Definition, metal is on top, energy is on the bottom! Automatic tracking! "

At the same time, behind Nangong Yue, a large number of space doors appeared, from which the muzzle of an automatic rifle protruded. As soon as the muzzle was exposed, he aimed at Taoshi and fired!

Ta-ta-ta-ta! ! ! ! !


The hail of bullets fired by hundreds of automatic rifles shattered and cleared the energy-shaped weapon fired by Momoshiki in less than a few seconds, and then hit Momoshiki's body!

However, although these bullets easily shattered Momoshiki's weapons due to their 'priority', the conventional power of these bullets was obviously not enough to penetrate Momoshiki's body, which also made Momoshiki a little confused.

"Are these weapons... specially designed to deal with energy..." (Momo Shiki)

"'s just one step away... about this?

Additional definition, energy is on top, human body is on bottom! "

Phew! ! ! ! !


Just when Momoshiki was hit by a bullet for the first time, Momoshiki began to dodge.

But...these bullets are all automatically tracked!

On Nangong Yue's side, after firing thousands of bullets, he put away the rifles and smiled at the large swath of bullets, chasing Tao Shi like a swarm of locusts.

"Hey... the speed of bullets of ordinary rifles is still too slow after all. Even if this guy's level of teleportation is not particularly high, he can easily dodge these bullets due to the abrupt enhancement of the realm... .

Um? "

Just when Nangong Yue was floating in the air leisurely, he saw Tao Shi rushing towards him...

"Hehehe... you should try these things yourself!"

Just when Tao Shi was less than one meter away from her, she flashed in the air and came behind Nangong Yue. Immediately, the 'Locust Swarm' pounced on Nangong Yue...

"How can I put it... This is indeed the best way to deal with this kind of automatic tracking technique.


Just before being hit by the bullet, Nangong Yue's body entered a different space, leaving only a shadow in place. Then, all these bullets passed through Nangong Yue's body and continued to rush towards Otsutsuki Momoshiki!

In fact, Nangong Yue originally wanted to use 'penetration', but Nangong Yue, who was in a state of accelerated thinking, thought carefully and found that it couldn't be done.

Because the essence of 'penetration' is to control density, that is to say, the body is actually still in this space, and even if the energy circuits are dispersed, they are still exposed.

After thinking about it, Nangong Yue didn't want to harm himself, so he decisively switched the insurance plan.

"Nani?! Jin-style technique?!"

Momoshi took the time to look back and found that all the bullets had passed through the monster's body and continued to rush towards her.

However, Momoshiki could not continue to escape. Even for him, this level of speed burst could not last too long, and he could only crush these annoying things at once.

After thinking clearly, Momoshi put some distance away from the bullet group, stopped suddenly in mid-air, and then...

"Shinra Tenzheng!!!!!"

boom! ! ! ! !


Chapter 201

"Shinra Tenzheng!!!!!"

boom! ! ! ! !

Before these bullets had time to shatter the energy attached to the technique, they were all shattered by the huge repulsive force!

Seeing Taoshi perform the high-intensity Shinra Tenzheng, Nangong Yue rushed towards Taoshi decisively. He would not allow this guy to successfully perform the technique.

The reason why I don't continue to hit him with icebergs is because although the attack power of these icebergs is still sufficient, their attack speed is no longer enough, and they will definitely be easily dodged by the current Momo.

Even if an encirclement is formed, this guy can still fire a Shinra Tensei and crush a large number of icebergs in one go.

After all, it's not worth it.

Even if you want the icebergs in the sky to fall, you still need to ensure that this guy can't move!

Just as Tao Shi's technique was cooling down, Nangong Yue rushed in front of Tao Shi, and then stabbed Tao Shi with a punch!

“Do you think I’m still the same person I used to be?!!!

(See it!!!)”

Facing Nangong Yue's straight right punch, Taoshi formed a palm with his left hand and swung it toward the outside of his body! He guided Nangong Yue's punch to his side, then made a fist with his left hand, struck from close range, and stabbed Nangong Yue's abdomen with an inch punch! ! !

Although Momoshiki's physical skills are very strong, these fighting skills engraved in the bone marrow are simply incomprehensible to most people.

However, under the acceleration of Nangong Yue's thinking a hundred times, Tao Shi's every move was undetectable. What's more, Nangong Yue also had the 'future vision' collected from Night Eye!

Just before Tao Shi's inch punch was about to hit, Nangong Yue's left hand also made a more powerful inch punch, hitting Tao Shi's left fist head-on!

‘Accurate future vision...started successfully! ’

boom! ! ! ! !

The strong shock wave caused by the collision of the fists directly shattered all the ice and snow within a five-kilometer radius!

Just after this close fist fight, the two sides started a fierce close combat! ! !

At the beginning, Taoshi still had some upper hand, which made him so excited that he, who had always been suppressed, didn't even notice Nangong Yue's micro-expression.

In fact, now Nangong Yue is actually learning Tao Shi's martial arts. Every move is just to coordinate with Tao Shi, which is equivalent to feeding Tao Shi's moves!

While fighting, Nangong Yue had activated his thinking speed by more than 10,000 times and quickly absorbed Tao Shi's skills.

In order to use all Taoshi's physical skills, Nangong Yue has been controlling the strength and speed, and at the same time constantly changing his own attack methods, so as to come up with Taoshi's counter moves!

boom! ! ! Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

"What's wrong?! You just crushed us with force. Didn't you have a great time?!!!"

boom! ! ! Bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! !

"What now?! We are in the same realm, and my background is far stronger than that of a weak short-lived species like you!!!

