Looking at the shadow extending towards him, Hidan was really panicked!

"Hey hey hey! Why have you been silent since just now?!!!

If even you are controlled, we will be doomed!

What to do? ! Kakuzu! ! !

Hello! The current situation cannot get any worse! "


Chapter 203


Hello! The current situation cannot get any worse! ! ! "

"Oops? You're too optimistic.

According to my calculations, from the moment I successfully restrain you, you are finished! "

At the same time, Shikamaru's shadow had connected with Hidan's and successfully controlled his body! ! !

By the way, he also used the materialized shadow to return a chakra knife to his own hand.

Then, Shikamaru began to control Hidan to retreat. Behind him was the huge scythe that was pierced into the ground because the steel cable was blown apart.

And Shikamaru's choice happened to be noticed by Kakuzu. Decades of experience immediately made him understand Shikamaru's choice.

‘Are you determined not to let yourself get close to unfamiliar people...

Are you planning to control Hidan to attack me... then...'

Just when Shikamaru was concentrating on controlling Hidan's body and slowly moving backwards, Kakuzu had already controlled a black and gray blood vessel under the ground to pierce out of the ground!

This blood vessel as thick as a little finger extended upwards against the back of the chakra knife, and in less than two seconds, it was successfully wrapped around a hole!

At this point, Kakuzu can untie himself at any time!

At the same time, Hidan only took five steps back! It's still far away from that sickle! ! !

‘Haha... I am still young indeed, and I would choose such a time-wasting method.

It would be better to rush directly towards Hidan whose abilities are known and cut off his head directly.

Hahaha...Does hatred make people greedy? Are you actually trying to kill both of us at the same time? ! ’

Just when Shikamaru controlled Hidan and had not retreated to the sickle position, Kakuzu had already calculated the position and hid one of his arms next to Shikamaru's ankle! ! !

The moment Shikamaru controlled Hidan with a confident look on his face and allowed him to successfully hold the scythe!

‘Earth escape, the art of beheading in the heart! ’

Sudden! From behind Shikamaru's ankle, an arm burst out of the ground, grasped his ankle tightly, and instantly pulled Shikamaru, who was performing a technique and could not use the Substitute Technique, below the ground! ! !

What's even worse is that the shadow imitation technique controlling Hidan has been released! ! !


"Very good!!!"

At the same time, he entangled the blood vessel of the chakra knife and pulled it out directly. Kakuzu was already out of trouble immediately!

At this time, Shikamaru was in a bad situation. Hidan just held the sickle tightly and reacted the moment Shikamaru was pulled into the ground!

Holding the scythe, he rushed towards Shikamaru, who only exposed his head!


The sudden reversal made Ino and Choji, who were hiding aside, unable to bear it any longer. They exposed their positions and shouted.

Just before Shikamaru was in despair and was about to be beheaded by Hidan!

Ding! ! ! ! ! ! !

Kakashi, who always remained calm, dodged in front of Shikamaru at the critical moment, pulled out a kunai, and successfully resisted Hidan's giant Mitsuki Scythe!

At the same time, Ino and Choji, who were already exposed, simply teleported to Shikamaru and pulled him out.

Just as Shikamaru was rescued...

"Hidan! Back away!!!

Fire escape! Head hard! ! !

Wind escape! Suppressed! ! ! "


At the same time that Hidan retreated to Kakuzu, in less than a second, Kakuzu released two enhanced B-level ninjutsu, overwhelming the four people in Konoha! ! !

"Earth Escape! Earth Current Wall!!!"

Just before the four of them were about to be engulfed in flames, Kakashi finally succeeded in erecting a five-meter-high earth wall, which narrowly withstood the burning of Kakuzu!

Five seconds later, the flames dissipated, and what came into the eyes of the two members of the Akatsuki organization was a wall of earth that could collapse at any time.

Two seconds later, the earthen wall finally collapsed, revealing the three chunin huddled in the back and Kakashi, who was supporting the earthen wall with his hands.

Bang! ! !

Kakashi, who looked tired, turned into a ball of smoke and exploded. Obviously, this was just a shadow clone.

Kakashi didn't have much chakra. After the shadow clone performed this ninja, his chakra naturally bottomed out.

The next moment, Kakashi's true body (?) burst out of the ground where the shadow clone was, blocking the way of the three chuunin.

‘What a powerful combination of ninjutsu! The scope of influence is too wide! There is no room to use the Substitute Technique!

Also, what is the ability of the one with the mask? ’

I don't blame Kakashi for not observing carefully, Kakuzu was really well hidden.

Just as Kakuzu pulled Shikamaru into the ground, he quickly retracted his hand.

Because everyone in Konoha was staring at Shikamaru who was in danger and Hidan who was about to succeed, no one noticed Kakuzu's movements at all.

