First of all, it can directly make people live longer while keeping their appearance in a youthful state. The elderly will be rejuvenated, while the bodies of young people will be fixed in the state of taking the fruit.

Another technique that still has some effect is the Tao Shi Left Hand Reincarnation Eye technique. The name of the technique is 'Gao Huang Chan Ling Zun', and it is also named after the name of the neon god.

The effect is to cooperate with the inherent technique of the Samsara Eye, 'Sealing Technique Absorption Seal'. The absorbed technique will not turn into mist-like energy, but will be stored intact in the body, and then the power of the technique will be amplified and then released.

However, the disadvantage is that the absorption technique can only be used once...

To be honest, comparing it to Madara Uchiha’s ‘Ringrave Side Prison’, this peach-like Rinnegan has awakened such a useless ability to abuse vegetables. It’s really embarrassing!


Chapter 202


In the forest, about one kilometer away from Hidan and Kakuzu, Black and White Zetsu and Obito were lurking here.

In addition to Black Zetsu who looked calm, the problem child Uchiha Obito was extremely unhappy. Why should he, the self-proclaimed leader behind the scenes, be a nanny here? ! ! !

"Stop whining, Toby~ There's something coming this time.

And you know that guy’s kaleidoscope. "

Judging from this tone, the person speaking was the relatively frivolous Bai Jue.

"I told you, call me Madara-sama...

Phew~~~ Is the information provided by the newcomer okay? The matter of Kyuubi..."

"I have personally confirmed that Konoha does intend to send the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki to attack Kakuzu and Hidan.

If we suddenly appear, we might be able to capture the Kyuubi in advance!

After all, that boy Nagato’s ideas are somewhat different from ours.

It would be better to try not to let the Kyuubi fall into his hands. "

The voice was very deep and a little hoarse. It was obviously Hei Jue who spoke.

Black Zetsu really hit the mark. Hearing this, Obito was silent for a while...

“Well, let’s ambush around these two people and wait for the opportunity to take action.

Of course, the main thing is to let them do it on their own. If they are really defeated, we will take advantage of the Konoha ninja's bad state to do it.

Zetsu, the task of monitoring Konoha ninjas will be left to you. "

"As you command..."

After receiving the instructions, Hei Zetsu, who was still enjoying playing the role of someone else's subordinate, controlled the body and dived under the ground, leaving Obito alone on the tree.


Seen through the round hole of the orange whirlpool mask, Obito's three magatama sharingan rotated in a circle, and then, with the sharingan as the center, a space vortex swept Obito in...

The far side of the forest...

"Kakashi-sensei... take this and use it as the opportunity arises."

Konoha's first march, Asuma's three students, plus Hatake, 50-50, crouched down and listened to the tasks assigned by the highly intelligent Shikamaru.

When the distribution was almost complete, Shikamaru took out a blood collection device the size of a pinky finger from his knife pocket and handed it to Kakashi.

After Kakashi took the blood collection device,


However, just one contact is enough to analyze the enemy so thoroughly..."

"Having said that, the other guy's abilities are still unknown. We only know that he can use powerful combination ninjutsu.

When he finally eliminated those crows, he used Fire Release Tou Ku and Wind Release Pressure.

Therefore, judging from the power of ninjutsu, he has at least two chakra attributes.

Moreover, according to the known members of the Akatsuki organization, Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion all talk about 'art';

Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Inikigaki both defected after killing a large number of their companions;

From this point of view, the two people in the Akatsuki organization's team should have something in common.

The immortal Hidan had the appearance of a devout believer, and that Kakuzu was obviously a money addict, but that was not what they had in common.

Then, you have to prepare for the worst, that is..."

Following Shikamaru's train of thought, Kakashi was no fool. After thinking for just a few seconds, he said with a gloomy face,

"In other words, that Kakuzu is likely to have a considerable degree of 'immortality'... right...

If that were the case, it would be a lot of trouble. "

After the three of them had finished digesting it, Shikamaru reminded him again and again,

“With limited intelligence, these are the only strategies that can be devised.

After memorizing it, please simulate it in your mind at least three times. "

...the zombie duo here...

"I said, what are we going to Konoha for?

We are not the boss, or that Nangong Yue, nor are we high-altitude bombers like Deidara, but we cannot defeat the entire Konoha Village. "

Although Hidan said worried words, his tone sounded like he was eager to try.

"Idiot! Of course we are not going to war with Konoha!

The reason why we are walking so slowly is because we are waiting for their reinforcements.

The people in Konoha are now wary of Kong Chen's teleportation, so there will definitely not be too many people coming, and they will only send strong ones.

And the strong one means a high bounty! ! !

Learn more, I am fishing! ! !