Drink! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

boom! ! ! ! !

Tao Shi once again repels Nangong Yue, but Nangong Yue is ready to fight back because...

'Well...all the moves that have appeared have been repeated...'

Faced with Tao Shi's whip kick, this time, Nangong Yue seemed to have foreseen it. He easily dodged it, and then very naturally, he hit Tao Shi's chest with an inch-long punch!

boom! ! ! ! !

This time, after being repelled by Nangong Yue, Tao Shi did not rush towards Nangong Yue again. Instead, like Nangong Yue, she floated in the air, panting to regain her strength.

Look at the ground under the feet of both sides. Everything within a radius of ten kilometers has been razed to the ground! ! !

For Nangong Yue, all Taoshi's physical skills have been read three times and experienced twice!

Among them, there are not only moves similar to Wing Chun, but also a large number of reasonable use techniques for the body, as well as a large number of soft fist acupuncture techniques.

Moreover, Tao Style’s soft boxing is more similar to ‘Tai Chi’ than soft boxing! Deeply understand the essence of "using a circle to make a straight line, using strength to make a force"! Nangong Yue has gained a lot this time!

As long as you go back and practice with a large number of clones, you will soon be able to master it and eventually integrate it into Nangong Yue's own set of physical skills!

'It's a little strange...what's going on?

Also, this guy's meridians are too complicated...and every acupuncture point has problems.

It is estimated that even if the acupuncture point is hit, it will not be able to successfully interfere with his chakra movement...'

As for Taoshi, she was also amazed at Nangong Yue's last counterattack. It felt like she had been completely seen through!

You know, the dynamic vision of the Samsara Eye and the Byakugan are both excellent! This is equivalent to accelerating one's thinking dozens of times! ! !

This makes Tao Shi have to wonder whether Nangong Yue has a special spell to accelerate thinking, and the magnification rate is ridiculously high!

Taoshi never thought that Nangong Yue might have seen the future! After all, the specifications for this ability involving time are too high.

In Taoshi's inherent thinking, it is definitely not something that he can easily touch at his current level!

So, if it is difficult for him to reach him, then Nangong Yue, who is equal in strength (?) to him, should naturally be unable to reach him!

"Thank you for your advice, Otsutsuki Momoshiki-senpai~

To be honest, it has been a long time since anyone has been able to fight me to this extent with physical skills alone!

Although I'm happy,'s time to end this battle!

(Explosive power, energy release, arm strength enhancement, muscle elasticity enhancement, hardening, thunder element)"

While initially preparing, Nangong Yue caught the moment when Taoshi's spirit fluctuated slightly, and suddenly appeared behind Taoshi! A knife stabbed into Tao Shi's cervical spine! ! !

Sizzle! ! ! ! !

'What? ! ! !

Damn it! ! ! He actually forgot that he could teleport! ! ! ! ! ! ’

Nangong Yue's surprise attack was too sudden and too fast. In addition, he moved instantly and had no movement trajectory at all!

Just after Nangong Yue's hand knife penetrated, a strong electric current instantly paralyzed Tao Shi's body! ! !

Before Momoshiki had time to absorb the lightning,

"Let's capture him without any hesitation." (Nangong)

"You!!! Uh..."

In an instant, Tao Shi's brain was affected by Nangong Yue's "Brain Control" technique. However, even if Tao Shi's spirit body cannot survive alone, it still belongs to the type where the soul drives the body. In less than half a second, Tao Shi broke through Nangong Yue's technique. style control! but...

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······


You... are... living... creatures... living..."

In less than half a second, Otsutsuki Momo's eyes completely lost consciousness! His eyes became extremely dull! ! !

"Hehehehe...'Brain Control' started, followed closely by 'Soul Destroying', and then came the soul modification of 'Mechanized Mind'...

After three sets of spells aimed at the spirit and soul, any spirit body that is not strong enough will not be able to resist this set of combined punches! "

At this point, the Otsutsuki Ura style and the enhanced version of the Otsutsuki Momo style have officially fallen into the hands of Nangong Yue! ! !

Taking the out-of-control Tao Shi back to the different space, Nangong Yue released the four space clones that blocked the space, then released the 'priority', and looked at the ice space that was riddled with holes...

" seems like I feel a little sorry for that guy Kaguya~

Forget it, help her once..."

After making the decision, Nangong Yue rebuilt it using ready-made materials according to the style of the magnificent palace in his memory.

.. 0 ...

After completing all this, Nangong Yue activated the 'Tian Shi', returned to the palace inside the moon, and released Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki.


In fact, this capture plan is still somewhat risky.

Because both Otsutsuki Momo Shiki and Otsutsuki Ura Shiki are techniques that can temporarily freeze time within a certain range!

When Nangong Yue met the three of them for the first time and vaguely read the technique from their memories, Nangong Yue was shocked, although none of the three saw their expressions at that moment.

After that, Nangong Yue has been paying attention to their thinking activities, and fully activated his future vision, just to prevent the other party from using this technique.

Because of this, Nangong Yue has been rushing to attack, engaging in high-speed battles from beginning to end, whether it is an iceberg smashing in the face or a close-range short attack.

Now judging from the results, Nangong Yue was obviously successful, and then this technique also fell into Nangong Yue's hands.

Also, apart from the 'Time Freezing' technique, the biggest gain in the collection of techniques this time is the 'Chakra Fruit Creation' technique!

Through this technique, Nangong Yue can produce energy fruits of any size, and those who take these fruits will be strengthened by Nangong Yue's energy.

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