
Regarding Kakuzu's sudden attack, Ino and Choji had no choice but to stand there with their eyes wide open!

"Mangekyo Sharingan! Kamui!!!!!"

At the critical moment, Kakashi forcibly refined a large amount of chakra, and reluctantly used the Mangekyo Sharingan eye technique. The light cannon that was so close at hand, and almost completely smashed them into powder, was transferred to Obito's different space. ! ! !

'Hehehehe... According to the intelligence, Sharingan Kakashi is not the kind of ninja with huge chakra reserves, but a skilled ninja.

In other words, he cannot use the kaleidoscope's pupil technique several times.

He was forced to use high-energy ninjutsu repeatedly before, and now he is forced to use the Mangekyou Eye Technique again, which means...'

"Now, Sharingan Kakashi, you have lost your fighting ability!"

After the aftermath dissipated, the huge black golem still stood, but Kakashi, who had counteracted Kakuzu's big move, completely lost consciousness due to excessive use of chakra and fell to the ground in a coma!


Seeing Kakashi fall to the ground, Choji quickly carried Kakashi behind him to prevent Kakashi from attacking them.

While carrying Kakashi on his back, Choji and Ino disappeared from Kakuzu's sight.

However, in such an open place, under the eyes of a shadow-level powerhouse, they could not run far at all and could only hide behind a nearby big tree.

And Kakuzu's current condition is not good either, because he can no longer release powerful ninjutsu for a short time.

Although with his chakra reserves, he could still release the technique a few times, but now his energy circuit is overheated and he can only spit out small energy balls.

'However, with the huge power brought by the huge size of the monster, and the small powerful ninjutsu that is powerful enough to destroy the human body, it is enough to deal with these two little guys.

Hehehe...Copy Ninja Card Cassie's bounty, I'm going to order it! ! ! ’

After making the decision, Kakuzu controlled the demon doll wrapped around him and began to leisurely search for the two children, while recovering chakra as quickly as possible.

...in the forest...

After Shikamaru led Hidan deep into the forest, he used a kunai tied with steel wire and threw it into the surrounding trees. The dense wire mesh completely surrounded Hidan.

Moreover, there are a large number of real detonating charms tied to each steel wire. Shikamaru is really spending money this time!

After all this was arranged, it was time for the shadow imitation technique.

"You can't run away? This shadow ninjutsu, five minutes is your limit, right~

Moreover, at this moment, there are only two of us..."

Hidan suddenly pulled out a metal rod from nowhere, flicked it, and a long needle more than one meter long was held in Hidan's hand. At the same time, he quickly rushed towards the deer not far away who was approaching the limit. pill!

"Hey ah!!!!"

Hidan's taijutsu is far superior to Shikamaru. With just one blow, Shikamaru's cheek was cut open. In other words, Shikamaru's blood was successfully (?) obtained! ! !

Hidan was extremely excited when he saw the blood. He finally found the opportunity to experiment with the portable magic circle! ! !

Just before Shikamaru fell to the ground, Hidan completed the blood-licking transformation, then picked up the long needle in his hand and stabbed himself in the heart! ! !

Phew! ! ! ! !

At the same time, Kakuzu's side...

"Huh?!!! A water-attributed heart...

Very good... Very good...

Hidan! ! ! You trash! ! ! ! ! ! "

After losing its water-attribute heart, the height of this devil also shrank a bit, from the original more than ten meters to about ten meters.

However, this level is still not something Choji and Ino can deal with.

Although Choji's doubling technique can grow his body to a height similar to or even higher than that, Choji has no long-range attack methods!

Also, since Kakuzu himself cannot be found, Ino's 'Heart Turning Technique' cannot be used.

Because of this, at Ino's suggestion, the two of them took Kakashi and hid immediately, instead of letting Choji rush forward alone!

'No, we may have to face the Jinchuuriki next, and we must be in full strength! ’

After making the decision, Kakuzu, who was hiding inside the demon doll, quickly took out two scrolls with 'earth' and 'water' written on them respectively.

After the seal was released, the two fresh, still beating hearts were immediately connected by a large number of gray-black blood vessels.

Next, the ten-meter-tall demon doll climbed about five meters higher again, and at the same time grew two more masked heads! ! !

Because he regained his activity, Kakuzu's chakra extraction speed surged!

Immediately, the wings on the back of the demon flapped, and the huge dark figure quickly rose into the sky! ! !

Just as the golem flew into the air fifty meters above the ground, Kakuzu saw Choji and Ino who were taking care of Kakashi through the visual connection of the mask at a glance!

"The body cannot be damaged, otherwise if the identity cannot be confirmed, the money will not be withdrawn.

So...water escape, water dragon bullet! Thunder escape, false darkness!

