he put down his pen and began to think.


If I have to's the ability to perceive.

Although I can feel it through blood vessels, it is too troublesome, and the range is still small. It is better to fly in the air.

In other words, I need the ability to determine the target location. "

"Is that so... It just so happens that I have a technique here, called 'Search'.

.. . 0

For all characters within your field of vision, you can leave invisible marks on them through your sight.

For all characters who have been engraved with marks, you can obtain the real-time location of each other at any time, with an upper limit of one hundred people.

In short, it is a tracking technique with a more secretive method of casting. "

While speaking, Nangong Yue threw a ball of white light towards Jiaodu.

Yes, this is the puppet cat, Tomoko Shiretoko’s personality. In the version given, Nangong Yue deleted the part of ‘reading the character’s intelligence and weaknesses’.

Just as Kakuzu caught it, the white light instantly merged into his body, and immediately, Kakuzu read the relevant information about the technique from his mind.

This time, Nangong Yue did not personally carve the energy circuit for Jiaodu.

Because, unlike Hidan, Kakuzu can learn the technique by himself through the detailed information of the technique in his mind, and he can even teach it to others!

A minute later, Kakuzu opened his eyes,

"Thank you very much. I will learn it as soon as possible. It helps a lot!"

Immediately, Kakuzu closed his eyes and began to browse the detailed information of the technique.

Xiaonan, who was originally at the office, immediately thought of this technique for its efficiency and convenience in managing the Ninja Village.

Although the maximum limit is only 100 people, that is enough!

You know, in a ninja village, important special characters, plus powerful jounin, a hundred are enough to cover most of them. At worst, they can be rotated at any time, and just locking in important targets when going out is enough!

He immediately asked Nangong Yue, who was wearing ink again,

"That...this technique..."

Before Xiao Nan finished speaking, Nangong Yue, who understood her meaning from her mental fluctuations, also casually threw a ball of white light and landed on Xiao Nan's hand.

"...Thank you~"

Immediately, Xiaonan was like Kakuzu, not even caring about government affairs. The most important thing was to become familiar with the techniques first.

At this point, this empty luxurious (?) office fell into silence again. The two of them were studying the techniques, and one of them was lying down and looking at the scenery...Sir.

Chapter 211

It was almost dinner time, and Nangong Yue felt that Jiaodu was the first to wake up.


It's a bit complicated. Now I have barely learned how to engrave the mark. The specifics will depend on the practical results...

By the way, Kong Chen, don’t you have any mission? "

Nangong Yue picked up the iced juice and took a sip.

“There’s no rush yet.

Now Deidara and Scorpion haven't arrived in the Kingdom of Water yet, and it's probably Scorpion's brother who is looking for materials everywhere again, competing with your interest in finding the bounty head.

As for Zero Burial, he set out to find Vulpix.

And I am responsible for the Eight-Tails. Unlike the Three-Tails and the Six-Tails, the position of the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki is always determined, and it is still locked up in Yunlei Gorge by his Raikage brother.

However, he is not a peaceful person~ The big octopus with eight tails has a technique of substitution using tentacles, or a clone technique.

Because of the huge chakra of the tailed beast, even with a tail, the chakra is very sufficient, basically exceeding the average Kage level.

In other words, if the guy who escaped couldn't bear it anymore, he would definitely use this technique to escape from the Raikage's blockade.

Waiting until he is alone is my best time to take action.

I don’t want to destroy the Kingdom of Thunder now~”

After Nangong Yue finished speaking, Xiaonan also exited the study mode and echoed,

"That's right~ In a shadow-level battle, the aftermath of the battle is too big. Once the battle starts, it's basically a big commotion.

Not to mention, with the fighting power you showed in Konoha, you will definitely be able to force Kirabi's full tailed beast transformation very quickly.

If the battle were to take place near Cloud Hidden Village, with the Raikage's speed, he would be able to get there very quickly.

Of course, if you can kill him instantly, that's another story. "

Looking at the sky, Nangong Yue stood up and put away the lounge chair and small table.

"Instant kill...that's so boring~

I have learned, researched and improved so many techniques. If I don’t use them to play with, what will I do with them? "

As he spoke, Nangong Yue's left palm faced upward, and a black energy ball the size of a walnut floated in Nangong Yue's palm.

"Disintegration, freezing, burning, lightning strike, penetration, crystallization, space cutting, explosion, heavy pressure, mental control, lava washing, blood reverse flow... I have prepared many preferential packages for him~"

Xiaonan didn't even listen to the list of tricks that followed, but stared at the black sphere in the palm of Nangong Yue's left hand!