Moreover, maybe that yellow-haired girl from Konoha is so confused that she even sends jinchuriki here, then we will make a lot of money! ! !

besides! Please record the enemy's intelligence to me...

Forget it, I’ll do it myself..."

Although Hidan looked like he was listening attentively, he only heard the words 'strong' and 'jinchuuriki', but this was enough to get him excited.

"That's great! The Jinchūriki of the Kyuubi must be very strong!

If he were sacrificed to the evil god! The evil god must be able to answer my prayers! ! !

kill! kill him! ! ! Must kill him! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

Kakuzu was used to Hidan's daily madness.


Um? ! "

Kakuzu suddenly felt a line of sight locked on him, turned around instinctively, pulled out a kunai with his right hand, and threw it in the direction of the line of sight!

Kakuzu's sudden movement scared away an eagle standing on the tree trunk behind him. When he saw that it was just an eagle, Kakuzu had to withdraw his detached right hand.

'Obviously it's the sight of people... In other words... the mountain clan? ’

"Kakuzu, what's wrong?"


(It shouldn’t be an illusion, so...has it been discovered...)"

Staying vigilant again, I followed Hidan as he walked away...

Just after the two of them walked a long way,


After receiving the order, Hidan jumped to dodge the shadow imitation technique coming from behind!

However, just before the two of them landed and could not change directions in the air, two kunai with detonating talismans were shot at their hearts!

Even though they couldn't dodge such an attack at such an attack speed, the two shadow-level people easily blocked it.

Hidan drew out a large amount of steel cables, and Kakuzu used his earth escape to harden his arms and block them in front of him.

boom! ! ! ! !

Two clouds of smoke and dust enveloped the two of them respectively. After they landed on the ground, they slid in two directions.

At this time, Hidan's steel cable had been blown apart, and because of this, Hidan's March Sickle pierced the ground and distanced himself from him.

This weapon's increase in Hidan is quite large, so this attack can be regarded as a gain for Konoha ninjas. 0.


“I had my hands hardened and not injured.

Compared with these, you should always pay attention to the shadows under your feet! "

As the two people moved, two bifurcated black shadows quickly extended towards their shadows.

Looking at Hidan at his feet, his expression was very relaxed, and he still had time to tease Shikamaru, who had not yet shown his face.

"Ahahaha!!! Are you stupid?! I won't be hit twice by the same technique!!!"

"Hidan! Up there!!!"

Following Kakuzu's instructions and looking up into the sky, Shikamaru, who was originally hiding behind a tree trunk, jumped into the air and threw two throwing knives at them, which were also papers with detonating charms tied to them!

Just after the two people got out of the way, there was no explosion, but they found that it was difficult to move!

"Chakra knife... that 35 million tael weapon... can you use this to perform magic from a distance...

I’ve been punished..."

Although he couldn't move, Kakuzu felt a certain amount of stability in his heart, because these people didn't know his core abilities at all. They only knew that he could use fire escape, wind escape, and maybe earth escape.

Therefore, Kakuzu controlled the arm below the ground to move directly under the chakra knife, and then pretended to be on the spot.

After standing on the tree trunk and confirming (?) that the two of them were immobilized by his shadow imitation technique, Shikamaru jumped in the middle of the two.

"Shadow imitated the shuriken technique, successful."

Regardless of Kakuzu, Hidan was really panicking at this moment!

"Asshole! You obviously avoided the shadow! Why?!!!"

"This is a chakra knife. You may not know that it is made of special metal that can absorb the properties of chakra!" (Shikamaru)

"Kakuzu! What is this guy talking about?!"

"Idiot! Shut up!!!"

"Based on the absorbed chakra, the effect of the ninjutsu used by the user is exerted.

To put it simply, it was these two knives that activated my shadow imitation technique!

This pair of chakra knives! It is the relic of Asuma who was killed by you! ! ! "

After Shikamaru finished speaking, Kakuzu also started acting on his own,

"So that's it...this detonating talisman is fake, just a piece of paper.

The purpose is to let us get out of the way and let the chakra knife stab our shadow.

For this reason, the first two kunai were tied with real detonating talismans.

Are you taking advantage of inertial thinking...

Not only that, but it also uses shadows to focus our attention on our feet, thereby ignoring attacks from above and ignoring the shape of hidden weapons, allowing us to barely avoid it and just hit the shadow...

The Nara clan is good at using shadow techniques... they are always smart. "

Shikamaru, who was not far from Kakuzu, could barely hear his comments, but Shikamaru ignored them. It was more important to reduce the enemy's numbers first.

"Next, I'll deal with you."

At the same time, he formed seals with his hands, and the shadow under his feet extended in the direction of Hidan.

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