On the back that few people could see, there were four masks of different shapes, among which the one at the heart was broken.

"It seems that if you don't take it seriously, you will be in danger today~

Hidan, be careful when you do it. If you are hit by my ninjutsu, wind type and water type are fine, but if you are hit by fire type and thunder type, your body will be broken.

In that case, you won't be able to sew it up, and you'll probably have to find time to regenerate it for you. "

"Hmph! How can my body be destroyed so easily!

On! ! ! "

Before Kakuzu could prepare, Hidan held up his scythe and rushed towards Kakashi who stood up to defend himself!

Faced with Hidan's surprise attack, Kakashi had no time to think about Kakuzu and could only draw out his kunai to fight.

For a moment, the two started a dazzling close-quarters hand-to-hand combat! The shooting speed and movement speed of these two people were all afterimages in the eyes of Shikamaru and the other chuunin! There's no way to get involved.

Because they couldn't clearly see the fight between Kakashi and Hidan, the three of them looked at Kakuzu who had not yet made a move.

"Um... Shikamaru, Kakashi-sensei clearly penetrated the masked ninja's heart with Raikiri just now. How come this guy isn't dead yet?!"

"I don't know, his heart was indeed penetrated!

However, hehehe... he is not dead after all.

However, his 'immortality' should be different from that of Hidan.

How specific it is, the current information is insufficient and it is impossible to determine.

Also, his painful reaction when he was penetrated through the heart didn't seem to be fake.

In other words, unlike that Hidan, this person could be completely killed!


While Shikamaru was analyzing the two people beside him, Kakuzu also started to operate.

‘The heart of the earth attribute is useless, and the melee advantage is weakened.

The best decision is to use ninjutsu and carry out long-range bombing, then...'

From Kakuzu's back, the sutures were quickly removed, allowing the four masks to be successfully unsealed!

In less than five seconds, a large number of gray and black blood vessels formed four monsters with masks on their heads!

However, the monster with a broken mask among them collapsed to the ground before he could hold on for ten seconds.

Next, the remaining three monsters made of blood vessels merged into an even larger twisted ball of flesh. After a while, they transformed into a ten-meter-tall monster that resembled a three-headed dragon! ! !

"Then...what is that..."

Because the things Kakuzu created were similar to those giant demon dolls made by Nangong Yue, Ino's voice trembled slightly!

Kakuzu jumped onto the back of the black dragon. At the same time, the dragon's back squirmed and slowly swallowed Kakuzu into it!

"Underestimating the enemy may lead to defeat. Sharingan Kakashi's ability is shared with us by that boy Kuchan.

Although his attack speed is not good, he can actually distort space!

If I don't use my full strength, it will be difficult to fight."

While he was talking, Kakuzu was completely swallowed into the dragon's body!

Ping! ! ! !

Hidan's scythe got stuck with Kakashi's kunai again. Just when Kakashi was distracted for a moment because he saw Kakuzu's operation, Hidan kicked Kakashi back to Shikamaru and the others. around!

After Kakashi retreated to the three chunin, the two sides faced off again.

The moment Kakashi arrived, Shikamaru quickly reported the information he had deduced about Kakuzu's abilities.

"Kakashi-sensei, the ninja named Kakuzu, speculates that he has five hearts!

He had just separated four black monsters, and the one with a broken mask would die soon.

And just now, you did break one of his hearts, which corresponds to this inoperable monster.

In other words, we still need to destroy four of his hearts before we can kill him! "

Kakashi was not surprised by Shikamaru's conclusion. Ever since Kakuzu got up again and kicked him away, Kakashi had some doubts. This Kakuzu had more than one heart.

For Kakuzu, having his abilities judged has little impact on him.

Because the foundation of his life is actually his ninjutsu and taijutsu, as well as the practical experience he has accumulated over the years!

And the immortality brought about by the earthly resentment can only be ranked at the back!

Because, even if others find out, his five hearts must be destroyed to kill him, which actually doesn't make much sense.

As long as he gets serious, or if he wants to run away, his entire heart must be destroyed at once to kill him!

However, those who are unable to do it cannot do it even if they know his specific information; those who can do it do not need his information at all.

Although Shikamaru and others had deduced his abilities, Kakuzu was under no obligation to prove their conjectures.

"But, given the other party's current state..."

For Kakashi and the others, it would be okay if their opponents were in human form, but in their current form, they were not really friendly.

Although Kakashi and others don't know it yet, those masks are all parts that release ninjutsu!

And these masks happen to be where the heart of Kakuzu is. They are both the most vulnerable points and the toughest spear points!

Seeing Kakuzu in this form, Shikamaru knew that he must not resist forcefully.

Instead of the four of them fighting a team battle with a slim chance of winning against the two members of the opposite Akatsuki organization, it would be better to divide the battlefield and deal with one first.

He took the blood collection device handed over by Kakashi and arranged it quietly,

“It’s difficult for us to deal with the opponent’s cooperation.