Thunder water dragon bomb! ! ! "

As soon as the water and thunder left the spout of the mask, they formed a giant water dragon with a diameter of more than five meters! He pounced directly on the three Kakashi people diagonally below! ! !

...in the forest...

At this time, Hidan was controlled by Shikamaru again...

"You bastard! Why are you still alive?!

My body has changed back, which means that my spell has taken effect! "

Shikamaru pulled out a short knife from his waist and wiped away a trace of blood on his cheek. Where could he see the wound? !

"I just pretended to be killed by you.

The blood on that long needle is not mine, but that of your companion!

Although I don’t know if he is dead or not, it must have caused him a lot of trouble. "

As he spoke, Shikamaru took out a small blood collection device from his pocket.

"This is also the reason why Kakashi-sensei stayed behind him for so long after penetrating the heart of Kakuzu for the first time.

All to draw enough blood! "

Hidan, who was deceived, naturally tried his best to break away from Shikamaru's technique.

Just after Hidan moved, he instantly regained his composure! because...

"Hehehehehe... Even if I am stupid, I can see it now. After all, I have been hit many times~

After being hit by the same technique several times in a row, even a beast understands the characteristics of this ninjutsu!

Simply put, the power of the technique is no longer as strong as before.

This time, I probably won't be able to hold on for five minutes.

Look, I can move~"

Under Shikamaru's solemn expression, Hidan raised his right hand that was supposed to be bound and pulled out the long needle that penetrated his heart.

After pulling out the long needle, Hidan slowly stood up.

“Every time a spell is hit, the intensity of the spell and the duration of the effect will become weaker.

Your chakra is almost at its limit! "

Although Hidan was laughing, holding a long needle, and walking toward him step by step with difficulty, Shikamaru felt stable.

The reason why Hidan can move is not only because Shikamaru is indeed lacking in chakra, but there is also a very important reason. This was specially arranged by Shikamaru!

If Hidan cannot move, he cannot move to the intended trap location.

However, the strength of the restraint cannot be weakened too much, otherwise, no matter how stupid Hidan is, he will notice something is wrong.

At this time, Shikamaru was waiting for Hidan to walk step by step to his intended location and kill him with one blow!

Nearly ten seconds later, Hidan, who didn't realize anything was wrong, walked to the predetermined location wildly. Shikamaru immediately put away his frightened expression.

"Shadow Gathering Technique!!!"

In less than a second, all the steel wires originally attached to the surrounding tree trunks were wrapped around Hidan's body, along with dozens of detonating charms! ! !

At the same time, starting from the shadow at Hidan's feet, a large number of shadow lines extended, piercing into the surrounding tree trunks!

Then, Shikamaru threw the short sword in his hand at a mark behind the grass.

Immediately, the ground under Hidan's feet quickly shattered, and a cylindrical pit with a diameter of about three meters appeared under his feet!

From now on, Hidan is completely suspended in the air, completely unable to use any force!

"It's over, Hidan of the Akatsuki organization."


Chapter 206


“If you harm others, you will harm yourself. Do you understand the meaning of this sentence?

In the cycle of cause and effect, the price of killing others is that you will eventually suffer. "

As he spoke, Shikamaru took out a lighter, which he found in Asuma's knife bag. It was considered a rare relic of Asma.

Thinking that Asuma would eventually be exchanged for a bounty, Shikamaru tried his best to suppress his anger, for fear that something would go wrong.

After all, this Hidan is Kage level! And he is just a chuunin! After finally creating such a situation, Shikamaru will never allow it to collapse! ! !

"You used a curse to kill my teacher, don't think you can survive easily!

This is your grave. "


Hehehehe...I can't die~!

Even if the body is crushed, even if there is only one head! I can definitely climb out of here! Then bite your throats out! ! ! "

"No...you can't get out of this forest."

"Huh?! Deer?"

After the two of them stayed here for a long time, the deer living in the forest also surrounded them out of curiosity.

"This dense forest is a very special place...only we, the Nara clan, are allowed to enter.

Our family will always monitor you. "

As he spoke, Shikamaru lit the lighter in his hand.

"Asshole!!! What do you want to do?!!!"

Shikamaru took one last look at the lighter in his hand and threw it towards Hidan in front of him.

"This is the will of fire...our strong will to protect the village..."

Just when the flame of the lighter touched a detonating charm...


boom! ! ! ! Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

After the smoke and dust dissipated, the pieces of Hidan that had been blown to pieces were placed at the bottom of the pit.


Back to a few minutes ago, Kakuzu's battlefield...

"Thunder Water Dragon Bomb!!!"

Just before Kakuzu's ninjutsu was about to hit Choji and Ino!

"Wood Release! Wooden Ingot Wall!!!"

Bang! ! ! ! ZZZZZZZZ! ! ! ! ! !

Before the Thunder Water Dragon hit, a wooden hemisphere of just the right size successfully wrapped the three of Kakashi!

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