'This is! ! ! Earth Explosion Star? ! ! ! ’

As the member of the organization who has been with Nagato for the longest time, Konan is very familiar with this energy fluctuation!

Although there are some differences in the energy fluctuations, that should be due to the different casters, but it is basically no different from Nagato's 'Earth Explosion Star'!

Feeling Xiaonan's violent mental fluctuations, Nangong Yue knew what she was thinking even without reading her thoughts.

"The so-called technique is to 'use the corresponding energy and operate it in the corresponding way to induce the corresponding effect'.

As long as the basic principles of the technique are clear, no matter what technique it is, it can be learned.

Of course, the limit of the technique depends on the amount of energy output. "

With that said, Nangong Yue withdrew the 'Earth Explosion Star' and looked at Xiaonan,

"Despite this, the vast majority of people are shut out and they are unable to obtain the 'corresponding energy'.

Since you can't do it at the beginning, you don't need to think about the follow-up.

However, as long as you can do the first step, what follows will be easier than you imagine. "

After saying that, Nangong Yue opened the portal and walked in slowly...

The next morning, Nangong Yue took a bamboo hat and walked in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind, heading towards a hidden energy bank.

At the same time, he opened his clairvoyance and observed some of the people located by the 'search'.


"Is Sanwei so popular?

Akatsuki, Konoha, Orochimaru, and Kirigakure all sent people there...

Forget it, if Deidara and the others fail, at worst, I will do it myself.

The most important thing right now is this~"

As he spoke, Nangong Yue looked at an altar with a strange kunai inserted in it.

After walking in the desert for dozens of minutes, Nangong Yue slowly locked the coordinates of this place, and then teleported over.

At this time, looking at the familiar kunai, Nangong Yue was a little confused.

"Isn't it obvious what will happen with the huge earth energy and the time and space spell...

Once the seal is broken, chaos in time and space will inevitably occur.

Whether it will be accurately transferred to the twenty years ago mentioned in the animation is uncertain.

The only thing that is certain is that it will definitely be transferred to a time when the 'Dragon Vein' still exists.

But no matter what, this dragon vein belongs to me! ! ! "

After making the decision, Nangong Yue walked to the center of the altar, squatted down, and held the Flying Thunder God's special kunai in one hand.

"To be on the safe side, positioning, time coordinates."


An invisible wave, centered on Nangong Yue, spread to the entire ninja world.

Five minutes later, Nangong Yue, who had confirmed his positioning, closed his eyes, activated his thought acceleration ten thousand times, and filled the sealing array on the altar with his own energy.

After another minute, Nangong Yue opened his eyes, and then pulled out the kunai!

In an instant, the purple-white energy beam reaching the sky completely shattered the altar and enveloped Nangong Yue at the same time.

At this moment, Nangong Yue clearly sensed 'time'! ! !

"This is!! Hehehehe... the context of time!!!

Um? It feels like a 'spiritual teleportation'..."

In the center of this sky-reaching energy pillar, Nangong Yue felt that his body was being broken down into particles and then transported to unknown time and space.

The only good thing is that although this body is being decomposed, the energy of the attributes of time and space is constantly washing away his body and soul!

Nangong Yue can feel that his affinity for time and space is rising rapidly! ! !

"Haha... Then let's add some fire... Natural integration!"

This time, Nangong Yue took the initiative to decompose his body and merge it with the surrounding time and space fluctuations! ! !

Just as Nangong Yue did this, it also accelerated the progress of the transmission!

The shining light pillar, which had changed from purple-white to completely white, flickered with an unprecedented dazzling light for the last time, and then dissipated instantly.

After the light pillar disappeared, neither the altar nor Nangong Yue himself was seen!


"The light rising from the heights of Loulan, the mixed emotions, the dragon's veins that must be protected...

The white blade strikes, looking up at the sky.

Gravel, wind and rain all come together.

The glorious sun... flies like flowers..."

Nangong Yue's body had just finished gathering on the top of a stone pillar when he heard a burst of sweet singing.

Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw a delicate figure sitting on the top of a crooked stone pillar.

At the same time, Nangong Yue felt a familiar energy wave and turned around to see,


Hey, hey, hey~ Naruto, why are you here?

etc! I can’t feel the ‘time coordinate’!

In other words, is this a parallel world... No wonder...'

Watching Naruto wake up leisurely, he also saw the girl, just when he was about to ask questions!

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