That Hidan is immortal, if he relies on his physical advantage to hold us back and create an opportunity for Kakuzu to release powerful ninjutsu again...

Therefore, we must divert that Hidan away first. "

"Then use my heart turning technique..."

"No! Your technique requires the cooperation of my shadow imitation technique. Only by immobilizing him can your technique work.

Once the operation fails, you will be completely unable to move for a few minutes!

So, let me do it. "


"Hidan, from now on, you have to be careful!"

At this time, the demon once again grew a masked head, and at the same time, a dull voice came from the demon's body.

"Haha! If you can really kill me, I will thank you instead!!!"

After saying this, Hidan once again rushed towards the four people in Konoha with his scythe. At the same time, Kakuzu's demon puppet flapped its wings and quickly took off into the air.

Just when Hidan and Kakashi ended their standoff and dodged Shikamaru's shadow, Kakuzu had already swooped down!

"The head is hard! Pressure! Wind flames are dancing wildly!!!"

boom! ! !

At the same time, hurricanes and seas of fire spewed out from the mouths of the two masks respectively!

It is also a combination ninjutsu with a huge range, completely equivalent to, or even surpassing the power of arcana ninjutsu!

"`.Escape from earth, there is no place in the earth prison!"

Facing the sea of ​​​​fire that sprayed from the air to the ground, Kakashi could only use earth escape to completely wrap the four of them!

Just after the flames dissipated, the Kakuzu in the air saw Kakashi's choice clearly, and then...

"Thunder Escape! Pseudo Darkness!!!"

Just like Kakashi said, thunder controlled the earth, and the thunder gun ejected from the mouth of the thunder attribute mask instantly penetrated the earth prison!

However, after a big hole was opened in the dungeon and it was smashed into pieces by Hidan who rushed forward, Kakashi and the other four were gone!

"Hidan! At your feet!"

The moment Hidan was stunned by the disappearance of Kakashi and others, a pair of hands stabbed out from the ground behind Hidan!

After receiving Kakuzu's warning, Hidan subconsciously jumped up and stood upside down at the base of the branch of the nearest big tree!

The moment Hidan moved away, the lightning attribute mask sprayed out a stream of electricity, accurately hitting the hands wearing fingerless gloves!

The moment the hands thrust out of the ground were hit by the electric shock, they turned into smoke and exploded with a bang. It was obviously the shadow clone who had taken action!

For Hidan, this jump was considered a scam!

Just when Hidan's feet were attached to the tree, a (very fine) thin shadow line quickly connected with Hidan's shadow along the upper part of the branch!

Shikamaru's technique was naturally noticed by everyone in the sky, and they immediately wanted to attack together with Hidan!

"Wind escape..."

Sizzle! ! !

"I can't let you hinder my teammates~"

Before Kakuzu's Wind Release was released, Kakashi dodged to the side of the golem, wrapped his right hand with a large amount of lightning, and aimed at a mask to stab it!

Helplessly, the prepared Wind Release could only be unleashed on Kakashi, but he could no longer let this kid destroy his heart.

To be on the safe side, Kakuzu did not save chakra, and still used a range of wind escape, which directly blew Kakashi back to the top of a dry tree!

Just because Kakashi managed to delay for nearly five seconds, Shikamaru, who successfully controlled Hidan's body, rushed into the forest with Hidan.

After defeating Kakashi, Kakuzu, who was flying in the air, saw that only one person led Hidan away, but no one followed him. He was really confused. Are these Konoha ninjas so arrogant?

"You actually let only one chuunin deal with Hidan...

Haha... You guys underestimate Hidan too much. The head of that Nara clan member named Shikamaru should be worth a lot of money.

Today, he is going to die! ! dragon! "


Chapter 205


After confirming that only one person was left to deal with Hidan, Kakuzu controlled the golem to fall to the ground.

After all, flying for a long time consumes a lot of chakra.

“However, your judgment is correct.

I am indeed much stronger than Hidan.

Compared with me, your combat experience is too different, and you don't have enough strength to overcome the 'experience'.

Seeing your forehead protectors reminds me of the first Konoha ninja I fought with, the first Hokage! "


The too long time span shocked the three Konoha ninjas left behind!

"Is this immortal..."

After pointing the four masks at Kakashi and the others,

"No, that kind of thing doesn't exist, at least I haven't seen it.

I just used the heart I stole to store it and continue to use it before the lifespan of my heart ran out, that is, to extend my life.

Okay, it's time to deal with you.

Earthly Resentment, final shot! ! ! "

While he was talking, the demon puppet's three attribute masks of wind, thunder, and fire were all vaguely charged!

As soon as Kakuzu finished speaking, the huge energy bomb that had been charged instantly sprayed towards Kakashi and the other three! ! !

The range and power of this attack are completely different from the previous combined wind and fire ninjutsu!

There is even a hint of bloodline elimination in it!!!

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