What's more, Kakuzu's location happened to be backed by a big tree. In addition, the organization uniform was very wide, and Kakuzu operated with his arms behind his back, so he could easily hide his core abilities!

Facing the prepared Konoha ninjas, Kakuzu slowly walked towards Hidan not far ahead, while keeping an eye on Nara Shikamaru, who was the planner.

"Although you said, 'It's over,' you don't know my abilities at all.

Therefore, you never had the idea of ​​'getting closer to me' from the beginning to the end. You always maintained a certain distance and considered the next strategy.

You are different from this idiot next to me, you are smart.

However, in a battle full of uncertain factors, no matter how much you analyze, you can't make everything run according to your ideas! "

Ignoring Kakuzu's preaching, Shikamaru was squatting on the ground and panting heavily, his brain running rapidly.

'Although he almost died, the masked ninja's ability has been revealed a little bit.

Judging by the feel of the ankle, it was obviously a hand!

And the size of the palm just fits that guy's hands!

Judging from the arm he had inadvertently exposed in order to resist the detonating talisman, it looked like it was covered with stitching marks...

In other words, that guy, in some way, can move his body parts away from his body!

Now, the chakra knife that was originally fixed on his shadow has also been pulled out. It may have been broken out of the ground through the detached hand and directly pushed away.

In other words, not only the arms, but also the legs, internal organs, and even the head can be separated from the body and then sewn back together? ! ! ! ’

Thinking of this, Shikamaru's face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

In order to prevent Kakashi from being tricked later, Shikamaru quickly stood up, leaned into Kakashi's ear, and told Kakashi the information he had speculated intact.

After getting the information, Kakashi's eyes widened for a moment, and then he stared at Kakuzu with a solemn expression.

‘It seems that this person is the most troublesome.

Although the big man with the scythe is immortal, as long as he is beheaded, he will be unable to move.

As for the one wearing a mask, even if his body is cut off, it will be sewn back together again.

Also, in addition to wind and fire, he had previously blocked the explosion of the detonating talisman by hardening his arms.

In other words, he also has earth attributes!

No... prepare for the worst, this guy might have all five chakra attributes! ! !

Strong survivability, Five Elements Escape Technique... What a monster... Are all Akatsuki organizations like this?

However, there must be a weakness, such as the heart! ! ! ’

After thinking about it carefully, Kakashi was no longer so nervous. At least, he had seen the chance of victory! because...

Switching to Kakuzu, because the Konoha people didn't take action for a long time, the two Kakuzu were already impatient to wait.

“Shocked!!! You atheists!!!

Kakuzu! It's time to fight back! ! ! "


What? ! ! ! "

Bang! ! !

Phew! ! ! ! ! !

Just when Kakuzu was about to take action, Kakashi, who was standing in front of Shikamaru and the others, exploded again!

Then, in less than half a second, Kakashi suddenly appeared behind Kakuzu, his right hand wrapped with a large amount of lightning, instantly piercing Kakuzu's heart! ! !

"Your hardening technique is, as expected, the earth escape technique. Although the techniques are slightly different, they are very similar to those in the Rock Hidden Village.

If that wasn't enough, when you used your hardened left hand to block the detonating talisman, I saw the seal on your right hand.

One-hand seal is a very advanced application, but it is obviously the seal of Earth Escape! "

At this time, Kakashi did not dissipate the lightning in his hand, because once he withdrew the lightning, his hand would probably be crushed directly by the entire monster by manipulating his body!

Kakuzu, who had his heart pierced by Kakashi, was angry, but he was not shaken yet, so he continued to act.

"You actually saw through my jutsu... And with this level of lightning escape, you are worthy of the Sharingan Kakashi!"

"Thunder Control, it seems we are not compatible~ It's over!"

Up to this point, Kakuzu was also pretending to be on the verge of death and losing strength. Kakashi, sensing this, pulled out his right hand and let Kakuzu fall to the ground.

As if it was confirmed that Kakuzu had been killed, the lightning flashed on Kakashi's right hand again, and he faced Hidan who was still stunned not far away.

"Next, it's your turn!"

At the same time, Kakashi flashed towards Hidan not far away, but Hidan not only didn't change his expression, he didn't even mean to move!


boom! ! ! ! !



Under the shocked expressions of Shikamaru and the other three, Kakuzu, who had defaulted to death, suddenly stood up and kicked Kakashi away! It smashed through nearly ten big trees in a row before stopping! ! !


Chapter 204


"What's going on? It's obviously penetrated his heart..."

Kakashi, who fell into a pile of broken wood, couldn't figure out what was going on in Kakuzu for a while.

At this time, Kakuzu stood up, patted the dust on his body, stared in the direction of Kakashi, and then ripped off his uniform, revealing his body full of sutures!

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